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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55715772 No.55715772 [Reply] [Original]

What's the long term potential of ETH?

>> No.55715787


>> No.55715805

Everything over 15k sounds surreal
And im a methhead

>> No.55715824

0. There is no real use case and no demand. Though no real use case might be to harsh, it still was a great way, same as bitcoin to bait chinese capital and than pull the rug and US capital when the world got ready to fuck China up

>> No.55715825

I never liked it or "blockchain technology" in general. It is very inferior to cloud computing. It's just not fast enough. Bitcoin solves a financial problem, not a tech problem.

>> No.55715835

and what financial problem might that be? For buying sanctioned goods druggies and pedophiles use xmr

>> No.55715856

Being the global backbone of everything related to finance or digital trust. Just like the internet is with information.
>inferior to cloud computing
Apples and oranges.
>not a tech problem
It solves the byzantine generals problem.

>> No.55715861

>Infinity QE
Money printing by centralized institutions/governments. Bitcoin was created in 2008 when nerds were pissed that the tax payer bailed out all of the failed banks and corporations. It is a store of value. That's it

>> No.55715862

What about the gas fees? You don't have to pay $20 in gwei to load a website. Are L2 the solution?

>> No.55715874

What? Money creation is largely done by private banks in the civilized world chinkoid and the Loan Officer Survey showed that the money creation situation is hard tightening

>> No.55715896
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>muh survey from last week said
zoom out kid

>> No.55715898

The only thing ethereum is useful for is as a platform for shitcoins/scams. That's it. Now that sec is finally cracking down on the scams at long last the supposed utility of ethereum will quickly dry up. The long term viability is zero

>> No.55715904

chinkoid, nobody wants your bags, and before you start with some commutard bullshit about supply and production, that doesn't automatically create demand, even if your theories from the 19th century try to propagate that idea

>> No.55715912

Piss and shit, who is dumb enough to put up with those gas fees, dump this trash and invest in Cardano

>> No.55715923

directionally wrong.

>they are "democritizing" MEV => more congestion and poorer execution of transactions
>L2s are confusing AF for users and dead on arrival without CCIP (this is the smallest problem if CCIP glues them together). Should've just scaled L1
>EIP 1559 is financial engineering that makes the previous 2 points work. Dank sharding would be the first technical improvement since the Merge.
> mETHheads jerkoff to decentralization at every component of the ecosystem before worrying about use

the most cursed project in this space, and it'll pump next bullrun past 10k no problem.

>> No.55715926

ah yes, the beauty of a saturated market of "products" that can be created for virtually no cost. Not even enough demand for blockpace for one chink chain, yet their are ten thousands

>> No.55715930

Then short it pussy make me pay. You won't. You're too scared to act on your opinion. All talk. If your so smart then why aren't you rich? I got my money where my mouth is

>> No.55715936

why should I supply any capital into a chinkoid scam. I thought commutardism is all about getting rid of capital. You don't need my capital

>> No.55715946

Thats what i thought bitch

>> No.55715955

Scalability is crypto's biggest obstacle but it absolutely will be overcome. Technology progresses.
>Are L2 the solution?
Yep, but they need lots of development.

>> No.55715979

Crypto is your chance to prove your commutard theories, go on, show the world that the crypto (((community))) doesn't need stinking bad capitalist fiat.

>> No.55715987
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>civilized world

>> No.55715996

place your bet or shut the fuck up midwit

>> No.55716014

no, I rather use my capital to invest and speculate on capitalist products and services, commutard crypto doesn't need my capital, it would be more than unfair to prevent your (((community))) to prove your theories by soiling your products with evil capitalist fiat

>> No.55716024

Ethereum will end running on top of Polkadot.

>> No.55716176

Gas fee volatility will kill it. They tried to fix it, but failed.
Cardano truly is going to win this one for this sole reason. I'd anything, I am surprised that there are still so many people suffering on ETH...
The only thing keeping it still alive right now is volume.

>> No.55717165
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The Complete and Total Destruction of the State of Israel

>> No.55717182

Retards on here complaining about gas fees when L2s are popping off and continuing to improve. All the other L1 chains will eventually have to pivot to being ETH L2s or risk dying off. I predict $20k ETH before the end of 2025.

