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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55779393 No.55779393 [Reply] [Original]

The Coinbase L2 is launching tomorrow.

What are you accumulating for the inevitable shitcoin casino?

>> No.55779400

Chainlink (ticker : LINK)

>> No.55779436

How do I profit off of this

>> No.55779502
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>> No.55779533

Imagine naming your chain BASE, not even basechain, just fucking base
Imagine putting your money in the equivalent of bsc+arb but ultimately worse than both.
Once shibarium comes out in mid august this thing will be dead in the water.

>> No.55779580

such a short-sighted and shitty approach from cuckbase

>> No.55779604

I'm not in for the tech autism, base is basically a brighter glowing version of optimism and made for the normie mass adoption. Imagine buying shittons of ultra cheap token now and selling them for 1 gigazillion percent profit in the next Bitcoin halving bull run.

>> No.55779637
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bro wtf are you talking about I'm just here to profit from flipping shitcoins on normies and you should too.
Pic related is the cat meme coin on Base it's at 25M mcap and that's before the normie flood gates are opened tomorrow.

>> No.55779642

how do you get base token or whatever

>> No.55779648

Copying from based anon thread yesterday:

1. Add the Base network to your wallet.

2. Use the official bridge and/or bridges that might reward you with an airdrop someday. Just bridge some ETH.

3. Buy whatever you like from the DEX --default token-- lists, today.

4. ????????????????


>> No.55779662


>> No.55779738

anything you recommend on here?

>> No.55779786

Toshi has the potential to hit billions of mc

>> No.55779814

>4. ????????????????

Okay, let's not talk about the possible risk management strategies. #YOLO

>> No.55779826

thanks bro, bought some shit called bst and the bswap token

>> No.55779897

Go back newfaggot

>> No.55779900

i got rugged 3 times on this shit
fuck off

>> No.55779988
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Stop using words you don't understand. This coin hasn't been (and will not be) rugged, you made poor investment decisions.
You're supposed to sell higher than you bought. It's literally the only thing you needed to do.

>> No.55780020

>The Coinbase L2 is launching tomorrow
I'm not aware! Arbitrum will still kill this one... Still accumulating Arbitrum frens; GMX, GNS, SPOOL and PENDLE...

>> No.55780115

My post was no fud attempt, Base will be mega hyped with or without /biz/, but I want us to be the most successful and feared killer whales.

>> No.55780248

What should I buy

>> No.55780288

BST kek

>> No.55780941

I know it wasn't fud. I called you a newfaggot. Lurk moar.

>> No.55781028

$bswap easily
Maybe some $moonx as well

>> No.55781078

What dex has Toshi liquidity?

>> No.55781123


>> No.55781151

If you have time for another question, I understand how to buy crypto but how do you cash it out? You transfer to a stablecoin and then? Or is that wrong?

>> No.55781236

I use a cex (coinbase) as on off ramp and on ramp. So I buy eth on coinbase then transfer it to my wallet and transfer back when I want to sell for usd then instantly transfer to my bank.

>> No.55781243

Thanks for the insight.

>> No.55781309

No problem, there are other ways (sending crypto to some guy you know who hands you cash irl, etc) and of course bitcoin maxis and the like will suggest that you pay for things using actual crypto and dont cash out. I know some guy that got his landlord to accept litecoin as payment.

>> No.55781331

Interesting, I had been thinking about all those various taxes on the cashout phase. Thanks again.

>> No.55781357


>> No.55781534

it launched like two weeks ago?

>> No.55781586


>> No.55781631

Was anyone following RCKT clown fiesta? First there was Binance AMA with community manager who had terrible internet connection streaming from Kenya, and then couple days later team sent $40k worth of tokens to scammer pretending to be KuCoin's team member on Telegram

>> No.55781674

Why the fuck can’t I swap for Toshi? First transaction went through now it keeps failing to sign. I am retarded.

>> No.55781730

but i think for the normalfaggots like opee who live on centralized exchanges, 9 august will be the day they make a big fanfare out of "opening it" and such
basically, prepare for a dumb money influx

>> No.55781788
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What DEXs will you use?
Those new native ones, or old timers like sushiswap and uniswap?

>> No.55781799

yea its extreme amateur hour shit. rocketswap devs might not be malicious but they definitely are retards. sold all rocketswap and bought baseswap instead

>> No.55781855


>> No.55781897

Fixed it. Coinbase wallet is shit.

