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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 94 KB, 736x736, 1512246717122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5575108 No.5575108 [Reply] [Original]

How many BTC do I need to get a man like this?

>> No.5575124

Zero. Stop being ugly and take a fucking shower.

>> No.5575127

You can have me for free baby

>> No.5575139


The less the better.

>> No.5575141

Women dont have to p2p unless they're old

>> No.5575153

500 would be a start. You'll need to buy him shit, too, though. You can't just wave the money around like it matters.

>> No.5575154

be 6/10 or better and fug on the first date

>> No.5575163

i ironically look like this but fucking hate shy, timid girls.

seriously i dont need any of your insecurities breathing down my neck everytime were outside

>> No.5575168

You already have a pussy to grab money. GTFO crypto.

>> No.5575172

Freemasons Unite!

>> No.5575187

He's not even that cute. Boring white guy

>> No.5575198

>i ironically look like this

Sure you do buddy, sure you do

>> No.5575200

I know a friend who looks like this. Unfortunately he doesn't like girls and only masturbates to trap hentai.

>> No.5575216

die nig white is right.

>> No.5575260

apparently Jaw and Chin is everything?

>> No.5575272
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Death to the Masons

>> No.5575286

Says the balding 4/10 angry manlet

>> No.5575305
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>> No.5575317

that's gotta be a collectable, looks rare

>> No.5575348

>implying men fuck fugly rich hoes

You really need to get a better understanding of how the male brain works

>> No.5575349
File: 144 KB, 248x450, 1503165418475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let's take a poll /biz/, would you rather be stuck in the male dynamic, or the female dynamic?

>your worth is tied strongly to your looks, negligible room for improving your attractiveness through wealth or charisma, so "limited" as far as your options are but have an easy ticket towards a partner as guys around your level won't ask much of you and will seek you out themselves

>attractiveness still tied to looks, but not as static. Wealth and charisma/personality can get you a long way which gives you more room for improvement. You will have to do most of the work in actually improving yourself, finding a woman, and winning her over, however.

Female life sounds like high floor low ceiling as far as enjoyment is concerned while male life is low floor high ceiling.

I'd still take male but I think I'm biased. It seems like a lot of women are perfectly happy in their comfort.

>> No.5575354

pussies stink

>> No.5575374

top lad

>> No.5575389
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first the normies, now the moneywhores

>> No.5575392


>> No.5575401

god I wish I looked like that. like, just 5% of what he looks like.
the genetic lottery is cruel ;_;

>> No.5575411


>> No.5575443

Correct. Men have a low skill floor, high skill ceiling life, while women are mediocre incubators to make and raise more men.

>> No.5575451

hes a male pornstar go look him up ya dig

>> No.5575466

Lmao too true

>> No.5575482
File: 182 KB, 750x725, 3B8DE1F7-812F-4731-BF1E-A47802BF5D0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would 10/10 go for that guy. I’m only a 6 or a 7 tho so I’d never get in with him without crypto-luring him.

>tfw no crypto boyfriend to share gains with

why even live

>> No.5575525
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 1497834752580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be female
>flick the bean on camera between 18-23 on camera and get paid for it
>invest 30% of camwhore $ into crypto, 30% into cannabis stocks
>from age 23-25 start developing a "private snapchat" following/group, get paid to post on snapchat & selling my used panties + socks to my most desperate/thirsty fans
>from age 25-30 start dipping into MILF/mature POV porn with a guy (hopefully mid-to-longterm bf/husband)
>retire at 30 off of crypto + stock gainz
nibba being a woman is literally living life on easy mode what the fuck you can pretty much print fiat with your bergina

>> No.5575532

I love how women say "go for". Such a quaint little euphemism.
What kind of gains are we talking?

>> No.5575534

I actually agree with you to some extent but I blame women for staying in their comfort zone and buying into victimhood attitude.
>>poor pitiful me. The princess. Please take care of me.
I met a lot of women claiming to be strong and yet, still when pressed relied on that exact meme.
Strong women very often are not in a relationship, and are concentrated on their career more so than men.
And they are a minority.

>> No.5575551
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> negligible room for improving your attractiveness through wealth

>> No.5575554


>> No.5575571
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Who here hates women that consistently try to make sure everyone knows they are female?

