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55739627 No.55739627 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55739636

most likely not a double top but you zoomer spergs have a short attention span and can't conceptualize any small corrections .

That being said,bitcoin will go lower . 20k retest

>> No.55739656
File: 107 KB, 1080x1080, More and more women are becoming spoiled, entitled cunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small world, I just posted this in another thread. Single mothers deserve to have their offspring removed from them and to die poor and lonely

>> No.55739663

If she’s divorcing the dad and the kids are too young to understand, THEN WHO THE FUCK IS “WE”?! The sheer entitlement.

It wasn’t even a pitbull, what fucking happened?

>> No.55739683


>> No.55739704
File: 521 KB, 828x1300, IMG_5955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogs are one of man’s greatest utilities. In our hubris and loneliness, we let them become spoiled fir the sake of being our “friends”. Dogs are great to have and are even adorable to an extent, but we need to draw a line and make them subservient to man again.

>> No.55739711

>what fucking happened?
The wife is fucking the dog and it probably, through learned behaviour, tried fucking the child, which fought back and got mauled for it.

>> No.55739720

the toddler was hurting the dog, it was self defense, chud.

>> No.55739727

Dog people are all mentally ill

>> No.55739735

In hindsight, that was obvious. What are we going to do about these white women and their dogfucking tendincies? The kid was a girl, so I can only imagine what kinds of fucked up shit she’ll be into when she’s old enough.

>> No.55739744

As opposed to cat people?

>> No.55739749
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>> No.55739783

Ok, that’s clearly repulsive, but I’m just saying that I understand now. Humans in general are geared towards their own self destruction, aren’t they? The world’s designed to drain your soul.

>> No.55739828

Nah probably just a higher low. Anyone who wanted to get the hell out of btc probably sold in november or if they were mentally strong enough to hold for higher prices sold now. Considering how long we've faced resistance I'd say that was the majority case. I can see it going down just because so many speculators and retail traders fomoed in when they realized it wasn't going to 10k but I doubt we'll break 20 ever again. In fact I'd say its more likely we go sideways than make a new low.

>> No.55739833

a dog would bark at me and i would kill it immediately with my fists

so if a dog does this to my kid i will make his whole family tree extinct

white people are so weak

>> No.55739842

My neighbors dog bit his kid in the face when I was young, nearly took one of his eyes out. When the neighbor got home he beat the dog to death in his backyard with a wooden baseball bat. Gruesome as it was I can't see how anyone sane wouldn't at least shoot the dog in the head for nearly blinding their kid.

>> No.55739874

I see. How would you go about doing it with your fists? Where would you punch? What if the dogs bite your fingers off.

We’re living in an insane clown posse world now.

>> No.55740227
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>> No.55740274

you just know

>> No.55740502

I really, REALLY like this image

>> No.55740585
File: 588 KB, 896x1496, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope not, I've been cooped up in my house for months without going out just to save money, so much mental fatigue must be worth it somehow

>> No.55740632

Wait a minute, that's not a pitbull!

>> No.55740639

Reminder only third worlders hate dogs and only third worlder enjoyers won't put the dog down over this. Or even just train it properly so it doesn't happen in the first place.
A well trained dog will sit still until you command it otherwise and will enjoy every second of being still because that is what they have been programmed to enjoy over thousands of generations, obedience.
I blame society for trivializing and anthropomorphization. Also the dog and the parents who both who left the child unattended with a poorly socialized and untrained dog.
Put all of them down or at least lock them in a shipping container until there is only one left.

>> No.55742989

Cell phones were a mistake. Imagine actually parenting instead of playing "mommy ewhore"

>> No.55743015

There are egregores are draining. Look up transurfing. Ignore the egregore.

>> No.55743116

Me on the right.

>> No.55743128

Why not just use a surfboard like a normal person?

>> No.55743790

They're stinky little rodents that eat their own shit and destroy your house. The older I get the more I realize that they're completely worthless. Dog lovers are the fucking worst

>> No.55743841

>Look up transurfing
I'll listen to an audiobook about this on my evening walk. Can you recommend anything anon?

>> No.55743883

It's more of the same new age jewish/Satanic bullshit that says you are the master of reality.

>> No.55743912

I'm with you anon, it's about time we returned to conservative values

>> No.55743923

front page of antiwork, 6 gorrillion updoots!

>> No.55743986

That's a serious one there Anon. Not bothered about where BTC will go, but if it gets to 20k and below, it'll be an opportunity for me to DCA on it and diversify on promising alts like Sand, Hero and Ride where I can also earn from it metastaking as well.

>> No.55744008

White people disgust me

>> No.55744099

Thanks for saving me 55 minutes

>> No.55744205

What does that have to do with the post?

>> No.55744740

Exactly. But if I say this people look at me crazy, they seem to think dogs share the same freedom yearning emotions as humans for some reason

>> No.55744798

I had this happen to me as a kid with the family dog and I 100% deserved it. The girl most likely did something that scared the dog shitless and it bit her face out of pure instinct. This is pretty common with non-aggressive breeds.

>> No.55744930

sad thing is the dog will probably do it again unless they really go hard on training it. and even then training isn't guaranteed to work

>> No.55745159

man, you ameriburgers are truly messed up in the head. i feel sorry for what the jews did to you

>> No.55745324

>t. knows nothing about dogs

>> No.55745447

Only good dog is a dead dog.

>> No.55745469

kid looks like Chucky kek

>> No.55745788

One is aware

>> No.55745842

If a dog mauls a literal child it needs to be put down simple as

>> No.55745888

Same, it's really good

>> No.55747725

Tfw PETA are the good guys.

>> No.55747747

This. Retrievers don't chimp out.

>> No.55747815

Thinking about it more, if this is true then the wife also deserves death for not wising up.

>> No.55749009
File: 2 KB, 91x125, DIRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a f***king correction, OP. I'm finding a good entry point to scoop more BTC and increasing my position in KREST to be eligible for the PEAQ airdrop.

>> No.55749027

Based Anon. DePIN will be my top pick since BrainstemHealth will allow me to own and monetize my health data on a wearable.

>> No.55749028

If it were a pitbull that child would have died. Dog should have still been put down.

>> No.55749063
File: 25 KB, 396x534, Lust2tothe_lust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may be a chance for DCA. I couldn't resist the allure of having an Asian fat a$$ girlfriend and owning a tokenized Tesla on Eloop, earning from their income stream.

>> No.55749410

Well I think I'm ready for this with my stables staked on SpoolFi ready to buy alts when the opportunity shows up

>> No.55749577

You are definitely going to get rekt

>> No.55749606

It's always good to have liquidity on the sideline, I'm also accumulating stables btw