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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55758235 No.55758235 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55758247

broke and sad

>> No.55758251

middle class and rad

>> No.55758257

chucked and plucked

>> No.55758259

Rich and sad, I'm not retarded i can make the sad go away in due time

>> No.55758267

I'm broke and sad so...

Also money doesn't equate happiness health does, if I had money I'd trade it for health, when you're sick money just buys you temporarily euphoria.

>> No.55758268

sneeded and feeded

>> No.55758272

If you're rich and sad. You're probably not actually rich.

>> No.55758275

You littetaliy can not be sad when you’re rich. Who ever said ‘money can’t buy happiness’ was a sad poor fag who never experienced the happiness financial freedom brings you.

>> No.55758276

broke and rich

>> No.55758283


>> No.55758289

Broke and happy is the only right answer. We think we want to be rich because that would bring us happiness. Being happy is the ultimate goal and the money is just the means we use. So it makes sense to choose broke and happy.

>> No.55758297

Correct answer is: I'd rather be rich and unhappy than poor and unhappy.

>> No.55758304

I'm happy when I don't have to work to survive and when I can go and do anything I desire without being limited by making 18k a year 50+ hours a week as an europoor.
If i were rich I'd know how to make my own happiness and how to keep it.

>> No.55758311

Who said I have to be unhappy and rich?

>> No.55758364

>If i were rich I'd know how to make my own happiness and how to keep it.
If you were rich you'd find out that money doesn't make you happy and you'll find yourself sad and empty and eventually committing suicide because nothing really matters anymore.

>> No.55758409

Tough decision. My roommate 7 yrs ago who literally dropped out of the course because he was too daft is slaying left and right on a roof cleaners salary.
Meanwhile I six fig hell khv.

>> No.55758419

Rich and sad and then I will buy hookers and cocaine and then I will be rich and happy

>> No.55758426

Buy hookers dumbass

>> No.55758427

Sucked and fucked

>> No.55758570

I just dont want to wage

>> No.55758592

Hookers are a slippery slope at six fig hell. If you get addicted to it say goodbye to that stack.

>> No.55758628

>having the choice to do what you want without time sink obligations = nothing matters anymore
are you just a fucking retard or something? i can't even begin to relate to someone who can't imagine having a meaningful existence without having to live under a financial whip like a wageslave

>> No.55758719

Rich and sad. Then I will move some of my fiat into index investment on AstraDao and Vanguard. The passive income is enough to make me happy with some sexy Latinos around me.

>> No.55758734

Who came up with this "muh rich people are sad hurrrrr" cope?

Rich people live the human experience to the absolute max, they live 1000X lifetimes that the average person gets to experience, their life is literally min-maxed to get every experience out of life that poorfags never get

>> No.55758738

broke and happy.
but wait, you can't be happy if you're broke dude

>> No.55758765

Either would be an improvement.

>> No.55759090

What this guy said>>55758628
Lots of you are subhuman npcs unable to enjoy life at its fullest, you're alone, isolated, spiteful, boring, sometimes dumb, weak willed, yet so many of you with these characteristics happen to have had enough luck, the right idea at the right time, the right connection, the right skill at the right moment, and suddenly you find yourselves showered with money you don't even know how to manage.
With a 6 figure salary work from home job you'd be able to retire or open an activity that you'd just let generate more money for you, or you could just invest it in boomer stocks, then cycle to government bonds.

With just a start of 6 figures I'd be able to reach the escape velocity from my europoor 18k a year wage slavery and funds my way to freedom, and with that freedom, I'd find happiness surrounded by the people I love, adventures every few months, the consoomer stuff i actually would use, while surrounding myself with a tidy, clean and perfect looking environment.

Most of you rich anons are spiritual niggers though, and no amount of money can help you.

>> No.55759786

You cant be broke and happy are you retarded

>> No.55759798
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I'd rather be happy and rich.
Thanks chud

>> No.55759810

>rich and sad
Lol what? Try to frown on a jet ski

>> No.55759877

broke and happy

You don't need as much as you think you do and you can still bang chicks if you have your shit together

>> No.55760206
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The chance of happiness has long sailed. Now it’s the choice of being poor or rich.

>> No.55760235

>You littetaliy can not be sad when you’re rich.

You become accustom to things.

>> No.55760238


>> No.55760257

Rich and sad. I've always been sad, but at least then I could pay may bills.

>> No.55760379

A lot of retards here can't realize being happy is better than being rich.
>t. rich

>> No.55760466
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I prefer crying in a ferrari

>> No.55760473

I really just need 3-6k

>> No.55760480

but he said and sad, meaning you will always be sad. nothing you can do with money will change that.

>> No.55760511

gay and trans please

>> No.55760553
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>> No.55760608

No such thing as broke and happy. Maybe ignorant and happy until shit happens. Your family needs financial help? Sorry I’m useless! Your girlfriend wants to go on a double date at Top Golf? Sorry tell your friend I’m too poor for that! Your car breaks down and the bill is so high you can’t afford to eat for two weeks until your next paycheck? Better start begging your friends and family for food!

>> No.55760609

>Being broke
>Having your shit together

Those are mutually exclusive you retard

>> No.55760621

Yeah except I stopped asking for help a long time ago.
I'm just hoping my end comes soon cause I hate being alive.

>> No.55760668

You sound broke and happy

>> No.55760711

In many ways I am because I'm not shackled to the burdens of greed.
There's things I enjoy doing that requires money and it shouldn't.