>> No.5575572

crypto gainz
Love gainz
Qt trad waifu gainz for him

>> No.5575573

Women are incapable of the type of romantic loyalty men are, so they're constantly monkeybranching from guy-to-guy based off of assets + social status

>> No.5575588

>atrocious meme game
wow you really are an actual roastie

>> No.5575599

you could have 100 he will never love you cuz pussy stinks

>> No.5575602

If you are willing to prostitute yourself for money and if you are smart (that's a lit of ifs) then you are most likely going to make money no matter what gender you are.

>> No.5575609

you're unironically a whore

>> No.5575632

This ^^

>> No.5575634

You fault women for this behavioural tendency as if they could choose to be otherwise. Women evolved to need to be taken care of/protected by a strong man. They don't pull the "poor me", "princess" shit with alphas though. That's their game for securing beta bucks.

>> No.5575642


Yeah but you're a rapidly depreciating asset since looks are very fleeting. And you're still dependent if you coast like that, when the chips are down you're going to be left in the cold if you can't actually sustain yourself.


Grinds my gears too, we're partially to blame though. So many men are big time doormats for female approval. My girlfriend has had virtual strangers ready to buy her expensive shit just because she's cute, we need to kill off all of the saps.

>> No.5575669
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most thots are not gonna lie
are these memes better for you

>> No.5575688


I would be too if it got me gains, tbqh. Who gives a shit.

>> No.5575699

Masturbating on cam isnt the traditional definition of "prostituting yourself", imo.

nibba did you not read the part where I invest a large chunk of my whoreprofits into crypto + cannabis-stocks?

>> No.5575710
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problem is gender roles have been subverted and while females might not admit it but they fell for the male meme and now they're paying the price

>> No.5575713

I wouldn't generalize it.
Evolutionary problems exist but there a plenty of women who broke out of that meme and, although they are in minority, they still exist. Hence it's possible.

>> No.5575740

quit being so transphobic anon

>> No.5575742


>nibba did you not read the part where I invest a large chunk of my whoreprofits into crypto + cannabis-stocks?

That requires foresight, which women don't typically have, because much isn't expected of them in society. Part of the "easy ticket to comfort" but they're slaves to their own dependence, it limits their happiness, and maximizes their insecurity.

>> No.5575755
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>> No.5575759

Finally a thread that represents me :)

>> No.5575774
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I am unironically ignoring women until I turn 35 simply because of how shallow they are and I will admit that other guys who are willing to be beta providers are part of that problem

5 years down, just 10 more years to go

Yeah but in that scenario we're assuming I just woke up one day and became female

>> No.5575775

Don't blame men for making princesses. Princesses want to be princesses and strong women want to be strong.
I would agree that may well have been the case in the 19th hundreds, but no more.

>> No.5575805

Am femanon here. Real question is: how many btc would I need to support that stupid beautiful man after his modeling days are over and he wants to be a stay at home dad?

>> No.5575807

no I mean the USD amount, lol. You can't except to lure guys with your gains without even hinting at how impressive they are :P

>> No.5575810

This was for >>5575634

>> No.5575818

This works until nature kicks in and you start wanting to have children (yes, even if you never wanted them) and you'll be miserable until you find an equally miserable husband to get you pregnant and then you're on your way to suicide by antidepressant overdose.
The chance of this not happening is really slim and generally goes hand in hand with other, underlying, mental problems.

>> No.5575829


>> No.5575859

you don't have a fucking opinion

>> No.5575862

In my hypothetical I've got loads o betabux invested in crypto and weed stocks, so I can always afford IVF and putting my eggs on ice

I mean thank fuck im not a woman but still, roasties unironically have it on easy mode just by merit of being born

>> No.5575864

>I am unironically ignoring women until I turn 35
>handling the matter this fucking poorly

jesus christ wtf is wrong with you anons. i'd be the richest man on this board if there was some dating advice section that would pay me in crypto to help you autists

>> No.5575873


>boring white guy

Femanon here, pretty sure every color of girl would agree he is yummy

>> No.5575906
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>haha dude just date women dude c'mon what do you have to lose brah haha
>even though you have no money and you're painfully average in looks and you have literally nothing going for you
Yeah bro haha

>> No.5575917
File: 156 KB, 639x611, f3tc0g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one hears about female betas but they are A LOT, most get their shit together and try makeup and whatnot but some just turn into your atypical manhater

>> No.5575918

"broke out of the meme" simply means "were hypersocialized against their nature". Women who were socially engineered through modern, capitalist pressures to take on masculine roles haven't "broken out" of their previous roles as if out of a prison. They've been forced out--out of their home and comfort zone into a world that will never give them the deep, primal fulfillment their old roles would.

