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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55758205 No.55758205 [Reply] [Original]

I need a good laugh. Given me your best.

>> No.55758224

Love from Kazakhstan, etc.

>> No.55758230

man this is the dumbest fakest gayest shit i ever saw. and it aint even writ good. fuck you for copy pasting a reddit screenshot you queen.

>> No.55758826

Every single one of these reddit nigger stories is fake

>> No.55760062

> no longer paying rent and just a little over budget

wow I've never heard that one before.

every homie like this ends up paying 500k in additional interest because they can't imagine spending 30k on rent for a few years.

>> No.55760089

So what if in a few years interest rates are double digits? Just be a rentoid the rest of your life waiting for the perfect time to pull the trigger? Dumb.

>> No.55760295

I guess I can't expect much in these threads lol.

what you should be doing is renting well within your budget and saving your money in investments that pay you. every year you earn interest, instead of paying it. see interest rates going up is a good thing for you.

later you can buy a house with a large percantage of cash, and have a small 15 year loan at a lower rate than everyone else, or if rates drop, go out to 30.

also note that price drops with interest rate increases, so you might be able to get a deal too.

> wah but I can't afford to save. my rent could at least be going to home equity

everyone buys more than they rent, like in this "story". so no you are actually losing more money to interest than you would be renting less and investing.

>> No.55760334

Soon, you won't be able to tell the people from the Ai. Most can't.

>> No.55760635

The perpetual rentoid mindset.

>> No.55760666

No one lives paycheck to paycheck quite like a middle class mortgagecel

>> No.55760669

>the perfect time to pull the trigger? Dumb.
that's right now, dumbass. shit's going DOWN

>> No.55760680

>10k down payment
>buys a 20k bag

I’d murder her

>> No.55760684

this, it's fucking retarded

wow, good argument. i better FOMO into a 500k+ crap shack at 7% interest

>> No.55760722

I hate you op FUCK OFF

>> No.55761171

Maybe most but I bought my house cash at the bottom of the market in 2015 for pennies.

>> No.55761180

Do what you want. In another few years you will be dumping 750k at 12%. Too many youngfags here that don't know about the interest rates of the 80s.

>> No.55761195

I want to believe its real

>> No.55761198

>dead Internet theory
this. before it was humans being retarded for dopamine upvote boosts but now they use ai for 10x less work to make 10x more money

>> No.55761262

>$10k down payment.
You left off a zero.
She paid $40k over asking and then she says
>lose hundreds of thousands in earnest money.
Her $10k is a typo.
You shouldn't feel too bad this chick is the sort who bullies her husband into buying a house they can't afford.
She's putting 5 figures on a store credit card and her post sounds like she didn't consult her hubby either.

>> No.55761284

lmao actually delusional
Houses are a shit investment atm

>> No.55761317

Kek, I'll one up you, I bought my house 2013 for pennies and I'm on a 1.99% loan. Interest on this loan is well below inflation for the win.

>> No.55761362

Houses are easily the best investment. It's about timing 10+ year cycles. Learning entry points is critical. The objective is once you are "in" the market, you upgrade every cycle. This is how 90% of Boomers have the nicest houses. They could never afford them, they just rode the markets for decades. Right now it sucks to not have a home and not be on the inside, because the next entry point might not be for another 10 years from now. By that time, all the home Chad's upgrade while the goyim scramble to finally get in.

>> No.55761379
File: 40 KB, 945x745, 1690938766862811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who has ever bought this

>> No.55761420
File: 8 KB, 400x400, 0xfe6ed1a0bde1d7181a0343998ae47f3993ff3a77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its too late now to get a house, aping retarded eth degens is your only chance now wagies

>> No.55761448

yeah, sure bud
let#s just ape one of the many scams in the space currently

>> No.55761545

Based degenoor
What's up with your picrel? Yet another AI play?

>> No.55762031

Please remain ignorant and poor.

>> No.55762086

2 more weeks

>> No.55762113

Only choice is for her to divorce. He no longer has money and more importantly her eggs are drying up...

>> No.55762227

what kinda of third world country are you living in where the seller can keep your down payment if the lender backs out

>> No.55762238

its a nonrefundable deposit to make sure you arent a window shopping bullshitter. its cost of lost opportunity

>> No.55762239

You had 3 years.

>> No.55762277

yes the concept is known in most modern countries however it only applies if you the buyer backs out for bullshit reasons
the lender which i assume the bank declining your application deep into the buy procedure is totally exempt from stealing your deposit as this is considered an action outside the buyers direct control
you would have to be retarded to enter in such concepts during times when lending standards are rising everywhere to the point banks just go yolo go fuck yourself