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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55748421 No.55748421 [Reply] [Original]

>hear about Bitcoin after it crashed
>immediately disregard it as a scam
>hear about Bitcoin again when it hits $1000 again
>get more interested in it and start watching it
>Bitcoin does a 20X from when I started watching it
>I didnt put anything in and it crashes
>disregard it again
>hear about Bitcoin for the 3rd time
>actually put money into Bitcoin
>put my life savings in at $35k, believe its going to goto $100k+
>Didnt take profit at $64k or $69k
>hodl all the way down to 15k
>discover leverage trading
>lose all my Bitcoin trading with leverage
>use what i have left in Crypto to buy Ethereum
>decide to play the shitcoin casino
>lose all of my Ethereum

I have officially got nothing left in in the Bank, and nothing left in Cryptocurrency now, I tried, I failed.

I am 35 years old. It will take me 5 years to save up what I have lost. I guess I'll have to look out for another investment opportunity, but man, I really dropped the ball on Crypto, I should have known I was already too late to the party.

>> No.55748423


>> No.55748431

I have also been lifting weights for 11 years and I have never had a 6 pack. I am pretty much a failure in every way imaginable, I do everything wrong.

I wish I had the courage to KMS.

>> No.55748477

I did a similar thing as what you did anon. I heard about Bitcoin in 2014 from my friends buying drugs and fake IDs online. Read a bit about it but thought it would never make it big. More or less forgot about about it until 2017. After it topped out and dropped all my friends dismissed it as a one time bubble but I was starting to believe. Bought some but not nearly as much as I should have in 2018/2019 and sold for some profit while it was running up in 2020. Thought 19k would be huge resistance but it blew past it and I was left in the dust. FOMO’d in massively between 30-40k, was up over 10 grand in profit when it was 69k but I held. Still holding and down but when it hits 40k I’ll be above water again. I’m sorry you lost everything. At least you played the game and gave yourself a chance you can always build back.

>> No.55748500

Nobody owes you a dime, mods this is a begging thread created by the same guy now who's posted about 10 addresses tonight alone.

>> No.55748509

Yeah just sucks all the life force I put into earning that money is now gone, should have just kept the BTC I had and forgot about it.

Not asking for anything.

>> No.55748520

>didn't put in some paltry amount of money you wouldn't miss when there was a chance for fuckhuge returns
>starts risking huge amounts of money when the possiblity of profitability is much smaller

The people who made off with decent money on this shit were all fuckers who put in money that meant nothing to them. When you put all you have on the line then you overthink and make dumbfuck decisions. Welcome to human nature.

>> No.55748530

>>hear about Bitcoin after it crashed
it didn't crash in 2013 idiot.

nice larp. you lose.

>> No.55748533

It hit $1350 or $1400 in November 2013 then crashed 90%

>> No.55748540
File: 193 KB, 608x342, 1691041048463472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the hemmoroid beggar, unironically it's the same faggot who spams the board all day and was the no-tipping poster now he's out of money and tries to beg and rugpull /biz/ to fucking pay for his food.
his irl pic.

>> No.55748541

I know a guy who had 20k stolen from his house and never got anything back. It’s gut wrenching and awful to lose money you spent years of your life earning. I’ve fumbled a lot of money over the years from stupid decisions and getting fleeced by roommates landlords and companies. Happened in small amounts but when you add it all up it amounts to about 8k. Keeps me up at night thinking about it but I try to use it as motivation to hustle harder and never give up until I’m rich.

>> No.55748545

Yeah 8k isnt too bad, I lost bout 160k in crypto

>> No.55748553

What motivates you to make this post

>> No.55748555

160k yeah that’s truly fucked

>> No.55748557

No you didn't you unironically probably have 10-20k left but you still beg this board nonstop god damn there's literally 10 people posting and 4 of them are from KCMO fuck off.

>> No.55748562


>> No.55748567

Schizo post in a different thread please

>> No.55748570

Na I don't think i will beggar you've been banned about 10x in two hours this is your only attempt you put time into but it's still just awful like your soul.
Now post your wallet and beg us to give you food money for your bloody hemorrhoids.