>> No.55782021

lol yea i saw the ama it was very unfortunate, didn't know about the 40k scam tho

damn i covered my costs as it broke the main resistance and decided to ride it out, thought it would eat shit like it did but w/e

are you guys saying baseswap or basedswap??

>> No.55782560

I bought a sui of bswap plus getting that juicy origin nft

>> No.55782576

based, thanks, i cannot do this until this evening because waging but screencapping for tonight

>> No.55782657

Just get bswap I'm sure literally everything else is a rug

>> No.55782690

Yeah no thanks. I'd rather stick to what I know works which are L1's. Kava is currently underappreciated because they haven't had much of an opportunity to truly shine, but I can see that changing really soon now that they're gonna onboard ETH devs to really bring value to the whole ecosystem.

>> No.55782743

liq locked
cats go up on base

>> No.55782765

Siam is first can meme token on basechain uniswap

>> No.55782844

a lot of BSWAP posting. is baseswap going to tbe main DEX of basechain? what DEX will coinbase be pushing? if coinbase mentions baseswap like binance did to pancakeswap we are in business

>> No.55782979

Quality and first mover on Base chain is Bsniper 70k cap and good meme play and low cap 40k is Siam

>> No.55783008



>> No.55783010

Siam dev is scammer

>> No.55783021

Got any proof?

>> No.55783090

BSNIPER, first sniper bot on BASE, already working, only 66k mcap.
Now dyor and find out

>> No.55783144

Wow another platform for jeets to scam zoomers on. Amazing.

>> No.55783171

i got toshi so far. but does this L2 have a native coin? Theres some base on baseswap ive seen but i dont think thats legitimate.

>> No.55783583

Okay niggers, Toshi is a bitch. Buy Ogre. https:// www.ogrebase.com/

>> No.55783637


Devs from ramses are trustworthy and won’t rug. $500k marketcap,
Easy upside when the flood gates open. Actual products, including the first perps exchange on Base. Ye, this baby won’t stay low for long

>> No.55783666

OGRE kinda bussin fr no cap

>> No.55783689

This thread is like a homoerotic orgy for shitcoin shillers. Absolute state

>> No.55783726

Niggas shilling shit here and there... At the end you'll will realize it's better to have those stablecoins yield rewards for you via Nexo, Aave, SpoolFi etc than lose it outright to rugs...
>Checkmate in two weeks

>> No.55783738
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>> No.55784337


>> No.55784363

NFA. Just buy Siam. That simple.

>> No.55784414

>Kava is currently underappreciated because they haven't had much of an opportunity to truly shine
have you not been paying attention to whats happening on the kava network? They sweep the most recent hack or whatever the fuck it is under the rug, they wont even comment on it. Then they continue to adjust their incentives program (which is pure inflation) so that their own in house protocols get 85%+ of the monthly allocations, which means that anyone buying into kava is subsidizing the teams cashing out via their Rise program. The entire thing is turning out to be a huge money laundering operation.

>> No.55785346

Not a single word about the most bullish protocol that is releasing tomorrow in Base. They will absolutely dominate their sector and making their token holders rich. Coinbase will never release their own coin, so you could say this will take its place as the token of Base. Those who like cycling will know what I'm talking about.

>> No.55785479

Idk anon, hasn't this launched already? or have you jeets forgotten Bald which rugged thousands of baggies. Pathetic, I'd rather ape in on based gems like Dot, Krest and Inj for long term gains.

>> No.55785495

Personally I'm going for SPLAT, GROB and OINK which are likely to be the future of finance

>> No.55785526

Kek. Why do they always shill 3 coins at a time?

>> No.55785560


>> No.55786198
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Upcoming thats all i can say.

>> No.55786766
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Base has some hilariously incompetent devs and awful scammers. One tries to launch today called ToshiX and it was supposed to be on both base and eth. The base version hit $7k eth hit $3k until people realized just the eth one was a honeypot. Then they locked the telegram and posted this lmao.

>> No.55786816

What’s even the point of base? It’s going to be nothing but scams and shitcoins
Is there a valid reason to be there?

>> No.55786841

It’s bsc for white people basically. You ape into dogshit meme tokens, then hope normies who flood into Coinbase eventually buy some of your bags so you can dump on them.

>> No.55787237

we need a cat coin in the top 50 so i bought toshi

>> No.55787417

Fact that binu hasn't been mentioned once it is telling

>> No.55787436

Its fucking TOSHI, the big CT guys are in, its a done deal. easy 2-4x, potential for 10.

