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55752104 No.55752104 [Reply] [Original]

And so it begins..

>> No.55752122

Wow, is that fucking QiDao using Chainlink? NOW the price is gonna pump!

>> No.55752130
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>> No.55752134
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>> No.55752137

Lol checked fpbp

>> No.55752140

You both hold link, thats why youre here

>> No.55752143

Nobody cares baggie

>> No.55752154

>doomp et

>> No.55752155

The team doesn’t owe you anything!

>> No.55752193

This is why we hold. The upside is unreal and it's going to happen.
But you knew that.

>> No.55752236


>> No.55752250

I hate QiDao now, fuck them

>> No.55752270

Extremely bearish for whatever qidao is

>> No.55752291


>> No.55752300

kek kys you dumb bagholder

>> No.55752303
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>> No.55752319
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Wow, first AVAX and now QiPingPongChingChong? LINKies must be feeling good right now.

>> No.55752324

>buzzword buzzword @buzzword is integrating buzzword #buzzword to unlock buzz-word buzzword
>explore how buzzword will help enhance buzzword's buzzword processes across @buzzwords

the reason why crypto will never have wide spread adoption is because you guys do everything in your power to make it look as complicated as possible to keep the scam running
normies will never use anything other than bitcoin

>> No.55752384

based retard

>> No.55752441


>> No.55754640

Kill yourself

>> No.55754646


>> No.55754679
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More like Qi Inc.

>> No.55755056
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>Link + Chinese market
>Kava + Tether for USDT rewards in all of Cosmos
I think I'm winning, fellas. I don't know why or how but I think it's happening...

>> No.55755092

My favorite kind of thread :^)

>> No.55755103

Psssst hey baggie come here, I have a question that needs answering...
How does this make you feel?

>July 7, 2020
>LINK: $6.47
>BTC: $9,108
>ETH: $246
>BNB: $16.77
>ADA: $0.12
>SOL: $0.75
>DOGE: $0.003
>LTC: $43
>MATIC: $0.02
>TRX: $0.01
>XRP: $0.19

>July 7, 2023
>LINK: $6.16
>BTC: $30,342
>ETH: $1,868
>BNB: $236
>ADA: $0.28
>SOL: $21.90
>DOGE: $0.06
>LTC: $98
>MATIC: $0.68
>TRX: $0.079
>XRP: $0.47

>> No.55755106

>holds both link and kava
>he thinks he's winning

>> No.55755107

Wonder why the I AM A SURGEON poster won't try to mock this copypasta of yours. Curious innit?

>> No.55755112

Thanks for participating bro

xD! Here's your upvote sir, you've won le internet for today!

>> No.55755119

Is kava the last hope for Cosmos to actually make a comeback?

>> No.55755124
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>holds more US Treasuries than UAE and Australia
Man they are really poking the bear by stating shitt like that publicly lol can't wait for Tether to fucking implode on its overdue crackdown. God willing...

>> No.55755126

Token not sneeded.

>> No.55755138

well kava at least even at its price atm is still a solid x8 from its release in 2019. very similar to link price action wise.

>> No.55755139

You bobos keep saying this but they just tank all bear markets up until now. This is probably the worst one we've had yet with all the SEC and regulators trying to fuck with crypto and yet they're still doing fine. Expanding even further each day.

>> No.55755143

this pasta has not been refuted to this day

>> No.55755520

i refuted it yesterday

>> No.55755537

Chainlink announced a partnership? Holy shit no way.

>> No.55755639
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Did you hear? Chainlink partnered with Bifflehub and Flaffelnet. Two of the biggest names in the game.

>> No.55755667
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This isnt news cuckold. But pic related is. Kek baggies
Say it with me shiesters!


>> No.55755673

Oh yea the upside! I waited 7 years, surely another 7 years to wait for the upside!

>> No.55755694
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Youre in luck marine! We are still SOOOO fucking early!! You crazy kids have no idea how early you are!
In just 40 years you will be able to retire gracefully in the post agenda 2030 new world!

>> No.55755705

QiDaosisters…we made it. LINKqueens…we’re eating good from now on

>> No.55755817
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>Cat Step by Daisuke Tanabe
a based listener I see?

>> No.55756088

crackdown on tether thus forcing tether to dump all its treasuries on the open market
please use all your braincells and come to a conclusion that is favorable to the regulators here
once you cross a certain tbill threshold you become gsi(b)

this whole thread filled with seething fuddies and no a single one to comment on the importance of a stable coin having direct access to ccip liquidity pools, the next 2 years are gonna be wild

>> No.55756099

interesting that the first announcements (this and aave) are governance stuff
makes sense as is lower risk, just messaging
but be far more interesting when snx expands from susd and we get more asset announcements

>> No.55756159

Then why did they fundraise billions from retail? Are you retarded

>> No.55756160

Most of LINK’s positive price action happened during 2018, 2019, and first half of 2020. After it went up to $50 and back, which sucks, but I noticed all the compatible here are to L1 gas coins. The market trades LINK like a DeFi coin, for which is has performed about on par with. It should trade more like a L1 gas coin then DeFi, but market does what it does.

>> No.55756171

Not selling, kek fuddies

>> No.55757647

This is actually correct in this context. Look at the impressions Chainlink gets on their social media, Youtube videos, tweets, no one cares. Until they say

>Apple has integrated CCIP into their Apple Wallet Crypto functionality


>Bloomberg will supply data to Chainlink price feeds for 10k assets

No one will give a fuck. QiDao? What the fuck is that? Aave governance, wow everyone truly cares. This is not where I thought this project would be at this point. Literal who's don't move price

>> No.55757713

All those years of fudding their own bags really paid off!

>> No.55757736

Youre a massive cuckold

>> No.55757741

why does chainlink always do this shit? literal who's posting literal what. Ever since the "google + chainlink" blog post by some faggot software dev it's been non-stop bullshit like this.

>> No.55758123
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>tfw you remember most of these ids are just a couple fud spammers switching ids constantly to samefag
yeah sorry kekfuddie(s)
i know youre upset after gambling your stacks away on bancor but...
just not selling

>> No.55759235


>> No.55759263


>> No.55759289
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> cross chain governance
The team desperately needs to stop allowing scam shit to use them for a free twitter ad.

>> No.55759414

fuck, I selled my LINK to buy XRP... has anyone some bullets left for me.