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55805187 No.55805187 [Reply] [Original]

The cost of a dinner date tripled in three years. Let that sink in.

>> No.55805194
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>> No.55805195

that is a man

>> No.55805205

AI + sexbot will replace whitewomen in the next 5 years

>> No.55805215

im gay and hold chainlink but she has really nice tits

>> No.55805216


>> No.55805227

Imagine paying for dinner when you can just pay a hooker and move on with your life

>> No.55805230

god I love sex with condoms on

>> No.55805268

Sadly, they’ll still retain their value until we have artificial wombs and mass cloning. As long as we can’t produce shitloads of White babies then women will retain their value

>> No.55805316


>> No.55805325

really? she has A cups, brother

>> No.55805392

Why do you clowns always want AI in these things? All that you actually need is a good body to fuck before going back to doing your business, and for that the Real Dolls and other similar things you can buy today are basically good enough.

>> No.55805407

If she doesn’t wanna fuck immediately she isn’t viscerally attracted to you, therefore you’re being used for a meal. Simple as

>> No.55805430

they want someone they can talk to and who will tell them I love you and other stuff they lack in life. so ai is part of the want so they can get the gf they never had. it makes sense. I get it

>> No.55805438

Exactly. What is the point of going out on multiple with a girl that would fuck "Chad" on the first date but not you?

>> No.55805456

until i met my wife i had a 2 date rule for getting some. after that i gave zero effort. all future dates were at my place where i had my large screen TV and i was playing sonic or some other autistic shit and not paying attention to them. that worked really well for some reason and a good number of them i dated for some period of time.

>> No.55805480

Price isn't a big deal if the girl is cool and if she's cool, she won't care about price. That's all you need to know.

>> No.55805488

>two incels who have neither been on a date or had sex

>> No.55805494


I fucking hate women. Also I never been on a dinner date. What the fuck do you even talk about?

>> No.55805495


That's funny, my requirement for her anal gape has tripled as well.

>> No.55805504

date girls with rich dads
you pay once then its smooth sailing

>> No.55805514

No girl I've ever dated has forced me to pay for a big dinner

Normally they want a starbucks and that's it

>> No.55805547

>spend $4 at Starbucks bro
Dis nigga ain't been on a date in a decade or more. lmao

>> No.55805560

Chad doesn’t need to take her out to dinner for sex. He just invites her over to his house.

Anybody still taking women out in this modern dating marketplace are cucks

>> No.55805561
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May I be the first to say it?

>> No.55805578

Redpilled. This is 100% true. Literally within 1 minute you should know if the woman is into you or not. If she isn’t you should immediately stop giving her your attention and move on or you are a desperate cuck loser being taken advantage of

>> No.55805668

This prostitute have an insta?

>> No.55805738

Why u guys are obssesed with white children?

>> No.55805742

thank god i'm so ugly they won't even match with me on tinder, i have no idea how to even get to the dinner date stage, i simply do not even get acknowledged
being ugly is the secret cheat code to efficient money savings

>> No.55805745

Because there are several /pol/ refugees here whom I presume finally realized all that doomer shit didn't get them anywhere in life

>> No.55805746

How else do you think humans will survive rajeet

>> No.55805759

That's the funny thing.
They won't.

>> No.55805774

humans survive? oh dear oh dear he has delusions

>> No.55805775

i'm honestly surprised that the markets are barely reacting to the fact that young men are abysmally fucking lonely. someone is clearly funding all those studies that have been published in the past few years and the cat is out of the bag, i feel like if you can truly fill that hole in their chest then that will make you the world's first trillionaire

>> No.55805776

tattoo = pump and dump only

>> No.55805778

Just pay extra to fuck without a condom

>> No.55805786
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Well most people here want to get rich easy and fast without effort, so they are fucked too
Survive from what? Im colombian btw and most politicians children are white, they dont do shit

>> No.55805792

>Survive from what?
Honestly I don't know, probably whatever these incels think will happen which probably won't

>> No.55805846

Japan will create the world's first realistic sexbots and pave the way for marrying them to by 2200, which will precipitate a Malthusian decline.

>> No.55805877

>2 more centuries bro

>> No.55805933


You go Dutch. Retard.

>> No.55805941

>threads still up
Daily reminder jannies hate funposting but love anti white propaganda

>> No.55805957

>this is a white woman

>> No.55805976

No this is a white woman

>> No.55806362
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most of them are womanchilds that if you don't give them what they want, at the slightest chance they will cheat with another one, even playing a fucking nft game like duck race would be a better investment of time than a monster that bleeds for days and doesn't die

>> No.55806472

>Go on dating app
>Your main picture is you with shirt off but photo is above the nipples
>toned shoulders
>short dark hair
>looking like like a sigma
>caption: 'Why yes I don't do hookups, how could you tell?'
>Still get daily messages asking for snapchat or friends with benefits
>routinely turn them all down while I look for a Sigma female who can control her sexual urges
>why yes I am unvaccinated, how could you tell?

The thot bubble will never burst, because you never stick your dick in a thot. You live outside the bubble and don't go slumming in sloppy seconds.
Online dating his a human sewer of low class trash humans, we should adopt India's caste hierachy.

>> No.55806494

With how easy these women put out it's fucking abhorrent to think of whats life is going to be like, none of them will ever be able to remain in a faithful relationship - the next two generates are automatically doomed because of this.

>> No.55806496

But not just women, men are equally to blame. Weak mother fuckers, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.55806503

This only applies to the white race

>> No.55806505

you can still fuck for the price of a 6 pack of modelo. inflation not withstanding this price is still not very high. youre all just coomers obsessed with onlyfans girls

tldr touch grass

>> No.55806513

You don't even need to pay most of the thots on online dating, they're putting out for free it's insane.

>> No.55806518

maybe youre better looking than me but "i have some beers" has yet to not yield results

>> No.55806520

It's not just white, the level of discretion is based on nationality.
White girls are very open about it and don't care.
Asian girls say they're looking for a friend ;), bascially they want to add you into their deck of cards

Does anyone else find this disgusting? These people have a pool they go and fuck whoever they feel like depending on the moment

>> No.55806525

Maybe, but just try refusing them up front. They fucking hate it, their egos cannot handle it.
It will either lead them to texting you at 3am when they're drunk and haven't found a dick for the night or they'll block you.

>> No.55806586

>ugly betabuxxer who always has to go on at least three dates before getting a handjob
Kek, just imagine paying for a woman

>> No.55806587
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>> No.55806642

Literally the most beta thing one can do.

>man works for money
>then pays the woman who lives at home not working
>to have sex

When did men lose their self respect?