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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55792981 No.55792981 [Reply] [Original]

i just caused a 32 million USD loss to my employer
I'm not even sure how it's possible. They didnt even give the details. I do regular low level, min wage data entry stuff. I've been doing this job for 5 months.
My guess is I uploaded a file with wrong information and then someone made some bad decisions based on the information that was contained in that file. that's my best guess.

How do I even go back there tomorrow and face everyone?
Should I just text my boss "I'm sorry, don't worry you'll never see me again, goodbye"

Pic related. Its me

>> No.55793014
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>browses /biz/
Just buy more money. Why are you even here?

>> No.55793016

Go in there tomorrow, let out a big fart and say “oopsie!”, then leave

>> No.55793018

Just say that you don't know shit and that it's their fault for letting someone like you handle that much money in the first place.
If they get mad at you , take a massive shit on the desk and throw it at them and yell loudly that "THIS ISNT FUCKING WENDYS"

>> No.55793020


this is not true and if it is, it's not your fault. this should be obvious but you sound retarded. Nobody intelligent, righteous or ethical would ever allow you to be in a place where you could cause that much damage. Even if it is DIRECTLY a result of your actions, it is your superior or perhaps even his superior's fault for not implementing safe guards.

Learn life kid

>> No.55793028
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>> No.55793030

>uploaded a file with wrong information and then someone made some bad decisions based on the information that was contained in that file. that's my best guess.

Anyone basing decisions on these circumstances did the error, not the donkey entering the data. Serious decisions als need serious verification of all fundamental data backing it up.

Don't take the blame for the negligence of a retard. Worst thing they can do is fire you.
Except you work for the mob. Then you should leave the state you are living in asap, change your name, birthplace and gender to find a nice strong guy to protect you.

>> No.55793044

If you company put in a position to cost them 32 million without safeguards then they deserved that loss. If it wasn't you it would've been another years later.

>> No.55793065

>Wow we just lost 32 million dollars
>Let’s put all the blame on our lowest-ranking guy so he can take the fall and get sued instead of us
Maybe contact an attorney

>> No.55793070

This. Don't let the kids bowl without guardrails or they will throw gutters every time. Don't accept any responsibility for this fuckup. Go in there and say "why did you not train me better? If this job has such a high risk factor I should be trained and paid more." This is 100% THEIR fault anon. Go over your boss's head if possible and say "I do not feel that (your boss) has this company's best interest at heart, as evidenced by his lack of training and his refusal to take some responsibility in this situation."

>> No.55793085

Also this. If you accept any blame they may use it as grounds for a lawsuit. Once again, do not accept ANY blame.

>> No.55793086

OP you got hired to be the fall guy. Sorry.

>> No.55793102

>i just caused a 32 million USD loss to my employer
holy based

>> No.55793111

As the others have said, there’s no way it can be “your fault” if you were only in data entry. Your boss might end up firing you anyway just so he can have someone else to blame, but that doesn’t mean that it was actually your fault. He’ll probably be yelled at by his superior as well since he’s the one that put you in this role in the first place.

Just go back to work and don’t freak out. If they are going to fire you, then it would have happened anyway. There’s no point in getting anxiety over it. But maybe nothing will happen. Don’t automatically assume that everyone will be angry with you.

>> No.55793118

>contact an attorney
Any lawyer will laugh for an hour straight over anyone pushing charges agains OP in this situation.

>> No.55793122

ok, some more context /biz/
last week we had to upload a very important file, thats basically a spreadsheet detailing a bunch of expenses we will need to pay during august. our boss told us this file was critical and to not work on anything else until it was done. we split it up and began working on it. by the end of the day we put everything together and uploaded it. apparently i mistyped some of the numbers, inflating expenses by a lot, someone high up in the chain looked at the file, assumed everything was OK, and decided to pull out of certain projects and deals to make up for the huge increase in expenses that i accidentally invented. this caused a lot of problems and pissed off a lot of people. I'm having a nervous breakdown right now. i hope i get to keep my job

>> No.55793132

Don’t underestimate psychopathic boomers.

>> No.55793151

They fucked up, if it were that important your supervisor should have checked it over and signed off on it.

