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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 98 KB, 734x613, IMG_1210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55799984 No.55799984 [Reply] [Original]

and it wasn’t me. Fuck this shit

>> No.55800002

>lump sum
thats not a billion

>> No.55800050

>img_underscore spammer is the same powerball spamming/chud spammer who's been astroturfing this board for years
>cries because he didn't win 1/1000000000000000000000000000000 chance gamble.
Why do you insist on shitting up the board, go back to /pol/ they actually enjoy your stupid shit.
It just lowers the IQ and let's jeets feel more at home when you're around.

>> No.55800107

>powerball spammer
I can't remember the last time I saw anyone post about Powerball.

>> No.55800137

Still a possibility that they became billionaires after winning

>> No.55800176

nobody wins the loterry
its all actors

>> No.55800177
File: 256 KB, 775x810, 189415815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah huh...
This is only 1/5th of the spam he posted after I called out his filename.
Same fucking proxy spammer as always.

>> No.55800184
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>> No.55800185

Did Epstein's estate win the lottery again?

>> No.55800187

Those are just 2 posts this year, and 13 over 5 years, though.

>> No.55800189
File: 300 KB, 1185x798, 151458152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55800198

Fuck off deceiver I know it's you proxyfaggot
There's over 6000 posts from this anon before he got ranged, you got ranged I should say and you got unnranged a month back and immediately start shitting up the board again.

>> No.55800210

>cash option after taxes
> ~ $732,488,000

that's almost the GDP of a third world country

>> No.55800217

I never posted about the Powerball either.

>> No.55800229

I lived in Neptune beach and used to shop at that Publix. Pretty upset lol but whatever

>> No.55800242

Mods when you range his networks make sure to get this anons as well it's OP swapping to avoid his inevitable range, log his IP he feels comfortable enough thinking he's fine.

>> No.55800281

I don't know who spams what, but I have seen your posts around. I just want to ask whether you're ok.

>> No.55800470

>mega millions thread
>”stop spamming power ball threads, faggot!”
Get it right retard

>> No.55800494

Fuck off faggot spammer nobody likes you.
Go back to pretending to being woods anon and spamming bullshit in the catalog like you do.

>> No.55800505

Your meds got unranged if you know what I mean

>> No.55800512


>> No.55800536


It's literally another government scheme to extract wealth from the citizenry.

>> No.55800716

I don't know who that woods anon is either. I just saw pictures of him pop up one day. Otherwise, I do not think about him or why anyone posts those pictures, nor am I pretending to be him.

>> No.55800728

If purposeful deception cost you something physical then you faggots would be at rock bottom within a week.

>> No.55800737

nobody cares because it's rigged
they don't just pass out 1 billion fucking dollars you fucking moron
the fact that people BELIEVE the lottery is what's wrong
max winnings is probably 1m to a real person
anything higher is smoke and mirrors

>> No.55800777

Ok, I obviously cannot disprove that I could be that guy. Fine, let's suppose I that guy.
But let's suppose, just hypothetically, that someone else had come into this thread, and you'd have accused him of being that proxyfaggot. Fine. But what could he really say to prove to you that he wasn't? I really mean it: is there anything he could say so that you wouldn't accuse him of "deception"?

>> No.55800857

>concern posting
>bumping the thread when it dies, swapping to OP ID when I won't engage, bumping it with a new ID telling me to take meds
>more concern posting
If you were a random anon you would be like everyone else, pop in, see it's a shit thread by a spammer and leave not white knight a guy who spams the same threads over and over and over and act like I'm the bad guy for noticing simple pattern behavior.

>> No.55800926
File: 377 KB, 1439x1569, 1620026040522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh you're only a five hundred millionaire

>> No.55800953


>> No.55800961

I'm random in the sense that I'm a random guy that's not him. I'm aware that I'm not random in that most people would not have engaged you.
I did because I regularly see both various shitpost-threads that well could be from this "proxy spammer", but I also see someone accusing someone in almost every thread of being the proxy spammer, I don't don't think that the people you accuse are all that similar. You accused me of being him too, basically because I "engaged you". I can believe that there is a proxy spammer. But I can also believe that his spamming has driven you into a paranoid state in which you see him everywhere. Hence my concern. I even believe that you mean well, I'm sure he posts a lot of shit. But he also isn't behind *every* post.
If you look back:
If you count the number of posts shown in your first two images: there are 13 posts, and 2 this year. It's basic factual observation, yet it was enough to get you to accuse me. But you yourself posted the pictures. I am not supposed to notice how many posts there are in the very picture YOU showed me, with the intent of demonstrating how many posts he makes?

>> No.55800994

Anyone here play the lottery?

>> No.55801010

Warosu cuts off the spam there's a deadzone in 2022, if you want try 4plebs he changed his filename from powerball.jpg to pb.jpg
Regardless if you're the same person OP is the same spammer as before, he was unnranged a few months back and continues to do so.