>> No.5575934

>Don't blame men for making princesses. Princesses want to be princesses and strong women want to be strong.
>I would agree that may well have been the case in the 19th hundreds, but no more.

By all means I'll castigate a princess individually, but society wide this is largely a male made problem. We let them get away with complaining about everything and feeling eternally victimized while bending to their every wish.

I'd rather attack the problem at its source: weak, faggot men who need to snap back into their old shape and take control again.

>> No.5575939

Wait. I retract what I said before.
Women can and some do choose to break the need to be taken care off.

>> No.5575941
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I know what you mean. I want enough to money to serve, feed and grow roided alpha males into monstrous bulls (pic related) living lavish lifestyles in a mansion somewhere. Maybe set the whole thing up on webcams so cucks can watch the alpha males fuck, lift, etc. I just hope I can force reality to make this happen. Plan B is just a tank of nitrogen and a scuba mask.

>> No.5575951

24 years old, blonde whiteboy here if you think you have enough BTC you can throw me a message abdkaz33 at gmail dot com

>> No.5575954
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You cannot buy a Man, ladies. You have to win over his heart which is something so precious that money can never buy.

Protip: Learn how to cook like his mother.

>> No.5575980

I disagree. I'm willing to be bought temporarily.

>> No.5575985
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>being this clueless about how it works

>> No.5576009

Ok dude. Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I won't argue the point with a fanatic

>> No.5576020

Which is to say, rented :P

>> No.5576028

You are a literal definition of a whore.

>> No.5576049
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>dude brah women will want to date you even if you're painfully average looking and have a negative net worth
Yeah maybe if you're handsome, which I'm not


>> No.5576060

And again I will argue that the problem lies in women attitude, not men.
You are right that men are making this worse but they are not the ones to blame.

>> No.5576066

So many incels on this board. Must suck to be ugly and have no charm.

>> No.5576068

Female if I can be in the top 1%.

Male otherwise.

>> No.5576095

All you have to do is have a vagina and it's guarunteed that at least one idiot will want to fuck you.
If you want a guy like the pic you posted though then take a shower, get a makeover, maybe lose some weight (or gain some if he has a fat fetish), put on some eyeliner+mascara, learn to wear roastie boots (those leather boots for females that are popular now, preferably in black), straighten your hair, use conditioner, and you're on your way

>> No.5576104


But that's like complaining about drug users when it would be far more effective to crush the suppliers

>> No.5576124

Posted it in another thread but my 'game' consists of lying through my teeth. It's worked in the past but I hate doing it and I stopped because it made me immensely self-conscious due to the fact that if I was actually 1/10th as successful as I lied about being (a fucking ebay+amazon seller), I wouldn't even have to lie to get laid.

>> No.5576151

Pretty girls would pay you in BTC for sex and fancy dinners? And you'd say no?

I don't think I'm a fanatic. And I don't speak discouragingly of women entering the workforce or anything. It's a necessity of contemporary life (however lamentable). But we still have fundamental natures as men and women. The modern world is structured so as to make it difficult if not impossible to live in line with them, though.

>> No.5576157

it's about confidence you fucking faggot. broke, average-looking men date and fuck women all the time. unless you are a literal manlet or hideous you have no excuse.

