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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55728718 No.55728718 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we plan to get rich.
I'm tired of these threads on this board which max out at 50 replies after 4 days. Just keep this thread open and gameplan with other anons.

You make massive gains when you address a vacuum, simple as. Some vacuums:
>[ PulseChain memecoin vacuum ]
>PulseChain as a whole is cut in half and possibly going lower because SEC attack.

>[ Coinbase Base exchange vacuum ]
>Base has had two exchange rug pulls, no good exchange yet.

>[ Genius (GENI) ]
>The Genius Question. Genius is a blockchain CD with a collateral vault mechanism, so its trying to be HEX but better. Problem is the whole thing operates on "closed source AI", yes, really. How hard would it be to make a not-shit version of it and simpler?

>[ Decent memecoins ]
>All these memecoins that get shilled here are already launched and 9/10 amount to a few guys trying to dump on you. Why so few memecoins that HAVEN'T launched yet that everyone can get in early before wider knowledge of it is pushed by us?
>None of these memecoins have any semblance of tokenomics. Gentlemen, may I remind you SHIB was a three token system with tokenomics...

Please note other vacuums?

>> No.55728730

Schizo posting

>> No.55728734

Sell shovels to miners
Sell options to WSB

>> No.55728754


>> No.55728795

What of my OP is schizo?

>> No.55728808

Shib did not start out as a three token system, that plan came out later in order to grab liquidity, small liquidity via leash from individuals and bone to rob exchanges of their money. Anyway pulsechain is going to zero, I think the memecoin narrative is over the current push is personal finance/privacy aka wallets, ai related, and real use case tokens, but I might have missed something as I don't fuck around on twitter.

>> No.55728862
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If you become a Node Operator of this Avalanche, you will make your first million within three years. Okay?
I'm gonna repeat that. You will make a million dollars within three years of your first day of Staking your own Node.
There is no question as to whether or not you'll become a millionaire staking here.
The only question is how many times over. You think I'm joking?
I am not joking. I am a Node Operator. It's a weird thing to hear, right?
I'll tell ya. It's a weird thing to say. I am a fucking Node Operator.
And guess how much I stake. ten thousand. You know what that makes me here? Micronode senior citizen.
This crypto business is entirely comprised of ghostchains, not mine.
Lucky for me, I'm very fucking good at staking, or I'd be out of rewards.
You guys are the new blood. You're gonna go home with the kessef.
You are the future big swinging stakers of this network. Now, you all look shitcoin hungry, and that's good.
Anybody tells you C-Chain is stuck doesn't fuckin' have any sJOE.
They say blockchains cant scale? Look at the fuckin' AVAX Consensus. high tps and decentralized, baby.
You want details? Fine. I run a 8core 32GB on a VPS. What's up? I have additional 2% from delegation rewards.
I can validate every Subnet you could possibly imagine. And best of all, kids, no MEV, no slashing.

>> No.55728879

I sell options to retards at WSB and have doubled my account for three years running.
Get on my level you pleb.

>> No.55728880
File: 43 KB, 646x682, Pepe Grenouille AVAX investor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, now that you know what's possible. Let me tell you what's required. You are required to delegate and DeFi your fucking ass off at this Chain. We want sovereign money hungry Users here, not redditors. A redditor invests in Solana.
A redditor asks how much AVAX you get in the first year. APY?
People come and validate these chains for one reason: to become filthy rich.
That's it. We're here to make friends. We're savin' the fuckin' manatees here, avax is green guys.
You want high APY? Go get rugged, like jeets. The first three months at the Node are as a Delegator. You make $15 a week. After you're done delegating and researching, you do the Node Tutorial. You pass that, you become a Node Operator and you're opening a VPS Server for Avalanche. You validate Subnets, you start Staking for yourself. Sky's the limit. Word or two about being a Delegator. Friends, parents, ICPoors, other FUDfags, whoever, they're gonna give you shit about it. It's true. $15 a week? Not a lot of money. Pay them no mind. You need to learn this business, and this is the time to do it.
Once you run the Node, none of that's gonna matter. Your friends are shit. You tell them you made 25 grand delegator fees last month, they're not gonna fuckin' believe you. Fuck them! Fuck'em! Fudders don't like Emin? Fuck you, SOL and DOT.' See how it feels when you're makin' their fuckin' portfolio without risk in a month. Now, go home and think about it. Think about whether or not a Node is really for you.
If you decide it isn't, listen, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's not for everyone. Thanks. But if you really want this, you post in this thread and we'll talk. Just don't waste my fuckin' time.

