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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55809998 No.55809998 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really an ETH killer? If so why?

>> No.55810038

No. There is nothing that will topple ETH at this point. It's like BTC was last cycle. There are no credible threats. The ETH community is big enough where it's just become "the open source public blockchain".

If there are any tech break throughs on another chain, that is truly a game changing and better, ETH will just copy it. It is an open source space, the network has more value than the actual tech.

If you still haven't made it at this point and need 10x-100x, the place to start looking is in applications. That is where you will be able to generate a lot of juiced returns during the bull market.

I'm thinking this run will look a lot like 2017, but instead of CEX tokens launching and mooning it will be perp dex tokens/derivative dex tokens. Best money making business and there are a lot of break throughs being made where it could become the preferred way to trade.

>> No.55810098

Any app tokens you recommend?

>> No.55810220

I think it is gonna be harder to unseat incumbents. But I think short term you could still try to play the "It's AAVE but at $10m mcap!" game.

But in general I think Maker/AAVE/LDO/SNX/RBN(soon to be AEVO) are all really solid.

Some smaller mcap higher risk things would be like
THENA/Velodrome/Maybe Radiant(RDNT).

If you hunt more you can probably find more smaller mcap things that may be rugs/or may run for a while, but in general won't be long term winners. I think these types of plays are better if there is an overarching narrative, for example, when LDO got really big, a bunch of extremely SHITTY Liquid Staking derivatives did extremely well then dumped.

>> No.55810343


Don't you mean RXD?

>> No.55810401

No i don't lol. I mean RDNT, Radiant Capital. I'm personally not in it anymore, but I think a lot of people view it as a threat to current lending markets (I don't think it is, it's shit). But maybe enough brainlets jump on it to make it go up.

>> No.55810449

sounds like cope. wait till the flood gates open for ICP and check how fast the flippening happens

>> No.55810720
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not an eth killer but a killer competitor. instant transfers.

>> No.55811201

Thoughts on DODO?

>> No.55811280

Old Dex coin that is down quite a bit. Nothing really there that screams buy to me. It's possible they do well, but I don't see them toppling uniswap or curve.

Dex is a heavily saturated niche right now. Hard to unseat incumbents

>> No.55811611

You don't think ETH can pull off a safe 8-10x return next cycle? I think 10-15k price is possible

>> No.55812974

I think 10k is optimistic. Here is what I see unfolding:

>Eth is becoming more optimized, most of it's upgrades in the future are designed to lower tx costs
>More and more activity moving to rollups
>Less ETH will get used unless there is more dapp usage

We are getting to a point where dapp usage has to 100x for ETH usage to 10x because of all the efficiency upgrades coming.

The biggest loser in this will be Alt L1s, and the biggest winner is applications building on blockchains. If you don't think dapp usage will increase, you shouldn't be betting on ETH at all. If you think it will increase, bet on the apps because they are undervalued relative to the base layer at this point.

>> No.55813112
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>> No.55813121

That might be true a few years from now but in this upcoming bull market we're still going to see big activity happening on ETH L1. Ethereum is currently deflationary right now when on chain activity is non existent.

A deflationary Ethereum with no sell pressure in a bull market is something we have yet to see. Could surprise a lot of people.

>> No.55813966
File: 293 KB, 640x640, chikun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real ETH killer is a fucking chicken that looks like a duck or something like that called $CHIKUN
2026 mark my fucking words

>> No.55813985

you're wrong about one thing, you don't need a project to succeed to get a 100x

>> No.55814026

That is just looking at the fee upside. ETH is going to be the gold standard collateral on all L2s, the monetary premium is where the real growth comes from.

>> No.55814044

>ethkillers in 2023
All chains will connect seamlessly in the near future anon, the idea of one chain outcompeting the other is a very old narrative.
Also, no, your fucking shitcoin (that I'm just now hearing of) isn't going to compete with ETH, in any shape or form

>> No.55814805

Radiant is far from a shitcoin

>> No.55815442

seems more like a new bcash

>> No.55815473

its a 200x to take it to bcash marketcap so that'll do me

>> No.55817765

ETH sucks.

>> No.55818768

Yes it is. Just like EOS and AVA killed ETH

>> No.55818809
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it's btc and eth combined with instant transfers

>> No.55818913

Any other exchanges to buy radiant on besides Coinex and Txbit? Both exchanges seem quite shady to me.

>> No.55818945

ETH will topple ETH, jesus, just by being shitty and unable to scale.

>> No.55818981

How does coinex seem shady to you? You can buy on Tradeogre too but if you’re too much of a pussy to buy from coinex or txbit then I doubt you’ll buy from there either. Oh well guess you’ll have to just stay poor.

>> No.55819008

Thanks just went all in

>> No.55819020
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feels good to know there still are anons with 3 digit iq on biz

>> No.55819161

takes years of biz browsing to master the gem out of the pajeet pit. Dominic is going to save us. keep stacking.

>> No.55819439

You know, I liked that project but I'm glad I waited to buy. If I had bought in February it'd be unfortunate to look at it now where I could get more.

>> No.55819484

Anon you can't just be posting random MS Word screenshots without posting a source we aren't all temp IQ jeets

>> No.55819490

ETH needs to fix their light client protocol or it will end up just competing with fedcoin.

>> No.55819497
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>but in this upcoming bull market

>> No.55819751

Kek, I think instead of looking for the next ETH killer its better to spot new innovations in the space and act on them anon. I recently spotted one in Brainstem health for helping users monetize health data through wearable devices.

>> No.55819789
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They just keep recreating shit matic and OP already fixed.

>> No.55819966
