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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55760930 No.55760930 [Reply] [Original]

>bought 500 LINK at $20
Tell me why

>> No.55760944

we tried to warn you...

>> No.55760965

Let me start out by saying I'm a stock market guy. ok. So, after seeing my 1,000,000th chainlink thread on /biz/. I thought to myself
>maybe I should check out the chart for chainlink
you know, for gits and shiggles?
So I check out the chart aaaaannnnnnnddddddd.......


>> No.55760968

Who's "we" ?

>> No.55760971

>Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a heartache

>> No.55760984

>Tell me why
Ain't nothin' but a mistake

>> No.55761008

Dont worry. 90% of all link holders are in the negative. Remember that next time you hear baggies lying about buying at .20. The truth is all the linkfags on this board have very high average buy prices. Because they bought between $5 to $50 just like you

>> No.55761014

You have to factor in the price suppression by BTC. It's a bit like Apple suppressing the stock price of Schlumberger N.V., a well known fact by Schlumberger investors.

>> No.55761026

Tell me why-E

>> No.55761038

oh look. we got ourselves a genuine baggie :}
get em, boys

>> No.55761048

Are you the fudder?

>> No.55761070
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>Tell me why
You're dumb. You looked at this and thought "ah yes, this seems like a good project". Not much else to it.

>> No.55761116
File: 474 KB, 1254x726, 1614847286398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's me, the Great Warning.

>> No.55761131

just IMAGINE what that kind of money could buy you now. Like 3 meat fetish Papa Johns Pizzas (including delivery)

alternatively you could sell your stinkies rn and buy some flavor of the month shitcoin, like X or AI

>> No.55761142

Made a nice 10x on X, was that you who shilled it here a few days ago?
What's up with AI? Same meta (domains)?

>> No.55761160

might've been me ye, depends on who is asking ;)
glad there are some genuine spergs left on /biz/
same meta, gotta strike the iron while it is hot

>> No.55761183

(you) are retarded

>> No.55761248
File: 94 KB, 2000x1200, Eastern-Coral-Snake-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I shall take a look
Thanks anon. Have a snek

>> No.55761330

Bro that's not even the half of it
The chainlink team has over 3/4 of the supply and dumps HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars worth of it every year. Sergey Nazarov (lead criminal of chainlink) has a net worth of HALF A BILLION dollars from dumping on the retards who buy this shit. It's insane.

These fucking retards talk about price suppression conspiracies and shit...how about price suppression by your own fucking guys?

And there's always some revolutionary tech that chainlink is about to release that always either turns out to not be worth a shit or never fucking happens.

I used to hate chainlink threads..now they're my favorite threads on /biz/ because I can't help but come in and laugh at these fucking morons.

>> No.55761367

You decided to migrate away from /pol/ a little early and at a bad time, but not the worst possible time? Could have been $50.

>> No.55761777
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>bought 500+ kava at $3
i wanna commit manslaughter tbqh

>> No.55761785

Organic grown in village, Ranjeesh? This product smells almost as bad as the curry in your hometown.

>> No.55761787

All linkies in this board originally came from /pol/ hence they bought at $20 bare minimum lmao no wonder there's so much inordinate shilling for it in this shithole.

>> No.55761792

At least it wasn't $LINK or $SHIB. I'd say just hold and see how it plays out I guess.

>> No.55761797
File: 100 KB, 1242x1205, 1690920580021561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna have to wait until they get their shit together and get noticed by ETH devs worth their shit if you want to see that money back any time soon, mate

>> No.55761799

I'm whiter than you and make more money than you, faggot

>> No.55761803
File: 14 KB, 554x554, 1690462490472256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this, yeah. i mean i think only linkies that stuck around to see the 80 to 40 decrease then 20 then 8 decrease after that are unironically mentally ill, but buying at 20 till now... i dont know, sounds feasible i guess. not as retarded.

>> No.55761806

>sers fighting for control over who gets to poo in the loo

>> No.55761811

Someone post the LINK baggie copypaste :^)

>> No.55761817

You should've opened a short position instead but I remembered that /biz/ loves losing money so whatever

>> No.55761819

But Kava unironically has a change, though. 90% of their money came from their competitors in Cosmos getting shaken out because of the bear market (and other external shit) and just now they are doing many interesting (albeit 'slow-burn') things with their tech.

Comfy hold all around just like DOT as much as faggots here looove to shit on DOT.

>> No.55761820

Fuck this gay meme
The kind of people you're talking about on /pol/ would never support this globohomo WEF token
What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.55762267

everything about /biz/ buying link at ICO is a meme
this place is FULL of $20+ baggies

>> No.55763262

Objectively 90% of all link holders are down, that means that their average buy is higher then $7.
Even OGs who bought some at ico destroyed their average buy price because they fomo bought a bunch of "cheap" link at $50 when it was guaranteed to reach 1k lmao