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File: 378 KB, 1117x2048, Hedera Network Fresh Supply Co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55725648 No.55725648 [Reply] [Original]

Can HBAR really become the next ETH, but with actual real world utility?

>> No.55726214

next thread

>> No.55726232
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reposting my hedera-inspired network

>> No.55726238

The real world uses cash and credit, amazing system, wide adoption. Look into it.

>> No.55726263

There is not a single cryptocurrency that has real-world utility

>> No.55726280

False. I purchased marijuana with buttcoin and monero.

>> No.55726315

According to Mance, we might see an (one (1)) enterprise use case by the end of next year (Q4 2024) and it could (COULD) affect the price action

>> No.55726472

it's kind of fun to pop back into biz every once in a while and to see hbar baggies coping, it's a dead shitcoin, it's indubitably over for hbar

>> No.55726492
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pon pon

>> No.55726502

No it can't. HBAR is far better than a shitcoin casino.

>> No.55726598

Hbar is paying their only use case and completely compensating the fees, earning zero from it.

The activity has actually gone done if you remove this free spam.

>> No.55727397

this agriculture stuf is mega retarded. you cannot tokenize real life objects.

>farmers plant flower and sell flower token
>no one checks if the flower was ever planted

>> No.55727493

Yes you can, you are retard nigger and thinks he is smarter then literal computer/cryptography scientists

>> No.55728555

It's not like the only fortune 500 who actually built a web3 dapp from scratch couldn't afford the fees

>> No.55728578

>ServiceNow using Hedera
but will this make price go up? seems like SAFT, employee, and GC could just dump for a decade

>> No.55728685

underrated but not surprised, you actually need an IQ over 110 to read this meme

>> No.55728874

>but will this make price go up?
There is a non-zero chance that enterprise and CBDC adoption won't even pump HBAR

>> No.55729369

>cannot tokenize real life objects
You have no idea how the real world actually works do you? You absolutely can tokenize real world assets (RWATs) and we already do this in an archaic form with contracts and certifications.
Tokenizaton represents the final evolution of this continuing process of securing assets through paper promises which has been in motion since long before you were born.
Right now i can go buy diamonds which have been graded by a certified laboratory. The diamonds will come with a certificate and the analyzer has their own to verify they are a member of the organization which certifies and grades.
But do you trust all of these organizations equally? No. There can be a vast difference in the perceived trustworthiness of the GIA(Gemological Institute of America), the GRA(Gem Report Antwerp) and the IGI (International Gemological Institute)
Do you think all the certificates and licenses are equally unfalsifiable? No. The methods of education and the quality of qualifications granted vary from nation to nation. The anti-fraud measures vary also. E.G it is easier to ccounterfeit other nations' currencies, it is simply less profitable to set up such an operatino instead of trying to counterfeit dollars.
>tl;dr Most people might feel more comfortable buying diamonds from a verified seller in the west than in the east. Cryptographic tokenization of certificates, qualifications and assets fixes this.
And this is not to mention cars, phones, real estate, stocks, etc. Which will all be tokenized long before diamonds. Because tokenization increases security in an increasingly dangerous world. E.G how can our passports and identification be kept on phones if there is such a high rate of phone theft? Tokenization fixes this.

>> No.55729875
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>Can HBAR really become the next ETH?

No, you fucking retard. There's one thing that HBAR's good for, and that's being a farm team and training camp for ETH. That's why Nomura spent four years on the governing council then applied to be an asset service provider on Ethereum in the UAE. Hedera is nothing more than a stepping stone on the way to ETH, and that's all it will ever be.

>> No.55729884

code review time
transaction increments should be done within the `send` function, you can easily miscalculate transactions by having to manually keep track of adding the increment line
your while loop is also redundant, you can check time there

>> No.55730141

maybe some expensive items or thing that are already integrated with computers like cars can be tracked. but i am talking about wide scale tokenizations of small things like my flower example. i have heard hedera employees shill this "pay people to plant things" but the problem is you would have to send a human to inspect every single farm to ensure the flower that was tokenized and sold for 0.0001 cent was actually planted

>> No.55730207

Or you tokenize the seed or plant, and when its bought it triggers HCS.... outcome doesnt matter, still purchased.

>> No.55730271

>"pay people to plant things"
>you would have to send a human to inspect every single farm to ensure the flower that was tokenized and sold for 0.0001 cent was actually planted
Hyperbole, but this is already done outside of crypto with western charities and government projects. (see palm trees where each tree is counted) This would be worthwile doing for extremely rare flowering plants or plants which take an extremely long time to flower, or flower randomly.
The much easier and cheaper method for measuring plants planted is done in africa where they measure how many plants grow per square meter and estimate how many are planted over the course of a day by ground covered. It's roughly six million per day, far exceeding efforts anywhere else in the world because the natives have generational insight into the seeds which grow natively and compliment each other that the west lacks.
>tl;dr you are wrong and gay, all rose seeds and plants are accounted for with a margin for error for failure to grow for florists. We already use legacy "tokenization" through barcode and discount cards etc. Not to mention the ability to reserve flowers from a florist for future use. All done on paper/computer and easily cryptographically tokenized with little edit.
But this is different to the commercial flower industry which supplies many pharmaceutica/cosmetic needs and will be measured by field/weight. Therefore you can tokenize all aspects of that process from the field itself to the seed supply, fertilizer, transport, processed product and final medication.
Get a clue bub. You don't buy things because you're poor and are not an enjoyer of things. My mom and her friends would unironically love a cryptographically tokenized and secured real red bamboo plant that isn't falsified red bamboo made by adding red food coloring to the water supply. How else to guarantee the seeds bought by the bamboo customer are real Phyllostachys rubromarginata seeds and not just Bambusa vulgaris?

