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55810135 No.55810135 [Reply] [Original]

>People actually reach 7 figure net worth in crypto, literally having 99% of their money in it, and don’t cash it out to buy boomer ETF’s and chill for the rest of their life
>instead they keep it in a highly volatile asset that could rug at any time

Shit amazes me

>> No.55810151

What I don't get is why they don't just wait until the next bear market to buy back in. Even if you waiting for the long haul don't you know how the cycles work at this point?

>> No.55810158

Gamblers cannot help themselves.

>> No.55811216

If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.55811236

easy come, easy go

>> No.55811256

>trading your hard money for jewish ponzi clown tickets

>> No.55811263

They don’t cash out not because they don’t want to but because they cannot.
>whoa anon don’t take this actual money! try this new coin instead! that’s what you really want
ask yourself, why is it so easy to give away fiat currency for crypto yet next to impossible to get someone to give you fiat in exchange for your crypto?

>> No.55811341

>ask yourself, why is it so easy to give away fiat currency for crypto yet next to impossible to get someone to give you fiat in exchange for your crypto?

Its literally equally as easy. See when you gave away your fiat for BTC at $69k, the entity on the other side of the transaction got fiat in exchange for their crypto.

>> No.55811378

tfw been in 6 figure hell
bro please i promise ill cash out at 7 figures i just need to hit 7 figures first come on man please you know i will please just 7 figures

>> No.55811863
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I suppose that volatility is part of the appeal, in theory something can skyrocket (and eventually stabilise) just as easily as it could dump to oblivion.

>> No.55811892
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I honestly never understood it. You can actually make a good amount of money with shitcoins, even make it i think and you don't need to constantly live with the fear of being liquidated. I never got the concept of the eternal hodl most people on this board have. Like, why would i want to keep hanging into a shitcoin after i've made the money i wanted?
Take x.com for example, lots of people shilling it yada yada, now you have a couple of smart guys who will sell after it pumps, but most of the jeets will keep holding even after it dumps, holding into the idea that they will make 9 figs with a token. It doesn't matter if its fucking elon musk's token, why would you want to keep holding onto it? just sell after the pump.
It's surprising to think about but most people really can't follow the number 1# rule of trading "buy low, sell high"

>> No.55811896

they get really pissed when you tell them they're poor until they cash out

>> No.55811916

No, you want to buy a stable fast-food stock or goysyrup like Coca-Cola (KO), then receive 4% div yields per year while the stock grows naturally.

>> No.55811921

x/twitter is not publicly traded and you can't buy it retarded jew

>> No.55811985

hes talking about the x.com shitcoin midwit

>> No.55813359

Lol no you won’t. At least, not at 1mm you won’t.
t. Been there. Didn’t sell.

>> No.55813978
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that's why i'm a shorter
i look for the most shortable coins on the market, keep my money there for a week, a couple days maybe, and then sell out
My next target is $CHIKUN, looks pumpable as fuck

>> No.55814031
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have you ever considered that, they actually do some research before they actually hold something as volatile as you say? Maybe try some AIs antilithics so IDK it's not rocket sience in the end.

>> No.55814032
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never sold

>> No.55814157

I had $3 million in link and didn’t sell because of taxes. Now I have $230k in link and want to punch myself (and fat ass)

>> No.55814185

It's not about the money. It was never about the money.
>put my money in jewish controlled market where literally everything is so fucked they turn the fucking market off if the price goes down too far
No thanks

>> No.55814191
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Kek, I'm unironically 8 figures now. I only keep 5 figures in the bank just for expenses and emergencies. Everything else is in BTC. When I was a wagecuck I originally planned to do the entire boomer strategy of selling my "high risk" assets to buy enough dividend ETFs and commercial real estate that would allow me have "passive income" to NEET forever, but in my journey to 8 figures I learned about how the whole (((centrally planned))) financial system works and the more I agree with Michael Saylor.

Watch Michael Saylor's 2nd talk at BTC Prague this year:

He basically explains why all boomer assets classes are fucked in the current environment unless you can use insider leverage and the Cantillon effect. ETFs don't yield nearly enough, BTC is literally the only place you can store your wealth in Clown World current year. Buying boomer assets to try and cash out of the shitcoin casino is also going to get you rekt as your purchasing power evaporates to nothing. Without BTC you are literally going to have to wagecuck forever.

>> No.55814197

lol :)

>> No.55814284

oldie but goodie
based maxi that's awesome man

>> No.55814473