>> No.55793155

Nobody is expected to do their job perfectly. It's your employers job to manage risks properly and account for employees to fuck shit up.

>> No.55793159

>someone high up in the chain looked at the file, assumed everything was OK, and decided to pull out of certain projects and deals to make up for the huge increase in expenses
This is the culprit, basically. He should have at least double checked with your department, if these numbers are correct. Has nothing to do with you, this is 100% incompetence on the side of your employer, not yours.

>> No.55793167

Then it's the guy who assumed everything was okay with your file's fault. Before he took action he should've caught it and said "hmmm do I need to pull the trigger on 32 mil based on what some minimum wage employee typed into an excel sheet? Maybe i should double check"

>> No.55793174

youre acting how they want you to act. youre part of a giant company that now wants to ruin you. its your adversary not your friend. you need to start thinking "fuck this company" and reject blame/lawyer up. act in your best interests

>> No.55793179

This. Your boss is hoping you will shit your pants and accept all blame.

>> No.55793185

You should be glad, i wish i could this much in financial damage scoot free and sink some faggot company

>> No.55793187

It's a failure of their system, not you.


>> No.55793193
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>someone high up in the chain looked at the file, assumed everything was OK
Assuming this is all real, you will be fine. Just lawyer the fuck up, like yesterday.

>> No.55793209

Somebody higher ranking than you is supposed to review your work, if everything looks fine it gets reviewed by an even higher ranking person and signed off. The guy that signed it off would be responsible

>> No.55793211

Don't say anything. Let them bring it up.

In some industries, people get promoted in spite of losing that much money.

>> No.55793217

>psychopathic boomers
For what should they charge him?
Negligence for entering data in a sheet he likely did not understand completely and has no dollar in whatsoever? And what would they get out of it, even if they charge him? A couple cents of his minimum wage from his next minimum wage job?

Nah. Worst case OP has to face is losing his job. And even this I highly doubt, as whoever comes after his boss (who definitely will lose his job) needs monkeys who enter data in a spreadsheet the new boss will definitely check beforehand if the numbers are correct.

>> No.55793224

sounds like a systems failure. the only person that should get shitcanned is the executive in charge of your department.

>> No.55793226

Apply for a job with whoever gained that money, since they owe you.

>> No.55793253

>Just know what you don't know.

He's just inexperienced but you sound retarded.

>> No.55793262

Just speaking from experience, I have caused losses magnitudes less and been in deep shit. OP acted negligently. He shouldn’t take the blame ultimately but they’re going to be out for blood. Can’t believe some people are saying he’s going to keep his job lol. I would text back the supervisor “I can no longer fulfill any duties for the company” and never go back.

>> No.55793285

OP, you are a simple wagie data entry clerk. They are using you as a scapegoat. It was your supervisor's fault for not checking your work. He's accountable for those numbers and that's why he gets paid the big bucks. If that weasel somehow gets saved and you get fired, SIGN NOTHING and leave. Go collect unemployment.

>> No.55793309

minimum wage, minimum effort

>> No.55793324

if not larp then this is due to poor processes internally
if the numbers are that important then there should be a peer review process before anything goes out
what is your manager doing? they haven't done there job, a manager should read everything
maybe then a second layer of signout before it goes to anyone important

i don't think blaming higher ups is correct, they have busy jobs and have to make rapid decisions, have to trust what they are given

>> No.55793394
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Man and then i thought i was hot shit for causing 10k in damages purposefully (did a lousy job when filling insurance case on purpose, then delayed appeal and everything), i wish i could case as much financial damage as you OP

>> No.55793629

>causes 32m loss to company
>asks biz for advice on what to do when clocking in tomorrow
Yep, sure, I caused my company 10s of millions of dollars, yet I still get to keep my job. Low effort larp

>> No.55793706

>OP, you are a simple wagie data entry clerk. They are using you as a scapegoat. It was your supervisor's fault for not checking your work. He's accountable for those numbers and that's why he gets paid the big bucks. If that weasel somehow gets saved and you get fired, SIGN NOTHING and leave. Go collect unemployment.

