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File: 35 KB, 924x313, F22vUBOa8AAgVbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55776135 No.55776135 [Reply] [Original]

fucking knew the ygg pump was completely artificial and whale driven lol. arkham makes it easy as fuck to spot. what a faggot

>> No.55776151

Does anyone even care about NFT """games""" at this point? You look at that shit and it's the kind of stuff that'd make any semi-serious game developer cringe at how fucking retarded they're supposed to make money. Why not just release a game and call it a day? OH WAIT. It's because doing so requires actual skill and effort, so let's just make a quick cashgrab under the false pretense of "letting you earn money while playing". Brilliant.

>> No.55776157

ANd what the actual fuck is Ygg?

>> No.55776193

probably because web3 games are dead. look at axis and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about

>> No.55776194
File: 514 KB, 977x547, 169074920239456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really no, ever since axie got hacked and died all the thai faggots making a below average wage lost interest and went back to working for their chinese overlords

>> No.55776198

well at this point, NTFs just serve as newfag filter, having all that amount of tools given to avoid a scam if you atually manage to fall for it, you kinda deserve it lmao.

>> No.55776201
File: 246 KB, 1080x1199, Screenshot_20230807-203141_Binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a pump and dump Game scam coin.
Thx for playing, no refunds

>> No.55776202

ok but who organized it though? im guessing he had to have an endgame. maybe there was some sort of announcement of some sort that was going to drive the price up so he pumped it right before it happened to cash out even more?

>> No.55776210

Tough t'was katana whom got hacked back in the day not axie itself.

>> No.55776216

a gamefi guild for people too poor to buy their own nfts to actually play the games with their own assets.
they borrow the nfts, they pay fees for using them, they return them once they are done.

>> No.55776217

As it should be. Friendly reminder that SEA countries are where chinks outsource most of their workload to. They're less than human

>> No.55776224

That's literally what happens to all gaming DAOs.
no exceptions. Look at $MC for another example. Slow and painful rug

>> No.55776227

lol how thats a rollercoaster

>> No.55776228

jesus that is blatant as fuck...
some nigga bought a lot, price went up naturally, dumped
you can do that with enough liquidity and a shitcoin small enough. similar to $LUNC's early hype before dumps became the norm.

>> No.55776238
File: 315 KB, 655x599, 1651670941349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your whole income depends on some guild to play retarded nft games then you might as well kill yourself

>> No.55776240

tell that to latam 80% of the Yearly net income of some countries happened thanks by axie LMAO

>> No.55776243

Kek. I'm glad /lunc/ is finally dead. Most baggies must've killed themselves by now

>> No.55776246
File: 952 KB, 1779x1971, 1689795732390976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone itt remember avocado...

>> No.55776247

>subhuman being subhuman trash
Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.55776248

the whole WEB3 gaming scenario is just a bad joke. good on Arkham tools to save that one.

>> No.55776251

I'm really happy these glorified sweatshops are getting it rough. Fucking faggots taking full advantage of very unfortunate poorfags in countries forgotten by God himself. Pathetic behavior.

>> No.55776252

Don't you feel like arkham have some kind of resemblance to Anonymous?

>> No.55776258

Well those poorfags should have known better BOI

>> No.55776262

I'm aware of those as well but I'd rather discuss the fact that I want to have bed-breaking sex with Lain than talk about that absolute garbage reddit-tier """DAO""".

>> No.55776266
File: 84 KB, 998x936, 171835021581442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is not taking full advantage of those below him
NGMI in life, my friend.

>> No.55776270

Damn bro you really double money? trade me
prove you are ill send my big stack

>> No.55776274
File: 22 KB, 409x539, vez79rnzsyx91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thai femboys went back to the streets after gamefi died
This is a good thing.

>> No.55776280

>Muh Ubisoft connection guys!!! To le moon!
It was dead on arrival.

>> No.55776286

idk what the fuck im looking at.

>> No.55776315

I'd like to hope that someone would make a fair gaming experience where you can gain some assets from playing and not have it be a clusterfuck hamstringed by various bullshit that just kills the whole thing with caps and fees, but I won't hope for that, it seems too unrealistic.