>> No.55728890

>Good morning Sir!

>> No.55728928

>seething poorfag with his poorfag methods

>> No.55728941

You know what I think it was coherent but we could all honestly take an essay writing class. Also it felt like your OP started shilling specific ideas that you’re invested in. You should have kept the OP vaguer and incentivizing and aesthetic, and then posted your ideas in the thread. Or just make a thread about your ideas and see if you get bites. Iunno.

>> No.55728959

I wanted to keep it vague but last time I did that I got 1 reply.

>> No.55729033

Bro what do you hold I need help I'm begging you tell me something good I think a bull run is going to happen soon so pretty much anything I hold will go moon but that didn't happen last time and I went from 3k to 30k to 3k again then the next bull run I went to 60k and now I'm back to 10k please what do you hold I need my 10k to be looking scrumptious on the next run please help me. Help me.

>> No.55729081

I think you just have to be persistent til the thread becomes part of board culture either way. I renege my previous statement though. Godspeed.

>> No.55729150

Also I think meme coins will always exist, and I think emulating government monopoly money in a fair way like HEX or GENI is actually probably something like the future of DeFi store of value. That's why I mentioned those things.

>> No.55729217

I've always liked the idea of DeFi. Focusing on the "Fi" part here, it gives options in a world where the cronies get the big cuts, and we get bread crumbs.

If I am able to amass a decent sized purse, I can break into the VC game at the flanks.

>> No.55729681

Using basic charts we got about 1 1/2 years left for a real crypto run to begin, so good luck, p.s. don't touch avax.

>> No.55729688

Rich anon here. You don't get rich with others. Use this site for information. Don't start to group think.

>> No.55729893

teach me your ways! how to become rich. im very new to 4chan

>> No.55729901

Buy pepef right fucking now, and hold for approximately one month. I am not joking, this is the best advice you've ever received in your life.

>> No.55729915

Sir you got any tutorial to become a node operator?

>> No.55730123

>If you become a Node Operator of this Avalanche, you will make your first million within three years
No doubt, I've been running nodes on Sylo wallet for a while now, and it's been an absolute blast.

>> No.55730459

how much can you make per day?

>> No.55730778
File: 29 KB, 640x557, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lowest amount needed to become a validator is 2000 AVAX.

>> No.55731874

playing options is illegal in india
im laughing so hard
that explains this board

>> No.55732010

Just hold link for a few more years. There is nothing else worth investing in right now. Now watch the fuddies seethe

>> No.55732056

Having one that doubles as a communication platform makes it a better option

>> No.55732059

>got some link at 50c

>> No.55732144

Based chad, then it means I'm closer to my make-it stack. As I accumulate while storing in my Sylo wallet far from the reach of hackers.

>> No.55732412
File: 1 KB, 125x70, byu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be a millionaire by now

>> No.55732438

I think it’s better than the lottery and I’m pro-lottery. People come down on it as a poor tax too much.

>> No.55732991

Epic combo, no doubt, the communication platform comes with end-to-end encryption, giving users hardcore protection against those pesky hackers.

>> No.55733036

>>Base has had two exchange rug pulls, no good exchange yet.
That's why self-custodial has been the fuckin way to go for me Anon. Trezor and Sylo Smart wallet has been it for me. Can't risk my hard-earned bucks on CEX

>> No.55733082
File: 7 KB, 204x250, ojosama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right anon, I'm aware of one where users can contribute to infrastructure by running nodes and earn based incentives.

>> No.55733177
File: 146 KB, 498x312, (you).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it isn't.

>> No.55733438

Lottery is bullshit. You might as well just throw your money away.

>> No.55733448

That was good timing Chad. You may want to take advantage of Futureverse assets as well. It's still early and they are still undervalued.

>> No.55733474

Sorry anon my bad I should have clarified those were DEX rugpulls.

