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File: 839 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230801_165831_Hinge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55724709 No.55724709 [Reply] [Original]

And by that I mean, why do women feel the need to match with you, only to not reply to your message? I thought it was pretty funny/unique

>Inb4 autist
Yea I might be

>> No.55724720

Kys op

>> No.55724740

You're a backup plan #278 in case chads bail on her.

>> No.55724764

Reminds me of that meme with everyone standing in line to fuck the whore.

>> No.55724821

she's 50 odd something pushing 60 OP, what the fuck are you on?

>> No.55724946

Said 29 on her profile

I thought maybe if I start swiping on mid females that I'd have a better shot lol guess I was wrong

>> No.55724962

That was a terrible line. Next time go with - "I like that dress on you. You should wear it out with me."

>> No.55725029

I would chuckle at this, but I trade crypto and women are retarded.

>> No.55725039

dating apps are fake and gay. a jewish corpo intermediates all your fucking. great idea lol

>> No.55725045

Sorry, men who like dressed should be flung from the rooftops. Good luck with your AIDS though.

>> No.55725226

Don't talk about money or politics with women. The key to dating apps is just having good photos (big forearms work great) then almost immediately for the date.

>> No.55725281

That was gay as fuck and never ask a woman for advice they are vapid holes and nothing more.
>t. From Kazakhstan with love

>> No.55725409

Alright that was pretty funny op. I'd use it again most women don't even reply to all their matches anyway.

>> No.55725712

You have to “know your audience”. Your joke is somewhat funny/relatable to us autists on /biz/ but the average normie girl will see your message amongst the other 100 messages she has and just dismiss it as weird or annoying.

Anyways dating apps are a numbers game so just chalk that one up and move on to the next. Also women like to match and not respond because they like the instant gratification of knowing guys want them, but they only want to respond to the hottest tallest guys that message them.

>> No.55725731

You didn't complement her feet

>> No.55725768

whether or not that was funny depends on how wide your shoulders and whether or not you have that constipated looking chad face

>> No.55725783


>> No.55725804

29 going on 50 but she thinks having a career makes her a catch. the rich chad she'd settle with is fucking college girls and won't marry someone who won't stay at home to watch the kids.

ladies, your career status is not attractive to the guys you demand

>> No.55725822

is it too late to buy hpos?

>> No.55725940

> Using a dating app
> Talking to an investment "associate"
> Immediately start asking her about "muh intellectual" S&P 500 without starting with small talk first
> Bringing up any other crypto besides Bitcoin


>> No.55725969

women dont respond to the same type of funny that men do

>> No.55726139
File: 265 KB, 1064x720, 816525105514032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dishwashers are meant to be our fleshlights, just let the thinking part to us, the males

>> No.55726153


anon. they all say 29