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File: 126 KB, 1170x938, F1EzmANaYAM9Xng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55712455 No.55712455 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55712485

You can get cheaper rent than that. I make 16.50 an hour (severely underpaid), and COULD theoretically scrape by(without parents), but it isn't worth living at that point.

>> No.55712495

get your CDL sweety
axiomatically women are just as good at driving, driving manual, operating heavy machinery, moving freight, lifting things, navigating, being responsible, etc., as men
the patriarchy is just colluding to keep them out of the trucking industry

>> No.55712506

Her fault for not being a nigger. Whites are here to pay for all these programs.

>> No.55712509

This is one of the worst posts I've seen on this board this week. Tradies and collegecucks both get the rope

>> No.55712518

i make like 100k a year and her monthly expenses are more than mine

>> No.55712525

>I don't need a husband to take care of me.
>I need the government to take care of me.

>> No.55712551

Living out of your budget.
> Wymyn not selling foot pics for more income, kek

>> No.55712557

It's a short list. Post your expencises.
>inb4 I live in my car

>> No.55712563

this shit is pretty much slavery, you only make enough money to afford to pay for housing, food and transportation back to the wage cage

>> No.55712571

>I have the capital to largely pay for things short term or upfront
>People poorer than me (who pay for the same necessary services) have higher monthly expenses because they don't have the money to buy outright.
>WhY dOeS tHe PoOr Do ThIs?

Consider homelessness

>> No.55712572

>rent is 1569
found the problem

>> No.55712579

>car insurance 200 a month
women are dumb

>> No.55712591

I make 0 dollar officially
Rent: 0
car: 0
Phone: 50

>> No.55712593

Exactly, you also have the choice of one (1) form of entertainment, two (2) pairs of clothes a year, or one (1) vacation every five years with your 'disposable' income from your 'gainful' employment.

>> No.55712606

This lol. I've had a well-deserved uptick in lifestyle creep over the past 2 years, but I was averaging $140k annually from 2015 to 2021 and spent way less than her on my living expenses. I bet she spends $600 a month on restaurants and Starbucks.

>> No.55712611

Are you mentally deficient? It largely depends where you live. I have a fairly old car and a perfect driving record and I pay 350 a month because I live in Michigan. Sadly, not everyone can live in fucking Vicksburg

>> No.55712634

lnao are you serious. bruh i pay only 70 a month

>> No.55712641

Where do you live, nigger? What do you drive? Does your State mandate casualty insurance? Without sharing that there isn't enough context to lol lmao

>> No.55712677

Doesn't make him wrong though. Wtf is up with people thinking exceptions disprove generalities.

>> No.55712711

>I pay 350 a month because I live in Michigan
not my problem you're a moron

>> No.55712729

she's got about $500 left, what's her problem?

>> No.55712797

Great counterargument.

YO guys, anybody who pays more than this is an idiot, or moron or woman, REGARDLESS of where he lives. THUS ALL people should live in the cheapest spot in the world, which certainly won't cause prices to spike there, or you are an idiot.

Actually questioning if US are really that stupid as their education is infamous for, or if here are more pajeets than I thought.

>> No.55712812

Btw, I pay 20$ rent and 5$ for my car. I make 100k a year, cause I scam people in the US via phonecalls. Guess where I live.

>> No.55712826

>commie roastie complaining about the decline of the west

>calls the gov greedy

Yet she will go home and lick corporate/government boot like everyone of her kind

>> No.55712836

>You can get cheaper rent than that.
you cannot. Unless you want a 2hr commute from a trailer park in a deserted town, with a population of 300 meth heads, you cannot find rent cheaper than $1500 in any American city. That's the average rent in like fucking Billings Montana.

