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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55757589 No.55757589 [Reply] [Original]

Got another Coinbase Institutional report, this time about the Curve mishap. They explain what happened and its impact, but nowhere in the report do they mention why DeFi survived the exploit, or what saved it all. I have not heard back from my original inquiry as to why Coinbase seems to go out of its way to avoid discussing Chainlink, but our research desk has found that all media, save for Coindesk and their peers, completely blacks out any Chainlink discussion. Bloomberg, CNBC, Coinbase, Consensys, etc.

Report screenshot attached

>> No.55757630


With whom did you make an inquiry?

>> No.55757651

How much Link to make it insider anon

>> No.55757661

Nothing to see here move along please

>> No.55757662

What I wouldn't give for a tell all expose on just wtf is happening behind the scenes.
I honestly think that maybe 70% of the apathy towards Chainlink is that tons of VCs and founders literally barely even understand Web3 and just write Chainlink off as another Tezos, some weird project with business connections that none of the "important" people actually give a shit about.
The other 30% is absolutely hostile seething from the grifters who hate to be held to account by a team that actually delivers provable fairness.

>> No.55757691

Every time you take a shit do you remember to thank the toilet paper? No, it's toilet paper, it scrapes up shit, no one cares.

>> No.55757694

If you're asking me to dox myself or my firm, not gonna happen

You honestly should only need 1k from the calculations we've created, but 1k in 2023 should be worth a lot more than it is. Part of the reason is this concerted effort by firms like Coinbase Institutional to not tell the whole story. The Curve fiasco could've been a lot worse, but Chainlink saved them based on VWAP, from multiple sources, and yet this report just goes into how the price miraculously stayed above a liq, etc.

>> No.55757710

Bankless has recently made it clear
Its because they hate us anon
And Im not even joking
They literally hate "us" as in the Chainlink community

>> No.55757726

Bloomberg recently featured Sergey on air for a number of minutes on the day they released ccip. No article. Uniswap creates a new front end and Bloomberg falls over himself to write about it

>> No.55757761

Any sense as to why Bloomberg would blackout Chainlink discussion but NASDAQ regularly hosts big Serg?
I feel like they were doing the Hiding Strategy thing for a while and then shit hit the fan and now CLL is scrambling for coverage but all of the VC controlled crypto media is financially incentivized to ignore Chainlink and shill alternatives.

>> No.55757767

Not sure why, us guys in suits also like to hear about Chainlink, at this point it's a joke that a crypto segment on television will discuss the price of Cardano and Binance but Chainlink never comes up once

>> No.55757774
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it's all so tiring

>> No.55757782

But what have you learnt about toiler paper during covid mania?
It's important, everyone knows it and people will do anything to keep it from disapearing from their homes.

>> No.55757787

I've got to be honest my friend, the Nasdaq puff pieces aren't watched by anyone here on the Street. We honestly don't know why they even run those, besides an entity paying for marketing. If you notice, they're usually 3-5 minutes long and lack any sort of substance. The girl hosting it also appears baked out of her mind. Completely different from Sergey sitting with a Deidre Bosa on CNBC for 10 minutes on primetime television.

>> No.55757793
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That it's delicious.

>> No.55757818

This has nothing to do with Chainlink, hence it was not mentioned. Do you need a daily report on how Chainlink continues to function as intended?

>> No.55757852

if any big swinging dick shills are reading this it'd be nice if someone with a little clout wrote at length about this. chainlink's technology is a compelling story, and there's plenty to cover, but all of the intrigue and fuckery playing out in the background is jucier. stuff like that can draw a lot of attention from both sides. there are a surprising number of people out there with vendettas against chainlink and it's undeniable at this point. if chainlink isn't surpressed in the news many would want it to be.

>> No.55757868

Coinbase is invested in LayerZero....

>> No.55757871

>Bankless has recently made it clear

Banklsss is also a marketing platform masquerading as a journalism platform.

>> No.55757888

Its these dime in a dozen threads that help my sanity.

>> No.55757906

if someone actually compiled all the evidence of link suppression, both price and news, and organized it into an easily digestible article it could cause a gamestop-esque movement. but nobody is going to do all that.

