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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2 KB, 225x225, pepepal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55726943 No.55726943 [Reply] [Original]

Why did PepePal fail? From a post-mortem perspective, what went wrong?

>> No.55727043

>what went wrong?
Nothing. Everything went as planned. Scammers got rich. Retards got rugged.

>> No.55727145
File: 359 KB, 1644x2366, pepepal_bagholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did it fail? It pumped and dumped and made lots of people rich. This is literally how shitcoins work. If anything, it was a success.

>> No.55727158

>That screencap


>> No.55727191
File: 208 KB, 1022x1280, 1690831762566956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wut and Blaze are scamming faggots.
Squid dogs
The list goes on
On top of the 5% buy and sell tax they had a farm running on the backend to squeeze every drop of liquidity out of their baggies.
They had next to no incentive to make it work, only drum up hype for more buys.
Then Wut got ass blasted by his now ex girlfriend/wife and hopefully she takes everything off of him.
Then he pic related happened

>> No.55727221
File: 171 KB, 955x1500, 1675114475791170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone share dox on these assholes?

>> No.55727788

HEX and PEPL not looking good sers.

>> No.55727918

I tried warning people by pointing out the dev's previous projects.
Basically the dev makes a shitcoin, promotes the same demo content they've been working on for years, goes inactive or closes up shop and then rerolls into a new token
They're going to do it again and you retards will fall for it AGAIN

>> No.55728886

imagine having zero pepechain and instead bought this scam. why did it fail? there is nobody with real money who wants to build and keep building behind it. simple as.

>> No.55728920

HEX not looking good because it competes with government magic internet money.
PEPL not lookin good because its a rug pull scam.

>> No.55729443

Exactly this. If anyone believes Wut's pity stories, you're retarded. He's a serial scammer and now that the project has gone through its natural conclusion he needs to make up a story so that people pity him instead of blame him.
With that in mind, he'll return in about a year and make another scam and the baggies wont blame him because ''it's not his fault, he was working on PEPL 24/7 but then his life fell apart, we're going to the moon for sure this time!''
Those dumbasses are so easy to fleece.

>> No.55730178
File: 1.19 MB, 1242x1420, 1675728703580704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is he? time to get to the bottom of his shenanigans

>> No.55730191

bro ppl are sick of scam meme coins ok? so why should they not fail?? there are like millions and only a few successful and you think most of them gonna be!

>> No.55732238

Someone will figure it out at one point.
He better hope it's police/Arkham that do otherwise he'll be losing all his hearts in minecraft fr fr on god

>> No.55732489

He gave away quite a lot in the pepl telegram channel. I bet if we go through it carefully we can infer who this clown is.

>> No.55733702

You could, I can't.
I got banned yesterday for cussing Wut out and taking the piss out of him for his wife leaving him.
I'll give you this though.
He got his hands on an old truck its blue, apparently it was free. Either way there can't be many of those in that colour on the market right now.
He said he had to drive two hours for it.
If you can find the posts about the truck and find any old listings of the truck, you'll be within a 2 hour drive of his location

>> No.55733764

Because Evil Pepe are coming !!!

>> No.55733956

Months ago he claimed he was doxxed already so he ''can't possibly scam people''. I haven't seen the slightest indication of that. If he is, then it's the worlds most secret doxx.

>> No.55734073

Yeah I call bullshit on that, he said that too give the baggies a sense of ease.
I hope he gets what's coming to him.
We all want to make money but there's no need to scam your fellow man

>> No.55734459 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 725x547, 125314651436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it wasn't Blackswan. Phase 4 imminent More info at blackswan dot biz

>> No.55734520

Wait was that shit real? nibba raised 2 million dollars and left with a "yeah goy contract will launch in a few days dont worry, uh 15% of funds raised going to initial liquidity!!"

>> No.55734573 [DELETED] 

And let's not forget the full TG bot interface and web UI coming with Stage Four.

>> No.55734891

You faggots are pathetic

>> No.55735053

I literally went into their tg like 4 months ago and dropped screenshot compilations proving it and no one there seemed to care. He just explained it away, I can't remember exactly what he said about it, but I could tell the content being put up was just a bunch of rehash. He uses some kit from unity that might even be free, at worst it would cost $100-$200, then buys 3d models or has a jeet on fiver make them with various anim poses (again not very expensive considering). So then all he does is change the avatars to fit whatever theme. Once the grift has raised enough money, you won't be seeing more content. Any "update"s are rehash also. He's uninterested in producing a playable game
You will also notice that he normally goes for the 4chan crowd because they so desperately want to succeed with a seemingly like-minded "ourguy" dev they're willing to overlook the most blatantly false statements, rehashed content, and failure to produce anything tangible over long periods of time.

>> No.55735105

The project was a scam from day one. PEPEPAL. Trademark infringement, and not just one. TWO. They gave zero fucks about legality because they were always gonna rug and fuck off before they got noticeable. If anyone here seriously believed in PEPL and CEX, you are a fucking retard and you will literally never ever make it. Put your money in the S&P and you can actually retire one day instead of working minimum wage at age 80, if you didn't die from shitty decisions leading to stroke at 50 that is.

>> No.55735431

do u still have those caps ? i h old this shit and i wanna know if i'm been lied to

>> No.55735462

Jews said 'no'

>> No.55735494

They should still be in the tg unless they were deleted when I left. They're probably long gone. They fucked up and left stuff on youtube of the prev project thats how I figured it out iirc

I wouldn't be surprised if they nuked the old tg after I made a fuss about it

>> No.55735881 [DELETED] 

Best alpha on /biz/

>> No.55736168

They've made it private now.
No doubt they've scrubbed it clean.

>> No.55737876

I will say it’s weird that they purposely left the farms displaying the wrong $ amounts and %’s. It obfuscated the fact that few people were actually farming. I went to check and realized wtf I’m like a huge % of the farm. Either that or they couldn’t figure out how to make it display correctly which is also negative due to incompetence. I wouldn’t excuse potential malice for incompetence though.
This seems accurate.
Yeah idk what he meant by that. He has a LinkedIn but it’s literally just under his same pseudonym “Wut Honker”

>> No.55739040

These coins aren't meant to last

>> No.55739380


>> No.55739780

I always enjoy coming to biz to laugh at retards like you who happen to enjoy spending their hard earned money for Devs.

>> No.55739823

>HEX and PEPL not looking good sers.
That's what happens when you buy projects with zero utilities and no working products.
If it takes forever for retards to learn devs like me will continue to build sitcoins for them to invest in.

>> No.55740036

>zero utilities and no working products.

I always wonder why people chooose to go all in on shitcoins when they could literally consider getting utility tokens like CYMI.

>> No.55741699

when/if cryptocurrency becomes a modern adoption
the rare internet funni money "pepe"
will become highly sought after
its a waiting game. dont put a lot of money in just wait untill
a lot of people put a little bit of money in. 20M * 50 = 1B
and its probably going to be a lot more than that

>> No.55741757

And what are you doing on this thread?

You got fucked too!

>> No.55744951
File: 10 KB, 368x368, images - 2023-06-16T220324.760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't be shocked anymore when people think of x10000 gains in one day, as it's just a rare case. Anyway, that's their money. I'd still prefer long-term gems like Krest, which serves as the canary chain for the Peaq network.

>> No.55746217

Shoo shoo pajeetbots

>> No.55746304

take your meds, you retarded schizo.

>> No.55746524

Evilpepe is on track check’em

>> No.55747839

Tell me how I know your one of those faggots from the TG?

>> No.55749019

I'd rather buy more ORE.