>> No.55793749

Sounds like they could have afforded someone to double-check your work. If one mistake made by the minimum wage retard can lose the company $32 million, it's the fault of a higher-up. Don't accept responsibility for any blame they try to assign to you. Don't sign anything. Could have legal/financial implications.

>> No.55793759

This is so retarded. Anything that could possibly cause 32 million dollars in losses has to have at least six people looking at it.
Let's say it's a typo on an invoice for a 32 dollar hamburger that accidentally turned into 32 million. Look at the chain.
>the person who bought the burger
>the person who accepted the invoice
>the person that filed the invoice (OP)
>the person who paid out the check and wrote 32 million dollars on a single check
>the nigga sitting at his tiny desk with his tiny checkbook somehow not noticing the company is now 31 million dollars in the red
And since OP is the least knowledgeable person in this scenario, the blame would rest the least with him

>> No.55793833

exactly. what's more they should just fire him, but now they're doing weird gaslighting and mind games to try to mess with his head. get away from that company as soon as you can, OP.

>> No.55793860

Tell them if you could cost the company 32 million through a mistake they aren’t compensating you enough for the risk and demand a raise

>> No.55793865

Wait, how does this work? Who gathered the information to begin with? Was it your responsibility to vet that data before entry? Or are you just paid to shut up and digitally insert tab a into slot b?

Maybe its not your fault.

>> No.55793918

your employer is retarded
i make sure that all employees that i cannot fire for a reason or another (retarded sons of friends and important people) are never in a position to create any damage
i know which ones can handle the pressure and the responsibilities and i pay them accordingly
they are just searching for some scapegoat, if a typo can make the company lose 32M, and you didn't even had a professional insurance, it means your company is being run by absolute clowns

>> No.55794079

If a minimum wage wagie has enough power to cause 32 m's worth of damage its the company's fault not yours.

>> No.55794210
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please be true

>> No.55794279

Reminds me of the time I sharted in my boss's Bentley. He made me pay $6500 to get it reupholstered.

>> No.55794280
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If you're so influential to the business, you should ask for a raise.

>> No.55794303

You'll be promoted, losing them money shows initiative.

>> No.55794336

Kek, this

>> No.55794368

Laugh. How much more do those faggots make than you? Do you make enough to afford a house?
If not then why do you care? It's a good thing they lost money.

>> No.55794401

you fucked up.

>> No.55794440

Your employers fault if you’re data entry and low level. They should have fail safes and multiple rounds of checks for this.

Not your fault, and if they come at you, remember that. Your fucking 32M was dependent on an entry level data min wage data fag? Please that’s your incompetence, employer-kun

>> No.55794478

Good bait.
For educational purposes let’s assume you not larping:
My first thought reading your fiction is: how can a guy 5 months into a job doing manual data entries cause 32 million of damage? Bring me the boss of your boss and his boss and let’s identify the root cause(s) for this. It’s propable the processes in your company are shit.

>> No.55794527

Anon, if anyone above you is worth a grain of salt they will identify the process not you as the root cause. If that much risk is involved there need to be many more safeguards than the new guy grinding numbers into excel. Your company is thanks to you learning. It’s possible they fire you out of vindictiveness but in general you should be fine.

Take this as a lesson to be more precise. You need to trible check important stuff but in general human brain is super prone to errors crunching numbers which is why there need to be safeguards

>> No.55794564

32 million dollars isn't really that much money today so why would a company even care about it

>> No.55794581

>didn’t give details

Bosses do that to manipulate peasants when in reality they did it because they make the decisions.

>> No.55794778

A data entry error by a minimum wage worker caused your employer to lose $32 million dollars? Your company is retarded and they deserve to go under. Your bosses are morons.

>> No.55794808

Hmm. Nah, go back tomorrow and face them, it's utimately their fault. MY FREN DID NOTHING WRONG, YOU HEAR ?!

>> No.55794937

Sounds like your company has zero internal controls…where do I sign up?

>> No.55794941

This. Your job in data entry should've afforded you (especially with 5 months in cryptowinter) enough currency to buy enough money to never work again after the next bull market.