>> No.55712845

It's because your insurance carrier hates retarded faggots like you, but they have a legal obligation to offer coverage and give you a much higher rate. I pay $50 a month for full coverage in NJ because I'm not a retarded faggot

>> No.55712855

>Car payment
I pay 15 a month and honestly might downgrade further cause I don't use all my data
>Don't qualify for food stamps
I call bs. Firstly food stamps is a state level thing. I like In a deep red state and it's really easy to get food stamps with that income. She must be a dependent or something.

>> No.55712869


yeah i got $1600/month apartment and my car is 15 years old. I have no girlfriend. I just invest everything. When the housing market stabilizes or I actually find someone worth marrying I'll get a house. I guarantee the lady in OP pic has a new car because she doesn't know how they work, probably drinks starbucks, has prescriptions meds, new iphone, etc.
The fact she only makes $16 an hour should be a redflag that she's not that smart to begin with

>> No.55712872

Do you realize the scale of what you're referring to? Just say 10 States (which is a lowball) have leftist insurance laws. You have a minimum of 35 million people who have that excuse. Hardly an exception in practical terms.

>> No.55712882

Youre absolutely right, what do food, clothing, emergency expenses, taxes, or utilities matter?

>> No.55712893

More likely than not Colorado or the Carolinas. If not you're probably a smug new england fag

>> No.55712899

Meh. Only in the major cities. I live in a small town about 30 minutes out of the city and you can get (shitty) lodgings for 800, but the only livable stuff starts at 1250ish

>> No.55712911

>perfect driving record
>drives modest vehicle
>state mandated casualty insurance
>live in nigger infested state
>bro you're the retard

Never breed

>verification not required

>> No.55712923

I agreed with you until the end. Most people with a four year degree start at 16 and if you're a richfag and get a masters you get a whole 18

>> No.55712925

>rent is 1500
find a cheaper place or get room mates retard

>> No.55712955

kek car insurance that expensive in USA?

>> No.55712961

That was a joke and hint @india, but I don't live there nor do I scam people. Just highlighting that you cannot disregard the circumstances.

>> No.55712976

michigan in particular has very expensive insurance because reasons

>> No.55713032
File: 1.29 MB, 2937x1607, Retirement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder you all called me schizo for pooping in a hole and bathing with a tea kettle
Rents due wagies, I'll see you at work tomorrow

>> No.55713046

i paid of my mortgage with 2017 bull run gains, you can go poop in your hole though

>> No.55713055

>Le I Am Millionaire Poster

>> No.55713062

keep hole shitting

>> No.55713073

You say this as an insult. Keep larping on a board with 20 users demoralization agent

>> No.55713076

Wants a government handout like a poc or minority. Filthy casual.

>> No.55713079

i'm not larping

>> No.55713098

It's financed. Goyim have to get full coverage to cover Mr Nosestein's car she is spending years buying.

>> No.55713111

>i'm not larping
>its just a coincidence I'm here to talk about making it in 2017 in "America is garbage" thread #205271
Wow I am fucking demoralized bros

>> No.55713115

whatever schizo

>> No.55713123

Based fiat enjoyer. You have nothing but magic internet beans until you cash out in to official fake money.

>> No.55713131
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Whatever Fats

>> No.55713145

lmao i have a 2 door sports car and i pay $100 a month in florida as an early 20s male

you pay that much cause youre an awful driver or live like a nigger

>> No.55713148

You can wipe ass for 25$/hr in flyoverville. If you’re in blue state, you can easily make 35 just wiping ass. Time to learn how to wipe dat ass.

>> No.55713195

>$27 per hour
>lives with parents
>car has been paid off
>insurance is $70/monthly
It’s just that easy. Maybe if you weren’t a worthless sack of shit and your parents loved you it wouldn’t be a problem.

>> No.55713333

Lying demoralization shill.
$1100 a month for 2br 1 bath in Corpus Christi, TX.
3br 2 bath house in San Antonio is only $1700

>> No.55713356

Get roommates
Ride the bus
Use public library for internet and entertainment

I just cut her spending in half.

