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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 775 KB, 838x1017, Mr. Beast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55796701 No.55796701 [Reply] [Original]

Is Mr. Beast a business genius?

>> No.55796705

not at all

>> No.55796719

What else to buy after participating in the Cogwise presale?

>> No.55796738

Who the fuck watches this shit.
This is most bullish case for cardano and xrp yet.

>> No.55796747

His entire brand works exactly like our modern day economy: he reinvests everything into it because there's no point to leave the cash sitting. If you don't see why this is unsustainable, I don't think you should be on this board. Essentially he depends on the money printer, because if those resources found the most effective way to invest themselves, he'd be broke overnight.

>> No.55796967

Pewdiepie and (to some extent) Logal Paul were too unpredictable
they flirted with the right wing
jews couldn't accept that so they manufactured a replacement. 100% artificial and 100% successful

>> No.55796972

Reddit answer
Real answer
No one watches this shit, willingly at least.

>> No.55796979

yes, but I hate his clickbaity content.

>> No.55797003

I fucking HATE his thumbnails with passion but they obviously work for npcs.

>> No.55797241

without doubt, how is that a question ? He has multiple self sustaining brands that are marketable to everyone in the entire world. he does more than anyone yet exists without controversy. Philanthropy is built into the growth of his model and he has 100% ownership of everything. He built a business (translating videos) which creates him business (dubbed channels). Not a single person thats ever lived has rivalled the entreprenurial genius of Mr.Beast

>> No.55797267

Mossad influencers are not geniuses they are closet pedophiles blackmailed to spread propaganda for Satanists

>> No.55797272

>obviously work for npcs
The numbers are fake and he is spammed in front of you to give that impression

>> No.55797302

They even put it in the name. Mr. Beast

>> No.55798708

Friends with him

He’s better at looking at what makes money

He chases it systemically

Unlike other YouTubers that do giveaways or bullshit sponsorship videos

>> No.55798758

I've never watched any of his videos because the thumbnails fill me with disgust, but he seems to be an OK guy with a good head on his shoulders.

>> No.55798767

I think to some degree you are right, but you are very naive.
If you think a person acting like a puppet under blackmail is getting decent pay you are mistaken.
there are many people who work as a scammer or clickworker training AI as a form of slavery.
If I were to have total controle over you in a malicious way such as blackmail, then what is stopping me from making you a total slave?
why would I spend effort on paying you a VERY decent salary?

>> No.55798776

All I know is that I saw products being advertised with his image at the store the other day and realized society is over.

>> No.55798828

>tranny promoter

>> No.55798853

100% ownership is false
his managment is the same as asmongolds and no manager would accept full ownership

>> No.55798985

never seen him promote this, at least not in the main channel

>> No.55799009

>Pewdiepie and (to some extent) Logal Paul were too unpredictable

it's cause pewdiepie was a tangible example of an aryan right wing nerd growing up into an intelligent responsible chad with trad wife. They want the next generation to be emasculated mullato they/thems in open polyamorous relationships with OF fan girlfriends

>> No.55799013

He has the tranny Chris in all his new videos. Well, he never stopped having Chris in his videos, but the fact that he didn't stop after he became a tranny means he promotes trannyism.

>> No.55799020

I didn't even notice. I think it's just your brain on /pol/

>> No.55799024

Too bad pewdiepie is a race mixer.

>> No.55799030

If you didn't notice, your brain is on xenoestrogen.

>> No.55799033

stop doing drugs man, is not healthier

>> No.55799043

>did i care about eurocucks?

OH NO, anyway

>> No.55799053

Money makes money
All his businesses create absolute shit products
But it's about his brand, the product doesn't matter at all.
It's more the novelty of "look how successful I am" coming across in his videos than it is genuine savvy and entrepreneurship.
Doesn't help that his content appeals to the lowest common denominator of consciousness.

>> No.55799074

oo noo

>> No.55799093

No, u are a faggot and he climbed the pewdiepie vs pajeet series for views and subs

>> No.55799105

Italians are literally indistinguishable from north Africans, apart from those around Tyrol.