>> No.55787477

BasePePe (PEPE) is top 4 in TVL and it's a honeypot lol

>> No.55787842

SergeyAbrahamLink1000Inu (ticker : CHAINLINK)

>> No.55787880

Dude thinks Shibarium will amount to something, kek it'll be dead in a week like all the other shiity tendermint built / cosmos ecosystem shitchains. It'll be fucking slow like the rest of them no one will want to use it. There'll be no difference between Shibarium and EVMOS look what happened to it.

>> No.55787934

boys, you've missed the boat already on BASE. The people have come and gone, and now jeets are waiting to rob you with dodgy shitcoins. Enjoy the barren pvp midcurve wasteland

Real left/right curve degens have moved to MANTLE and are buying up the top degen plays there like MINU (0x51cfe5b1E764dC253F4c8C1f19a081fF4C3517eD) and dream token(0x293BA3AeFbe4DBe8e617771B04711A0f7a22188A)
i suggest you bridge over and get jeeting

>> No.55788103

they better have an airdrop for bridging to this shit

>> No.55788114


Brian Armstrongs cats.

Ppl are fading these memes the same way they faded dog coins on eth and bnb.

They fill be the first coins on base to hit a billy +

>> No.55788723
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>> No.55788971

>The same thing as BSC except it's run by glowies
>Therefore it's the white man's network
I don't know how you made that leap but no. btc/xmr/eth are what you describe.

That said, there's money to be made here. But I don't know why you think there'll be less browns on base than anywhere else. It's the low tx fees that bring the jeets; $60 gas prices them out.

>> No.55789402

Hell with these fucking L2s. I hate this, a L1 with good interoperability, scalability, quantum resistant, Eco-friendly and fast will be the best and safest. Fuck L2s this needs to come to an end.

>> No.55789545
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Some whale just aped 35 ETH into $TOSHI kek
just wait until the normie flood gates open and this thing goes to 1B mcap

>> No.55789596

where tf can i view the list of tokens on base?

>> No.55789610

>thought about buying base PEPE at 3m mcap yesterday but didn't
>now at 14m mcap

>> No.55789632
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Might be a good one, but not gonna risk it when I have a sure shot with QANX. Made 3x and still pumping

>> No.55789750

>August 7th

>> No.55792173
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I was looking into rocketswap but it seems like baseswap will end up taking the biggest market share. where is this ranking from anon?

>> No.55792264

I hate you faggots, but Ill allow you guys to buy my bag
There is a BAL whale that may have decided to retry the bald experiment

>> No.55792896

>here is this ranking from anon?
go back and kill yourself

>> No.55793171

Will it be soothing for this lingering bear? Trading AstraDAO winning indices is where he needs to look into

>> No.55793250

Surprisingly, Engaging in Elfin Happy Hour sessions with industry experts is really getting bags filled.

>> No.55793374

The remarkable chance for passive income is presented by the exceptional liquidity mining program of Astradao, which holds even more significance during this market downturn. Won't you dive in?

>> No.55793441
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>> No.55794015
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Lots of $KAVA because always remember: Layer 1 >>> Dog shit on the street >>> Layer 2

>> No.55794017

Based as fuck.

>> No.55794026

Who the fuck cares. Isn't Coinbase too busy dealing with the SEC anyways? What the fuck is going on?

>> No.55794027
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Okay dude... What the flip...?

>> No.55794032

b-but muh Optimism... muh Arbitrum... muh Polygon... this can't be happening...

>> No.55794036

AFAIK multichain only rekt $FTM not other projects using their tech. Idk about the rest of your post, sounds real shitty if true

>> No.55794042

>i'm in it to gamble with shitcoins

>> No.55794696
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careful with those edges retard, you can't even greentext properly

>> No.55794757

Baseswap niggers

>> No.55794827

I was quoting the post you fucking retard

>> No.55794875

Site looks rushed

>> No.55795382
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yes which you didn't quote completely, have sex incel

>> No.55795954

>you didn't quote
Back paddle harder faggot

>> No.55796443
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We're all puppets, Laurie. A puppet who can see the strings.

>> No.55796499

big brain move to name it the base when that literally translates to Al Qaeda a big chunk of their userbase lives in the middle east and speaks Arabic

>> No.55796508

>coin Al Qaeda

>> No.55798032

I missed yesterday on GoldenBoys. But SilverBoys launched 1hr ago and it's not a honeypot which's already better than 95% of the shitcoins on Base