>> No.55748577

Immediately increase your earnings potential. You've come to the same realization of many others. Investing is not for you. Many of us absolutely need to let others handle financial matters. That is the vast majority of people.

>> No.55748586

Should have just listened to the HODLers and kept HODLing.

But I got meme'd by /biz/ into thinking HODLing was for soiboys

>> No.55748597

Thanks for the exit liquidity, champ.

>> No.55748606

How can you be so sure? I don't know the meta of this anon well enough, apparently

>> No.55748630

Don't worry I've got special powers of autism that allow me to reduce when 5 people are in a room and one keeps leaving to goto the bathroom and it smells like shit, it was probably that guy.

>> No.55748648

I can recognize his writing style as well, this faggot has been a curse on the board for years. Begging, scamming, fudding, spamming anyone he dislikes with reports from multiple VPNs till they get autobanned.

>> No.55748670

exactly this

>> No.55748684

Yeah…. I fucked up

>> No.55748687

Nobody is giving you money faggot fuck off.

>> No.55748696

No amount of money would make up for what I lost, not sure why you keep sperging on about that

>> No.55748883

As long as there is volatility, opportunities will present themselves. Crypto is the most volatile asset. You are just indiscipline, insecure, and also greedy. Work on yourself and then come back here.

>> No.55748971

100% agree with everything you said

My parents told me the same thing yesterday when I told them about this

>> No.55749407
File: 74 KB, 770x600, 1690387422955894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto is PvP.

>> No.55749438

Agreed, its the most brutal MMORPG PvP available.

>> No.55749468
File: 9 KB, 649x575, 1690255106455485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end of this reads like some kind of 4th wall breaking dead pool comic dialogue except deadpool has been replaced with basedberg,

>> No.55749479

Are you implying I have screen writing skills?

>> No.55749487

hey OP, get a load of this

>I learn how to use btc to buy drugs on dark-web
>don't hold btc, just use it for drugs

>trump coin memes me into learning CEX's and trading
>I start holding a bit of BTC
>I get more on the BCH fork
>and some more on the BTC GOLD fork
>I buy some eth
>I keep buying BTC
>I don't buy link (oops)
>I bought req and didn't sell (oops)
>lost 5k to BigBrainChain
>I lost ~8 eth to DBI

>I still have all my BTC

End of the day, I have about 5x as much money as what I've put in
But I've also lost around 20k to scams

no here's the kicker, I've got natural abs, but have also lifted for 12 years
I weigh 200lbs
I bench 300lbs
I deadlift 475lbs
I'm 6'2''
I fuck my asian wife


I also have a six figure wfh job and am NOT in AMERICA

>> No.55749503
File: 356 KB, 1808x1727, 1690256137989779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the pope shit in the woods?

>> No.55749506

I am actually the Hedge Fund Manager of Citadel.

>> No.55749509

Interesting events, I know its offtopic, but how do you keep your Deadlift up? I got injured today Deadlifting again, always happens. My left glute hurts.

>> No.55749517

You failed because you wanted a get rich quick scheme and you always act late.
I think your years of not buying in a bear market should have taught you some lesson, but no you didn't learn anything from it.
We are still early in crypto and I believe that those scoping up promising alts like RIO, GLMR , NXRA and others now will make it in the bull market

>> No.55749518

>Scooping up promising alts like obamasonichu10inu

Gooby please.
Stop trying to trick this poor man into buying your bags.

>> No.55749564

It's sad that the years you were looking at the market were a waste as you never learnt anything all the while. It's always best to buy in the bear market which is what I'm doing on assets with promising futures and great use cases like ETH, Matic, RIDE and YGG.

>> No.55749718

You have a good list of alts there, and I'm also holding the first and the last one

>> No.55749851

i only deadlift once a week, barefoot or on socks, I only do like 4 sets max.

if it's glute specific it sounds like you're using your legs a lot which is good, but you could get that from different exercises. maybe switch to more stiff legged deadlifts? if you're not doing it for powerlifting competitions there's no need to focus on maxing out on big threes.

