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File: 32 KB, 512x400, Crux-Decussata-512x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55773279 No.55773279 [Reply] [Original]

Last night I finally sat down to read the rabbit hole that is all about X.com and xn--33h and I must say I am not disappointed, mainly because it seems that everything is connected and we are in the midst of a resounding and destructive change that has cryptocurrencies and their impact on finance at the center of it all.

Among the most important things I could find:

>Elon musk changing the name of Twitter to X, promising to turn it into an app that "does everything" even though Twitter is an instantly recognizable name. X is the foundation, irreplaceable
>The $X coin is stealthily launched almost devoid of marketing and manages to accumulate 500k of liquidity "out of thin air" and an anonymous dev
>Paypal, which at the time was to be called "X.com" announces for the first time the launch of its own stablecoin "PYUSD" in a clear attempt to contain and fight against something we don't know yet.
>Herbert R. Sim, father of the cypherpunk movement starts to scatter little crumbs in his weekly column about why the big digital banks started to launch their cryptocurrencies (ahead of paypal) and how to prevent them from coupling us to their globalist agenda.

Something big is happening brothers. And it all has to do with the letter X

>> No.55773305

Back to your containment thread xrp baggie

>> No.55773311

>Paypal, which at the time was to be called "X.com" announces for the first time the launch of its own stablecoin "PYUSD" in a clear attempt to contain and fight against something we don't know yet.
Cue Paypal owner breaking his back in the world's biggest and most historical backpedaling of history as he said two years ago that he would kill himself before getting himself involved with cryptocurrencies topkek

>> No.55773319

why did they pick x again? why not Z, it has a nicer ring to it and you can play on the whole "alpha and omega" shit

>> No.55773451
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Anybody who is anyone in the scene knows that X will become a pilar of humanity in the coming years. Elon is working hard to cement his name in history because he wants his name to be alongside X in the history books, but it's all a big cogwheel that started decades ago back in the confederacy.
It's rooted in our nation's history

>> No.55773452

>thinly veiled xrp shill

>> No.55773466

i tried searching up the name but it doesn't exist, what's up with that

>> No.55773500

Nothing to do with XRP as far as im aware
I'll reply in a longer post hold up.

>> No.55773514

What’s the connection with Xcom & TOAD and why isn’t the symbol on my keyboard?

>> No.55773557

So i need to pump your bags again?

>> No.55773562
File: 135 KB, 592x841, 11445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic X remake was announced for a 2024 launch
Holy fuck OP i think you're onto something

>> No.55773611


>> No.55773788
File: 98 KB, 788x813, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically Herbert acquired the domain in 2005 and made a whole post explaining why he chose the name. It's a mix of being ahead of the times in predicting the coming advances of technology as the cypherpunk he is and acknowledging his own beliefs on why X is so important to humanity. It's got links to the US but also to christianity and other religions like Buddhism and even Taoism. To embrace X is to reject the globohomo agenda.
At least that's what he believes.
Pic related

>> No.55773799

so basically a new paradigm started with elon renaming twitter?
i kinda dig it

>> No.55773840

Love him or hate him musk is always at the forefront of everything tech related and kikes will always despise him for that

>> No.55773854


>> No.55773859

>higtier mumbo jumbo about numbers and vibrations
>catholic babbling
i don't fucking care about this, as long as it makes me money im game but stfu about all this shit pls

>> No.55773866
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what about us GOYs are we included in this plan?

>> No.55773871
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We won.

>> No.55773906

So hode up. Herbert sim founded this variant of x.com. got ties to cypherpunks, crypto university la di da. Then some anon buys the domain. Launches x on uniswap eth and remains anon? Only c an etherscan msg from anon signed as cp33. Cypherpunk33?

Yea. Im in. This narrtive too weird to ignore. Hahaha 1000xordust

>> No.55773930

Most forms of uncorrupted Judaism already embrace X and its importance in numerology so, yeah, you're in as well
To lead a godless life is honestly pitiful but you do you

>> No.55773949 [DELETED] 

well, if i were you i would ape into any coins with the domain name meta, its all the rage right now, you need to keep up to date with this shit to make it these days

>> No.55773964

Big if true ngl

>> No.55773978 [DELETED] 

X bros... WAGMI

>verification not required

>> No.55774020
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>> No.55774025

This thing is cratering in price rn.

>> No.55774029
File: 137 KB, 1280x1202, 1687678848574492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The X marks the spot, eh?

>> No.55774043

Elon has said that he wants to have the most efficient database that is money and to use it for X.com

He also said that he will never make his own crypto coin. So that means he is going to use one that already exists. Let me give you all a tip so you dont fuckup badly. Doge is not the most efficient token.