>> No.55713365

$2k starting for a nigger-infested 1br apartment in most parts of Las Vegas, NV right now. Las Vegas is notorious for having low cost of living, and is nowhere near the largest metro area in the US.

>quads checked

>> No.55713461
File: 74 KB, 617x488, uninsured_europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On average, there's more of uninsured people driving around, which raises premiums for everyone.
USA: 12.6% (https://www.iii.org/fact-statistic/facts-statistics-uninsured-motorists))
EU average: 1.8% (https://www.mibi.ie/mibi-news/ireland-may-have-highest-level-of-uninsured-in-eu.2139.htmlv))

>> No.55713487
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US map (https://insurify.com/insights/states-with-the-most-uninsured-motorists/))

>> No.55713502

Nigger stfu I literally work for 7 an hour and still don't complain, I'm using everything I have to fatten my arkm stack so I can move the fuck away from this disgusting country

>> No.55713514

It's that high for you because of the multiple duis.

>> No.55713533

wtf do you do for a living anon, that's literally the cheapest I've seen

>> No.55713535

You can't be living in the US if that's what you earn kek

>> No.55713538

Shut the FUCK up nigger

>> No.55713540

Jesus christ, you're so fucked

>> No.55713555

I have a Master and PhD and it isn't that hard to get a scholarship, especially for a woman. Corpos would line up to take her in for a fake job to pad their diversity quota. My starting pay is 70k, she can make 6 figs easily

>> No.55713573

>lives in Florida
That's why
See how a little context helps? Compare insurance laws, road quality, etc. Between states and you have your reason. Fuck off you self righteous prick

>> No.55713579

You niggas are so fucking spoiled

>> No.55713590

>didn't read the rest of the posts
Sir Gawain, your quest shall be long and treacherous... you are to find the ONE WHO ASKED.

>> No.55713597

>has 480000 in student debt
>bro muh 50k scholarship lolololololololol
Wew lad

>> No.55713627

car insurance is 200 a month? is this normal for a burger? I pay about 300 a year in uk.

>> No.55713634
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There are some great books in the late 1800s and early 1900s but pro slavery marxists and they are actually very eye opening because they basically make the point that actual slaves are better kept than free slaves and that GIVEN that humans are capital, it is better to be owned and taken care of than "free" and used and abused and forced to feed and clothe oneself.
It's a pretty strong case.

>> No.55713636
File: 67 KB, 500x493, Welcome To The Janitorial Closet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter screenshot

>> No.55713645


>> No.55713789

>make 140k
>house: paid off
>car: paid off
>car insurance: 150
>hard drugs and alcohol: 3000
>clothes: 1000
>grocery: 200 (i dont eat breakfast or snacks bc thats gay)
how can i save more money per month? kinda tight rn

>> No.55713871

dont spend a thousand bucks on clothes you fucking idiot
other than that you can get rid of groceries by stealing them

>> No.55713899

>I have a fairly old car and a perfect driving record and I pay 350 a month because I live in Michigan
Yeah bullshit, you are paying much more than you have to. I live here and I know you're a lying little rat. Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.55713903

>car insurance has anything to do with your driving skills

>> No.55713908

Food stamps are only for niggers and other leeches. Didn't she get the memo?

>> No.55713934

>yeah but how many hours do you work?
checkmate leftoid.

>> No.55713978

>lives in UP or fucking Ionia
>thinks he represents the State
Top kek

>> No.55713996

you can get $20 working at a grocery store now in medium cost of living area. I know a guy making $18 at whole foods as a low level wagie paying $600 in rent cause he's got a roomate

>> No.55714036

Yes. Literal slave jobs now ironically pay more than the slightly more intellectual ones. I used to work that stuff and I took the pay cut because of the ritual humiliation. It just isn't worth the extra two bucks.