>> No.55795053

this entire story is whats wrong with corporate
dumping critical tasks on the lowest paid monkeys in the room, midwit lazy middle managers that dont do their jobs and executives who cant be arsed to care about the company enough to spot a giant outlier like this
the decision maker is the biggest culprit tho

>> No.55795062


Concur with the other anons. They are attempting to prey on your youth and inexperience. They're crooked and trying to make you into a patsy for their fuck up. Don't sign anything, don't admit to anything, ESPECIALLY if you don't even know what they're accusing you of.

Start looking for another job. It doesn't matter if you're 100% Innocent and can prove it, that evidence will not undo the negativity they will feel when they see your name on a day to day basis. Your name will make them feel scary feelings.

>> No.55795084

>How do I even go back there tomorrow and face everyone?
Why the fuck do you care kek?

>> No.55795175

>they have busy jobs and have to make rapid decisions, have to trust what they are given
no they get paid the big bucks for a reason, any higher up should be capable of spotting a massive outlier as a data error
if he isnt he shouldnt be in his position and his incompetence for his role or his field was costing the company many times ops mistake in undetected inefficiency over the years

so in a sense op actually did his company a huge favor in exposing a worthless executive
come to think about it deliberately introducing an error like this while monitoring the output would make for a real good internal checks and balances against incompetent decision makers
if you want any defense go with that one op, because yeah you are probably gonna get fired just out of vindictiveness

>> No.55795220

and thats why you're in a shit job in the first place. i'd call up the ceo, give a firm handshake, and explain how the two people above me are totally incompetent and gun for bosses bosses job.

>> No.55795238

you guys would be shocked how often this happens, the total errors on a large banking system daily result in 10s of billions of dollars because of idiots hitting the wrong keys every day. the good news is AI catches and flags the vast vast majority of it. turns out when joe public usually gets a 2,000 dollar paycheck and it becomes 200,000 that's a pretty easy trend to spot using statistical models.

>> No.55795281

They won’t fire you. They just spent 32M training you.

>> No.55795283

Imagine how much money is lost daily from women moments

>> No.55795300
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>How do I even go back there tomorrow and face everyone?
Go back and figure out what happened. Act innocent. You may have someone blaming you for their mistake. Maybe you were poorly trained.

>> No.55795310

This. You ain't paid to handle that baggage

>> No.55795440


>> No.55795452

they're just blaming it on you

>> No.55795476

lmao its actually kind of hilarious how regardless of whichever company it is-- the corporate structure is still the same. fundamentally speaking, why is it like that? and how the fuck did it do that? think of how many companies there are out there. all the different varieties, industries, processes, etc. but it all boils down to this...is that natural or no? because the sheer coincidence of that occurring is practically impossible.

>> No.55795520

Make them fire you to go on unemployment and neet for as long as possible. Update your resume to say your job was to make decisions worth millions

>> No.55795564

This and somebody up higher is embezzling money.

>A wagie made a typo and 32 million dollars just disappeared :'(
>You think we should have safeguards? Well WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BUGATTI? My brand new one is blue :^)

>> No.55795589
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My advice is be as slippery as a seal and deny everything.
Say that the system failed, the dude doing the trades failed, anything but you.
Refuse to accept responsibility.
Basically like every other politician. If you put up a good show they will promote you or at least make you the spokesperson for the white house.

>> No.55795626

it's their fault not yours.

>> No.55795778

Your work porn had ransomware.

>> No.55795783
File: 38 KB, 516x425, Not My Problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just caused a 32 million USD loss to my employer
>I do regular low level, min wage data entry stuff.
why is this your problem? you're not paid enough to care.

>> No.55795811

everyone that goes to the university courses for advancement like mbas and such are all fet the same bullshit propaganda
the systems self propagates because executive exists to screw over the shareholders for their own gain and middle management exists to screw over the wagies so they can sit in their idle cage
at the end of it its the problem of nebulous ownership where companies are so large the shareholders can no longer exercise proper oversight so the wagies dont steal from them and yes even the highest execs are wagies at the end of the day
go to family companies where the executive is the ownership and you dont see the bureaucratic mess

taleb was spot on with his skin in the game

>> No.55796007

>i just caused a 32 million USD loss to my employer
I wish I could do that.
I fucking hate my employer.