I almost forgot, I have a stretching routine with some hip stretches that I always do beforehand

>> No.55749979 [DELETED] 

you missed teen love
you will never be 15 and in love, lying on the grass on a hot summer night, looking at the stars, chatting without a care about the world.
without worrying about rent, bills, student loans.
the only worry in life is how you gonna cheat on the Monday history exam.
you will never lose your virginity with someone who deeply loves you, looking into her eyes and saying "I love you".
you'll never have a girl with you every day after school, pretending you do homework together, but instead you have fun and cuddle

you are in your twenties now
you have to find a good job
you must be a serious man now
all the good ones are taken
maybe an old girl will end up moving in with you
but they've already felt all these exciting feelings so they're jaded and bitter, it's just not the same as her first love

you can try to win a Nobel Prize, or earn millions of dollars

but nothing will come close to the real feeling of being in love with a young and innocent maiden, being carefree 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, without debts, money, work or responsabilities
just hanging out with friends, doing nothing at school, getting validation and affection, going to summer parties, driving around the city.
you missed teen love
you missed your life.

>> No.55749984 [DELETED] 

This thread is retarded but in 2013 the only way to invest was by buying paypal debit credit at 7-11 and getting it onto one of the crappy 'exchanges' that existed at the time and the cryptospace was full of scams like LTC which were quite literally for latecomers who missed bitcoin's runup from 1 cent to 60 dollars.

>> No.55750429

I guess some people suck at something, and there is really nothing they can do about. Probably you only look at Bitcoin as a mean to make money, and do not care about the revolutionary tech behind. Surely there must be something else that you are good at. Better find it.

>> No.55750461
File: 60 KB, 814x443, Screenshot from 2023-07-29 10-16-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder, literally all you have to do is hold non shitcoins. BTC for saving, ETH for a chance of outperforming BTC, and Monero if you actually want to use crypto

>> No.55750490

this is now a S O Y JAK thread $S O Y -- s o y jak.online

>> No.55750724

Unironically just buy now and don't touch it. Leave it alone. If it drops to 10k, leave it be. Do absolutely nothing with it until 2030, when it's around a million. :)

>> No.55750731

Yes, let me buy with all this money I have.... oh wait, its gone lol

I have to spent the next 5 years saving income just to get what I had in Bitcoin 6 months ago

>> No.55750804

Keep putting money into it.
>buy the dip
Is actually not a meme. It's what you should do.
It's just that dudes keep trying to time the market after buying a dip and that fucks them. Just buy it and then leave it the fuck alone for years. Any economics 101 textbook will tell you that's how to invest.

>Time in the market > timing the market.

>> No.55750832

Yeah I get that, I was doing that for a long time, but then fell for the trading meme.

But like I said, I literally have nothing left. I cant actually buy bitcoin anymore, I have no money. Not sure how else I can explain it.

I DCA'd my entire life savings into Bitcoin over 2021/2022. (very heavy DCAing) only to lose it all trying to trade in 2023 as I said.

>> No.55750833

This faggots stayed up all night on a dead board bumping his gay begging thread goodnight OP it will die now.

>> No.55750864

>7 posts by this I.D

You're sperging out hard, who are you actually accusing me of being in your schizo world? You're putting in a lot of effort I'd like to know the lore.

>> No.55750874

I'm already in your scam discord Black Kali you fucking massive scammer.

>> No.55750905

>But like I said, I literally have nothing left. I cant actually buy bitcoin anymore, I have no money. Not sure how else I can explain it.
You said it will take you 5 years to save up what you lost. All I'm saying is start putting that in as you save. And don't touch it once it's in. Even if btc goes all the way back to 5k. Just keep buying more each payment as your salary comes in.

