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55753232 No.55753232 [Reply] [Original]

Is DeFi really decentralized? How safe is it really?

>> No.55753442

>Is DeFi really decentralized?
only on Avalanche, on other chains its centralized and you get scammer by MEV niggers.
>how safe
Chainlink oracles have never fucked up since mainnet launch and the Chainlink team is a bunch of Gigabrains.

>> No.55753482

He put adversarially before 'assume' therefore it's the logically correct way to think.

>> No.55753494

decentralized is only 1 piece of why the tech is important. its also unstoppable and permissionless

>> No.55753545
File: 25 KB, 578x339, Screenshot 2023-08-04 113942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants KYC enforced
Fuck this guy

>> No.55754617

This gentlesir appears to be of the disposition that DEFI = LINK. When in fact LINK is a subset of DEFI.
The opinions of bald, bespectacled, neckbearded twitter denizens are not to be taken seriously.

>> No.55754728

kek this faggot already got btfo with the CRV hack

>> No.55754798
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>for sergeys final betrayal, he will kill defi

>> No.55754868

Everest can prove 9 unique people hold 9 unique keys.

>> No.55754884

No, they actually can't lol, dyor.

>> No.55754888
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we must adversarially assume
this is literally the fuddie manifesto

>> No.55754974

Checked. This fat ugly retard is obsessed with the link multisig

>> No.55755324

What the fucking fuck

>> No.55755368
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Yes it can, you dumb or deceitful fuck. Dyor.

>> No.55755417
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Reminder that Chris is a fat slob

>> No.55755425

No, it really can't DYOR.

>> No.55755501

this guy was already btfo by linkpool. the multisig is for deploying updates.

>> No.55755507

Chris I know you lurk these threads. Tongue my anus you bald nigger kek

I will personally fund an assassination smart contract to find you and bring me your scalp.

>> No.55755538

believe whatever you want retard

>> No.55755745

What a feg

>> No.55755757

Its a fair criticism. Its literally a major security flaw.

>> No.55756232
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>Let me get this straight, you think that this plaid shirt-wearing autist with a token that's not even needed and below top 20 by mcap, is secretly the most powerful man in the entire crypto industry and single-handedly controls the whole defi economy, and your plan is to... attack this person?

>> No.55756245
File: 56 KB, 578x715, 11225317_835689953166073_4158539342589771398_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AFAIK Sora (XOR) is the only DeFi project that's safe, having constant updates, QoL, lowest fees, mobile apps and also a debit card, and yes, of course, it's decentralized

>> No.55756298

chris are you farming us again for screencaps to put on your twatter

>> No.55756307
File: 176 KB, 1000x477, 9F8D9119-759D-4C6A-B454-80B68CE6E10D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we must adversarially assume

>> No.55756318

Lose some weight and get a real job Chris you fat faggot retard

>> No.55756319

Please understand, times are tough right now, no one is ordering Uber food and leaving tips anymore

>> No.55756792

Looks like bagholding for years like a sucker has made you a paranoid angry schizo

>> No.55756964

You’re parsing what he’s saying wrong dude

>> No.55756970

>op ask a question
>first post just shills link and avax

>> No.55757164

>i can't reasonably assume different people are different, therefore they're the same
this guy has lost it

>> No.55757337

>me getting saved by a lifeguard

>> No.55757569
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>What is Cosmos, what is Kava
>What is Avalanche
>What is Polkadot

>> No.55758978

Yes, DeFi is really decentralized, by definition. If it's not decentralized then it isn't DeFi.
But yes, given that, plenty of apps claim be DeFi when they aren't. But true DeFi does also exists.

>> No.55758997


>> No.55760179

With all this privacy swag hitting up DeFi, I'm thinking it's gonna take that ride to even more decentralization