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File: 188 KB, 951x614, beyond meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55778481 No.55778481 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong /biz/?

>> No.55778490

We did this in the 90s and it failed then to.
Just a scam like everything going on since 2020.

Meanwhile I can't even do gig work anymore or work a real job or get disability while people made off with huge PPE "loans"
This world is the gayest game ever made, I want a reset button.

>> No.55778492

Vegans are more mindful about not eating unhealthy slop, Normies just eat regular meat because it is much cheaper.
BM never had a fighting chance.

>> No.55778498

I could've told you that was going to happen. Just look at this stuff not selling at the grocery store, rotting on the shelves, and you would've figured it out, too! It's too expensive for something that is a meat substitute. Key word here is "substitute." Nobody is going to pay more for something that isn't the real deal.

>> No.55778505

But wasn't there some big benefit to switching to plant based food? Like I'd figure with the huge price jumps in meat prices across the world right now a good substitute would be printing billions?

>> No.55778510

Buy calls, this is going to pump hard tomorrow. It dumped way too much in after hours.

>> No.55778514

Yeah huge ad revenue and sold some rotting by product and probably rugpulled investors.

>> No.55778520
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>> No.55778525

they honestly should've just said it was real meat, our bread is half sawdust and no one noticed

>> No.55778528

>But wasn't there some big benefit to switching to plant based food?
Not this, industrial meat substitutes are vile slop.

>> No.55778532

>We did this in the 90s and it failed then to
The next iteration of this will be lab-grown meat. The government will probably throw tax breaks at this in order to attempt to take the meat market from companies like Tyson.
>some big benefit to switching to plant based food?
It's just textured black beans, onions proteins, and wheat with a lot of sodium and red dye. It's like eating a bread sandwich, nobody actually likes it and the sodium levels are unhealthy.
>I'd figure with the huge price jumps in meat prices across the world right now a good substitute would be printing billions?
Good point. Counterpoint, it isn't. It's still prohibitively expensive for poor people, people who generally buy anything that's cheap and would be the best target to establish this kind of market. It tastes worse, it doesn't feel filling, and it's more expensive. In addition, the idea of "plant-based meats" has negative connotations to at least half the population.

>> No.55778538

I’m a vegetarian because I hate the texture and taste of beef. Know a few mates who are the same.
You can’t simply give me the same fucking texture and taste and tell me its veggie. Nobody except the fucking nato types and extreme libtards care about the fucking animals. We simply hate the taste and texture.

>> No.55778539

Jesus fuck I didn't see the after hours I thought it would have a small rally

I'm seriously considering it right now

>> No.55778540

It costs more and exists to exclusively be sold to "I don't want to eat animals, but want to eat meat" crowd, which inherently is way lower than people who just stay vegetarian on its own. Combo that with the sad flaccid images of it that just make it look unappetizing and it should not be surprising. There's also WAYYY too many competitors in it now, fucking everyone tried hopping on it.

>> No.55778543

I was gonna say something similar likely the case, just more grifts they don't even care anymore.
The people who made this company knew they were riding the 2020 clown market and rugged it asap the chart looks like god damn ICP

>> No.55778545

Fake meat costs more than real meat, thoughbeit the price increases of late.
Also fake meat is either dairy, or söy. So either buy cheese or just start taking estrogen based HRT lumfao

>> No.55778546

Our (((friends))) running the illegal biolabs are alrrady solving this by "infecting" the populace with a substance that creates changes in the recipients gene structure resullting in strong allergy to meat in the subject when it enters the blood stream, biologically enhanced carrier vectors like mosquitos and especially ticks are being releases as we speak. I wouldn't worry about vegan slop not being profitable for long. Watch this space, Fink wasn't just shooting the breeze when he said they are all about FORCING BEHAVIOR. It's all just getting started

>> No.55778552

Anon might be on to something there was a mass influx of ticks in my area I've never seen before this year I got bit about 40-50 in May alone then disappeared all of em.

And now I've been sick as fuck and to the ER like 4x since.

