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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55728124 No.55728124 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55728156

Does this mean buy LTC or will it affect something else

>> No.55728160

Load up you fool gonna be 10% gains per hour ramping up to pass BCH

>> No.55728191


No one gives a shit about an inferior copy paste clone of Bitcoin.

>> No.55728202

kek wrighties

>> No.55728224

kek security

>> No.55728384

Be honest knights. Is this Mimblewimble all over again? Is it just a meme and no pump will happen at all?

>> No.55728407


>> No.55728411

what the fuck is a mimblewimble
sounds like a name someone gave to their cock

>> No.55728427

Yeah, I thought so. Pretty soon zoomers will be asking what a halving is while pilling up shitcoins and getting rich off that.

>> No.55728452
File: 2.97 MB, 1024x576, so tiresome.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone teach me how to become rich quickly?

>> No.55728470
File: 187 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20230801-224728_Delta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bear market has been brutal bros

>> No.55728472

Tell you what, I'll hold those litecoins for safe keeping of course.

>> No.55728480

If Litecoin doesn't pump after tomorrow, I think I might just swap mine into Bitcoin.

>> No.55728488

Probably not the worst idea.

>> No.55728728

Fucking BASED

>> No.55728742


>> No.55728760
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>> No.55728770

>what the fuck is a mimblewimble
I assume it's supposed to be the opposite of fimbulwinter.

>> No.55728777

Right now? Short EVERYTHING.

>> No.55728971

This is what they took from you, Brvthers!

>> No.55728981
File: 74 KB, 1000x646, litecoin-price-prediction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halving countdown thread?

>> No.55728990

This is a LTC rugpull thread
fucking bullshit was a god damn sell the news event.

>> No.55728997

yeah opinion discarded kek

>> No.55729053
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priced in or not?

>> No.55729060

it's RUGGING!!!

>> No.55729083

its called last dip before pumping

>> No.55729087

absolutely rugging.

>> No.55729541
File: 18 KB, 243x208, 169063842979632252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my little Litecoin stocks

>> No.55729559

>not kaspa

>> No.55729582

its called first dip before absolutely shitting the bed

>> No.55729674

kaspa has 56% of its blocks produced by an unknown entity
wanna know why?
ASIC manufacturer sucking it dry before shipping them out and subsequently dumping their massive supply
look at kadena, that's the future of this shit coin

>> No.55729684
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>> No.55729731

no one cares about litecoin other than to pay for VPN, VPS and some other shit
don't hold this too much

>> No.55729748 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1619743560731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought at $93 yesterday, almost got liquidated today at $89
will it pump bros?

>> No.55729779

bro, your fud is weak. 'Unknown' on miner stats designates miners who use their own node instead of a pool.
Because Kaspa is designed to actually be better if you run your own node (less block transmission times, more chance to get blocks, and enough blocks per day that even low hash will get some)

ASICs have already shipped and are being used already.

Ironically this fud was probably made by butthurt Kadena trannies and you fell for it. Kadena failed by the way because their fundamental idea doesn't work, merkle proofs are an insecure way to tie their different chain together.

>> No.55729854

Nicehash has the most accurate counter, should pass in the late morning hours today.

>> No.55729917

she's hot, 5/5 would bang

>> No.55729955

it must be awful when so many of your women are fat and ugly that you hold this up as "beauty".
RIP mutt land

>> No.55729963

Imagine her taking a 20 man bukkake while making that face
A man can dream, bros

>> No.55729986

very few "white" people in muttland are actually free from contamination with subhuman dna, the defining factor of what the european race actually is.

>> No.55729995

Bullish for doge

>> No.55730503

I'd believe it if the number was 10%
56% is just too big of a number when you realize majority of miners are lazy retards who has no idea how to run a node

>> No.55731206

wish i too owned inspect element

>> No.55731298

lmao, the flaw of favouring mining pool dynamics has you in disbelief now something better comes along
many such cases

>> No.55731318

dumb retard. mining via your own node is always better. it's not something new kaspa invented

>> No.55731361

Desu, this halving puts LTC on the same level of inflation than bitcoin.

It's incredibly bullish.

>> No.55731492

Price will be in the 70s eod

>> No.55732331

More like halves your money

>> No.55732358


>> No.55732387

no but for people who don't have lots of money waiting around years to finally mine a block is not a viable option

>> No.55734620

Then why do you visit every LTC thread and say the exact same thing. Obviously you do care if you're devoting so much time to it.

>> No.55734646

>uses the same logic as bbby/game/AMC/lunc baggies
Kek baggies

>> No.55734663

exactly but it takes place during a shimbleshamby

>> No.55734671

I'm pretty straightedge
can anyone tell me what drugs do this to a person's eyes? turn into minute pinholes, that is

>> No.55734688

it's what happens to your eyes when exposed to bright sunlight

>> No.55734722

anon it's time to leave the basement, there is something outside called the sun

>> No.55734925
