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55726677 No.55726677 [Reply] [Original]

Why are millennials dying in such high numbers?

>> No.55726712

Get jabbed, your soul gets nabbed.

>> No.55726726

Obesity and drug addiction and economic hardship relative to their parents particularly in the startup years

>> No.55727008

I don't think they are

>> No.55727032

I think it’s that fentynal.

>> No.55727046

Quite literally the perfect phenotype. She has some features of a Frisian chick from the Netherlands I know... I hope she's not the one who died, this world needs 1000x more of this type of genetic perfection.

>> No.55727057
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>the perfect phenotype

>> No.55727076

Danes and Dutch should be bred on farms. Like Rewilding but with Aryans whypipo.

>> No.55727092

Impressive. Very nice. Now let’s see her without makeup and/or filters.

>> No.55727094
File: 424 KB, 1124x1500, 1475355416001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the perfect phenotype

Lolno. Light eyes in women look aggressive and masculine.

>> No.55727239

She looks insane, anon.
Your opinion sounds jewish and wrong.
You are 100% correct. I'm a dirty sand nigger American mutt, but we must use genetic editing to make sure north western European genes expand tremendously in the next 100 years.

>> No.55727717

Just remember that all women smell bad from time to time, they fart and also they age and look like raisins after a while.

>> No.55727739

>You are 100% correct. I'm a dirty sand nigger American mutt, but we must use genetic editing to make sure north western European genes expand tremendously in the next 100 years.
You will be spared on the DotR.

>> No.55727753

Dang every reply is based.

>> No.55727784

>he's threatened by the eye color
absolute beta

>> No.55727803

>perfect lighting
>probably 19 or 20 tops
yeah if anyone thinks she actually looks like this they are retarded

>> No.55727819
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You're and idiot. Nowhere did I imply I was scared.
Brown eyes are just a lot more feminine, especially with naturally long lashes.

>> No.55727950
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I blame video games and rap music

>> No.55727951
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only npcs praise white women, trying to trying to replicate the npc gene, the dark ages started upon the barbarian invasion, not a coincidence

>> No.55728001
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I love Mediterranean women with big chocolatey brown eyes so much it's unreal.

>> No.55728022
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I personally find Asians totally unappealing (look like bug people) but brown jungle Asians are acceptable.

Based enjoyer of brown European women.

>> No.55728031

>I hope she's not the one who died, this world needs 1000x more of this type of genetic perfection.
Don't worry she's fucking a fat BBC right now as you typed that post bro

>> No.55728048

yeah my absolute fucking type.

even has the trad dress on. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCC I literally just wanna hold her hand.

>> No.55728273

you got hundreds of celbs dying since the beginning of the year due to mystery conditions and sometimes they admit it was the vax.... but the rest of population is ok?

unironically, excess death is only rising

>> No.55728316

you're an npc, in order for them to kill a soul they probably have high vibrational frequency weapons to dissolve souls and consciousness, not a fucking vaccine, yes im unvaxxed but its not because im scared it dissolves the soul.

>> No.55728344

Millennials are kind of the shit out of luck generation that was essentially robbed. Millennials were born just in time to get a small taste of what life is supposed to be like (no-minimal social media, true human relationships, no smart phones, no crazy stupid culture wars, no mass surveillance, decent economy/dollar strength, etc) and then in the span of about a decade it all accelerated and went to shit with 9/11, War on Terror, 2008 Financial Crisis, iPhones/smartphones, Facebook, culture wars, propaganda, another financial crisis/Covid Lockdowns, domestic psychological warfare operations, AI, etc. many millennials feel despair and alienation and if you think about it, it’s a completely normal response to our modern world.

Zoomers were born into it so they don’t really know any different.

>> No.55728347


>> No.55728504
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All anecdotal, but I now know three people close to me ages 24, 38, and 45 who have all been diagnosed with cancer within the last year. They all had zero prior medical problems, no cancer history at a young age in their families, and were all seemingly healthy beforehand. I'm spooked, bros.

>> No.55728562
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>I personally find Asians totally unappealing (look like bug people) but brown jungle Asians are acceptable.


>> No.55728585

A guy I went to college with died of a sudden heart condition (no prior problems nor post-mortem diagnosis) at the age of 26 last year. Really weird

>> No.55728660



She looks fucking 40 what the fuck how

>> No.55728706
File: 106 KB, 1024x1017, IMG_4123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to take a moment to thank almighty based and checked KEK for this incredible /biz/ thread and especially thank you jannies, mods, and….Q………wherever you are………

>> No.55728878

This one looks like trouble

>> No.55729194
File: 374 KB, 512x512, 1670399341818100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are millennials dying in such high numbers?

among other things, the opioid crisis:
the sackler family, primarily richard sackler
>And at the OxyContin launch party, where the court filing says Sackler spoke of a “blizzard of prescriptions” for the potent painkiller, he added: “The prescription blizzard will be so deep, dense, and white.