>> No.55778553
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I will not eat this or the bugs

>> No.55778570

Impossible Foods Inc. spent hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying in order to get the FDA to approve their trash burger and it still flopped. Just go look at them in your local store, look at the pre-cut patties. They look horrible! Now, I've tried them, and they're certainly edible, but they're dry, they're worse than just buying shitty Walmart beef tubes, they just aren't appealing in any way. People just went fucking wild a few years back, shit was just insane. In summary, the fake meat fad suffered from too much competition, too much overhead, too much politicization, and too little flavor. I'm just glad this joke idea is falling apart.

>> No.55778581

>by "infecting" the populace with a substance that creates changes in the recipients gene structure
Yeah, I can easily see them doing this, but they've already been fucking with our meat for decades. Hormones, antibiotics, chemicals, pesticides, the entire food industry is a playground for strange bullshit.

>> No.55778587

It’s ultra cheap at grocery outlets. Used to eat it all the time until I started to have concern about how unhealthy it is. Honestly miss the taste and texture.

>> No.55778589

Everything is super fucking gay now my frens.

>> No.55778591

i am not crazy about meat int he first place, but this is why i stick to vegetables

>> No.55778596
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>the next iteration of this will be lab-grown meat.

lol close

>> No.55778598
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>> No.55778604

Also cows dont egt antibiotics, but food like garlic is a natural antibiotic so much worse
Chemicals and pesticides affects plant food aswell mostly but is not worse then plant antinutrients

>> No.55778613

>felt something crawling on my leg the other night
>swiped it off and went back to shitposting
>felt it again
>check to see it this time
>lonestar tick
>put that bitch on the kitchen counter and cut it into a million pieces
>flushed it down the toilet
>spend the next hour vacuuming and dusting everything because I'm fucking paranoid

>> No.55778616

eggbros, no...

>> No.55778625

Fake meat won't take off until it tastes exactly the same as real meat, and costs the same or less. That's because history has shown that humans are simply careless, selfish people unwilling to inconvenience themselves. Lab-grown meat at industry scale is probably the only potential solution that can achieve that.

>> No.55778637

Its vegetarian slop, my problem with vegetarians is that their food is plants that larps. Id like to share a meal with them if it was a bowl of rice, corn, black pepper, and basil or smth, instead its onions LARPing as a burger. Plants should be plants, thats what went wrong with beyond meat, beyond meat should mean nothing like meat/100% plants. Not meat in everything besides nutritional content.

>> No.55778659

Dude I got literally 40 fucking lone star tick bites and my cats and my family started getting them few months back...
I drink coffee daily with milk and my throats been fucking killing me like nearly dying kinda shit since.

My labs don't look good either but can't seem to find any normal source for it, strep, mono etc but lymph nodes are swollen literally the size of eggs for months.

I might have lymphoma so could be unrelated but the severity of my sickness has ramped up since the fucking tick bites and I haven't seen a single one since, extremely weird they were getting into the house, I believe the chinese once proved you can basically airdrop ticks without issue since they are so small.

>> No.55778680

>the chinese
Nothing is too farfetched, but I somehow think that they're just naturally exploding in population. Probably a side-effect of covid, less people on the roads, less roadkill means more prey for ticks. Moved to a different area away from the mountains and I haven't seen a tick since.

>> No.55778714

Oh I don't mean the chinese did it now just saying it's possible.
Although I believe cities used to fog areas early in the morning with pesticides for ticks and likely stopped doing it.

>> No.55778741

institutional market makers, etf's, firms like s&p global and moody's, investment banks, and the elites who are either too cynical, stupid, or crooked to put a stop to it all. that's what went wrong. it's a good company with a fantastic product.

>> No.55778798
File: 6 KB, 236x223, nuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese are dedicating more attention to espionage, both corporate and public sector. Their shitty industrial standards are also a way that they sabotage American industry, by undercutting competition and then delivering sub-par products that investors will never be able to return. I wouldn't be surprised if they're attempting some kind of entomological warfare, but it just seems like a waste of time and resources to them. There's a million different reasons why certain species go through boom periods.

>> No.55778809

I can't believe people trust these rating agencies anymore after 2008.

>> No.55778833

I wish we had a boom period like your pepe
I'm so checked out my frens.

>> No.55778899

The benefit is that you get used to having to access to meat.

