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File: 106 KB, 1330x593, Capture d’écran 2023-08-01 à 23.23.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55730349 No.55730349 [Reply] [Original]

Housing sisters... It's not looking good

>> No.55730358

It's going to look worse, and it's all part of the plan conceptualized in 2017 to when it happens fuck china. It was no coincidence that chinese capital was baited to invest in western real estate

>> No.55730362
File: 23 KB, 622x311, Coronavirus-les-patients-atteints-de-handicap-psychique-ont-besoin-d-etre-plus-accompagnes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MEDS !!!!

>> No.55730372

Who is going to be fucked the most, when Canadian, US and other western real estate markets go into correction? Yes chinese investors

>> No.55730388

the average roastie who forced her cuck husband to buy the top

chinese investors have a lot of money

>> No.55730569

No. They live in their cuck shed, the chinkoid investor on the other hand is either going to hold that bag, having it confiscated because of the war or has to dump it into a depressed market at a loss

>> No.55730582
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it is eerily lining up isn't it

>> No.55730614

That chart is bullcrap and always was, I suppose that is why you incompetent propagandists have been spamming it like idiots. The S curve chart is a better representation

>> No.55730620

>me, some guy on mongolian pottery website
anon, I

>> No.55730632

Only matters for re investors

>> No.55730656

So you are not even doing it as propagandist, are you just one of the brainwashed mongoloids that is influencable by poor incompetent spam and (((narratives))) in a world without shared reality?

>> No.55730662

I bought for 270k in 2016. I'm surrounded by million dollar homes with pools and tennis courts and ironically next door neighbors with the most wealthy person in my city who regularly sues the township. My house is worth over 500k now. It's only a matter of time before I can sell it to some schmuck for a million. Better than any stock I ever bought.

>> No.55730665
File: 110 KB, 1644x610, re.update.8.1.2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55730670

Reads like typed by a chat bot whose index got fucked up with crap

>> No.55730682

no I just do it to rile up mouthbreathers like you
you must have bought a house recently

>> No.55730685
File: 287 KB, 1080x1067, 1687323130473178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a chart with cleaned objective data

>> No.55730695

Now you are getting defensive like the chinkoids that pose as westerners I usually enjoy attacking for fun

>> No.55730710

so you did buy a house

>> No.55730772

This is actually 4D chess.

>China buying massive amounts of overpriced properties during COVID
>every American priced out
>Fed starts to raise interest rates
>people stop selling and buying
>house material prices such as lumbar begin to drop
>Chinese investors still holding house market bags

>> No.55730867

This one gets it.
Ivan is bound in Ukraine
China doesn't really have any allies
It's export market got fucked
It desperately tries with stimulus politics to create an internal market now 30 years too late
The next play is, balkanize that shit hole and remove that wannabe hegemon from the world stage

>> No.55731098

Many people don't realize America NEEDS to dump their imaginary money into Ukraine to not go into full hyperinflation.

>> No.55731429


>> No.55731451

or it could solve its homelessness crisis, our it could maybe do something about the fentanyl pandemic, or perhaps work on its healthcare but yea sure buying weapons and giving the money to the military industrial complex is the best thing to do

>> No.55731453

That’s crazy cause literally nothing has gone down where I live

>> No.55731486
File: 143 KB, 840x698, iZLvA-shift-in-county-home-prices-since-their-respective-pandemic-peak-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55731493
File: 1.24 MB, 1125x1528, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le 5D chess
It's not 2020 anymore.
Let's assume you do fuck them over, what happens next? Factories will magically pop out of the ground and inflation disappears to 2%?

>> No.55734079


>> No.55734965
File: 329 KB, 1775x1009, 2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Luck,


>> No.55736309

answer me baggot
how much did you pay

>> No.55737563

I feel like house prices will never go down.

>> No.55737721

>(1) we're 18 months since the "rapid increase"
>(2) speculators have all left
>(3) the bubble (cheap credit for all) did bust - rates are above 5%
>(4) new homes are still being built everywhere
>(5) no one thinks they're getting rich off real estate who is buying in now


we're going to have a sideways market like the early 90s until salaries start catching up

>> No.55737814
File: 146 KB, 1229x719, home prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just did last year

>> No.55737847

I am on the east coast, barely noticeable where I am. Hopefully it follows the trend on the west.

>> No.55738077

I sold. I couldn’t be happier just waiting for the correction looking for the next Florida.

>> No.55738089

that looks pretty good to me actually. enjoy being priced out forever poorfag

>> No.55738148

The majority of people who got mortgages or refinancing to 3% or lower rates are never selling, I sure as shit am not selling my 30 year 2.6% house that has doubled in price over the past five years, who cares if prices fall by ten or twenty percent, I am literally never selling

>> No.55738181

Why woudlnt you sell and lock in an overpriced situation?

>> No.55738242

And move where? Even if I sell I would have to get a new place that would be twice as expensive for the same house and 4x the rate.

>> No.55738277


That's the issue-if you broke even on the sale price your new mortgage payment would be double. People are only going to sell if they have to or they get some amazing profit.

>> No.55738361

Bought a house for 255k in 2019, refinanced to like a 3.6. Now need to move because I don't want kids to go to shit schools. All houses are like 400k, with this interest rate.
Just put my house for sale for 375. Hopefully it sells and I make money pit down big deposit and not get ducked with a double mortgage payment.

>> No.55739253

Yeah the problem with the chart is Miami and south Florida in general. I relocated to Palm Beach with 270k Job. My girl makes 130k. We rented an apartment for a year while looking at houses here and there. All houses in Palm Beach 3Xed.

It’s insane

>> No.55739302

ABNB reports tomorrow after close.

>> No.55739329
File: 314 KB, 584x584, laughing bobo joker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the eventual bottleneck to continued single family home value is school quality, which is going down due to lack of good teachers, and too many blacks/mexicans. more layoffs and tighter job market will mean less travel, which means lower demand for airbnb.

i know someone who bought a house for more than $800K because it's in a top school district. house will probably hold value or gain a little but they are also paying quite a lot in interest and taxes. if everything stays the same, then he's fine. if he loses his job and can't find replacement, or gets sick and dies, his family is fucked.

>> No.55740714


i bought in 2018, my mortgage payment is 40% of what it would be today

could care less if the market dumped another 20%, iim not giving this mortgage up