>> No.5576176

And here we fundamentally disagree.
Addicts are guilty of being addicted, not the independent pharmaceutical salesmen.
If someone is an addict they need to WANT to change.
Getting the supplier out will just make the addict change the addiction

>> No.5576185

You will never get the Crypto Nazi Chad
even less so here.
By the way
/biz/ is a men's board
Thots need to GTFO

>> No.5576199


>> No.5576207
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id rather be alone than have to lie to fake my confidence. I have absolutely nothing to be confident about other than the bare minimum "ive got all my arms and legs and fingers and toes and my body works"

>> No.5576232
File: 701 KB, 1604x2197, Jeu5rAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone's gotta hold society's bag, anon

he's a lost cause

>> No.5576271

Oh fuck off
The whores have been here at least since October.

>> No.5576288


>> No.5576289


>> No.5576294
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>implying im not enlisting in the military
>implying I wont basically be a permaNEET after my 6 year commitment
you got it twisted, society is paying for me. if you chads and roasties want to step all over me then you're subsidizing my existence.

>> No.5576297

There a lot (ok maybe not a lot but some) women who are perfectly happy not taking care of the household and making money.
These women also have MORE testosterone than your average women.
You actually can read about so called " digit ratio " women with male type hands are actually women who are more assertive, more aggressive and are not interested in being a housewife.
They are rarely procreating so of course they are a minority but they exist nonetheless.

>> No.5576322
File: 305 KB, 599x468, 368EC848-EB9E-4E06-9E89-69E406109039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christian domestic discipline is actually healthy for a relationship.
why tho, by that time a woman your age will have shit eggs. And if you date a much younger woman, she will be shallow at that age and also it’d be very creepy.

I’ve had a 60% increase from what I’ve put in. You can’t let woman emotions get to you in this which is hard cause of muh estrogen.

Lauren Southern and I both have the same ex and she is nothing but a degen thot.

>> No.5576344

how about reconditioning your diseased masochistic mind to actually have a healthy level of confidence in yourself? you unironically need to LARP about your self-worth until it becomes a habit.

grown men are not supposed to say the shit you just said ever. it's the result of generational bluepilling anon.

>> No.5576357


I mean the sex bags. Someone's gotta be an incel if the rest of us are going to get chicks easier.

You can go make a pittance while stranded out in some desert if you want desu

>> No.5576404

Fair enough. I don't doubt there are limit cases like that. I guess I was more gesturing towards the macro, systemic "deconstruction" of more traditional gender roles. There's a push to pretend that there was never ANYTHING natural about the old ways--that it was all constructed--"so why not construct completely new ones!?" That premise I disagree with.

>> No.5576408


>> No.5576423

>why tho, by that time a woman your age will have shit eggs. And if you date a much younger woman, she will be shallow at that age and also it’d be very creepy.
Because literally no woman would touch me with a 10x10^6 ft pole until I get my shit together, which'll probably take until I turn 35

Because I was raised to be a realist. Lying about myself (even for the purposes of boosting confidence) makes me feel deluded.

seabees get stationed on tropical islands sometimes, ok

>> No.5576448

Females have glass ceiling but also glass floor. Men are the biggest failures and biggest successes and women stay in the middle not too well off but not too bad.

>> No.5576452

>I’ve had a 60% increase from what I’ve put in. You can’t let woman emotions get to you in this which is hard cause of muh estrogen.
So you've made $60 on your $100?

>Christian domestic discipline is actually healthy for a relationship.
Do you enjoy being disciplined?

>> No.5576481
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jesus fucking christ, the more things I read about/by women on the internet the more relieved I am to be an actual faggot. My autism level is way too fucking high to put up with the maelstrom of bullshit that forms at the interface between women's deep-seated biological desires and what they've been memed into pursuing by feminism.
Instead of being a bitter permavirgin I managed to settle down in my mid-twenties with a nice bloke. I should probably thank the boomers for poisoning the water supply with xenoestrogens and creating the faggotry epidemic

>> No.5576550

top kek
roasties btfo

>> No.5576610

Now we agree.
Women who are happy being a housewife should be allowed to do so and unfortunately now they are forced to pretend to be independed and successful
Women who don't want to be tied to a household should be allowed to do so as well.
Unfortunately the minority that thrives in high stress business situations and is happy to have a career has it better than the majority that deludes themselves.
I'm actually sorry for them.