>> No.55717193

People actually think tech matters. What they fail to realize is that ETH would just steal any good code that comes along. Network Effect >>>> Everything Else

>> No.55717213

The most important chain in the world

>> No.55717320

I'm 0x short eth. I just don't hold it.

>> No.55718496

2k to 2.5k EOY
15k upcoming bull run.
30k end of decade.

Screenshot this.

>> No.55718511

30k$ frfr if crypto somehow gets adopted. smart contract will be the best utility there is
if you cant see this you are destined to never make anything off crypto.sell your solana,link bags anon

>> No.55718526

30 dollars to make a trade is fucking retarded. Why does this even exist I can't even sell the 300 dollars of pepe shit coins I have

>> No.55718531

>muh gas fees
Most brain dead anti-ETH argument there is.

>> No.55718539

I fucking pray for 10k+.
My real life will start then. Life 2.0 won’t happen if eth doesn’t reach that. I just want to be free bros….

>> No.55719013
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ETH potential is limitless. Because of its technological superiority, EVM tech has a lot of very high-end techs compatible with it. Peaqnetwork chain is EVM-compatible too with their decentralized IoT infrastructure and DePIN tech. This is the future anon Dyor.

>> No.55719512

It has been one and a half decade and the only use case with a tiny market and demand is still only sanctioned goods like drugs and child porn. It's about to say how it is, especially with the (((communitification))) (((discordification))) and other forms of trying to cultify crypto, together with the amount of socialists that entered this formerly on innovation focused industry, it's over, failed, statistically provable that the trajectory without public subsidizing of the crypto industry is down, decline of userbase and negative returns on investments

>> No.55719626



>> No.55719668
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What a take bobo
We can have more than one solid L1 chains, it'll promote adoption and preserve the idea of decentralization

An L1 like MultiversX have great tech and everything it needs to be on the same level as ethereum

>> No.55719808

10k eth is a dream that'll come to pass
Only a matter of time

>> No.55719815

If $150k BTC happens then $15k ETH might be possible

>> No.55719839

what happened to it though?
it hasn't really lived up to expectations apart from when it pumped one time.

regardless, I'm still holding egld and ride, fingers crossed to see how they turn out

>> No.55719923

You need to wake up from that dream

>> No.55719932

It's crazy how faggots use gas fees to fud ETH while it has the highest number of dapps, volume, users etc

>> No.55720006

actually one of the most valid projects building on the chain, been keeping up with them and the product for a while now

>> No.55720026

big if true, I'd send you 20k if this happens

>> No.55720036

You don't sell then
Take it as forced hodling kek

>> No.55720171

I expect a comeback and we could potentially see Egld above $100 soon again

I'm aware they got some exciting coming up later this year

>> No.55720624

only thing eth got going for itself is chainlink is on it. chainlinks a great way to lose money.

>> No.55720955

what the hell anon, then crypto aint worth shit . the only good practical utility i saw was smart contracts

>> No.55720963

Oh, hewwo, my wovewy fewwow crypto enthusiasts! giggles Pwease, come a wittwe cwoser as I unfowd the gworious tale of the ever-so-magical Ethereum and its unimpwobable, gwand future! Teehee~

Heehee, wook at wovewy Ethereum, the most adowabwe pwatform of infinite potential, the pwace where smawt contwacts snuggwe up and dance in dewightfuw dApps and DeFi wondews! It's not just any owd cryptocuwwency, no no! It's a dweamy, staw-studded cweation, the vewy essence of a new digital dimension, where wovey-dovey dApps and DeFi cawmwy fwoat awound, shaking up the meanies of centwawized pewciness! twinkwe

Oh my, in this cute and charming wuniverse of Ethereum, we bweak fwee fwom the shackwes of owd-fashioned finance, cweating a dewightfuw decentralized faiwyland of unstoppable fowce! Wook at the decentralized exchanges, liquidity pwotocows, and yield farming hidey-holes, whewe the financial magic is spwead to evewyone wike spwinkwes of stawwight! Uwu~

And gosh, the scalability woes wiww soon disappeaw, as Ethereum 2.0 comes to life in a gwand cosmic twansfowmation to a proof-of-stake utopia! The thwoughput wiww zoom wike a shooting staw, wuwing out fee toubles and unfowding a unyverse of speedy transactions! giggly twiwkwe

Don't you wisten to those gwumpy FUD-spweading doubt

>> No.55720978

Congrats for reaching consciousness. The next thing you might want to look into is birth rates and how importing niggers and sand niggers doesn't create growth or capital expansion in an ecomomy, but only inflation in basic goods and an increase in instability

>> No.55720998

DeFi is the only realistic use case, in other words trustless financial services for poorfags

>> No.55721007

Defi is far from (((trustless))) you buzzword spewing advertising cancer baggie

>> No.55721806

The future is bright with LSDs. Watch the charts.
Be early. Don't say I never warned you.

