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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 572 KB, 789x631, gram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55707297 No.55707297 [Reply] [Original]

> the economy is collapsing
> buy my coffee to save money
> in a few months a recession worse than 2008 will happen

why is he like this?

>> No.55707313
File: 778 KB, 1065x645, DNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55707360

i don't even watch stuff that looks this clickbaity

>> No.55707370

Manlet with annoying voice.I can’t get through the first 5mins of this guys videos.

>> No.55707372

is this guy retarded? he has millions but he settled down and married a 6/10.

>> No.55707391

Bro when your 5’ options are pretty limited.

>> No.55707393

pretty women are all gold diggers

>> No.55707411

He's right

>> No.55707469

Bestevidence is a superior channel

>> No.55707478

>3 more weeks bros
It's really happening this time?

>> No.55707937

What product does he sell?

>> No.55707995

2 more weeks. I’d say

>> No.55707996

This guy is a faggot. The best financial YouTube’s are always people who never show their face and only post charts and data.
This faggot appeals to whatever financial IQ group comes after niggers who do LLC fraud.

>> No.55709761

This kike manlet gives epic financial advice like "make your own iced coffee at home" and "subdivide one rental property into two to max out on rentoids".

Meanwhile the only reason is he rich is he became a real estate agent straight out of higschool at the very bottom of the 2008 GFC. Pure luck.

>> No.55709806

He obviously gets a lot of views saying the world will go under any day now

>> No.55709822

Fear, greed, sex, and outrage are the most powerful clickbait themes

>> No.55709967
File: 57 KB, 627x661, 163219674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that he is the one that told people to buy the fucking duck duck racey racey nft game everywhere on twitter as soon as he got allocations

>> No.55709983

All YouTubers lose their minds eventually.
It's honestly a pattern at this point. The algorithm demands more insane content for the dumbest of viewers.
Which in effect warps the psychology of content creators into whatever that click bait nonsense is.
Then the cycle repeats with someone who's younger and more relatable.
YouTube loves $$$

>> No.55710307

Im honestly happy he did tho, thanks to that i have a reliable source of income that gives me 200 usd per week or more if more of my ducks win

>> No.55710379

>unironically 3 more weeks

>> No.55712301

>The best financial YouTube’s are always people who never show their face and only post charts and data.
like who?

>> No.55712313

>why is he like this?
he skipped college and bought houses cause he was a rich kid. That's not necessarily a difficult concept

>> No.55712468

>Meanwhile the only reason is he rich is he became a real estate agent straight out of higschool at the very bottom of the 2008 GFC. Pure luck.
he skipped college and bought houses cause he was a rich kid. That's not necessarily a difficult concept
Why even become a youtuber if he was a rich kid/got lucky with the market? I don't get it.
Luck #1 - born to a well off/rich family
Luck #2 - perfectly stumbling into a fantastic housing market out of high school
Luck #3 - grifting off youtube? I guess he's one of the pioneering people in the genre, which I guess is lucky and likely has made him millions.
Seems he's good at recognizing profitable opportunities

>> No.55712487

he was not a rich kid.... self-made. but he is annoying

>> No.55712547
File: 29 KB, 589x164, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could an 18-year-old possibly get in a position to sell a $3.6M mansion in Beverly Hills? and not be from a rich family/nepotism/extreme dumb luck? People work their whole lives in this profession and never stumble on anything close to this

>> No.55712647

obviously he bootstrapped himself and made a couple cold calls and firm handshakes. Had nothing to do with his dad being a bigshot animator at disney during their golden years. No connections whatsoever from that lol

>> No.55712712

my personal issue with him is his advice is terrible for the average person. Real estate is so stupid and full of middlemen trying to get rich instead of getting a real job and helping society. You can argue the same about people buying crypto and stocks but RE directly fucks over everyone else. RE agents are as bad as car salesman in my humble opinion

>> No.55712719

how many views do you think he would get if he made a video saying the economy is doing fine and that there is going to be a soft landing?

>> No.55712748
File: 43 KB, 580x550, Graham-Stephan-580x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's no model, but she's not a 6.

>> No.55713041

What qualities do you think make her above average?

-nice eyebrows
-nice eyes
-ok facial structure
-great teeth
-not fat

-Kind of a bad hairline for a girl
-late 20s
-dyed hair
-dresses like a whore
-has narcissistic vibes, classic gold digger trait

6/10 seems about right on physical attractiveness alone. She probably would be a 7/10 when she was 18. 5/10 if you count the headache it takes to maintain a relationship with someone like her.

>> No.55713075

you need help
that girl is super cute and probably has more personality than your 10/10 full body armor make up instagram thots as well

>> No.55713112

I think he should date whoever makes him happy, but just know most people are probably 4/10s and 6/10 is a lot better than people give credit. The people that think she's really attractive are likely just less than a 6/10 themselves

>> No.55713124

Doomers gonna doom. They don't let pesky facts distract them from constantly spreading their negativity.

>> No.55715065
File: 267 KB, 1080x1447, 3573756432345334534534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-Kind of a bad hairline for a girl
oh you're autistic, i get it now

>> No.55715166

I can’t believe someone would look at this little imp and think to themselves ‘yeah, I want to be more like that guy’ and watch a bunch of his videos.

>> No.55715190

>Hey gram, it's gay here

>> No.55715328


How much money to people make being doomer grifters?

>> No.55715519
File: 196 KB, 1200x719, 5D026C94-924B-42D5-ADEB-705E880B0328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhh le sky is falling

>> No.55716164

short men with child like frames and baby faces , inherently have heightened anxiety as they are more killable.

5000 years ago this meant constantly being on the look out for threats that didn't exist, now it translates to financial turmoil that isn't coming.

robust Chad has the mentality "I'll deal with it when it happens" , knowing he is resilient and can overcome whatever threat it is even with short notice.

small men on the other hand are constantly preparing for every possible thing that could go wrong in there life and the necessary actions they must take to prepare before hand so they aren't wiped out of the gene pool.

source. I'm 5'8 and speak from experience

>> No.55716194
File: 344 KB, 434x250, 080B47D6-5072-48BB-BCB0-9EE91BE97489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn’t know clickbait doomposting