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55733488 No.55733488 [Reply] [Original]

What's causing this?

>> No.55733535

the fact that garbage men and plumbers earn over 100k/yr

>> No.55733545

Women are smarter than men.

>> No.55733553

Universities used to teach boring, difficult professions. Now they mostly focus on liberal arts majors invented wholecloth by the schools themselves. That's where the tuition money is.

It would be interesting to see these figures laid over corresponding total enrollment, broken out by gender. Because I imagine this proportional shift isn't women taking degrees from men. Instead, the population of male students is maintaining while more and more women go to school for made up degrees.

>> No.55733556

Women are the only ones retarded enough to want to keep the modern clown charade going.

>> No.55733565

this and /thread

>> No.55733567

I, for one, welcome our femcel overlords. I'm ready to spread my bamhole open for them on OnlyMans.

>> No.55733602

Average woman is smarter than the average man, while guys have more variance.

Woman hits puberty earlier, meaning she's more likely to hit academic success. E.g same principle as being the oldest in your grade has lifelong effects towards your success.

Classrooms are also built towards female learning styles aka sitting still and listening, boys simply aren't as good at that. In the modern era, technology hit boys a lot harder than girls too. Women still read while boys rarely do. I wouldn't be surprised if the college gap goes to 80/20 soon.

>> No.55733645

The average woman is smarter than the average man. Men just used to be more priviledged. As women gain equal rights, expect it to be even more skewed. Like many things the real rate is probably gonna settle at around 80/20. Most men are absolute garbage and unfit for society.

>> No.55733659

They know that society can be kept under control by having men be docile and uneducated

>> No.55733664
File: 410 KB, 868x3117, 0EAB9E32-2012-4E40-AD6B-3815EFC75FC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male brained subjects saw their wages plummet

>> No.55733733
File: 361 KB, 1440x1613, woman does not ask what is wrong with her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a man and you get a degree in basically anything but a handful of niche tech subjects OR are planning on shelling out double the cash for a master's degree in liberal arts bullshit (can be any kind of bullshit like intrel or art or anal fisting) you simply won't get a job. Society has deemed that men either need to be useful or exceptional, you can't just "be a dude with a degree in american studies" and get a job working for the local government- they will not hire you, all the men you see working at the county seat will either be old or lawyers/paralegals.

So university isn't worth the squeeze because of systemic massive discrimination against young men, so men go into jobs like plumber or trucker or buck breaker, women then complain there are lots of creepy guys with software nerd degrees or jobs in carpentry, but no 'normal guys with normal degrees' because women voted en mass to discriminate against men, out of the belief this would enable them to get richer husbands. Turns out if you prevent men from getting jobs and force them into niche roles, there are no husbands.

These women, who went to university expecting to work for a few years and then after slutting around/finding themselves, settle down with a betabuxxer when they're 38 and have one really autistic kid, instead find themselves burning out because they are unsuited for roles like IT help desk.

As an aside, imposter syndrome is 1:1 the result of women being given jobs they're not qualified for. The women feel like imposters, because they are.

>> No.55733769
File: 222 KB, 1500x1000, student debt 14 years later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>college gap goes to 80/20
>non-rigorous college disciplines like Government major leads to women getting jobs which pay 22 dollars an hour... in 2040, when 22 bucks is worth like 11 bucks in 2023 money while tech degrees pay 100 an hour
We're seeing a dramatic divergence in the genders.

Women spend fucktons on fake degrees, complain chad didn't become a professional football player and then become broke fat wine aunts in their 40s.

Men go into niche fields, pay off their debt (or don't have debt/don't go to college if their parents/scholarships aren't paying for it) and get screamed at for being 'passport bros' for dating hotter foreign women.

>> No.55733809

>niggers hit puberty earlier therefore they will have more academic success
Anon, just turn off your logical brainfart rollercoaster that is your brain.

>> No.55733829

I'm sure that's why IQ tests ask what gender you are? They have to lower womens scores right? That's surely what they do

>> No.55733842

Stupid post. Do you really thing HR roastie (35k starting) can compare to civil engineer (idk probably 60k starting)?

>> No.55733856
File: 18 KB, 943x530, us_enrollment_gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it from here


>> No.55733871
File: 20 KB, 942x531, us_enrollment_race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55733878

>Classrooms are also built towards female learning styles aka sitting still and listening, boys simply aren't as good at that.
classrooms are the same now as 100+ years ago, the only thing that's changed is that the kids who are misbehaving receive little to no punishment, and those are mostly boys

>> No.55733879

Bingo. Women go into college to get a Mrs. degree but more men are not going to college because it is a waste of money.

>> No.55733901

that's cope when i was in 3rd grade our old black lady teacher made us watch some documentary about mlk and lectured us whitey kids about racism. It's no wonder the average zoomer is retarded and doesn't actually learn shit

>> No.55733905

The default (no action taken) pathway in life is the path of higher education, the system with college fund and a culture that preach "get a degree so you can get a good job and higher income", is set up so college is the default decision - in the past this wasn't the case, most parents back then told their children to get a job asap, and would recommend education identical to the one they have - "being a carpenter has worked out well for me, you should do this, maybe take over the family business one day etc."

Think this automatically will make higher education being weighted toward females, as they are probably less risk-adverse and less likely to go against the will of their parents/society.

>> No.55733966

Men getting smart. We can let the sluts bring the bread while we play vidya and get high.

>> No.55733981

Niggers are substantially dumber than white men or women. It is a known phenomenon that women develop earlier and often do better in early education. You ignorant retard

>> No.55734077

Men don't need diplomas to make enough money to survive. Women need college diplomas to compete with men, and it makes them feel good by following societal norms.

>> No.55734117

Look at the income stats men vs women

>> No.55734142

>Visualizing the Obama/Trump/Biden pump-and-dumps

>> No.55734146

It's simple. Most men are incredibly stupid.

But ironically enough, a lot of guys just don't realize how dumb they are and like to claim intellectual-superiority on Chink cartoon message boards.

>> No.55734161

No don't stop I like watching you chickenhawks go at it.

>> No.55734251

Families are more likely to house and support women through tertiary studies.