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55748554 No.55748554 [Reply] [Original]

Alrighty boys, let me tell you something here real quick for the weaklings.
What will you tell little Johnny when he comes home one day and asks you “Hey dad, why don’t we have 10 lambo’s like Paul’s Dad?” How will you be able to look at him in the eyes and tell him that your SORRY ass sold at 1M MC. How will you ever even be able to look at him in the eyes without thinking you’re a fucking PUSSY.
So let’s save that talk for other losers. BarbieCrashBandicootRFK888Inu ticker SOLANA holders are real men. Real men. We hold ‘till we die boys. Don’t be Pauls dad.

>> No.55748583

Don’t know about u anon but I think I will be Paul’s dad

>> No.55748614
File: 117 KB, 680x659, REAL pokemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you didn't work hard enough in the yard, son. now go mow the grass and I will give you $20 towards that lambo