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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55714252 No.55714252 [Reply] [Original]

would you have children in this economy?

>> No.55714273

I can't even have myself.

>> No.55714275

I can't afford kids, if I was a Billionaire I'd have like 100 probably.

>> No.55714288

I have 2 already, shit is so cash.

>i would rather my son not be born than have him face the adversities of life and grow
Yeah I can see where the son got his faggotry from, alright

No wonder so many basket cases zoomer faggots are lost. Their father/masculine figures are even more of a soiridden cocksucking skinnyfats mongoloids than themselves.

>> No.55714297

kek, this

>> No.55714341

yeah its definitely their fathers fault not the society thats crumbling around us

>> No.55714413

No, it is the jews fault, I completely agree. That doesn't mean that we aren't obliged to fight to the very last drop of our blood.

I won't be demoralized, nor will be my kids. I refuse to look up with despair and just await for my turn to be culled.

To live is to fight. Fight or be trampled on.

I used to be a hopeless doomer as well. It all changed when I my elder boy was born. I must fight. For him, for his little brother, for our future.

>> No.55714543


>> No.55714636

>we aren't obliged to fight to the very last drop of our blood.
accepting this for yourself is one thing
unwillingly bringing others into this mess that will have no choice but continuing a suicidal fight is abuse no matter which way you approach it
whether you are recruiting new members into a cult jim jones tier or having kids in this world its all the same

>> No.55714650

Based. You're gonna make it.

>> No.55714664

>i dont know what to do
maybe get him out of there? move to rural area? move to another country? do something with your son, hiking, traveling, whatever

>> No.55714688
File: 29 KB, 657x527, 1577028623145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you expect me to let my line die out just because the economy is failing?

Nigger, I'll have you know that my line consists of kings and peasants alike. My ancestors may not have always ate from a silver spoon, but they never failed to reproduce. Why would I ever let my line die...and for what, a few extra dollars?

Fuck you for even posing this question. Your ancestors look on you with disgust

>> No.55714716
File: 61 KB, 360x451, approve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled.

>> No.55714755

Sounds like a parental failure

>> No.55714764

at least this boomer developed some type of self awareness and empathy, the rest of them never even reach that point

>> No.55714773

No, this is a buyers market, much more profitable to breed pitbulls.

>> No.55714779
