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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55804001 No.55804001 [Reply] [Original]

I have a home built in the 90s. Holy shit this money pit is destroying me. I have 150k in equity and want to sell but I need
>New roof 15k
>heat pump 10k
>exterior paint 4k
>large tree trimming 2k
>drainage vapor barrier 5k
>water damaged bathroom floor cost who knows
>new carpet 2k

It’s like every month is something new that breaks or is discovered. I have had every single major appliance and repair come up since buying it 4 years ago. I guess don’t buy an original house that’s 25 years old.

Should I just sell it as is?

>> No.55804022
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>Oh gee another iphone spam thread
Discuss pitbulls and if they are profitable around children.

>> No.55804052
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I'm sorry you had to learn this way. Don't forget the mental stress from constantly thinking about that upkeep too. It's not just the money.
t. renter4lyfe

>> No.55804095

I live in a 110 year old house. My problems are a lot worse than yours and you would probably kill yourself if you were in my shoes.

>> No.55804114

Holy fuck homecels stay losing

>> No.55804126

That’s what all my friends say when they realized they fell for the homeowner meme. Especially those who took out jumbo loans.

>> No.55804132

OP, you know understand why people buy condos/apartments and pay the overpriced monthly condo fees so they don't have to deal with that shit.

>> No.55804169
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Getting comfy on this OHNO HOOMER thread, 'pectin some good bantz on this one

Why don't you faggots man up like John Marston and build your own house yourself

>> No.55804173
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>>New roof 15k
>>heat pump 10k
>>exterior paint 4k
>>large tree trimming 2k
>>drainage vapor barrier 5k
>>water damaged bathroom floor cost who knows
>>new carpet 2k
OH NO! $3.92 a day in costs over the 30 years of living there. FUCK!

>> No.55804180

I could do all that in a week for you for like $50k.

t. contractor

>> No.55804393

>can’t paint your own house
>can’t roof (the most retarded trade)
>can’t lay down a fucking carpet
you deserve it dumbass, pay more minorities 100+$ an hour to do basic labor kek

>> No.55804736

my dream is to sell my house and do this. I have a wife and kids though. maybe when they're older

>> No.55804740

u don't own a house lol this is a rentoid larp

>> No.55804898
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maybe next time you'll ask how old the roof and furnace are before making an offer

>> No.55805029

I unironically bought a yacht because they're an order of magnitude cheaper than a house right now.
People have no idea how fucked everything is.

>> No.55805045

Two years ago I bought a house built in 1993 but it was very renovated. The only caveats are the original HVAC and polybutylene pipes. Those are probably gonna cost me an arm and a leg to replace if I stay here 5+ years. I won't have any problems paying for it though.

>> No.55805054

Take the DIY pill bro

I own a 80 year old home that doesn't even have ground wires to any of the original fixtures. I do all that shit myself. I'm also an arborist and definitely don't diy the tree 'cause you'll fucking kill yourself. But roofing? Plumbing? Electrical? Flooring? Painting ffs? The idiot tradespeople literally tell you how to do the very service that they sell, for free, on youtube. It's chimp work.

>> No.55805334

You’re investing in an asset you own, improving the quality of the asset, and its value, and you still own it, how is that a money pit?

>> No.55806115

>heat pump 10k
these things are such a fucking scam
also how fucking terrible are your building codes, i live in a 200 year old house barely needs repairs unless some storm happens and even then its replacing 3 rooftiles

>> No.55806137

Roofing is easy. Fuck a heat pump, get 2 small wood stoves in reasonable locations in the house. How in the hell do you not know how to paint an exterior? It's not 4 grand in paint. Collect different quotes from different tree cutting companies until you start a bidding war. Flooring sucks but isn't hard. You can buy cheap carpet nobody wants. Vapor barrier I have no clue check youtube.

>> No.55806271

>30 year old house needs isn’t knew anymore

>> No.55806958

>New roof 15k
A proper roof will last you 50 years
>heat pump 10k
Proper home does not need AC
>exterior paint 4k
You only do this once a decade
>large tree trimming 2k
You can do this yourself
>water damaged bathroom floor cost who knows
Get insurance
>new carpet 2k
Use floorboards or vinyl, carpets are a meme

>> No.55806976

nice cope

>> No.55808158

You can divide your costs by 3 if you did the work yourself.

Based, hope you are scamming these lazy fucks

>> No.55808182


>> No.55808194

This. Most of these costs are spread out over 20 years.

>> No.55808216
File: 237 KB, 1000x1500, 2JgulKePt7LkQGQnYkOLOljwUCs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what? This is just like 1986 hit movie 'The Money Pit' with Tom Hanks and Shelley Long, and it's too funny how it reflects your current situation. They're constantly moaning about the sky-high repair costs and I can't help but think of Tom's character going through the same ordeal. It's like life imitating art!

>> No.55808229

1pbtid bot thread

>> No.55808231

shelley long was a sweet piece of ass back in the day

>> No.55808281

this is why I'm just gonna buy land and plop a trailer on top of it. I'll build the house DIY over many years, taking full advantage of dips in material costs to minimize final expenses. I don't need more than 1 bedroom until I have kids anyways

>> No.55808292

For me it was either buy a house or stay in rent with a landlord who was raising rent by $150 every 6 months, and demanding that we ask for permission before making any changes (like changing the curtains he left for us)

>> No.55808297

Yeah one part of me likes the equity but the stress and hassle is a huge pain, I have 200k in equity and fantasize about becoming a rentoid again

>> No.55808314

How much was it?

>> No.55808372

Bro just spend your free time learning how to be a carpenter/plumber/hvac guy by following peoples advice on YouTube.

Or take the 1800s-pill and burn fire at midnight to stay warm. You got this champ

>> No.55808378

>fantasize about becoming a rentoid again
Same here, we bought a house about 2 years ago and it's a huge time sink. There are always weeds to pull, pests to kill, leaves to clean up, etc.

The best advice I could give anons is rent an apartment or condo and work on your income, only buy a house when you can
A) afford one in great condition
B) afford to pay someone to maintain it

If I could go back I would get a condo with a yard just big enough to fit a grill and a couch

>> No.55808420

if you buy a house in this rough shape you're supposed to renovate it before you move in. Personally I would avoid houses that have that many problems.

>> No.55808425

>A proper roof will last you 50 years
and get moss every season

>> No.55808439

Holy chute, what is this picture!

>> No.55808454

This is the American ticky tacky house for you

>> No.55808474



>> No.55808589

Cheers. Was a bit scared for our user help desk there.

>> No.55810260

>just live in the middle of nowhere in a trailer

lol white trash

>> No.55810284

>I'll gladly share walls and ceilings with low IQ offspring of single mothers if it means I don't have to pull weed again


>> No.55810359

What the fuck? You don't need any of that to sell it
A new coat of paint by yourself and some hired out landscaping is enough to sell it fast I guess but certainly not mandatory on an <30 y/o house...

>> No.55810469

It was a prefabbed kit and he took out a yuge mortgage. Oh and he and bitchass Uncle had to clear the plot.