>> No.5576628
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>Because literally no woman would touch me with a 10x10^6 ft pole until I get my shit together, which'll probably take until I turn 35


>> No.5576669

I literally grew up without a sense of self confidence, but thanks for the advice you can stop wasting time on me now

>> No.5576720
File: 144 KB, 640x640, 1512933470507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love to have a smart and good looking bf who is greedy as I am, so that we can discuss our portfolio and compete with eachothers! Just a friendly rivalry between two guys.

>> No.5576799

it's dinner time (EST) I cant imagine why you are posting on 4chan when you're supposed to be in the kitchen?

>> No.5576816

Yeah around that. And yes, within the confines of an exclusive relationship.
Relationships are just trials for marriage. I’m already 23 so I want to start looking for a husband to have at least 5 kids with, so I don’t get old and my eggs dry up.

>> No.5576851

Waiting for the roast to cook actually tbqh senpai.

>> No.5576858

Murdoch Chan <3
Is it really you

>> No.5576882


>> No.5576962

It's not degenerate if you post a classy picture on /biz/. I wanna know what you look like.

>> No.5577001

>your worth is tied strongly to your looks, negligible room for improving your attractiveness through wealth or charisma
this is literally false. Men are far more likely to have a niche taste than women. All women like neurotypical good looking social men.

Men often will be found worshiping some relatively ugly girl because she's a "geek girl" or something.

>> No.5577052

don't let it dry out or you are fucked much like your ovaries

>> No.5577056


I don't even know what you're trying to claim. No one cares about your exceptional anecdotes.

>> No.5577069

“Rich girl” is a pretty hot niche. Sure doesn’t hurt.

>> No.5577092

Women care more about looks than men when it comes to sexual attraction.

>> No.5577121
File: 57 KB, 650x366, 1488895902368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some women like this dude so there's that

>> No.5577149

eww not asian

>> No.5577150

False. Men look for indications of reproductive fitness. The majority of these are "looks". Women look for providership and genetic fitness. Some of the latter are "look", but there are a lot of other things, too, that factor into a woman's attraction.

>> No.5577176

Titties AND money?

>> No.5577200

>Women look for providership
That's different than sexual attraction.

>> No.5577203


You are seriously confused then lol

>> No.5577229

Nope, you are. Any type of quantitative data shows this.
> online dating isn't real life!

>> No.5577236
File: 1.92 MB, 500x250, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a baby leo with my gains

>> No.5577245

The man with wealth, power, aggression and "good looks" is the peak for women. Money=provider, power/aggression=protection, good looks=strong genes. They all play into female sexual attraction. Hence the good-looking vampire billionaires women cream to.

>> No.5577255

no but I love Murdoch Murdoch
I’m a different chick, I make right leaning parody songs, I’ve been on TRS

Definitely not self doxxing myself but I’ll tell you that I am a blonde, mommy body, white woman with a pretty face. >>5577052
Already took it out :)

>> No.5577299


What kind of "online dating" site effectively encapsulates life experience when you can't properly show off how wealthy or charismatic you are on your profile, and 80% of the accounts are fucking men

You thick turd

Actually study stats

>> No.5577356

Nice digits. Your attitude and principles make me imagine that you're hot. You should post a blurred face pic.

But what the fuck is a mommy body, lol

>> No.5577404

> charismatic
Too much PUA garbage for you.

They don't care.

>> No.5577427

After birth, woman goes through some changes.

>> No.5577454

after all that, a roastie. SAD!

>> No.5577509

the fuck? how did you get my picture?

>> No.5577529


I'm indian version of this guy I'm very handsome and big e-mail me: rahan_sexy@gmail.com

>> No.5577549

I also don't care if a woman is trying to make an effort to be nice, but if she's an annoying, screechy cunt, then I'm out.

>> No.5577560

Money gives me self-confidence and also confirms it.

>> No.5577570

top kek

>> No.5577580
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>> No.5577671

i bet your asshole look cute faggot.

>> No.5577715

Haha thanks but I definitely won’t be posting public pics, only a few people on discord know what I look like

no lol
Big boobies, wide hips, a little extra but not horribly fat >>5577454

>> No.5577839
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>> No.5577853

Is your mom a whore or something? Where did you learn this?

>> No.5578479

Being a nigger doesn't make you exciting, you subhuman.