You probably aren't him judging off your wording but point being it's just drivel, and he won't stop even if I do call it out.

Also pb.jpg was spammed by some other project so it filled the archive and I'm too tired to go filter through the shit.

>> No.55801013

no it's rigged and a waste of my time and money

>> No.55801048

And believe me the reason I point this out is to reduce the spam, this OP posts 40-50 threads daily, not even kidding he got wise when I mistakingly told him how I knew it was him so he switches his filenames and devices he uses but it's the same anon, there might be a few other spammers mixed in but this guys incessent the powerball spam shit got so bad it was 10 threads an hour while mods would spend all day pruning till they stopped bothering and ranged all his networks, then he got all happy few months back posting "I GOT UNNRANGED" and immediately all the same shit started happening again, it actually got quiet here for awhile and it was nice.

>> No.55801082

>it's drivel
I'm sure it is. I see these copy-pasted 1PBTID-threads all the time too. Just, you know... not everyone's him. But I also can really believe that someone would get his hee-hees from spamming 1PBTID threads about the Powerball daily, so I understand why you're pissed off.

>> No.55801091

And there was a reason the spam stopped in 2022 he got most of his networks ranged so he couldn't post nearly as often, some wise 4chan mod decided to unnrange a lot of peoples networks and he returned at the same time.
Some of accusing you see isn't me there's a few other anons who accuse randomly but sometimes they accuse me of being this spam spammer so it's just heightened states of paranoia due to nonstop astroturfing.

>> No.55801111

I'm pretty sure I know who you are kek why I stopped accusing, I'm more annoyed today than normal especially because this guy was absolutely killing the board and afraid he's gonna do it again.
Probably just a good time for me to step away not even sure why I'm here to be honest
>you can never leave
I know.
Unfortunately this goes both ways, because neither do they.
Also real anons here don't play powerball/lotto so the power of deduction says it's likely the same annoying dude.

>> No.55801141

Also to be quite honest I'm actually just more annoyed at my god damn internet, ready to punt my modem that keeps resetting every three minutes and kick the next tech who shows up in the balls for assuming it's my lines when some douchebag hit my pole with their truck the same time this started happening.

So yeah basically 4chans my morning punching bag, also this dude typically spams mostly in the morning I keep reminding myself that I need to stop bothering here until the afternoon.

>> No.55801160

What if you win

>> No.55801195

My father calls it “a tax for the low IQ”

>> No.55801254
File: 285 KB, 250x141, 1680250257028563.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heightened states of paranoia due to nonstop astroturfing
Tell me about it, lel. It's died down in that maybe only 50% of threads about some shitcoin or that "dad bought me a house"-thing a while back, as opposed to 90% in 2021.
We really are maybe 10 people on this board, lol.
>Also real anons here don't play powerball/lotto so the power of deduction says it's likely the same annoying dude.
Thinking about it, it probably is. I was sort of assuming that, among 1000s of people coming here, some would occasionally just randomly post about the Powerball, but given how few we are, it probably really is the same guy.
I had a laugh at "Deceiver", though. I'm inherently deceptive even when I'm not deceptive factually. Actually, I just "seem like a deceiver", even when I'm completely honest. This happens in real life too: within days of meeting me, people make jokes about me fencing stolen goods and getting fake passports. I'm somehow just "seem like the guy for it" somehow, even if I don't do anything illicit.
I'm more a kind of "devil's advocate", but people do hate those. There's always that annoying guy at, say, a meeting, who has to poke holes into everything, even when the overall conclusion is true. He just has to do it, can't stop himself. You can really imagine someone standing up after a few hours of this, face red, pointing at him with a quivering hand, screaming: "YOU FUCKING DECEIVER!" And then he throws the stapler out the window (I'm probably thinking more about TV series "The Office").
It is useful to have such people around, though, because the conclusion might be false too, and they test the thesis's mettle. The obligatory German expression for this is: "auf Herz und Nieren prüfen", to "test the heart and kidneys". It probably comes from medieval butchering, where they checked the organs for any abnormalities.

>> No.55801371

Wtf happened here

>> No.55801375

Kek I had a feeling you wern't actually the OP I was just annoyed and I have a tendency to start fights where there aren't any, I've had enough OP proxyusers do the "concern" posting just to turn around and mock
>HAHA got you, I was fucking with you the whole time.

I see now obviously you aren't the same poster, unfortunately there aren't many people here and I tend to throw stones to well because it's boring here, my life is boring, I get overly passionate about shit nobody gives a damn about.
You're unironically probably one of the only few anons here who's actually decent and honest, sorry for the collateral damage.
>keeps hitting captcha just for my internet to drop making what should be a quick response take 5 minutes to complete.
If I wasn't already bald I'd be rubbing my head bald from frustration.

