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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55745526 No.55745526 [Reply] [Original]

Should I get a mortgage for a house or continue renting?

t. wagecuck who saved up $10k

>> No.55745539

mortgage is always better if you plan on actually living there for a long time. rent if you want to remain flexible.

>> No.55745561

yes, pay the jude


>> No.55745566

What if I can somehow managed to make the mortgage be as much as the rent...which will still cost half of my monthly income

>> No.55745577

>mortgage is always better

>get mortgage with assload interest
>home value drops for year
>stock market up 30%

thats wat happened this year

>> No.55745601

Looking to live in a milk carton?
That's essentially 0 down since you need an oh shit fund.

>> No.55745806
File: 64 KB, 460x432, 1691055767635901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debt slaver here, you're not getting much on 10k. 3.5% is the lowest you can put down with a government loan, but you'll be paying out the ass on mortgage insure and just praying you appreciate enough to get rid of it. Best bet is to join the military and build a real estate empire of 100% financed VA loans, honestly the best racket in the country. I'm American and assume that everyone else is to, otherwise why even live.

>> No.55745894

Rent until you have cash to buy a house. It will cost you the same as interest on a loan and you get so many perks. You pay the interest first and principal last so fuck mortgages.
Mortgage literally means death pledge.

>> No.55745964

that pic is extremely unsettling to me

>> No.55745979

if you have plans with your wife to get kids then potentially a mortgage on a house where you will be for the next 20 to 30 years is a good idea, else, just rent and move around

>> No.55745998

What’s the 10k for? Closing costs? Lmao! Save 5 times that at least or you’re setting yourself up to fail

>> No.55746638

>saved up $10k
you cant afford a house right now. stop watching content that makes you want one and start working on earning and saving money

>> No.55746728

She died

>> No.55746922

Do you plan to live in a holler in West Virginia?

>> No.55746946
File: 56 KB, 600x378, nwm_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy some cheap land and then work on constructing a house with your own 2 hands (and other hands since you'd have to contract at least some things) for a hobby but serious, tangible and fulfilling goal and then enjoy.

>> No.55747048


I think, what, a car accident?

I know she had AIDS

>> No.55747088

Who is it? Looks like a whore, guessing a pornstar?

>> No.55747117

So never buy a house got it. BRB just gonna (((save))) for the next 15 years to get that 300k I need for a starter hom—-ack starter home prices are now 900k. I ducking hate boomers

>> No.55747128

No she was a nurse that died from impalement

>> No.55747134

I've never understood this. I'm just supposed to build a house? Wtf kind of thinking leads a person to believe this is possible? Some fucking story they heard sometime? When in the past 30 years had it been possible for a person to build a home on their own? That's not even remotely fucking legal, let alone possible

>> No.55747295

I wouldn't buy yet. The economy is about to collapse and there will be foreclosures all over the place soon enough.

Keep saving for now. You'll get a lot more for your money later.

>> No.55747307

add a zero to that 10k and then you can go use that as a real downpayment for a house, lmao

think of 10k as one unit of currency. you will use MANY of those units in the acquisition and maintenance of a home over time. You have no idea what shit costs

>> No.55747330


Your wife looks like a cheap anal whore

>> No.55747353
File: 32 KB, 680x435, 1669837101502331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you think humans have done for the last 50,000 years you fucking imbecile

go cut down some trees and call a carpenter you limp wristed faggot

>> No.55747358

>home value drops for year
they have been saying that every year and yet here we are.

>> No.55747613

I said 30 years for this specific retard and he still missed it and frog posted

>> No.55747656


You do what you must do.

>> No.55747663
File: 143 KB, 840x698, iZLvA-shift-in-county-home-prices-since-their-respective-pandemic-peak-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its amazing how uneducated this board is

>> No.55747711


What sort of shithole country do you live in where you're not legally allowed to build your own home on property you own? All you need is to apply for a building permit, have an architect design and then draft "blueprints" and get those approved and essentially start building. Then it gets inspected and deemed fit for dwelling. Job done.

>> No.55747716

Buy SRS then buy a house with the earnings after the crash

>> No.55747726

You skipped the part in between the dehumanizing logistics, where you know, you build the fucking house with your hands? But oh yeah no because people did it 50 years ago it's possible now. You can put the frame up, of you have experience. Fucking children

>> No.55747749

You lose out with both. You’re either a cuck to the banks or to your landlord.

>> No.55747763

I'm guessing you meant to say you have $100k saved up. Otherwise, I'm embarrassed for you.

>> No.55747771

That'll pay closing costs, what do you have for a down payment?

>> No.55747801

>dark red is -10%
Wow, a 1-5% drop after a 50% jump, the market is crashing, yessir!

>> No.55747812

My type of girl

>> No.55747822
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OP here. Sorry guys I meant to say to say I saved $10k from wagecucking but have a total of $50k

>> No.55747867

not enough to avoid (((PMI))), i have maybe $46k and my mother agreed to lend me $24k paid back monthly over 2 years

>> No.55748184

This is a demoralization thread, isn't it?

>> No.55748238

rentoid found

>> No.55748308

wow imagine birthing this guy lol

>> No.55748336

Did you birth a home builder instead, while you were building your home in between 4chan posts? The cope is real

>> No.55748384
File: 102 KB, 1005x1220, big dawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mortgage was for 2.6% interest. Lowest I have ever heard of.

>> No.55748397

What’s this girls name looks familiar from back in the day

>> No.55748409

Do you often think of being a woman with child bearing hips?

>> No.55748572 [DELETED] 

Cody Lane, she passed away in December 2020 in a car accident by a drunk driver

>> No.55748594

Prices are too batshit crazy as far as I'm concerned. Rates are also fucking insane. Assuming there is some sort of crash in 2024 or even Q4 of this year, that would be a good time to see what foreclosures are available. It could even be in 2025 for all I know. You could also just move to an area where houses are cheap, but that probably means there are also no jobs in that area, so the grass is not always greener with that route.

>> No.55748704

Only take out a mortgage on a home if you plan on leasing it out, op

>> No.55748789

Too soon you guys.

>> No.55748812

Join the military, when you get out:
>no pay taxes on house ever
>the gov loan-guarantees your mortgage
>no pay vehicle tabs ever again

>> No.55749075

RIP to the queen
they murdered her btw

>> No.55749091

there have to be better ways to earn a living than convincing suicidal autists to fight for the zionist central banking cabal on the eve of a world war

>> No.55749119
File: 6 KB, 464x307, pattern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you invest it in chikun, make some dcaa moves and voila, 100k before you know it
don't get fucked (if you know, you know)

>> No.55749383

how’s the mortgage payments mike?

sent from my Iphone

>> No.55749392

I prefer to keep renting since I can pay with my CryptMi card and also move out of the house to a new one whenever I like

>> No.55749406

Bad time to take out a mortgage. Don't do it.

>> No.55749659

I also use that card for groceries and buying gadgets but not for rent.
Seeing you use it for that, I think I will also consider it

>> No.55749661

Thats workable for cheap areas. As long as the town isn't dying prices in low cost of living areas won't drop much further.

>> No.55751874

GLHF trying to live in the same spot for 30 years. If you move you can kiss that low rate goodbye

>> No.55751889

do you think what mexicans do is some sort of arcane magic?

>> No.55752016

I think it's cody lane and I think that's the vid where she screams way too much
I'm glad my taste in pornstars has evolved. I always liked her face...but she's really not that great otherwise