>> No.55796035
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Bro, who cares

>> No.55796107

Okay give $32 million now thanks

>> No.55796109


>is this natural?

Yes, it's a form of convergent memetic evolution, and it's founded on one fundamental rule: Companies will only pay the absolute minimum that they believe they have to.

When this is applied to management, it means the most successful managers will be the ones who can justify their greatest need for resources, not the ones who can do it most efficiently. The more resources you manage, the more work you're doing as a manager. These resources must be necessary, since the business won't pay for more than they believe they need. A midwit dumbass that can't find efficiency gains is just as good at justifying their budget as a cunning sociopath that keeps those potential gains a secret. They're the perfect kind of stupid for the role.

All of management is in on the charade, whether they know it or not. The good noodle patriots make themselves obsolete by finding too many efficiencies in their own departments. Any time a patriot tries to expose the inefficiency of other departments paints a target on their back, the other sociopath managers are threatened, and do whatever they can to shift any blame to the whistleblower. That kind of boy scout culture gets culled quickly.

Crisis is a sociopath's time to shine. They quickly zero in on any soft target and apply as much blame on that person as possible. They then attempt to claim as much credit for the efficiency gain for themselves. Since they were the ones able to "spot" the culprit it justifies a greater level of oversight and a promotion to a higher rank in management.

As a result, the higher you climb the more sociopaths and the fewer dumbasses. The sociopaths know full well that they need to look out for #1, and are the least likely to be concerned about the well being of the company.

>> No.55796163


This is also the same reason why the same bullshit corporate buzzwords about synergizing outputs among key stakeholders across all functional groups are so pervasive. It's aristocratic language that serves as a secret password. If you can recite that language you communicate that you're in on the charade and won't expose the current inefficiences/bloat that justify the jobs of existing management. You communicate that you're either a dumbass or a sociopath. Both are fine; either you're too stupid to see and expose what's going on, or you're smart enough to know that it's not in your personal interest to do so.

>> No.55796244


>> No.55796281


Also, it's important to promote the occasional dumbass. They'll eventually fuck something up, allowing you to put out the fire and look like the hero. Always good to have a few non-threatening sacrificial lambs for you to scapegoat when needed.

>> No.55796420

and what's worse?

...I'll do it again

>> No.55796430

lol companies will never survive for getting rid of all their white workers

>> No.55796512

>>A wagie made a typo and 32 million dollars just disappeared :'(
>>You think we should have safeguards? Well WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BUGATTI? My brand new one is blue :^)

This actually did happen to me but on a smaller scale. At this company I used to be at, we sent out gift cards based on data that was sql'd directly into the database. We were too retarded to have made some sort of application with a gui to do that. So I copy and pasted an account number wrong into sql and we sent $40K of giftcards to the wrong company. The error was caught and we canceled the giftcards so no money was lost except for postage but I was still fired. The guy who replaced me made the same sort of mistake on the first week.

>> No.55796535
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There us only one way to regain your honor. Write a haiku and commit sudoku at the entrance of company HQ.

>> No.55797502

I had a csr accidentally add on two 0’s at the end of the required job amount. Went by and the work went out but the customer didn’t order 200,000 bottles of juice.

That’s how easy mistakes can be made

>> No.55797558

>regular sql task
>gift cards up to 40k
>can’t hire a junior dev to make a basic GUI and stored procedures to do this shit
God I want to leave corporate so badly

>> No.55797664

>I'm having a nervous breakdown right now. i hope i get to keep my job
this is why i choose the NEET life

>> No.55797796

based. just act indignant and dont even care. its not your money. its some criminal jews money.

>> No.55797803

just look them square in the eyes and say "my bad bro"

>> No.55797842


It’s bullshit and they’re trying to make you a fall guy. There’s no way a minimum wage data entry guy is responsible for a massive strategic failure. Some exec is trying to use you to cover their failures.

Either way start looking for a new job, Anon. Pronto.

