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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 298 KB, 2048x1366, sbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55716974 No.55716974 [Reply] [Original]

where does this fat jew even live

>> No.55716998

somewhere very nice no doubt.

>> No.55717005

Not Jewish

>> No.55717008

700 Cooksey LnStanford, CA 94305
is this him still?

>> No.55717037

one of you faggots knows his address

>> No.55717060


>> No.55717077

Used to be Bahamas, now in NYC

>> No.55717085
File: 97 KB, 427x400, 1690855455056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glow thread. Looks like Chainlinkgod is here fedposting again. Based zach riling up the incel rage to try to entrap neets who are down bad

>> No.55717091

>asking where someone who is a popular doxxed persona in the crypto community lives
>omg!!! ur glowing!!!! hahaha its the twitter fags

fuck off nigger im just curious obviously i wouldnt post anything malicious

>> No.55717099

which part? Manhattan?

>> No.55717116

Why are you so interested?

>> No.55717127

well i mean the guy rugs a few million routinely, i wanna see his swag at least. it should be public information, im sure its on google but i figure someone here knows

>> No.55717150
File: 98 KB, 1065x604, nothing ever happens.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i knew. this guy stole $140 from me!!! HE MUST PAY!!!

>> No.55717157

>i ask for a celebrities whereabouts
you seem nervous. im not sure why. most people have their addresses public

>> No.55717199

>unhinged nazi chudcels trying to stalk and harass poor innocent jewish man because of misinformation and conspiracy theories
Get lost you shameless shiesters, sam is just a kid who made a mistake, hes not some monstrous caricature villain you try to paint him as. Trying to say sam committed the latest rugpull is unfounded misinformation driven by nothing but anti semitism. Give the poor kid a break he has suffered enough already and embarrassed his family

>> No.55717206

Chainlink posters are all JIDF

>> No.55717211

>haha you're glowing
>omg ur a nazi and youre harassing him

nigger i just asked where the mofo lived i didnt state anything else. is asking a question that big of a fucking deal?

>> No.55717216

also im fucking jewish, fuck you

>> No.55717230

seek help

>> No.55717233

i struck a nerve it seems lmao

>> No.55717268

לעזאזל עם הגויים האלה אני צודק

>> No.55717274

Hey rabbi, what cha doing?

>> No.55717282

who the fuck asks questions like this on a glownigger forum? youre either 12 years old or the fat fuck himself

>> No.55717286

Israel duh where else to state sanctioned pedophiles live

>> No.55717290

literally there is nothing wrong with asking where a celebrity lives, i would have to be absolutely retarded to have malicious intent and ask it here. but the guys rich as fuck, im lowkey mirin', does he live in a mansion or some shit?

>> No.55717300

probably in a luxury apartment somewhere high up in a skyscraper so he can look down upon the retarded goyim.

>> No.55717303

>jew protecting jew criminal
Imagine my shock

>> No.55717307

Go back to twitter chainlinkg-d based king youre shining too hard. /biz/ is a peaceful pro-jewish, pro-sam bankman board.
You wont find the patsies here im afraid.
Nobody needs to know where sam lives because we all respect the kid and wish him the best and we respect his right to privacy and peace.

כולם עוקבים אחרי chainlinkg-d מבוסס בטוויטר

>> No.55717324

lol wtf. go to bed shlomo you are drunk. also kys.

>> No.55717334

take your meds but actually

>> No.55717351

Uh oh chainlinkg-d brought in the heavy cavalry! Based tactics shill master. Ill let you based and redpilled kings show us how its done in this thread. 4d chess baby lets rile up those incels and point them to sam bankmans place of residence that would be epic kekz and lulz. Sergey the based oberfuhrer would be proud of you king. Ok:LG! OK:VAMOS!

>> No.55717363

unironically is this sam? lmao

>> No.55717372
File: 549 KB, 666x961, IMG_7611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death to israel you ba’al worshipping lizard

>> No.55717380

I wish... That would mean I got to tap carolines sweet ass. That would make me the king of /biz/.
Im just a SBF supporter and loyal dip buyer of FTX

>> No.55717386

are you guys really sliding the whole board over this? why are there 10 new posts in the last 30 minutes? lmao bro its a fucking question relax i just wanna know what kind of house someone like him can afford

>> No.55717419

Hi Sam. Caroline doesn't even like you anymore and you will never tap her sweet sweet rodent ass ever again.

>> No.55717482

Kek neurotic jew got big mad over.. a low effort trolling thread? Take your epilepsy meds Moshe you stinky little rodent.

>> No.55717505

Chop him up

>> No.55717518

oy vey i would never encourage violence goy, i just wanted to see where the guy lives like theres no way this guys house isn/t 10/10. is it possible he lives in a shack?

>> No.55717532

Quantico VA

>> No.55717560

>Quantico VA
i would not be fucking surprised if they had him in a base at this point lmao

>> No.55717577
File: 100 KB, 420x420, 1658504566067911.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In his luxurious home playing video games and watching anime

>> No.55717583
File: 16 KB, 252x291, 1618492065960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55717626

theres no way this guy is actually at his parents house on house arrest is there

i bet they got him holed up somewhere or hes in some random spot

>> No.55717634

743 Cooksey Ln, Palo Alto CA 94305

>> No.55717638
File: 38 KB, 304x468, GAKK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La creatura en el swamp

>> No.55717647

is this legit him? i figured it would look nicer

>> No.55717698

According to Google, yes. Also found it posted on a few forums. No question that it belongs to his parents, but who knows if he's actually staying there.

>> No.55717932

damn i doubt hes chilling there though desu

>> No.55717978

Why, going to pay your respects? I think it's public record.

>> No.55717984

>unhinged nazi chudcels trying to stalk and harass poor innocent jewish man because of misinformation and conspiracy theories
>Get lost you shameless shiesters, sam is just a kid who made a mistake, hes not some monstrous caricature villain you try to paint him as. Trying to say sam committed the latest rugpull is unfounded misinformation driven by nothing but anti semitism. Give the poor kid a break he has suffered enough already and embarrassed his family
This is good bait. Well done.

>> No.55718111

He lives in your head, rent free

>> No.55718139

the only way he could be more of a JEW is if he exposed his horrible jew claw to the camera.

>> No.55718172

My biggest question about this entire thing is;
How will he and his family survive this?
I mean really. We’re looking at airliners bound for tel aviv getting shot down if they try to flee.

>> No.55718186
File: 93 KB, 1024x1024, 1689999629801444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's going to get away with it and the Jewish community will defend it. wait and see.

>> No.55718195

>We’re looking at airliners bound for tel aviv getting shot down if they try to flee.
Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.55718197

he's still facing 100 years in prison, chud. the jewish cabal exists only in your rotted out brain/

>> No.55718207

>stop noticing us GOY! reeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

>> No.55718242

>it’s ok to steal from people

>> No.55718255
File: 60 KB, 943x406, Screenshot 2023-07-31 10.07.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be thanking us for killing Christ you dumb GOY!

>> No.55718368

ive answered this a few times, im mostly just curious where someone that rich would stay

this thread has steam now so i want to clarify: i didnt start the thread with malicious purposes, im genuinely just curious and i know alot of his buddies lurk

>> No.55718718

>the entire board is getting slid with shit bait threads over this

>> No.55718743

on the base chain taking your money