>> No.55799115

I watched a lot of his videos after his friend transitioned because I was interested, from a sociological point of view, in seeing how it was presented on-screen and how people behaved around him.
It was literally never acknowledged, mentioned, or played upon for profit - as far as I saw. It was almost unsettling how much of a non-issue it was, you'd expect at least a bit of friendly banter and joking between friends; but I guess perhaps not in an environment where millions watch. There are occasions where they refer to the group as "guys" and even refer to the trans one as "bro" directly, not even a wince is presented on cam.
It's so seldom raised or talked about on the show that this fact in itself almost feels manufactured. It would be an effective form of normalization, if it were artificially forced as a piece of monkey-see-monkey-do propaganda.

>> No.55799183

I have no idea who this is.

>> No.55799199

I've seen this guy everywhere for ages now but I haven't seen a single one of his videos? What the fuck does he do that he's so popular? And where's Pewdiepie? Wasn't he the top?

>> No.55799275
File: 1.32 MB, 796x1256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pewdiepie retired in japan to start a family

>> No.55800351
File: 233 KB, 1140x701, marzia-update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Italians are literally indistinguishable from north Africans
uhm ok

>> No.55800603

He is literally a cia asset

>> No.55800626
File: 38 KB, 604x403, chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude stop making these threads. we get it, youre gay for picrel. go post about him on /his/ or some shit. this board is for serious bizness discussion only!

>> No.55800704

this is the most believable assertion itt smells pretty /pol/ish in here otherwise

>> No.55800727
File: 109 KB, 369x1024, r29k2ravjpsa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Beast was chosen / groomed by something way bigger than his silly little channel.
>pic rel

>> No.55800734

thats exactly why he is called MrBeast
one of many attempts of the satanic cabal at creating an antichrist

>> No.55800753

>speaks in a soft upper inflection with a lisp
I never could stand this faggot, I mean props to him for using kids to leverage his wealth but also hope him and all celebs get put on pikes in the future for good measure sake.

>> No.55800757


>> No.55800766

Also kill yourself for saving pictures of e-celebs on your computer OP.
We know you're some schizophrenic faggot.

>> No.55800870
File: 21 KB, 434x336, f7ed7464746f606a02560daa12493eb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's fucking real

>> No.55800917
File: 13 KB, 534x248, schizo meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey did you know this company is owned by that company, and has some fags from another company working for them?

>> No.55800949

Doubt you can prove it

>> No.55800971
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1691689657858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO retard

>> No.55800972

Never saved it. Copied and pasted. I dont like any e-celebs but they do make a lot of money and can think of ways to profit

>> No.55801001

Carrot and stick

>> No.55801084

you were born to be stupid and poor, goyim

>> No.55801109

corner a rat and it will lash out
>When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard
-sun tzu

Basic stuff anon. Why would a foe with nothing left to lose cooperate? A foe with nothing left to lose is a foe who will fight to death, making him all the more dangerous. Keep them pacified.
Play ball, and we'll both have it good. Betray and you'll be ruined. Options are key.

>> No.55801378

All these internet personalites have handlers. They are autistic retards otherwise.

>> No.55801523

if by business you mean making youtube videos then yes. he did literally nothing but study yt for years and know how to game the algo and develops videos in parallel so they can release whatever is higher on the meme chart that day of the week.
he also caters to children which is the easiest market to cash in on.

>> No.55801776


Not really. But, his personality helps him out a lot.

>> No.55803316
File: 95 KB, 750x600, 941654616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you ask normie-kun?

>> No.55803367


this one is a better pic rel

>> No.55803453

He was simply there at the right place and at the right time, and he's a giant faggot on top of that which further boosted his lucky charm coins amongst sheep normies.

>> No.55804029

no, society or just a large number of people are just dumb enough to be entertained by whatever the fuck it is he does.

>> No.55805749

He got Jewish handlers (www.night.co) who can manipulate the YouTube algorithm.

>> No.55805800

I assume it's all mindless Zoomers who like watching him waste money. Civilization is doomed.