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File: 174 KB, 1080x997, Bankman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55715522 No.55715522 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55715548

Scamming the goyim and donating to the DNC, it's a hard job but someone has to do it.

>> No.55715558

Why can't they just put him in jail already it's so tiresome.

>> No.55715585

>redjew bluejew
If he'd only donated to DNC he'd probably sleeping be in the slammer right now. He funneled money into GOP as well.

>> No.55715599

Kek, actual Gigachad.

>> No.55715614
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>> No.55715643

republicans are cucks, you know that. one of his parents runs a fucking super pac for dems.

>> No.55715679


>> No.55715788

I don’t understand how he would be so stupid to use a wallet with history like that? He must have known people would look into it right?

>> No.55715796

what're they gonna do, throw him in jail?

>> No.55715816

The donation list you saw on Federal Election Commission is a public donation one. 'Contribution' to DNC is always more expensive than the RNC ones because with RNC you don't need to feed the relatively well off voting base, you just need to bribe handful of politicians and talking heads you see on the screen.
>republicans are cucks
That's the biggest trick politicians ever pulled on people. They want you to think they're incompetent while in reality they know exactly what they're doing.

>> No.55715828

100% orchestrated by gensler and the SEC to go after coinbase

>> No.55715842

Ok what should i buy ?
Tell me

>> No.55715848

Glowies got him out just to make a rugcoin on coinbase L2 at the same time that the government sues coinbase and tells them to stop trading anything other than bitcoin at the same time that blackrock shills bitcoin. it's not even funny anymore

>> No.55715935
File: 117 KB, 1080x1311, 1639654903040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao this fuckin jew has 3 minutes outside and people already found more dirt on him. Incredible. I'm 99% sure this is exactly what will appear on Arkham Intel's bounty once they finally reveal it to the public (people already submitted info). It's a matter of time before he gets nailed in the public zeitgeist for being outed as Bald.

>> No.55715943

>yfw you've managed to outplay the goyim for the 9th time in a row

>> No.55715947

It's the only asset that can't possibly be classified as a security.

>> No.55715954

All it takes is to donate some of that money to the democrats and you'll have all charges dropped immediately. It's that simple.

>> No.55715956

>gets nailed in the public zeitgeist
There are so many people this has happened to that are still walking the streets and pulling off scams, FTX is not unique in this respect.

>> No.55715966

what does coinbase have to do with any of this mess

>> No.55715971
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I don't think it's going to make much of a difference anyways.

It's not like they're going to use that stuff as evidence against him in court anyways.

>> No.55715973

gary ordered them to delist pretty much all altcoins except BTC you nigger

>> No.55715975
File: 119 KB, 645x773, 1672687671245187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the arkm goys delay it then that would mean they thought false info was the correct info therefore they'll look reeeally fucking bad.

holding arkm very cautiously at the moment.

he's a part of the elite, anon. he fucked up big time so (((they))) can't really cover it up too much, but they can weasel him out of jail for the time being. still got a lot of cases to go though,

>> No.55715981
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You will never ever ever never ever see that money nor any sort of compensation so why care? Who cares? Everybody knows he did it and everybody knows who his family and friends are, therefore he will never face real consequences becuase the real world is a bitch like that. Simple as.

>> No.55715995

Idk man those fucking jews fucked us pretty hard, we deserve some kind of retribution you feel me?

>> No.55715998

Objectively wrong. Authorities have used independent research (from twitter crypto detectives mostly) as evidence against faggots like these. Why? Because boomers and bimbos (90% of workers involved with authority organs) wouldn't even know where to begin when it comes to crypto crimes.

Arkham's report + general consensus = Sammy boy will turn into a fucktoy in jail.

>> No.55716006
File: 675 KB, 675x685, 1672073424448325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you mentally ill unironically?

>> No.55716012

Id love to live enough to see this day

World is changing, and research methods are actually evolving, hope it changes soon enough.

>> No.55716023 [DELETED] 
File: 898 KB, 1188x950, Screen Shot 2023-07-31 at 6.42.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the gary fud...again

>> No.55716040
File: 508 KB, 1180x940, Screen Shot 2023-07-31 at 7.25.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the gary fud...again

>> No.55716179

it happened on coinbase's new L2 that's supposed to become a fully regulated kyc chain

>> No.55716290
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>> No.55716616

it's almost like he doesn't care because he knows he has the blessing of the entire synagogue. weird huh?