>> No.55714075

>Have to go through some form of gatekeeper to get access to massive towing cab

>> No.55714093

The point is that niggers use their EBT and welfare to buy extravagant shit they don't need and the government pays no mind while whitey couldn't dream of a government-sponsored can of soup. You want to know why we're in our situation right now? Because weak people like you chastise your own fucking race while other races organize as a collective no matter the financial difference. You're probably not even white though.

>> No.55714094

Nigga that's not a list of expenses. How much is your phone/internet? How much do you spend on food? Gas (you have an old clunker, like me, so I know it's not nothing).

>> No.55714182

cost of living is out of control but if you're making $16/hour as an adult you're likely retarded. get a real job.

>> No.55714199

>you chastise your own fucking race
You damn right I do. There's a 99% chance that dumb bitch voted democrat and goes around virtue signaling about white guilt or such nonsense.
The day I'm allowed to walk around town talking shit about how niggers are worthless is the day I start giving a fuck about "my fellow whites" which more often than not are openly hostile to their own race. If she learn from this experience is up to her.
>other races organize as a collective
You live disconnected from reality.

>> No.55714254
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>> No.55714293

And yet they won’t do shit.
Satiated by cheap dopamine fixes like beer, caffine, porn, tv, internet, etc

>> No.55714420

>1600 Rent
I earn 6 figures and pay less than that in rent, 10 minutes away from one of the most expensive cities on earth.
Are people retarded?

>> No.55714517

you wouldn't understand, she will literally have a PTSD climate anxiety attack if she lives more than 3 minutes from the nearest starbucks

>> No.55714545

car insurance and phone bill can be easily reduced

car payment and rent seem "fair", depending where she lives

>> No.55714556

I live in a pretty dogshit American city and rent is still 1400+ in any area in or around the city

>> No.55714598

>it is better to be owned and taken care of than "free" and used and abused and forced to feed and clothe oneself
The Greek model of Slavery was ideal; pick up some slavering villager from Egypt or Turkey, tell him "hey, herd my pigs and you can go from eating meat once a year to like every day"

If he wants to run away, he runs. Who gives a fuck? Should have treated him better if he'd rather go back to living in the ruins of some tomb under a brutal taxing king.

>> No.55714603

Yep bartenders make more money than accountants.
>Tfw midwit

>> No.55714673

I live in Indiana and pay $400 per 6 months (full coverage) for my 2015 Corolla, is it because I'm super special? If you're paying $5k a year for car insurance and it's purely because you live in Michigan maybe you should move

>> No.55714689
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This thread is just more kremlin doom crap spam. Boring

>> No.55714715

this is literally not true

>> No.55714743

It’s funny because being poor in the US is the same as being upper middle class in any other country in the world LMAO

>> No.55714799

thats an income problem, not a lack of hand outs problem. although, if they can throw billions to ukraine they can throw people like this a bone as well i guess. ideally neither

>> No.55714819

>sell car (you don't need one in the city)
>swap to tracfone (15 bucks for unlimited calling and texting)
wa la money saved

>> No.55714855

>let's talk about being poor
Sorry. I can't relate.

>> No.55714935

Strange, my house must've teleported when I wasn't looking. You're just fucking retarded, I called you out on you bullshit and now you're going to move the goalpost more and more. I live in Traverse City, probably a much better representation of the state than, say, Detroit/Jackson/Flint, where you probably live. I pay 100 a month, I know people who pay less.

>> No.55714966

Thought she was Italian, not that there's a difference.

>> No.55715340

Now I understand why commies are such bootlickers.

>> No.55715377
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What part of you will own nothing and be happy don’t you understand slave?

>> No.55715379

>just get a real job bro lmaoooo
name 10 real jobs right now

>> No.55715413

Billings is actually quite expensive living lmao

>> No.55715414

>dumb people overspend no matter what their income is
>smart people don't overspend no matter what their income is
duuuuude the economy is magical

>> No.55715446

How is the car insurance $200/month for a single car? Everything else checks out and if anything she isn't accurately portraying how awful the U.S. actually is.

