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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 493 KB, 1080x1524, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55687093 No.55687093 [Reply] [Original]

Are you kidding me? This is going to be the biggest cryptocurrency in the market. Can you imagine thinking that the infrastructure supporting crosschain and private bank to public chain communications will be worth less than BTC? Hahaha, it's just too funny. People still buy those planet, animal, and food coins. This market is silly. Anyway, I'm buying as much LINK as I can every single week.

The TCP/IP narrative is no joke, and Chainlink is building other products that will revolutionize this whole space. Let those who don't get it sleep on this; I know what I'm invested in. The truth is, many investors have no idea how IT works. IT isn't just about coding; infrastructure is way more critical.

Coding is nothing compared to understanding how information is exchanged between servers, how DNS works, how OSI layers function, and all that stuff. That's why CCIP is so damn important. Everything built on the internet sits over TCP/IP infrastructure, and Chainlink's infrastructure will be like a parallel network on top of TCP/IP. Once all the value moves to it, LINK will become unstoppable, regardless of what the VCs think.

There's only one team in this whole market that can pull it off, and that's Chainlink. The brightest minds are working on making this a reality, not some pothead devs. There are two types of devs in crypto: those who just code and use existing infrastructure, and the real scientists who build the systems. Chainlink has the scientists, and that makes all the difference. You can't compare a pyth network dev to someone like Ari juels or dan boneh.

Only those who come from an IT background can truly understand it. That's why I will always be bullish about LINK. I understand the caliber of people behind Chainlink, and even those of us who could potentially build oracle competitors wouldn't be able to match the level of architecture and code that the Chainlink research lab will come up with.

>> No.55687096

We used to have TCP/IP, now we have CCIP.
We used to have DNS, now we have DR;NS.

>> No.55687100

You can recreate all of LINKs functionality on ICP, token literally not needed.

>> No.55687102
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Listen, I'm telling you, about 99% of crypto projects are just copy-pastes done by less skilled devs than me. It's mostly marketing and VC shenanigans, with only 1% being actual code. There's barely anything substantial being built in this whole market.

Even those oracles trying to compete with Chainlink will never be as advanced because they're just serverside apps that redirect messages between blockchain nodes. It's all smoke and mirrors. I could whip up one of those in a week and claim to be a magnificent Chainlink competitor.

People don't grasp the significance of CCIP, but I couldn't care less about their lack of understanding.

>LINK will moon in 2056

don't even get me started on how long ETH adoption took. The real product we were waiting for all along was CCIP, not price feeds or keepers. Since I read the Whitepaper back in 2017, I've been waiting for CCIP. It took 6 years to release, but now it's finally here, and I can finally relax because this is just the beginning. This is the real Chainlink I've been waiting for.

Imagine giving up on Chainlink just when we finally got what we've wanted for years. No way, my conviction is stronger than ever.

>> No.55687117

holy incel manifesto

>> No.55687125


>> No.55687154 [DELETED] 
File: 2.09 MB, 4000x2400, 1607548573219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not bullish, I am beyond bearish.
Chainlink is a globohomo shitcoin of the highest order and is going straight to zero.
Your days of shitting up biz with your astroturfed psyops are over. You've been found guilty of using DARPA bots, paid shills and sybil attacks to push the WEF agendas, and for that you will pay with your miserable life.
You shills and bagholders will be financially EXTERMINATED and there is nothing you can do about it except watch in horror as it all comes tumbling down. The ride ends here for you linkies, the game is over.

>> No.55687219

I am not bearish, I am beyond bullish.
Chainlink is a token of the highest order and is going straight to $81k.
Your days of shitting up biz with your astroturfed fud are over. You've been found guilty of using DARPA bots, paid shills and sybil attacks to push the VC and Bulgarian agendas, and for that you will pay with your miserable life.
You shills will be EXTERMINATED and there is nothing you can do about it except watch in horror as it all comes tumbling down. The ride ends here for you fuddies, the game is over.

>> No.55687233

Yeah but there's no meme to it

Millhousecoin however...

