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File: 183 KB, 1200x805, FuqOGWPWABkyM3q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55760735 No.55760735 [Reply] [Original]

I'm defeated. It's over. I'm fucking done.

How do I actually get a gf? It's RIDICULOUSLY hard, and harder than making 6 figures. I do have 6 figures in the bank, I'm a solid 7/10, go to gym a lot, muscular, doing an engineering masters degree, and I'm still young (22). It seems impossible to get dates for me though, no matter how hard I try to meet people in real life, trying to be as outgoing as possible, going to every fucking university club event, and even buying premium dating app subscriptions, it's fucking impossible to match with girls, let alone take them on dates.

It's fucking ridiculous at this point. I'd honestly be less upset with myself If I was a loser and put in no effort into trying to find a girl, but at this point I feel like there's something fundamentally wrong with my soul. Has god cursed me with being lonely forever :( Sorry /biz/ I have no place to vent outside of this friendly degenerate board

>> No.55760749

Have you tried not being autistic/ugly?

>> No.55760756

I'm from central-eastern Europe and it's a bit more trad but I find girlfriends at sporting events/organizations. Met my ex-gf at a tennis event.

Girls who are into sports and work/study don't have THAT much time to rot on social media and absorb various secular humanist poisons.

>> No.55760844

Honestly I'm not that autistic/ugly. Just not that well spoken.

I feel that people often underestimate the skill of flirting and being well spoken :(

>> No.55760861
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do you regularly speak to women?

>> No.55760885
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>socializing doesnt come naturally to me. very happy with being alone but obviously not long term sustainable
>have to work at getting good social skills. act super outgoing. start to look like a natural social animal
>burn out from talking to people. hole up by myself for a couple weeks to recharge
>social skills dogshit again
have yet to figure out how to win this one. people are exhausting

>> No.55760897

kek no offense anon but are you retarded? There's ugly, fat, skinny, broke and short guys who are getting laid with no prob. You gotta be awkward af if you're failing.
Maybe outsource your online dating convos to AI? Literally have AI talk to the girls for you.

>> No.55760899

domains are the new meta

>> No.55760901


>> No.55760904


>> No.55760907

of-course anon. You.. don't?

this, but I'm incredibly unhappy and depresseb being alone, and don't get any better so it's groundhogs day everyday and there is no escape

>> No.55760919


>> No.55760931

I've literally tried using AI to get convos (cupidbot), and girls literally give their numbers to the AI within like 3 messages, it's fucking insane, I try to tailor my messages to them and flirt and the AI literally just mechanically inserts a cliche catchphrase with a very direct prompt asking or her number.


>> No.55760935

Women are attracted to your immune system. Read Ray Peat

>> No.55760943
File: 227 KB, 540x515, 1687659452653817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to fucking jewtube nigger. i have have to hear that name one more time i stg

>> No.55760956

>found the solution to his problem
>doesn't use it
do you enjoy your suffering?

>> No.55760992

He was a doctor and he never was a youtuber. Wtf are you smoking skin

>> No.55760993

They can sense the desperation and it's a turn off. Women dont want to be smothered early on and they want a man they need not who needs them. Remember you're dealing with illogical animals

>> No.55761012

Yeah it's far easier to make 200k/yr than to find a 5/10 gf

>> No.55761047
File: 8 KB, 400x400, 0xfe6ed1A0bdE1D7181a0343998AE47F3993Ff3A77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

topkek well if AI can't help you like this, maybe invest in AI
pic related

>> No.55761053

I don't want a fucking aI solving my problems, it can't do that forever. And also the number of matches is still extremely low.

probably the most useful reply. thanks anon, really making me think. I'm doing nofap for a month now, and honestly it's making me more desperate not less.

>> No.55761072

just read a bunch of ai outputs and then kinda copy that. thats essentially what learning to socialize is anyway, except instead of copying ai youre copying the dumb idiots you have to talk to irl

>> No.55761109
File: 432 KB, 1389x1365, 8cc959abebdcfab76a152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably over for you, but not because of something you can't fix.
You're probably just poorly socialized, have you had close female friends as part of a mixed-sex friend group before?
The things you'd need to change about your personality are probably subtle even if you gave us enough information to know what they are (you haven't).
It'd probably be possible to learn now, but very difficult at your age.

>> No.55761181

honestly had very few really close friends (and no close female friends) :(

easy to make acquaintances, but hard to make really close friends, although I'm starting to realise maybe I set my bars as to what close friends are, too high. Most people have scumbags for friends that won't take trouble for you, and will rat you out at the earliest available opportunity.

>> No.55761189

> Remember you're dealing with illogical animals
I don't women like OP either nigga, OP needs to get a grip and fix himself

>> No.55761239
File: 78 KB, 736x483, incest10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a zoomer haircut
>grow your beard
>stop using glasses at all
>upload profiles pictures in which you're next to a car or travelling somewhere like (preferably Europe)
That's literally all you have to do, if you truly want a GF you'll do it, otherwise deep down you are scared about having a relationship and all the drama involved and you love being alone

>> No.55761279

>Grow a beard
Beard fags get ugly gfs

>> No.55761733

Bro you just need to increase your net worth so you can finally get a woman willing to spend time with you :^)
Tell you what. you could probably really get yourself a nice 5x with kava if you're willing to wait until their incentive program pays off.

>> No.55761736


>> No.55761747

>have to wait until a bunch of ETH developers decide to bring their talent/skills to this chain
crypto is so fucking boring