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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55721344 No.55721344 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, a random linker, full of hope and dreams
>join the Chainlink cult, believing in what it seems
>Sergey, our leader, promises riches and fame
>invest my life savings, hoping for the same
>watch as the price of Chainlink rises high
>feel like I'm flying, touching the sky
>but then, the market crashes, and all turns gray
>see my hard-earned money vanish away
>Sergey remains calm, with no remorse
>while I'm left with nothing, feeling like a horse
>betrayed and lost, I turn to the web
>to vent my frustration, to grieve and to sob
>realize I was a follower, caught in a craze
>blinded by promises, trapped in a daze
>now I'm left to rebuild, to start anew
>learning my lesson, my trust in chains I must review
>as a random linker, I stand up once more
>with resilience and wisdom, I'll find what I'm looking for.

>> No.55721417
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>> No.55721440

when moon sirs

>> No.55721478

Big macs are now buy one get one for $1. Your link just skyrocketed in value

>> No.55721969

Now THIS is podracing.

>> No.55723185

At one point the Oraclize guy called Sergey a sandwich fucker. He even accused Sergey of eating the sandwiches after busting loads into them. There was an intense bit of silence while Sergey glared. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead immediately, and his face was flush. He forced a chuckle into the microphone. Then he walked off stage and just out of the room where there was a magazine rack. He was still in full view of everyone through a window. He starts taking these magazines, two and three at a time, and just tearing them to shreds. Sometimes he would pick one up, and try to twist and tear the whole thing at once, but fail, so then he would start ripping out individual pages. He was facing away from everyone, so we never saw his facial expressions, but the jerking of his arms and jiggling of his head as he ripped the magazines suggested he was apoplectic with rage. This went on for two minutes at least. At this point I thought he was totally screwed, and that he had just ruined the reputation of chainlink in one fell swoop. However, he turned around and walked back into the room. He looked completely rejuvinated and full of vigor again. He proceeded to completely btfo Oraclize in every way, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Afterwards, he even did a little q&a session after the Oraclize guy left due to being frustrated from the harsh btfo. Janitorial services were picking up the mess of shredded magazines at this time, and the only acknowledgement Sergey ever made to the mess was when one of the older janitors fell over while leaning to pick up the pieces. He sort of covered his mouth with his hand, clearly holding back laughter. It was bizarre, but with genius comes inevitable personality quirks.

>> No.55723211
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>Francisco smartcon threat

>> No.55723289

It's coming up soon. Someone should set up a betting market for this using Chainlink oracles.

>> No.55723304

i've never watched or cared about anything regarding link/smartcon ever

will there be a live stream for smartcon?

>> No.55723398

Last year they streamed part of it. The whole thing lasted I think three days but the last day wasn't streamed.

>> No.55723669

>I'll find what I'm looking for
is it $5 eoy? because that's where it's heading

>> No.55723939


>> No.55723949

Based 'cisco

>> No.55723998
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