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55773545 No.55773545 [Reply] [Original]

>houses are still exorbitantly priced
>interest rates continue to climb past 7.5%
>see mediocre looking home in decent neighborhood
>boomer who's selling home is selling it at retarded price
>house eventually gets delisted for being too long in the market
>agent tells me house is back in market if I'm still interested
>tell him to offer 20% off from his retarded price
>get a call just now telling me boomer said no

Do you guys have any similar stories?

>> No.55773556

i ran the numbers and stopped looking. i basically need a 40-50% raise ($100k to $140-150k) just to afford a starter home, which isn't going to happen.

>> No.55775134

Don't worry, there's an election next year. The fed will lower rates just enough for Biden to get re-elected.

>> No.55775222

No need to actually try to get votes, the mail in voting scam worked flawlessly last time.

>> No.55775917

some boomer bitch wanted to sell her shitty house for almost 4x the money she bought it in 2016. I first offered 80% of her price and she seemed ok but then I told her I could only pay 60% and she still said no.
I wonder, will these people ever get a reality check? I hope they do soon. money doesn't rain from the sky and I'm not gifting my money to random people just because

>> No.55775927

I don't give two shits about the rate. Lower the principal.

>> No.55775936

Cumulluh Harris*

>> No.55776278

Interest-only mortgages exist

>> No.55776294

checked and let’s see the video one more time pilled

>> No.55776325
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I know what I got

>> No.55776368

I'm selling my mom's old house and the agent just told me I can hopefully get between 205k and 240k out of it. 3/2 1600sf and not even in a huge city.

>> No.55777240

Imagine thinking he needs this intervention lmao. They will just rig the election again. Prepare for another shutdown, numbskull. We are going to be getting stimulus again and emergency powers will extend the eviction moratorium and stop student loan repayments. If you aren't expecting this and preparing, then holy shit you are dumb.

>> No.55777581

this is why I hate those fucking realtors. THEY and the banks are driving prices up and making retards think their shit is worth far more than it is.

>> No.55777946

Who's the real loser?

You're still renting, he just won't sell until he gets the right price

>> No.55778691

>until he gets the right price
he's going to have find a way to travel back to 2021, or wait until 2035

>> No.55778717

Just keep doing it anon. Taunt the boomer. Low ball him so bad he needs to strap into his c pap machine to keep from passing out.

>> No.55778733

Just saw a slum lord dump several tenant occupied condos. The shakeout is getting closer anons. If you can't wait then maybe consider a new development. Overpriced sure, but if it's a new community then more than likely "number go up" from the base price and you can get a financial incentive like a lower mortgage or a graduated mortgage (mortgage buy downs).

>> No.55778759

His drug addict tenant is going to destroy his home. Lmfao I'm on the prowl for low balling boomer slum lords. Last week visited a town home where the average unit is like $230k. This rental unit "gem" was foreclosing at 170 and my realtor gagged when she opened the door and refused to follow me up the stairs. Fastfood trash everywhere, cigarette butts on the floors, shit overflowing out of the powder room toilet, schizo writing all over the walls. Nothing I couldn't fix by paying some undocumented friends to clean out. Keeping it ear marked for now.

>> No.55778803

>travel back to 2021
the boomers selling now are the ones who are butthurt that they didnt cash in on the bay area diaspora

>> No.55778968

What work do you have the spics handle? How much do they cost per day? Tell me more about what to do.

>> No.55779016

All you need to do is wait

These retards will die, retire, or lose their jobs in the recession and become forced sellers

>> No.55779024

They will do anything anon. I picked one up from 7/11 and gave him a sledge hammer and pick ax and had him rip up a driveway of some guy who tried to screw me over on a business deal. Didn’t cost me anything and never saw him again.

>> No.55779291

Bankers are the true winners in real estate

>> No.55779311

It took boomers 4 years to capitulate after 2008, these fuckers are braindead

>> No.55779314

It's not profit if you don't sell.

>> No.55780154

they might be the winners, but they aren't the only ones responsible for this mess.
I also blame politicians. they just don't care about solving this issue. in fact, they might be complicit in keeping people living like shit

>> No.55780414

>Who's the real loser?
The brain dead retard who takes out a massive mortgage with high interest

>> No.55780548

>Agree 20% discount
>Actually I want a 40% discount now

Lol, lmao even.

>> No.55780561

Had anyone done tax liens here? I know the basic premise, but I’m wondering if anyone has experience with it, and if so have you ever made any money with it.

>> No.55780722

So crypto Bull market 2024-2025 again as well?

>> No.55781022

even 80% was overpriced af, and she knew it. she had been selling her shack for years

>> No.55782217

I thought the FED operated independently to the government and will stick to their goals which includes taming inflation to 2% and bringing unemployment up

>> No.55783663
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my income is $140k, I saved up $100k for a downpayment. The most I can afford is a $500k property for $2600 a month mortgage. That barely gets you a shitty 1 bedroom apartment here

>> No.55783669


>> No.55783856
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So glad I took the zogbot pill and will barely pay anything in rent for the next 10 years while I also get a degree and gigaswole at the same time

>> No.55783871


>> No.55784068

Housing prices will unironically shoot up again once they start cutting rates.

>> No.55784092

Agreed. People don't get that this is the "new" cost of housing. Lots of cash out there. The sticker prices have barely budged with the rate increases and it's not like the rate increases are the new anymore. When the rate comes down the prices will go up - monthly payments will be largely unchanged. Best thing one could do now is to buy and the refinance, at least you'd lock in the lower sticker price. Welcome to the new normal.

>> No.55784320

Hahahahahahahahaha I want to report you to the police but I'm afraid you'll send an illegal after me

>> No.55785617

that's so fucking stupid you may as well just rent at that point

>> No.55785642

This won't stop.
Listened to doomer report just this am, new real estate numbers indicate prices are at all time highs and interest rates are now at peak we have seen since 2001. Collapse And bail out is coming, just sit tight.

>> No.55785654
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>Sell your house to some zoomer fgt for what they think its worth
>Not have enough money to buy a new house
U see the issue, right?

>> No.55785699

Yeah I think anyone waiting for prices to drop much further are in for a rude awakening. Maybe im retarded but I think housing will probably climb a bit more once the feds lower the rate, but not as much as people expect and then level out from there for awhile.

>> No.55785811
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Honestly at this point I am just gonna have to move to bumfuck nowhere to find an affordable home. Love not being able to afford a home in the city I grew up in. Thanks Boomers you cancerous fucks.

>> No.55785822
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would this work faggots?
Not a rentoid anymore but If, then I would...
> offer over the asking price
> boomergreed.exe
> just one more thing..would like to sleep over house for 1-2 nights
> sleep
> next day, nope the fuck out of deal
> repeat for infinite free housing

>> No.55787565

I'll buy cheap houses from legal auctions, thanks

>> No.55787614

don't give money to Jews and boomers