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55764246 No.55764246 [Reply] [Original]

I just learned today that Americans have to pay US taxes wherever they go.
They can't flee into a comfy low-tax place, they have to pay for their masters.

>> No.55764251

they can just renounce US citizenship, problem solved.

>> No.55764252


>> No.55764255

That's because they have the nasty habit of not staying in their home country.

>> No.55764258

For which one? A shithole in the Caribbean that will make getting VISA for any country a Herculean effort?

>> No.55764296

Dude we're slaves. OP laughing at us because his slave pen is blue instead of orange like ours is retarded but muh industry and muh medical care are jokes when you consider white men are growing up poor and displaced in the nation their forefathers conquered and hardly anyone is healthy physically or mentally.

>> No.55764560

it's a difficult and expensive process to renounce US citizenship precisely for this reason

>> No.55764562

Hey but Americans have freedoms
>the freedom to get arrested for free speech lmao

>> No.55764580
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what the fuck are you talking about? You pay taxes to the country you're at. How the fuck is the american taxman goin to keep track of everything a mutt buys at a foreign store, or if he works for a foreign company? Retarded nigger

>> No.55764587

OP is right, you are required to pay federal taxes on your income but only if it exceeds $100K. You also have to pay capital gains taxes wherever you live.
t. Burger expat

>> No.55764596

>he doesnt know
Look it up nigger, if you are (((american))) and work for example somewhere in asia, you WILL pay taxes to the USA(J).
Yes, every nation has this system implemented for (((american))) citizens.

>> No.55764602

Part of the process requires paying tax on literally all your assets. So, no, problem not solved at all. Opposite of problem solved.

>> No.55764605
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they also have 1/3rd of their penis chopped off at birth with no anesthesia causing permanent brain trauma and changes lmao

>> No.55764606
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Just walk away lmao

>> No.55764611

I’m cashing out in Ecuador and there is nothing they can do about it

>> No.55764631

>looked it up
>it's true

>> No.55764634

threats of violence and harassment were never free speech, bucko

>> No.55764651

>Call African immigrant nigger
>An angry mob sorrounds your house
>Get arrested
>People in jail look up your charge and rape you
Durn dumb dumb dumb

>> No.55764667

Burger expat here, I make less than 112k so I pay no tax but get 4k tax credit for my 2 Kids.

>> No.55764689

the first 100k is tax free outside the usa

>> No.55764715

Only active income. Not for capital gains or dividends/passive income. The two categories which are required to /makeit/. It’s literally mathematically impossible otherwise, and they want you to take hits on that anywhere in the world you live. Trash.

>> No.55764726

not true
threats must be credible, you must have the ability to act on them
otherwise it's protected free speech
>tfw amerifat morons watch too much jew hollywood media and think reality works like a Marvel comics movie

>> No.55764735
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The Amerimutt plan is openly to create a melting pot slave system of compliance lol. America is an economic zone based solely on the worship of money and absolutely nothing else. They don't have any real identity or culture. It's a giant Walmart with employees from all over the world. A global democracy filled with global citizens: all one race, religion and nation, all holding hands singing kumbayaa forever. All America is consumerism, degeneracy, nigger worship, race mixing, pride, mindless npcs. No community. Are there LGBT parades organically in South America, Africa and Asia? No. they are part of Americans culture that Americans love to export. Including that you are ‘nazi’ if you don’t believe in integrating refugees invading your country non stop. in america, you would get called out for being stingy tipping only $30. In america where women can just sign the divorce papers and take a man to the cleaners. Living in a retirement home with black nurses beating you every evening in the twilight of your life


Whenever i ask Americans what they feel is unique about America a common answer i get is that they are a melting pot of cultures and races etc. the 'white race' is an Amerimutt construct to homogenise disparate ethnicities and regions of Europe into an easily malleable broad label. Americans rootless gypsies, only have so-called "cultural heritage" to find some form of identity in. With "cultural heritage" being nothing more than a poor euphemism for "skin color". Their skin color really means the world to them. All these "muh bawsed right wungers" do is suck up to zionists. Because that's all they will ever have. Only sportball, Walmart, Disney and Pride Parades. "American culture".

>> No.55764737

Filipinos all carry guns openly and are poor as dog shit and they don't shoot up schools. What is it about burgeria.

>> No.55764768

Lmao do you really expect me to read all that shit?

>> No.55764774

America forced most of the rest of the world's banks to disclose to the USA the financial transactions of US citizens. Even the Swiss knuckled under. Part of America's global bullying program. When the empire falls, I'll laugh so hard it will crack the walls.

>> No.55764805
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Liquidate all assets and convert it to XMR, no exit tax since you have "no assets"

Read about FATCA dumb nigger.

>> No.55764813

>All that schizo rambling
You could have just said that antiwhiteism and white erasure are evil.

>> No.55764866

You can only pick one
1.go to Disney World
2.take a tour in North Korea
Which would you pick?

>> No.55766089