>> No.55798111

I have quite some experience with data entry and data review in various fields (text, technical drawings, financial figures) and everywhere it’s the same; repetition in any form and /or handling manually „non speaking“ data is extremely prone to human error. You literally don’t see it anymore as your brain completes the data for you. That’s why you either eliminate/automate the task as much as you can or you have at least 4 eyes principle (still error prone) and you sensitize workers who do have critical tasks through training etc. this is all known for decades in production shopfloors which is why you have dedicated QA and six sigma etc but in the office world the topic is still quite behind. in Europe OP might be save but in US he may still lose his job. Gl OP. It’s an experience in the end

>> No.55798374

I want to get started as a data entry wagie too. Any tips / advice?

>> No.55798615

Maybe getting caught was part of the plan

>> No.55798698
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>I-is the fire rising?


>> No.55798938
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>Baneposting in the current year
You brought a smile to this old man's face.

>> No.55799141


It's on them, not on you. If it was that serious, there should have been double or triple checks by more senior or experienced people. They fucked up, not you.

>> No.55799696

>why did you not train me better
"i was not trained properly" is better

>> No.55799767

>Holy BASED (if not LARP)
please share the secrets of life anon.
If enough low level wages like you where around we could end this nightmare in an afternoon

>> No.55799790

astute thank u anon

>> No.55800443

i suggest staying at home and carrying a gun, of course they can not fire you or something civilized like that but they can always hire some niggers to gun you down anon

>> No.55800478

Where on fucking earth would an employee ever have the capacity and capability to lose that much money? This sounds like an ownership issue

>> No.55800620

You're taking the fall for a retarded decision made by a retard executive. Don't internalize this. You did nothing wrong.

>> No.55800649

Why do I want to smash strong hot sweaty women so badly?

>> No.55800774

you also don't know if yours was the only mistake

>> No.55801264

This anon knows how to climb the corporate ladder. However, OP clearly hasn't developed his sociopathic abilities near enough for such a move.

>> No.55803349


>> No.55803364


>> No.55803470

Meh, I caused a $2M loss to my employer through willful misconduct and I'm doing just fine.

>> No.55803491

If anyone asks say you will work better if they pay you gooder

>> No.55803527
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>Company uses minimum wage labor to pinch pennies.
>Loses 8 figures because of it.
Just imagine for a moment the used 70k of that 32 million to hire someone to review those numbers like any competent company would have. I could not even imagine being the guy who has to tell the shareholders how a clerical error from a bottom tier employee caused the company to lose this much money. Kek.

>> No.55803622

Good bait. Here's your (You).

>> No.55803636
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no king you just made 32mm for another company.
find out who they are and go meet them.
they owe you a chicken dinner at a minimum.

>> No.55803655
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whilst OP is a larper it's the way of the world these days. a few years ago the company i work for and their vendors decided to decrease their styrofoam usage to SAVE DA ENVIRONMENT and now our damage rate on products keeps exploding because cardboard protectors fucking suck if what you are shipping isn't worthless chinkshit. we've wasted god knows how many resources, burned tens of millions of dollars once you consider the increase of angry customers who will never come back and added so much crap to landfills.

i've tried to bring this up twice over the last year and a half and i have been shit on both times. oh well, it's their loss. at least these worthless middle managers can preen about how green they are that's all that really matters.

>> No.55804152

One of my favorite starting stories in JAVs

>> No.55804232

I you are a billion dollar company losing 32 million is like the equivalent of a small company getting hit with a $2k loss. It hurts a bit but at end of day it’s not too bad

>> No.55804615

Masturbate on your manager's desk to show dominance.

>> No.55804639

Lol I cause a million dollar loss to my employer every year I show up with all the people's time I waste.

>> No.55804697

that's what they get for using data from a minimum wage employee, real fuckup was by management here

>> No.55804908

Lol nope. So the big boss sees a huge number discrepancy, instead of asking a few questions, he/she assumed well shit yeah, maybe we shouldn’t have order one too many staples and color ink for the printer, let’s pull out of these big deals. Lol, nope, I think you are delusional and you want to believe you have the power to cause a 32 million loss.

>> No.55804921

just go back and dont say much, get your pay, and go home.
whatre they going to do, fire you?
buy a gun.

>> No.55805677

Me too, thanks.

>> No.55806814

who cares mate? Worst thing they fire you, you get a severance package and find another job. It's just a job.