>> No.55715514
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Literally caring about what broke women think

>> No.55715615

Yes, that's the point you silly nigger. You live in a *white* part of the State. Those of us who live in the suburbs to wage in the city have different circumstances. Kill yourself as soon as possible.

>> No.55715633

>bro just quit your job and spend all your savings to move

Whatever delusions you need m8

>> No.55715663

I live in Michigan and pay $110/month. My idiot friend has a DUI and 2 cars and pays $225/month total. You must live near a lot of fucking criminals or have a single digit credit score.

>> No.55715691

Sounds like she cannot afford to live single in an apartment, either split the rent, live in your car, or have absolutely 0 disposable income.
I hope she is paying off a loan with that car payment and didn't lease a new one from the dealership.
Also 16/hr is pretty bad, unless the job is a stepping stone to advance in a career she needs to find something more livable.

>> No.55716000

Credit score in the 730s.
Welcome to Detroit.
[Insert Cyberpunk Meme]

>> No.55716013

>Credit score in the 730s
Post your hand Jamal

>> No.55716065

Is that supposed to be bad?
I'm only 20 with a short credit history or it'd be higher.
Also not posting hand (glow moar) but I am white.

>> No.55716074

>a womans twitter post
Only read half a line, there is nothing to discuss.
Post tits next time faggot

>> No.55716109

>car payment
>car insurance
These are all things a typical person with a 100k salary will pay you fucking retard.
>consider a toaster in the tub

>> No.55716125

Illiterate fuck

If you can pay for those essential services outright, you avoid interest and have lower monthly expenses because you mostly have single transactions.

Go back midwit trash

>> No.55716199

No you retard most people who make 100k don't pay for that shit upfront you fucking moron. I know you wouldn't know that cause you don't make near that much, but it's true you "illiterate fuck". Kill yourself.

>> No.55716246

She has $201 left to be exact. That's not much to afford food for the month.

>> No.55716269
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based nature terrorist. It forces respect, ppl claim all the time they gongo innawood, but in truth the conditions are horrible. It's wet, moisty, full of insects, can be dangerous when it get windy.
And even if unlikely, any psycho can come in and rape you at night and nobody will hear your screams.

>> No.55716291

The solution is to get rid of everybody but whites. Especially Jews and Niggers. One in the same but I'd take a nigger over a Jew.

Then the cheaper spots won't be dangerous, just less recreational shit and less violent druggies.

>> No.55716333

>literally a no u argument

Many such cases


>> No.55716348


It isn't quite that simple. Niggers are annoying though.

>> No.55716368

A large part of the reason auto insurance was so fucking expensive in Michigan was because they made you pay for no-fault medical insurance as part of your auto insurance package.

They finally fucking changed that like 2ish? years ago so you can get rid of that part of your coverage, but only IF you have it as part of your medical insurance. Not a single fucking insurance company in the state will tell you this unless you ask, so if your policy is over 2 years old I strongly encourage you to call your provider and you can negotiate a MUCH lower premium.

>> No.55716371

I have no visitor but I must rape

>> No.55716435

>literally can't respond to what I said because you know you're wrong


>> No.55716452


Many Americans are not just stupid but also malevolent.

Difficult people.

>> No.55716454

Faggot I'm the last one that provided a substantive argument. Balls still in your court. You can't even post your own meme. Pretty cringe m8

>> No.55716465

Lmfao 16 dollars an hour. You gotta be an actual retard to be making that in 2023.

>> No.55716490

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.55716491

>car payment AND car insurance
??? Did she fucking buy a vehicle on credit? She’s retarded and will be in the retrace forever. Free gibs can’t cure retardation.

>> No.55716511

Post your 2022 W2

>> No.55716519

not my problem

>> No.55716528

absolutely idiotic take. what other purpose does a government serve if not to take care of its people?