>> No.55750920

Should've bought XRP, my nigga

>> No.55751201

You know whats funny? I actually swapped my Bitcoin for 400,000 XRP at 40 cents, then it went back down to 38 cents and I panicked back out of XRP to BTC

If I had kept that 400,000 XRP for what happened recently... fuck

>> No.55751217

Dude nobody here is gonna give you a fucking dime no matter how many times you lie and try to pretend that someone owes you.

>> No.55751239

>early 2010s
Similar but dumb, depressed and broke college student
Still with ex who was eating up my excess cash
Dum am I.

>> No.55751255

slightly different post than the last one when he supposedly accumulated btc from 2015 and suddenly lost it all on leverage trading. i guess it's the same guy

>> No.55751372

Kinda weird to shill eth.

>> No.55751377

Having a 6 pack has literally nothing to do with lifting weights. Crunches + being skinny. How are you this stupid?

>> No.55751399

It's an absolute pointless and shit thread regardless.

>> No.55751443

>you missed teen love
I didn't. It sucked ass.
>you will never be 15 and in love, lying on the grass on a hot summer night, looking at the stars, chatting without a care about the world.
Did but wasn't any better than being in love at 30 without a care in the world. Also highschool was a stressful time for most people so this is a weird fantasy.
>you will never lose your virginity with someone who deeply loves you, looking into her eyes and saying "I love you".
This happens to nearly nobody. Happens more to homeschool weirdos who marry in their church circle than normal sex havers.

>you are in your twenties now
>you have to find a good job
have one
>you must be a serious man now
>but they've already felt all these exciting feelings so they're jaded and bitter, it's just not the same as her first love
Women are vicious creatures. Especially young women. You'd know this if you were a sex haver like me.
>but nothing will come close to the real feeling of being in love with a young and innocent maiden,
No such thing as an innocent women. Even virgins have animal cunning and an angle. Been there done that. Was nice but not more amazing than personal triumphs. Also it leads to the worst feelings you've ever had, having your heart trashed by a shallow fickle female. No pain, no gain. Nothing is free.
>you missed teen love
No. Overrated. You'd know if you had it.
>you missed your life
No. Projection. KYS

>> No.55751482

me too started lifting in 2012 no six pack, fell for the compounds meme i look like a barrel

>> No.55751577

are you the guy that keeps fudding chainlink too?

>> No.55751943

This. The people who post the "teen love" pasta purposefully fail to mention how it is all only temporary and will leave you bitter after the innocence wears off. Oddly enough, the pasta mentions this as happening to the woman

>but they've already felt all these exciting feelings so they're jaded and bitter, it's just not the same as her first love

but acts like it can't happen to you as well. It will. Ever hear that "summer of '69" song where the guy is looking back on his youth with sad longing? That's how all "teen love" havers end up. All you are left with in the end is "it happened" and nothing more.

Anyone who posts the "teen love" copy pasta is just trying to make you feel bad. Don't fall for it.

>> No.55752197

Dang OP thats sucky af, meanwhile im making bank and hit a 20x on X

>> No.55752219

Git gud faggot

>> No.55752268

At least tell us what you're making bank on anon
Replacing the asset (token?) with x is a dick move kek

>> No.55752296
File: 115 KB, 686x978, 0xac4492f0daed4a91ffcc0dab00beabe15f39c7fd7d9b0690e5ccc8a7944c4999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real buy btw, check picksel for txn, no more spoonfeeding for u lad

>> No.55752320

wtf X is actually the name of a make-it token? Crypto truly gets more stupid every day. I'll check it out, thanks anon

>> No.55752434

There are people throwing 90k into shitcoins and I can't even pay my rent.
I want to kyc so bad its unreal.

>> No.55752453

who the fuck buys 50eth of a shitcoin kek

>> No.55753234

>I want to kyc so bad its unreal
I want to know your customer so bad its unreal

to everybody bitching about being poor in this thread: sorry not sorry, make some fucking money and put it in safe bets, take small bits out and gamble 'em, what's so fucking hard

legit it's so fucking easy to become a devops monkey and make 6figs, lazy fucking puertoricans

>> No.55753400

>Great use cases like ETH


>> No.55754266
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It's not over, anon. If you got some cash, there's potential to make it big, though I admit that altcoins are way more profitable than Bitcoin. That's why I don't stress about BTC; instead, I'm building my portfolio with Iotex, Krest, IOST, and Kava.