>> No.55774056

>I am Christian, and everything I am, everything I have belongs to God. And I live to glorify and worship Him.
I don't know the man, i didn't know about X until now but i can't but have a deep rooted respect for someone just declaring their love for God so openly, freely and without imposing upon others. Just... respect

>> No.55774084
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This is all for the mark of the beast system. Welcome to revelation boys.

>> No.55774090

GTFO normie faggot shilling your normie fag post. obvious paid shill

Dont let Normies take it from u, they took Pepe dont let them take our home

>> No.55774108
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>> No.55774116

you need to go back... to India

>> No.55774335

Elon has explained why bitcoin cant be used as money. Its too slow, has large fees paid to miners and uses enormous amounts of energy.

>> No.55774417


>> No.55774444
File: 26 KB, 580x324, omgspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forefront of tech
>electric vehicles
I don't like or dislike him but he's just a grifter getting all money directly from taxpayers at this point.
If he's not just a front man for some bigger operation they'd just have denied PayPal a license and given to someone else. It wasn't some actual huge leap in tech.
PayPal had no new tech at all basically. The website was a glorified credit card machine on the entire net as far as the tech was concerned.
We are funding Twitter and Elon gets to run it.

>muh space
You believe he put a Tesla up there don't you?

>> No.55774460
File: 244 KB, 542x336, FXghii-X0AEmkne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake and gay thread Ranjesh, fuck outta here

>> No.55774473

>The $X coin
Stopped reading there
Elon already confirmed they wouldn't be launching their own cryptocurrency. It will use existing cryptos such as XLM, DOGE and XRP

>> No.55774507

Checked and based post up until the last part

>> No.55774558
File: 909 KB, 1278x1177, XRP-ETORO-X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.55774616

You see the pic related sir? Thank you as you have been baited.
That picture is from pretty immediately after it left the atmosphere. Within 5 minutes. I watched the event myself of course.
The live stream then went dead for awhile and then was replaced with this video shortly.

Anyway, the "International Space Station" footage here is 254 miles from earth.
A FAR reach from any estimation of where that "Tesla" could be at the time of this photo.
Do the math yourself on how big the earth is in the background of each.
Someone is lying. I'd suggest both.
Don't allow yourself to be made a fool of.

>> No.55774802

This shit is going to zero right now lol

>> No.55775945

telegram also deleted. either massive scam they ran, huge shaking of hands event to buy back lower, or idk what else. Im thinking it's planned for the telegram to have been shut down or maybe they just banned me for no reason

>> No.55775989
File: 76 KB, 1200x750, IMG_4631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter is shit. Reddit is shit. 4chan is shit.
The plebbit protocol is the future. True free speech. No admins. No jannies.

Plebbit is all you need. Plebbit is biz coin.

>> No.55777054

This shit has rich and powerful chinx behind it. It will fucking moon harder than any shitcoin this year except toad

>> No.55777065

This shit is toast. Team already dumped on you

>> No.55777095

My ai is telling me it’s gonna moon in September

>> No.55778079

maybe, maybe not. it's less than two weeks old

>> No.55778419
File: 1.80 MB, 336x320, XiaoYing_Video_16914684699301691468472.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP tip bot on Twitter is just a coincidence

>> No.55778468
File: 52 KB, 700x474, 1690777991615103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the Jeets behind this coin paid the same marketing staff that made the curry-filled match shill threads shitting up the board for the last two years. Also Noodles is a nigger

>> No.55778568

Correct. Musk has littered hints in his twitter feed. If you collect all his tweets about cryptocurrency and you have a brain, you should be able to figure it out. In fact, if you have a brain+soul, you should have already chosen this cryptocurrency yourself.

>> No.55778612

reminder that jeets behind this shitcoin are mostlikely getting bounties over their heads on Arkham just SBF and do knwon did, once the boat start to sink rats will start to dox themselves for scrap money lmao.

>> No.55779809

Z is russia letter bad right now

>> No.55780035

absolute brainlet

>> No.55781594

im in
im not missing any thing like this anymore
idc if it goes to zero
im not missing this potential moon shoot

>> No.55781624

Too many rich chinx involved to just ignore this shit

>> No.55783076

also having someone who is OG cypher punk with a plan from 2005
in a bull market this is a billion dollar narrative easily
priced at what 6 million?
word, just checked chart and I'm already up big.
I will sell some to recoup my initial if we hit ATH but after that Im waiting till ignorant market caps.