>> No.55757915

isn't this that unneeded cryptocurrency where the big fat guy betrayed and continues to betray everyone by selling 1,000,000 a day every day

>> No.55757923

Yes, but I think it's still appropriate to use them as a proxy for other organizations.

They all literally hate us. I'm not really sure why. Maybe it's because we are cocky and talk a bunch of crap? Maybe it's because of the frogs?

I just don't understand why they don't hop on board even if they hate us. Chainlink is the greatest investment opportunity I have ever seen, and it's not even a secret anymore.

>> No.55757941

That would take an autistic amount of effort and hours to understand. The normies attention span is 5 minutes AT MOST.

>> No.55757942

Yes but biz would have to stop fudding on reddit

>> No.55757946

>but nobody is going to do all that.
idk a lot of these people post about it all day, they could find the time if they wanted to. the information is definitely very scattered though. you'd have to do a lot of work compiling everything.
down the hall and to the left

>> No.55757958


I remember thinking during the "bend the knee" phase of twitter shilling, that it could potentially end up biting the marines in the ass. Too cocky too quick. It won't affect the end result but the marines found ways to rub retail & influencers the wrong way.

>> No.55757999

>>I just don't understand why they don't hop on board even if they hate us. Chainlink is the greatest investment opportunity I have ever seen, and it's not even a secret anymore.
I'm positive they own Link tokens. Maybe a small bag like 1K link, but I refuse to believe they don't own any.

>> No.55758018


>> No.55758032
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in vitalik's interview with lex friedman he mentions that the "chainlink's frog army on twitter can get intense at times". in an ama with charles hoskinson when asked why cardano will use wolfram alpha oracles instead of chainlink he said "because they don't have an army that attacks you on twitter". i think the main reason chainlink midwits are so annoying is because you know they picked the right project but you know they don't deserve it.

>> No.55758055
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checked and confirmed. nufudders are in fact self-harming baggies.

>> No.55758074
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Probably yes

I don't think they do. They'd be covering Link news if they did

I think that's only part of it though. I'm really starting to think that this is akin to Trump derangement syndrome.

Some people are so blinded by their own biases that they cannot see clearly. Which, is a detrimental quality to have in the investing game. If I think of Sergey as Trump, and us as his supporters, things start to make more sense.

>> No.55758099

I watched an interview with Raul Paul and the dude form Panera Capital a few years back.
The Pantera guy was giving Raul a rundown of the crypto space, going through all of the different nieches and the main projects in each.
Thing is, he never, even once, mentioned Chainlink. The omission was so glaring and bizarre that was genuinely taken aback. This has been going on for quite some time now.

>> No.55758113

it'll be a moot point. Forgotten along with so much else in the "early days" of crypto, when the banks start using CCIP and people want access to that liquidity.

>> No.55758121

>I'm really starting to think that this is akin to Trump derangement syndrome.
very true. maybe trump derangement syndrome and nolinker syndrome are both byproducts of normie memespace being assaulted by 4chan autist culture. the "bend the knee" thing is funny and light hearted to us but normoids apparently can't handle our smoke.

>> No.55758127

Why do banks like blockchain

>> No.55758131

Yeah and when is that going to be? Ccip has really disappointed from a partnership level and a media coverage level

>> No.55758156
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What banks like are different from "bankers"

In the enterprise and fintech space, shilling blockchain as a trust minimizer, audit transparency enhancer, and faster settlement layer is a no-brainer post-2008.

For the "bankers" blockchain represents a new system by which to march forward with the tightening of financial controls on the population. Moving away from untraceable cash and towards digital identities, social credit scores, unavoidable automated taxation, and immediate financial censorship is also a no-brainer, but for entirely different motivations.

>> No.55758174


Something small I recently noticed. Upon launch of CCIP, Chainlink used the phrase "CCIP summer", marines have made it a hashtag (Chainlink official did not use a hashtag just the phrase).

With the recent roll out of Coinbase's BASE, they used the phrase "Onchain summer", now being spammed everywhere.

Wonder if they it was deliberately trying to push out attention to CCIP or merely coincidental.

>> No.55758238

I’d say coincidence.
X summer has become a meme.
Defi summer
Whiteboy summer
Would love to be proven wrong though

>> No.55758240


Just check who are the biggest VC investors in BASE, or what Coinbase have invested in as VC themselves and it’ll answer it.
If they have invested in these gay vc layer 0 and interoperability scams there is your answer. Chainlink is just their hedge and theu dont want to bring it up because they are invested in things thay chainlink would make useless so they are desperate not to start a narrative around LINK

>> No.55758302

Nice trips.