>> No.55754753

>I guess I'll have to look out for another investment opportunity
holy fuck talk about 'once a sucker always a sucker'
You lost your life savings at the casino grampa

>> No.55754998
File: 24 KB, 431x289, 20230729_095108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the need of buying alts when you could as well look into trading crypto indices on AstraDao for passive income and the ongoing ambassador program

>> No.55755021
File: 34 KB, 252x252, -612dqf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should also join Astradao ambassador program to create indices on the platform and get you bag filled.

>> No.55755078

Hell no! Scallop is here to solve worldwide challenges facing the management of Crypto and Fiat. That's my focus rn.

>> No.55755087
File: 102 KB, 1333x661, soylent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is still time to buy onions

>> No.55755102
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No SCLP? Ngmi! A project that is looking into the future when the regulation will hit at the top at some point

>> No.55755137
File: 5 KB, 225x225, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expect the morons to buy shitcoins and waste their lives whereas Elfin Arcade model will be a game-changer for the gaming industry.

>> No.55755635

don't feel bad. i heard about bitcoin in 2011 and tried to buy but couldn't figure it out and used those $200 to buy silver.
What i wouldn't give to go back and fix my mistake.

>> No.55755711

Lok. Get back in your cagie, wagie. Gonna need that job.

>> No.55755848

Bitcoin should be 100k now to make it profitable to mine, will the miners keep mining?
What happens when the miners abandon ship?
What happens to the price when there is no value?

>> No.55756094

Gamble? Oh no! The DAO-managed treasury that offers indices funds on its ecosystem like AstraDAO is one of the top niches never to avoid.

>> No.55756166

The price would skyrocket and the very few available miners would reap it.
Scarcity, supply and demand.

>> No.55756218

Tbh, having the chance to earn NFTs through Elfin's incredible community events is the best bet.

>> No.55756909

This is for you
7k easy

>> No.55756920

I think you're legitimately retarded.

>> No.55756921

Also i got into crypto 2020 and im up a lot but i knew about it in 2011 and wanted my friend to mine it but he declined and i had only the parents pc even tho i was no minor

>> No.55757016

Wtf is SCLP jeet? sounds like another memecoin. I'm not touching that as my eyes are on based gems like Arweave and Sylo which enable data protection and decentralized communication in web3.

>> No.55758625

>I should have known I was already too late to the party.
You are not too late. Rather, you are looking for quick gains. Rather than leveraging trade in this bear market, what happened to trading crypto indices on AstraDao? No jeet told you how based it is?

>> No.55758661

You sound a lot like me, except I didn't have the balls to go all in at any point. Lost the last 6 months of wages on crv though.

>> No.55758988

>but man, I really dropped the ball on Crypto
You dropped the ball just when the fireworks are about to start. A lot of L1 gems like KAS, QANX and RIO have been pumping for months, and you are still set to miss out on them if you don't buy now.

>> No.55759165

I heard of btc since 2010 but I didn't have any money to invest. I bought link at 16 cents tho so I'm not complaining

>> No.55759222

if you put rat poop in every meal you have for 30 days you will either die or fall into a coma

>> No.55759590
File: 261 KB, 1620x914, soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me gentlemen, I am going to invest in some commodities.

>> No.55759725

5 years to save 100k? wew. you live in merica and don't have rent to pay _? or

>> No.55759731


>> No.55759766


Can I also fuck your Asian wife?

>> No.55761567


>> No.55761619
File: 5 KB, 235x233, images - 2023-06-16T220258.672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will add SCLP, but first things first, I still need to DYOR this shit, anon. For now, I'm increasing my Krest tokens so I can get more Peaq tokens as part of their airdrop
How can I participate jeet?

>> No.55761897

you need to lose weight (stop drinking soda or beer) and exercise your abs (v-sits, situps, pushups, etc.)