>> No.55716543


As long as you have a thermal and a rifle you can deal with psychos

>> No.55716544

Don't feel like digging it out, frankly, but I'm not the one who's age is in question. I think I made 30k gross

>> No.55716560

Dude, you thought people paid for their phone bill all at once.
>hey my phone bill is $40, but I make 100k a year so can I pay my phone bill for the next 10 years to save money
You also don't understand how interest works, if you got an interest rate for a car that was lower than what you could make as returns in the market it's better to take the loan than to pay all at once. But you didn't know that. You are a retard who thinks the only way to do it is pay for everything all at once.
You thought people who made 100k would pay all their rent all at once, again this makes no sense when you could use the money instead of paying rent. I called you out for the moron you are, embarrassing you in front of everyone on /biz/.
Things retards like you think:
>people who make 100k pay rent months or years ahead because it's cheaper
>people who make 100k or more pay phone bill months or years ahead because it's cheaper
>never take a loan, you always are better off in the long run paying up front no matter what the interest rate

>> No.55716564

Sounds about right, I respect your honesty anon

>> No.55716586


It can function as a new form of elite control duh

>> No.55716631

Governments exist to wage war.

>> No.55716664


>> No.55716673
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Let's not. I would rather talk about Blackswan.

>> No.55716676

Stupid slave. You are dumber than a box of niggers.

>> No.55716739

Cant americans just fly over to another state, buy a car there and drive back home with it?

>> No.55716781

No, it's all based on your primary residence. You HAVE to have Michigan insurance if you live there for instance. Not to mention taxes and liscensure

>> No.55716784

Who signs onto a 1569 lease lmfao

>> No.55716793

Most of our monthly expenses are the same if we're all rentcucks. Income balances with rent depending on area, and you're left with car + food + bills. If you're not being completely retarded about things paying $500 for car and insurance, 1500-2000 for a 1 bed, and a few hundred more for the rest.

>> No.55716794

craigslist.org refutes you for every single american city

>> No.55716831

The big insurance companies can't run out of money. It is impossible. They have enough money to cover damn near any scenario as long as the money still holds it's value. Pretty much anything short of global nuclear war.

There are very few reasons why insurance can't be cheaper and why they shouldn't pay out more. The uninsured people bullshit is an excuse for them to make more money.

>> No.55716863

This, phase 4 is gonna be lit.

>> No.55716936

Holy shit dude $18?! Eighteen whole dollarineos???!!! Someone call NPR that life saving!

>> No.55716951
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She could raise cocks for $100+/hr
Skill issue

>> No.55716965

You pay so much because you’re young not from Michigan you fucking retard.
> t. Not yet 26 so I relate

>> No.55716981

Yes we can buy cars out of state. We insure based upon where we live so the insurance company can gouge us if we live near “high crime areas”

>> No.55717196


>> No.55717305

Reminds me of the book The Economics of Online Gaming. Dude starts a clan in an MMO and realizes new players value EXP more than gold. While other clans were gating joining behind having high skill levels and acting honorably, they also compensated their clan members harvesting and crafting with gold. The author realized you don't even have to pay in resources or gold, just invite them to the crafting/gathering parties and they'll join just so they can level up more efficiently. Plus, you'll have way more manpower than any other clan.

>> No.55717315

I pay no shit $80 a month for car insurance, this bitch drives like a retard

>> No.55717318

/thread, twitter screencap threads need to be banned

>> No.55717335

What world do you live in? Women are bad at driving. There are exceptions but the majority are terrible.

>> No.55717346

Take this discussion to pol you antisemite

>> No.55717361

>car payment
I bought my car $5k 3 yrs ago. 2011 escape
Mines $50/mo
Only $25/mo but I could go cheaper
I hate non-frugal retards. If I ever become rich I'm still driving that escape.

>> No.55717371

I've lived in San Antonio and Corpus Christi. These are undeniably unlivable ghetto shitholes. They were unlivable ghetto shitholes back in the 90s when my family lived there, and they've gotten worse, not better.