>> No.55758339

>Part of the reason is this concerted effort by firms like Coinbase Institutional to not tell the whole story
Why why why why why? I don’t get.

>> No.55758371
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they hate us anon
and i mean specifically us
the ones known as...


>> No.55758381

Fucking kek this is the stupidest thing I've ever read on this trash fire of a board, and that's saying something.

Take your meds chang lmfao

>> No.55758388

>Why why why why why? I don’t get.


follow the VCs my son.

>> No.55758393

>i think the main reason chainlink midwits are so annoying is because you know they picked the right project but you know they don't deserve it.

>> No.55758420


>> No.55758511

i read the whole thread and now i'm literally on the floor spinning in circles from projectile diarrhea because i'm roflmaoing so hard and it's epic

>> No.55758539
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I've noticed more small-to-mid VCs mention chainlink lately (some still seething, others finally endorsing it and being vocal about the whole phenomenon) and it really seems like there's a "silent" war going on behind the scenes


they're only just now starting to figure out what anonfrogs figured out 6 years ago, reminder that the average VC is just some midwit normie with a trustfund and a MBA, they only give a shit about networking and marketing

>> No.55758556

top kek

>> No.55758585
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fucking based

>> No.55758622

The usefulness of Chainlink's oracles is already priced in. Are you expecting people to suck LINK off for doing what it's been doing for years?

>> No.55758656
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because chainlink and the tech is the end to jews, same way churches lost their power, now banks lose their power along with them controlling all of our data and controlling the truth for the masses
it will be even more violent than with the churches

>> No.55758698

lol at these guys

>> No.55758702

how about people realize that random shizzos on the internet are not worth talking to
i mean for everything
feminism, vegans, trannies
it’s like people forget that if you aren’t on the internet you wouldn’t interact with the crazy ramblings of a crack addict
but on twitter they would happily have a conversation with them and then wonder why they are annoying

>> No.55758737

VCs need to be exterminated. we're expected to live in the expanded cinematic multiverse of their choosing while they larp as Very Intelligent infloooencers paid in management fees and we're just supposed to take it.

>> No.55758786

has anybody considered that it’s sergey himself dumping btc to suppress link rallies? i’m almost certain he fucking hates the marines. compared to early bitcoin enthusiasts i’m sure in sergey’s mind the link marines don’t deserve to make it.

>> No.55758807

yeah interesting how he introduced it as a "hated token"
by who exactly? and why?
he isn't talking about salty 10k link bagholders who didn't take any profit in the last bull run

>> No.55758842

Itt: delusion
>its not me its everyone else
your bags simply arent as important as you believe them to be, you are heavily biased towards ur shitcoin because you are emotionally invested in the fantasy dream shills sold you.
That is why you guys are constantly wrong non stop

>> No.55758873
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>Upon launch of CCIP, Chainlink used the phrase "CCIP summer", marines have made it a hashtag (Chainlink official did not use a hashtag just the phrase).With the recent roll out of Coinbase's BASE, they used the phrase "Onchain summer", now being spammed everywhere.

Chainlink started the "Chainlink Advocate Program" next thing you know everyone started a "X Advocate Program"
Chainlink used "Power by Chainlink" next thing you know everyone used "Powered by X"

Yes Chainlink is the standard.

>> No.55758889
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The absolute state of baggies lol

>> No.55758911

Pretty dang obvs it's being hidden but it's no biggy. You just need to not sell and keep buying while all these screechers who are 'not interested' in it do everything in their power to persuade you otherwise. I don't know what's difficult about that. No smoke without fire and Chainlink is the God protocol. There's no doubt anymore. Hasn't been for a few years.
The more they screech, the more we stack. Simples.

>> No.55758952

>Now, Like right now!
Its funny how as he says that fednow releases and XRP fags are convinced its their coin based on their reading of tea leaves

>> No.55758982

I don’t care about the memes anymore. I want the shit to moon so I can leave the normalfags behind for good. I hope the rest of the crypto “space” eats shit and dies since they obviously don’t have the ability to make sound rational judgments.