Be thankful you wern't here for his powerball spamming it was so fucking bad, literally the top 10-15 threads all
>Powerball big number WAT DO
and it was all from powerball.jpg guy wasn't even hiding it till I said "okay you think were all just retarded and can't read your filename?
I forgot most phone posters don't see a filename that was my mistake calling it out, why I bother?
Because my life is so damn boring most times this is the only excitement I get, healthy right? kek.
You're maybe one of 2 in the history of /biz/ when concern posting actually mean it.
Sorry about that.

>> No.55801423

>dad bought me a house
Unrionically pretty sure that's this same guy, he's clearly just some attention whore, which is basically the opposite of what 4chan should be for but we get our fair share.
I don't mind funposting/shitposting just make it clever/funny you know?
Have some fun not just annoy the everliving shit out of people who actually did/do enjoy this board or did at some point.

>> No.55801478

everyone does that retard

>> No.55801485

>Kek I had a feeling you wern't actually the OP I was just annoyed and I have a tendency to start fights where there aren't any, I've had enough OP proxyusers do the "concern" posting just to turn around and mock
Yeah, I know, it's a common asshole tactic, I can't fault you. Plus it's not a joke: I can be annoying.
>You're unironically probably one of the only few anons here who's actually decent and honest, sorry for the collateral damage.
No, it's all right. It was pretty fun roleplay.
>Unrionically pretty sure that's this same guy
I can believe it. I'm concerned for him too, frankly. You don't have to agree, but there's a fine line between "being persistently annoying" and "being obsessed".

>> No.55801562

Kek you unironically probably have good concern to be concerned I give way too much of a shit about this place when I probably shouldn't.

I'm glad I gave you a bit of fun roleplay the least I owe you lel, and you're far from annoying believe me, I've got my own world screaming at me in one ear and other worlds in the other, and this was a place of refuge for me at one point.

>> No.55801608

I actually was concerned/kinda still am, I thought by being annoying back to him he would stop and frankly it worked for awhile, I actually tried to help that anon a few times until he started getting twisted and using my concern against me personally.
He's likely actually schizophrenic, we do have some here, I myself have been called that plenty although I think I'm just highly autistic and highly passionate, this isn't my normal self believe me.

>> No.55801695

I bet your mom is also your sister

>> No.55802003

I apologize again had I knew you were being sincere I wouldn't have treated you with disdain, ignore my ignornance, and don't listen to my dumbass.

>> No.55802017

Money laundering op. It’s rigged

>> No.55802032
File: 1.39 MB, 2208x1945, CALL IT FRIENDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try woods schizo. You are me, because I am not me

>> No.55802130
File: 97 KB, 700x573, 1691228088705915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizophrenia really is a terrible condition. I was afraid of having it myself for a long time (and wouldn't you know!), and I have read a unhealthy amount on it too. Generally I recommend NAC & CBD as a reasonably low-cost and safe treatment (not medical advice, and even if safe, they're not always beneficial), but there's only so much any medication can do, even if, in some cases, NAC really does improve one's state of mind by a lot.
I mean, I only analyze everything like this because there's nothing I can otherwise do for these people, who suffer a lot, and are also cruelly treated.
Anon, it's totally fine, really. I'm waving my hands about IRL because I don't know what to say... it's like a fight between player characters in an RPG: you're not actually mad at your friend just because your characters have a brawl in-game. It's online fun, not like "you have insulted my honor!!"

>> No.55802155

The samefagging itt is commendable. So much work being put into it

>> No.55802160

Powerball did this

>> No.55802170
File: 55 KB, 676x683, 1691611560359295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you friend, I am upset with myself because I my gut told me I wasn't speaking to OP but I let my barbarian like rage take over, I've worried about it myself although I'm fairly sure neither one of us are that.

As mad as I can act it oddly comes from a place of love, for anons, for schizos, for the board itself.

I appreciate your understanding, because I can't always separate the two.
I've never actually tried CBD but been interested in NAC for multiple reasons it just never came on my priority of things to buy, but if you recommend it I'll definitely get it when I can.


>> No.55802186

Thanks I get paid a hefty some from the state sponsored lottery.

>> No.55802228
File: 51 KB, 720x480, Oldfag Carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying your ball doing a lil sum sum?

>> No.55802230

Ironically I'm part french/gaul so it makes some sense.

>> No.55802262

Also holy shit I've been innawoods too long. How the fuck is this on comedy central and why does it have 500k views

>> No.55802327

Woods anon you would probably be the kinda guy who wins the lotto unironically.

>> No.55802333

kek it's old actually from like 2016

>> No.55803221

more likely they go broke

>> No.55803251

I'm tired of being a wage cuck and want to kill myself

>> No.55804527

I unironically wish I could work right now.