>> No.55687244

listen, i know it's hard, i know that you guys have been trying your best to make it into this market, like every single one of us, this market is filled with shills and psyops.
but i know one thing is true, and will always be. chainlink is here to stay, and become the layer ontop which all of crypto will sit, and not only that, but even developers and builders will use the chainlink build programs and sdks to build all they dapps. as a developer myself, i know very well how important this is you might not see the effect and impact right now because builders are building right now (just look at the previous CL hackathon it had over 11k projects).
But, chainlink is an unstoppable force, no matter how hard you try to discredit it, it doesnt matter what you think.
as for myself, you are calling me a shill, but in reality YOU are the giant shill, i have been around biz since 2017 and i first posted with my trip in 2018, so i dont have to hide anything, i am the closest you can get from the real OGs of 2017, and we didnt findout about link after being shilled by some twutter faggot like you guys do, i did my research, and if back then my conviction in chainlink was high right now it's at it's ATH.

on the other hand you have faggots like you two, who are either paid shills or dumb fucks who kept on losing buying into PnDs or losing it all to shitty narratives by scammers.

there arnt many legit people left on biz you two are def not one of those

>> No.55687288
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>> No.55687327
File: 190 KB, 734x766, shitcoiner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bank to public chain will be worth less than BTC? Hahaha. animal, and food coins. This market is silly. Anyway, I'm buying as much LINK as I can

>> No.55687446

GM based kings. I know many of you have fallen but now is the time to pull yourself up
Stand up tall and proud and say GM based kings

>> No.55687460

Fuck off and die tripfag, you're pure cancer

>> No.55687749
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>> No.55687796

like pottery

>> No.55687832

Do it then let’s see, and then show us all the people using it. I’ll wait here.

>> No.55687854

>The smart contract of the following asset can be modified by the contract owner (for example: disable selling, change fees, mint new tokens, or transfer tokens). Please exercise caution before taking any action and DYOR. UniBot old contract has been migrated to a new one. Find more details in the announcement here.

>> No.55687938

Yeah link is good

>> No.55688039

You can hold the token without using the bot. Anyways, the point is that there’s money to be made elsewhere. That’s the appeal. I bought link in 2017. I’m so sick of this waiting.

>> No.55688119
File: 139 KB, 860x723, 141-1412520_smug-pepe-png-transparent-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuuuuuuuude it's THAT easy just buy this scam i'm shilling, making money is as easy as picking up rocks from the floor
>lmao i have been a link OG TOO! but look i am right now holding this literal scam lets make money together
>teeehee, it's easy to make money, in fact it's so easy, i already made billions hopping into shitcoins, but somehow i'm still here shilling my scam
take a look at this faggot

>> No.55688303
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>> No.55688349

ooo that was a good one

>> No.55688400

>24hr volume: $500

>> No.55688442

>literal who makes one right guess and suddenly he's a smug genius who can see the future
I wish I could get lucky... 2 more years bros

>> No.55688500

I didn’t buy it. I’m just saying that while you may be right about link, what’s more important? Being right or making money? I’m here to make money. The attitude of my fellow marines is too frequent a smug assurance that they will win while they miss giant opportunities everywhere around them.

>> No.55688516

1. i made money from link
2. i make money from other investments too
3. kys

>> No.55688518

You oldfag can't let go a bullshit project. Enjoy staying poor.

I have moved over to INJ, NXRA, OP and Velo.

>> No.55688568

You have a weird ID
I made money on link too and on other investments
I still think the tone and attitude of the OP is cancer

>> No.55688612

>attitude and tone
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA fuddies are such sensitive faggots

>> No.55688633

>what’s more important? Being right or making money?
Is thinking like this a zoomer thing? Has biz had an influx of zoomers during the bear market?

>> No.55688644

No way of proving it but I’d guess op is link drake or one of his lackies
Dude does not know how to trade at all and doesn’t understand the market
Instead he writes these long winded autistic tirades about how he’s obviously right and anyone wanting to make some money and get back to their real lives is an idiot

>> No.55688652

It’s a non-retard thing

>> No.55688690

>he thinks ima twitter fag
literally kill yourself, i was here way the TC faggotry

>> No.55688705

holy shit, tripfag going all out to join the Chainlink Advocate program

>> No.55688713

That’s exactly what he would say. He always writes these long posts here and then screen shots then and posts them on Twitter like it’s alpha or breadcrumbs. We all know if you were rich or knew what you were talking about you wouldn’t be here.