>> No.55730290
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Based and bambusa vulgaris pilled

Also... (picrel) Hyundai aint choosin ETH...

>> No.55730381

>30 days in every month

Shit math from shit post

>> No.55730564

>takes issue with the number of days in a month
>doesn't give a shit about the falsified transactions
typical HBAG holder.

>> No.55731235

Oh yes another layer one that does the exact same shit as the others.

>> No.55731249

>fiat cash
>for-profit credit
>amazing system
L'chaim, Schlomo!

>> No.55731415

>this is already done outside of crypto with western charities and government projects
majority of charities and government projects are money laundering schemes which proves my point

>> No.55731639

Bullish for Hebrewa scamgraph

>> No.55731663

Bears might as well rope themselves already. Repeating talking points that haven't been based in fact for years, just getting it wrong in general. Just accept you timed your shorts poorly and move on, faggot bear.

>> No.55731713

Good stuff. Too bad its for HBAR, this will not reflect in price action.

>> No.55731852
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oh the price certainly reflected the news.
took about an hour for SAFT to shit on it.

>> No.55731857
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>> No.55731912

Dumpera Dumpbar. I wish Hyundai announced this was on DOGE.

>> No.55733439

mmmm Hbar so good yum
Hedera gang gang so good
enterprise omomom yum yum
tps prrrrr kitty paws meow

>> No.55733445

Nope. In the meantime, I'll keep accumulating Kava instead simply because bridging Cosmos and ETH together has the potential to grow a massive ecosystem. Nuff said.

>> No.55733470


if you're going red, you might as well bet on avax instead faggot

>> No.55733582

Enterprise Blockchain adoption starting from a publicly traded token that only exists to be dumped on retail to pay the founders is so hilarious and backwards that I don't even need to get into the pointlessness of all of the use cases

>> No.55734097

>majority of charities and government projects are money laundering schemes which proves my point
No it doesn't. Your point was that plant tokenization is impossible. I proved you wrong.
But thanks for admitting your agenda is irrelevant to the validty of your points by mistaking one for the other dumbfuck.

>> No.55734201

its impossible because it be so easy to cheat. hedera's secure trust doesnt work when there is a disconnect between physical reality and the internet. like i said, it can work for something like a car, but none of the agriculture use cases would work

>> No.55734253

>its impossible because it be so easy to cheat.
Which is where tokenization of real world assets in a cryptographically secure way comes into play.
Lou've never been to LA or LV have you? Go tell them it's impossible to account for all the palm trees they are accounting for.
>but none of the agriculture use cases would work
Wrong. You msut be from teh third world or a third world state. Agriculture is one of the most regulated and monitored industries and the markets respond quickly to any change in production. Even places like india where the logistics of tracking agriculture are immense the industry is progressing rapidly towards first world standards where everything is on contract, insured, and there is a central supplier of both seed and feed.
You're just a permabobo fudder and should go back to you containment site/board. You know nothing of crypto or real world business and you prove it with every post you make.

>> No.55734286

And all this without delving into GMO patents which are increasing in use globally. Tokenization is inevitable and is already being developed by the institutions and organizations behind NDAs. "Crypto" as we know it is nothing more than a decade long fuzzing operation ironing out the kinks.

>> No.55734976
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>Can HBAR really become the next ETH, but with actual real world utility?

>> No.55735519

abft finality and transparent governance? I don't see this anywhere

>> No.55735529


>> No.55735546
File: 160 KB, 676x698, whypipo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you are ironically FUD'ing HBAGS these days? Me, I've lost count how long I've been here FUDing. And I certainly don't know if it's ironic or not anymore.

>> No.55735573

Not starting from a token, but from the superior L1.

>> No.55735606

No no, you see it's a long term hold. That's why we need billions and billions of tokens. It all works out, you see.

>> No.55737346

oh, well if you don't see it, then it must not exist!

>> No.55737535

HBAR shitheads still on 4chan? Sad as fuck you poor pathetic losers will never win. Have fun licking Leemon's ass and staying poor.

>> No.55737548

Any time someone mentions Lemon I can't help but think it's ironic fudding

>> No.55738636


>> No.55738887
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No clear picture anon just another layer one that does the exact same shit as the others.I'll simply join those KREST to get to take part in a $1 million PEAQ airdrop.

>> No.55739456

>Any time someone mentions Lemon I can't help but think it's ironic fudding
There are "anons" who don't understand irony, memes, or depreciating jokes here.

>> No.55739557

Personally, I FUD for the chance that a redditor or normalfag tries getting some alpha from here. I do feel guilty sometimes wondering if there's just a /biz/bro that's too retarded to understand the bants

>> No.55740853

I FUD to increase community engagement.
people explain why HBAG is great, for me, by arguing with me.