>> No.55733487

It was pocket change in 2018 and it is wallet money now I guess lol

>> No.55733617

Wakeup Anon and flip some NFTs, Seelers and Flufs that can potentially make you a millionaire

>> No.55733666

I actually think 90% cost timelock mints for NFTs is an interesting tokenomic I haven't seen done so I might get some art person and do it myself.

>> No.55733719

Fuck them jpeg shits that die in no time.

>> No.55733735

NFTs aren't worth more than DeFi. Now offloading my NFTs via CryptMi app for McDonald's burger...

>> No.55733748

Dumbass oldfag, there are lots of them that have great use cases now, like facilitating decentralized communication in the open metaverse.

>> No.55733779

Who does that shit Chad

>> No.55733800

The piece of shit is dead faggot

>> No.55733827

Seen a silver Fluf sold at 694 ETH lately Anon. You should never underestimate them.

>> No.55733839


>> No.55734369

>like facilitating decentralized communication in the open metaverse.
This can be likened to bringing your personal touch to the metaverse, while keeping things decentralized and totally secured

>> No.55734430

this is going to sound offensive but i mean this unironically and without attacking you

the retard vacuum
all the coins you list are scams and the only opinion (on base) is a wrong opinion (sushi v3 is has been deployed yesterday, aerodrome is set to go as soon as public launch is official)

why is it certain scams are so good at attracting retards, hex being the perfect example, while legitimate projects almost always struggle to get attention

if someone can figure out how to address the retard vacuum, direct retards to a legit project rather than bullshit vaporware or outright scam, they could harness billions of dollars towards productive output *and* help their bagholders too

>> No.55734540

Based oldfag, not to mention the Buzzies and Party bears are recording crazy sales. Anyone who positions well with futureverse NFTs is in for some huge profits.

>> No.55734629

>HEX, an immutable 100% uptime finished product is a scam
>uh, because its price did market things
>or I don't like how it works or what it means

Okay anon I do disagree with the claim HEX is a scam.

>> No.55734758

Futurexerse seems to be trending now with their $54M raise with 10T Holdings and Ripple Labs

>> No.55734871

Kek, dyor on assets before investments and take advantage of passive income streams. I for one have made the most through staking with alts like Inj, Sylo, Near and Rndr on Huobi.

>> No.55734986

Faggot, what the fuck is that used for?

>> No.55735033

Looking to increase my futurescores with more of that, Chad

>> No.55735376
File: 4 KB, 227x222, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got big hands on the Seekers anon, seeing as they can be used to run nodes on a decentralized communication platform and earn users rewards.

>> No.55735399

Does anyone still hold PRQ anymore?

>> No.55735841

Looks like you're the only one newfag. Its best to accumulate alts with utility like Ocean and Sylo which are focused on data protection in web3.

>> No.55736001

What do oyu think would happen with the richard heart case

>> No.55736270
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>> No.55736302

lowlife subhumans

>> No.55736313

Kek, you're obviously an ignorant jeet. Come back here and say this after researching the utilities of Seekers and Fluf in the futureverse.

>> No.55736368

Take it easy anon

>> No.55736419

Dodged a bullet.

>> No.55736494

Kek, its an obvious larp anon. The real chads are accumulating before low caps before the next cycle, I'm doing mine on Flux, Sylo and Inj which have shown potential for the long term.

>> No.55737547

Pay a fine maybe like the EOS guys.
Although I think he'll fight and win in court.

>> No.55739278

Selling puts conservatively on pro margin?

>> No.55740287

Look out for new trending narratives and always do your own research before buying.
CYMI and ACH are some of the good alts to start with

>> No.55740328

You've been dumped on, if its still possible, sell before its too late

>> No.55740340

CYMI has better utilities, so I'll definitely choose it over the other one

>> No.55741794

do not join the VC game. you are late to the party. Decades late. VCs rely on very cheap money for debt financing. The low rates have forced long time horizon projects with distant payoffs. Most are actually retarded and havent been agressive enough in their discounting and ngmi at the end of this cycle.

>> No.55742110

>crypto dogshit
kys poorfag loser.

>> No.55743236

Based Chad. Sylo has been one of my favourite self-custodial wallets as a decentralized p2p crypto messenger and privacy protocol. Privacy projects should be the next big thing in the space as you can't fucken ignore that.