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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55753652 No.55753652 [Reply] [Original]

At which point did waging shift from being a respectable starting off point for literally everyone to a humiliation ritual performed by poorfags, crackheads, and people who failed at life?

Back in the day dudes working at gas stations were respected to some degree. Even the upper class nepobabies was expected to spend a couple years in the mailroom. But today's ghetto zoomers consider anything less than CEO or Youtuber to be a complete cuck faggot. You will literally get shit on for being an accountant or an electrician now.

What the fuck happened?

>> No.55753734

Social media. Nothing crazy if you think about it

>> No.55753959


It still is a starting off point. Regardless of what society says, experience unlocks better jobs and more responsibility. "Back in the day" the burger flipper was mocked for not finishing school, so not too much has changed there.

Socially speaking, it's what >>55753734 said. Social media makes people more aware of the differences in living standards, and the algorithm serves up plenty of Tate style grifter content.

>> No.55754046

>"Back in the day" the burger flipper was mocked for not finishing school, so not too much has changed there.
The problem with flipping burgers (or equivalent occupation) is that once you start it becomes nearly impossible to do anything else.. To take the reins back into your own hands... It's just autopilot wagie humiliation ritual from there on out. Then people have the gall to mock them for buying a lotto ticket every now and then.

>> No.55754053

This. It's pretty much an arms race of bullshit brought on by just how awful most people have it thanks to decades of civilization level mismanagement. Everyone is bullshitting each other and the more people bullshit each other the more they feel the need to escalate their bullshit. Person A photoshopped themself in a sports car. Person B didn't notice, but got insecure, so Person B rented a sports car and said they owned it. This made Person C insecure so they went to go tour a penthouse, took pictures, and then said they owned it. This made Person A, B, and D all more insecure. And so on and so on.

>> No.55754103

>This made Person A, B, and D all more insecure.
Consumerism run riot. Everyone evaluates themselves, not even based upon what they have, but what they don't have.

>> No.55754120

If you get a burger flipping job in highschool now you are considered a loser. Maybe not as bad as a 20-something, but still a failure at life for not having generational wealth.

>> No.55754129

Your perception of the world is being distorted by browsing /biz/ too much.

>> No.55754134
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>humiliation ritual

>> No.55754140
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They look down on electricians now? I find that shocking.

>> No.55754182
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pre-social media (and reality tv), life was what was in front of you and what you experienced. Your parents worked, your friends parents worked, your friends dicked around and played videogames or socialised in public spaces.

People consoomed, but it was all based on advertising in tv, films and printed media. Trends were orchestrated, you went to shopping centres and you bought whatever new music, new tech or new clothes were in vogue and available. But this was all run by professionals and big companies that created products that all segments of society lapped up (hence nostalgia)

Then advertising shifted online and things became "democratised", slowly small brands and individuals had more power, sometimes more than old and tired companies. With e-celebs coming up, influencers became a things and suddenly the link between seller and buyer became much closer and we essentially got people shilling to each other, trying to "build an audience" or build a "personal brand".

That's where the new competition is, if you can convince a couple of thousand people that you are an authority on anything (makeup, fashion, technology, cooking, etc.) then you have an audience of potential buyers.

Instead of doing the job on behalf of a company (being a wagie) the more logical thing is do it for yourself. If you are selling your time for a company, it's seen as a stopgap to just trying to do it for yourself. This is the mentality of everyone. Everyone is going for moonshots, via OF, TikTok, Youtube, IG, Crypto, Twitter, Podcasts, etc. The game is "market to your audience". Apps and algorithms are happy to assist. And you're seen as a moron if you are not doing it (hence the wagie hate)

All this of course has come to the massive detriment of personal relationships because everyone is terminally online but also acting in a self-serving way, the goal is obviously to make money off the audience ultimately.

>> No.55754205

no one looks down on electricians or accountants except buck broken even lower skilled tradies who seethe

>> No.55754220

kek this one got solid chuckle out of me
I personally look down on everyone who doesn't trade shitcoins and collect neetbux

>be me
>get up at noon, well rested
>look at X chart
>feel smug sense of satisfaction
>close chart for the day
>send email to the neetbux office telling them I applied to 5 jobs today (I didn't)
>go to the pool

Many such days for me

>> No.55754262 [DELETED] 

Yep and amplified by social media. It's actually not anything new, it's the "keeping up with the Joneses" except now rather than looking to your left, right, and across the street, everyone is looking at everyone on social media including the people bullshitting everyone because looking rich on social media is legitimately their personal project. The really nasty thing about it is that you don't even have to be personally affected by it because if it manages to affect the people around you, then you still end up affected indirectly. It drags you in unless you can build some sort of enclave, bordering on a cult, of people who make a conscious effort to resist the pull.

>> No.55754287

Based and wagmi pilled fellow shitcoiner

>> No.55754299
File: 140 KB, 686x966, 0xabec00542d141bddf58649bfe860c6449807237c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You X pilled as well anon?

>> No.55754321

Yes fellow non ethnic minority, i have removed the RP

>> No.55754372

mid 2000s - the Obama Age Collapse
this is when it became trendy and fashionable and cool to be woke, to "hate America", to complain about typical/ly American things, to be sardonic toward and pessimistic about America and its future, etc.

do you really not remember it? it wasn't that long ago
it's also when upward social-economic mobility finally came to a halt and was completely replaced with total debt slavery

has nothing to do with zoomers and their gigavaxxed swiss-cheese brains