>> No.55759011
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>> No.55759302

That's so fucking stupid.
He's running a thousand employee business. He wouldn't shoot himself in the foot to spite some faggots online, and the low price of LINK is definitely an attack on CL labs by those threatened (whales whose wealth depend on ETH remaining the gas of crypto)

>> No.55759412
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It's over bros, LINK is not new tech, a hidden gem, or a coming 10-100x. LINK is mainstream and is in Twitter roasties bios. It’s a corporate entity now, so Sergey has to dump another 750k LINK to hire talent managers and diversity officers. LINK hasn’t been the biz token for over 2 years now. Just sell anons... i-i-iit’s over. It was a good ride marines.

>> No.55759416


>> No.55759733

Network usage to increase
>read white papers

>> No.55759793

When was this on Bankless?

>> No.55759882

Exactly, if link wins they get a 10-100x that plays out over years. If their scams win (not long term but in the short term) they get an easy 10x, plus they can flip that into the next scam, and the next scam, and the next scam....

If you're an insider it makes far more sense to continue to suppress link and rape retail. You'll win either way, but you win by far bigger multiples when link is suppressed.

>> No.55759897

One of the reasons for these omissions is that everyone is building a proprietary/chain specific bridge, l2, or whatever. CCIP leaves all of that crap dead in the water.

>> No.55760086

Because Chainlink isn't a currency, and dumb non-currency hodlers provide nothing but negative price action opportunities from big players.
If 5% of /biz/ LINKers were actually involved in the project beyond shitposting here or on other socials, it would be the biggest project by far.
So the options are
>wait out the dead weight
>pump to get the dead weight sold out
and option 1 is far smarter.

>> No.55760117

>I have not heard back from my original inquiry as to why Coinbase seems to go out of its way to avoid discussing Chainlink, but our research desk has found that all media, save for Coindesk and their peers, completely blacks out any Chainlink discussion. Bloomberg, CNBC, Coinbase, Consensys, etc.
Idk, maybe Sergey has asked them not to shill Link because he doesn't want to deal with the retards at the SEC?

>> No.55760169

>they don't deserve it
So who does deserve it?

>> No.55760185

because it will make them save tons of money (fire a lot of now redundant workers)

>> No.55760196

Ok can they hurry up and pump link then Sergey said it was being used RIGHT ABOUT NOW at ETHCC

>> No.55760282

Not just the knowledge and money distribution but also the power projection/distribution (Ari Juels contracts if ykyk)

>> No.55760311

how old are you? so gay baka

>> No.55760368

Ok how long are they going to wait?

>> No.55760414
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there are no coincidences
remember, link is a hated token
and they hate it because of us

and who are we?


>> No.55760427

ask yourself how long it'll take for you to snap and finally sell. it'll probably be around that length of time.

>> No.55760450

>racists link marines have become a hated minority themselves

>> No.55761268

DECO will release soon as well. Chainlink really is going to be the lynchpin of blockchain and our new financing system.

>> No.55761352

>DECO will release soon as well

>> No.55761357

Any project like Chainlink working towards institutional involvement will be big dogs also. I see SpoolFi, Polygon, and of course, the OG Bitcoin is there.

>> No.55761410

It's a Chainlink product, though was originally developed at Cornell University and acquired later by Chainlink.

>> No.55761571

The people behind the markets and their media will never, ever give any outsiders a heads up on a once in a lifetime opportunity.
You got that heads up on here so keep holding until they decide to flip the switch and all will be well.

>> No.55761595

Kill yourself currynigger
So no source on it being released "soon"?

>> No.55761654

chainlink is an unregistered security

>> No.55761696

>Bloomberg, CNBC, Coinbase, Consensys, etc.
this is false. sergey goes on their twitter feed

>> No.55761752

>But what have you learnt about toiler paper during covid mania
That a bunch of retards overhyped it and tried scalping toilet paper, for it to turn out to be a big nothing burger

>> No.55761916

ari juels is embarrassed

>> No.55762339

wow, go tell it to /pol/

>> No.55762681

I'm going to hold till the day I die.
It's not about the money any more. I fucking despise these cunts and I'll happily miss every opportunity just to spite them.

>> No.55762781

what does this "soon" mean?