>> No.55779010

plus there is like 10 different kinds of fakemeat brands now where i live
plus it’s just way to expensive
if i have to pay more for some mashed peas thats red colored and formed into a meatpaste than actual meat whats the benefit

>> No.55779020

What went wrong is nobody wants to eat that shit. If vegetarians want a burg-esque thing they go for veggie burger. Second thing is these laboratory chemical burgs are the same price or more expensive than actual beef. The idea that meat cobsumers would be interested in neat alternative products is false unless the product is substantially cheaper.

>> No.55779037

Turns out, even the normgroids don’t want to be forced into eating the bugs and being happy.

>> No.55779063

Lol ur a faggot

>> No.55779127

Lab-grown meat will have a very steep path to adoption as long as the entire middle of the United States is devoted to agriculture and raising livestock

>> No.55779187

>Lab-grown meat will have a very steep path
If they can get the process down to the point that overhead cost drops, then maybe. I'm sure the government would love to give them subsidies in order to essentially own the industry. At the moment, however, it's far too expensive for mass production. Couldn't market this to anyone other than Big Bang Theory Sheldon reddit types who also somehow have a lot of money. But yeah the key here is price. If they can't get the price down below normal meat, they can't do shit.

>> No.55779407

they put meat in the name of a product marketed to people who think eating meat is evil/disgusting/unhealthy

>> No.55779668

What's the purpose of this meat that made of non meat material.
Vegans only eat veggies right? Why the need to make it the surface to looks like meat.
No carnivore make meat that looks like veggies ever.

>> No.55779834
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Even retards have started to wake up to the vegan scam

>> No.55779972

Meat and eggs are THE main sources of protein. Protein is need to regen most tissues in your body. If you don't get protein you'll start having all sorts of strange diseases.
And now you understand why the elites want meat and eggs to be unafordable to the masses.

>> No.55780002

It tastes like shit.

>> No.55780031

>What went wrong

its utter shit, like all other soi fag food

>> No.55780040

Impossible tastes better. Simple as

>> No.55780091

This stuff is highly processed.

>> No.55780120

Thank Zeus this shit is failing. If you want to eat only vegetables, fine. Your body, your choice. But then EAT VEGETABLES! not some engineered lab "meat". Because sure as hell somebody is going to start trying to make me eat it too.

I went to a week-long meditation retreat and they served turkey bacon instead of real bacon. Same fucking deal. If your stupid religion prohibits you from eating bacon, fine. Then don't eat bacon. More for me. But don't be a pussy about it and eat fake lab bacon instead. Have the courage of your convictions and leave my bacon and meat alone!

>> No.55780144

It's not "lab meat" it's just highly processed pea protein + other shit.

"lab meat" i.e. they grow actual meat in a lab, is not a thing yet.

>> No.55780164
File: 26 KB, 400x225, 2E653F4C-2DC0-456A-A608-E8802EE951E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooooooo!!! As a liberal, I have to force everyone to be like me in order to validate my self existence!!!!! Reeeeeeeeeee!!!! Give me attention!!!!! Reeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

>> No.55780209

are the allergies permanent? Genuinely could be an globohomo bioweapon program to forcibly have their anti meat carbon initiatives bullshit. You WILL eat the government approved s*ylentgreen and if you try to farm for yourself you will be choked to death via our genetic meat suppressants

>> No.55780218

lmao boomers stocks imagine buying beyond meat and FaZe but fading on curve and chainlink
>w w w what even is a o o o oracle

>> No.55780258
File: 431 KB, 1346x1014, IMG_20230808_082027_273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I used to be vegitarian, then vegan. That stopped in about 2015, but I still now eat a very well balanced diet. Lean meat, chicken, fish, is much healthier than this fake meat shit, and even if I was vegan or vegitarian again, I would compensate with greater amounts of lentils, nuts, etc., not processed patties.

>> No.55780395

faze and beyond meat are actual zoomer stocks. they're the future.

your schizo shit is not

>> No.55780581
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>causes allergy to red meat, dairy and medications
this kills the burger

>> No.55783306

come home, carniverous man.

>> No.55783397

>that triangle
>daily wheat products
>eggs and meat weekly only
it's hilarious how several generations got meme'd into getting into the fast priority lane towards type 2 diabeetus LMAO dumb goyim

>> No.55784492

It was never good or liked and appealed mostly to people who never ate plants before
It was covid