Like I'll spend my money on gas driving around at night because it's peaceful.

I'm also facing a lot of weird things in my path so you learn money isn't the end goal.
If I had an account that filled with about 5k a month that would be more than enough to live the rest of my life in joy.

Because I don't spend anything, I'm a burger by the way if I was a thirdie you could scale that and slide it down to whatever the equivalent might be.

>> No.55760738

i rather fuck a 10/10 and die the next day.

>> No.55760740

Let me also clarify I hate being alive for a few reasons
1. It requires me to lower my standards of human decency to stay alive
2. I'm in constant physical pain

I was talking with a fren, and I think If reincarnation is real I'd like to come back once more, there's certain things in life I didn't get to enjoy in this body and when you're dealing with a broken machine it makes the experience of living much more difficult.

>> No.55760780

Rich and sad please. I'm already broke and sad. I hope my investment in Nxra, VRA, QNT will come through.

>> No.55760799

Rich and sad. Just use money for therapy, ezpz.

>> No.55761633

With me being rich and sad, I will use it to book for first class flight using my CryptMI app and explore the world.

>> No.55761725

broke and happy

>> No.55761726

I've been a follower of God and Christ my entire life but I've struggled so much it's hard to maintain faith somedays, I know my struggles are for a reason to walk the same path as him but it becomes so tiring brothers, I know money isn't the source to happiness but I know it would make the difference between a constant struggle and being able to help others in also walking the path, but I also know if god wants me walk the harder path then his will I cannot change but I also know god helps those who ask and that doesn't just mean ask god but those who can help you, I love you brothers and I hope god walks with us all every day.
God Bless you all

>> No.55761731

Why am I sad? Can I get over it?

>> No.55761749
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Broke and happy because that would imply all my basic needs are being met, I’m comfortable, and definitely slaying some nice pussy. The only reason I’m trying to make it is just to neet at bare minimum so I can be happy.

>> No.55762301
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Rich and happy with Blackswan Bot. more info at blackswan dot biz

>> No.55762333
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Financial state: holding a bag of picrel
Mental state: zen mode, neither happy nor sad

>> No.55762335
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>> No.55762357

Broke and delirious
So just pump my BITCOIN and AI bags

>> No.55762367

Happiness is dangerous cause eventually pendulum swings the other way. I look life through Dark Souls lens but I never tell normies cause it sounds terrifying and schizo.

>> No.55762377
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This, especially my AI coin Blackswan bag.

>> No.55762385

>You littetaliy can not be sad when you’re rich. Who ever said ‘money can’t buy happiness’ was a sad poor fag who never experienced the happiness financial freedom brings you.
you must be poor + underage to actually believe that you can buy happiness, or that money will stop your sorrows in life

>> No.55762388

you're basically asking whether someone would rather be happy or sad and why would anyone choose to be sad?

>> No.55763466

Obvious choice. The 90s were the best time for this. Just moving with purpose through life with your friends and doing cool shit on the side.
Being poor is stressful. Rich, lonely.

>> No.55765440

this, all of you choosing rich and sad thinking you'd change it after making the choice that literally says sad are fucking mongoloids

>> No.55765450

God is dead.

>> No.55765462

Broke and happy.
Like that movie with the alt timeline between the rich childless wagie that lived in the city vs the sovlful family man that lived in the suburbs. Neither were broke really though.

>> No.55765464

Not really, you can have all your bills paid, food in fridge etc and end up broke. Fucking retarded nigger, kill yourself you piece of shit kike.

>> No.55765473

Calm down bud

>> No.55765494

Rich and whatever. Emotions are temporary and this is one of the main reasons women are so stupid.

>> No.55765503

I'd murder you and you're entire family if I could get away with it.

>> No.55765520

Rich because poor or rich they're both sad faggots.
Sad boy loko nigger.

>> No.55765530
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People like you use money to buy overpriced cars that lose value the second you drive it off the lot.
Money is wasted on people like you.

>> No.55765533

Awww poor wittle tranny having a meltdown wittle zoey baby awww I'm gonna find you haha you threaten my family and show your face.
Very dumb

>> No.55765539
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Illegal in the land of the free and home of the brave.

>> No.55765550

>you can still bang chicks
And risk a hashtag meetoo? Or have her faggot father shoot me or have her faggot ex stalk me? Nah, sex dolls.

>> No.55765551

Not a car but I feel good about buying my scooter brand new. I know I won't have to repair it for a long time. That was $2000 though.

>> No.55765562

>Still talking about trannies.

>> No.55765665

Not even a tranny you fucking kike nigger faggot.

>> No.55765670

Cause there's a tranny running this board into the ground he's having a meltdown in another thread why he threatened me in this one he couldn't in the other cause he's posting his face with his guns.

>> No.55765678

Scratch that, I am that tranny. Find me faggot, bet you can't.

>> No.55765685

I would rather live alone instead of with my mother holy shit I'm fuckin 28 years old

>> No.55765871

Go live outside then, ain't that fucking hard..

>> No.55766046
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Happiness does not exist, so I choose rich.

>> No.55766160

gay and horny

>> No.55766303

No such thing as happy so rich and sad, of course.

>> No.55766809

Currently I'm broke and sad. Being rich and sad would let me at least start to piece my shit together, and being broke and happy would be a fleeting sort of happiness.

>> No.55768288

Being happy costs money. The only way rich people could be sad is by misusing their money

>> No.55768320
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>broke and sad

>> No.55768903

I just want 1-5-7-10-15-20k
Something in there.