It doesn't count as a real listing if you have to live among human refuse, get it straight.

>> No.55717935

It is but at the same time how is anyone over the age of lets say 20-22 who speaks English getting paid $16/hr for anything? You're supposed to out grow those jobs by obtaining experience / skills over the years.
I hire people that we pay $18/hr and I can't tell you the last time I hired someone over 20/21 years old. Most of them are <20.
I see people's resumes all the time for these jobs low paying jobs.
You know how off putting it is to see someone have like 8-9 different jobs for 1 year each?
Like you couldn't last long enough or be good enough to even make supervisor? At any of them? After like 9 tries?
That's on them dude.

>> No.55718464

florida has a higher average coverage cost. this state is 50% elderly people 51% spics (with a 1% margin of error)

you are aware that traffic citations are among one of many things that increase premiums, right?

>> No.55718525

No you fucking pretentious douche bag. That's the world we live in. Majority of poeple have to leave their job after a year. Make supervisor? Wtf kind of brain.... fuck this board

>> No.55718654

>$5 rent
>phone scammer
>not guessing India
This is masterful misdirection.

>> No.55718684

Poor people should live within their means to escape poverty

>> No.55718738

not mah food stamps niggah

>> No.55718805

>No more avocado toast you greedy zoomers!
Thanks grandpa

>> No.55718856

Not american, isn't 16$ per hour good? Multiply by 8 hours it's 128 dollars per day, multiply by 30 days its 3840$ if I'm not mistaken, aka she should be able to pay for everything easily
Unless mutts are paid by the hour in which case LOL

>> No.55718881

maybe she should learn to code kek

>> No.55718890

If ONLY there's no niggers
Rent could be cheaper
If ONLY there's no niggers
Public transportation could be safer
If Only there's no niggers
And the race that worship them
And the one that teach to worship them.
Miserable mutts

>> No.55718934

>car payment 230
>car insurance 200
car babies are seriously some of the most retarded people

>> No.55719184

You will not own a car
You will only go where they let you
And you will be happy

>> No.55719211

you vill insure your car for the same price as your loan and you vill be heppy

>> No.55719254

How does one even start a capitalistic business in this environment where retard employees keep eternally whining about their wages despite living pretty decent lives? This is why I'm planning to hire refugees and other non Asian non-white immigrants to form the bulk of my grunts, these people are just happy to be paid and show some employment on paper whereas the rest are just fixated on leeching more and more wealth out of MY margins. Pablo and M'kbaba always greet me pleasantly and work extra hard to make most of this opportunity I've given them, Richard Rajeet and Ching Chang just badger me constantly about the next appraisal and how they all deserve the maximum sanctioned raise for performing work that is literally just expected of them.

>> No.55719262

She can just sell pictures of her holes on onlysimps.

>> No.55719268

It's not the job of government to "take care of it's people" financially. It's their job to provide safety and security, basic infrastructure, and a general framework for society. That's about it.

>> No.55719284

Gibs get withheld unless you or your wife just popped out a kid. Then the state will throw free food and money and supplies at you like nobodies business.

>> No.55719474

this entire post kek

>> No.55719522

Do these people not share an apartment? Before I had money I shared an apartment with at least 4 others and I was only paying 400 euro a month (would be more expensive now, but still).

>> No.55719536

And I chose to live near work/college so I didn't need a car (biked or walked). I don't know how phone is $40 a month.

>> No.55719731

jobs which pay more than $16/hour and don't require a degree?

receptionist or office administrator at a small business
skilled trade apprenticeship
entry level sales (cars, telecomm, insurance, etc.)
bank teller
customer service at a non-retail business

>> No.55719890

This is only really true for the most expensive cities like NYC, SF, Seattle. I live in a major east coast city and you can find a studio for under $1,000. Definitely some one bedrooms under $1500. And not in complete shithole areas.