>> No.55721853

>Buy my bags

>> No.55722033

>DeFi is the only realistic use case, in other words trustless financial services for poorfags
Unpopular narratives like liquid staking derivatives will be huge for DeFi as predicted by altcoinistdao. Best to be positioned for the bull market

>> No.55722917

Nah, everyone on /biz/ are in crypto Otherwise you wouldn't be in a "finance" board where the only "financial" discussion is about crypto. Good bait though

>> No.55723578

In the long-term, I expect Ethereum to be potentially much more gay than it already is and to do what many are now calling a "reverse-flippening"

>> No.55724577

Gay based idiots thought everything is buy my bags..
>Research and cope!

>> No.55724661

Read the fucking Whitepaper. How the fuck are you on /biz/ in current year and have not read the damn Whitepaper. Central governments print money, give it to failed banks and shaniqua to raise Tyrone's niglets. Central banks cannot do that with bitcoin. Idk how many times, but the word trust is said repeatedly in the Whitepaper. Anyway, that's the point of this shit, trust.

>> No.55724677

Defi is future anon, more reason why I'm getting positioned for what DePINs is bringing to the space with decentralized physical infrastructure.

>> No.55724707
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>Most bounties on fraudulent activity on Arkham are about ETH and their adjacent shitcoins
>Mostly used for defi trash and degenerate gambling schemes
>No real world use in 2023
>Other alts run circles around it, they just lack the hype
You are buying into the biggest bubble in existence :)

>> No.55724718

i have zero faith in the final product i just know itll do well ido wise just like arkm did. aiming for a x5 at least inshallah

>> No.55724724
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>> No.55724728

the curve exploit made me remember why i never bought a single eth in my life lmao.

>> No.55724737

Should I just buy all the Binance Research shitcoins and use it as a personal pump dump scheme im not a part of? Sounds profitable.

>> No.55724758

Ethereum is not a security unlike all your retarded shitcoins. Nuff said.

>> No.55724761
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>> No.55724767

They announced 2 more launchpads. If you've got some spare BNB lying around, I'd say there are worse ways to spend your crypto.

>> No.55724777

Vitalik still has a much bigger dick than any of y'all incel chuds

>> No.55724787

There is a reason it is made by a russian pedo. It is king of scams, that is all it brought to the cryptoverse.

>> No.55724886

>Network Effect >>>> Everything Else
This. ETH is good enough for most DeFi application and by now it's too big to fail, so it will continue to attract the most liquidity. We see it already with the adoption of L2 on ETH including Base, which I assume Coinbase is going to use to try and attract tradfi to the blockchain space. More generally I see "bankchains" arising and becoming L2s on ETH. CCIP obviously facilitates this by allowing liquidity to flow between public and private L2s and Ethereum itself. Some other L1s will continue to exist and be used for niche usecases (XRP and HBAR) but the majority of activity will be in the broader ETH ecosystem. ETH will however be wrapped by ICP, integrating it into true web3. Screencap this.

>> No.55725897
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$500 gas fee per txs

>> No.55726853

eth has no future
it was a tool of destruction and theft, and not even a very good one

>> No.55727681

ETH isn't for poorfags. They'll be relegated to L2s and scamchains like BSC, as it was meant to be.

>> No.55727798

Eth indeed has a good future, but it being expensive is something that needs to be fixed desu. Recently a board member of Ethereum Foundation has an eye on a quantum resistant L1 and even acknowledged its potential and uses of its private blockchain.

>> No.55727806

Being designated as a security, and a slow bleed to $0 while all the money flows into Bitcoin.

>> No.55729961

>It's da future
Best way to identify a nervous baggie

>> No.55730090

The gig is straight fire, they're blending VR with real-world motion.
>It's like diving into a new dimension while you're on long trips