>> No.55688758
File: 19 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link drake
the fact you even know who this is...
turn off your computer

>> No.55688763

You have to have a really low IQ to fall for these posts and buy chainlink. I imagine most of the interest chainlink has on here is from the community advocates spouting buzzwords on /biz/ and preying on the mentally ill NEETs on here to shell their life savings on a pre-mined erc-20 shitcoin. I've noticed the twitter link propagandists are getting increasingly frustrated with their investment and are lashing out at anyone who criticises chainlink.

>> No.55688849

>link propagandists
>spouting buzzwords
>getting frustrated

get a load of this faggot, tell us more about the shitcoins you endorse

>> No.55688856

you really are a disgusting chainlink labs advocate shill. How much are you getting paid to post here?

>> No.55688886

He’s recommended to me because I follow clg

>> No.55688987

Pump link or fuck off retard. I don’t care about muh teepee icy peepee. Money NOW or fuck off. What? Is Chainlink a charity or what?

>> No.55689012

patience will be rewarded
simple as that

>> No.55689021
File: 265 KB, 828x734, 847808C3-7A62-4D23-BEB8-B386CAC5AC21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, it's important to note that personal attacks or insults against people who hold a different opinion or investment are not productive and are unlikely to lead to a constructive conversation. It's always better to approach discussions with an open mind and focus on the ideas and arguments rather than making personal attacks or derogatory remarks.

In terms of the specific claims made in the statement, it's worth noting that Chainlink is governed by its token holders. Its operations are transparent and open to public scrutiny, and its team consists of experienced professionals in the field of blockchain technology and decentralized systems.
Regarding the pre-mined nature of the Chainlink token, it is true that a portion of the total supply of tokens was sold to early investors as part of the project's initial funding phase. However, this is a common practice in many blockchain projects and is not unique to Chainlink. It's important to carefully evaluate the tokenomics of any project and understand the distribution of the total supply before making a decision.

In terms of the project's potential and viability, it's worth noting that Chainlink has been recognized by several leading financial institutions as a key player in the blockchain ecosystem. Additionally, some of the largest blockchain projects, such as Ethereum, depend on the Chainlink network for secure and scalable smart contract execution. These factors suggest that the project has potential and that its token may be a viable investment opportunity for some investors.

In summary, it's important to carefully evaluate the fundamentals of any investment opportunity before making a decision. Personal attacks or derogatory remarks are unlikely to lead to a constructive conversation, and it's always better to approach discussions with an open mind and focus on the ideas and arguments rather than making personal attacks or insults.

>> No.55689046

Fuck off fatass, I won’t fall for that hopium filled advice. Pump NOW or get out of the way

>> No.55689049

Shut the fuck up pajeet, you're shitting up my shitposting

>> No.55689066

for every 1 person who "made it" with your attitude, there's 10,000 who went broke.

>> No.55689087
File: 72 KB, 600x500, 3g5x1y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personal attacks or insults against people who hold a different opinion or investment are not productive and are unlikely to lead to a constructive conversation.

lmao that's a typical Chat-GPT response, like I appreciate the fact that you replied to that faggot but nobody falls for the bulgarian bullshit, they come here in my thread with literally 0 arguments, like none of them said why chainlink BAD, they just adhominem, and divert.

typical low IQ tard pajeet tactics

>> No.55689092
File: 104 KB, 1280x786, 16455237146732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP confirmed OG tripcode dates back 2017

> we tried to help you. Best of 3

>> No.55689115

>Are you kidding me?
you are kidding yourself

>> No.55689121

Are you copy pasting quotes from the conventional wisdom book or what?

Nigger, link has been performing like shit for the past 2 years. Even bitcoin performed better than link and your advice is to sit tight on your fatass?

No thanks man, you’re like the guy in the movie the mist that tries to have everyone stay in the store and gets everyone fucked. I’m the old couple that gets the fuck out and gets saved by the soldiers


>> No.55689122

Based OP, thank you and im buying more now

>> No.55689147

If you retard aren't stockpiling XRP, NXRA, XLM and VRA y'all NGMI.

>> No.55689181

If you retard aren't stockpiling literal POO you NGMI

>> No.55689240

I can see through your bullshit popo. You also shilled Parsiq most likely because Evan Cheng was an advisor. That investment also went to shit

>> No.55689327

in the OP pic the LINK symbol looks like an egg being fertilized by sperm cells

>> No.55689446

wow cool critique, porn-addicted zoomer newfag

>> No.55689580

Using social media is embarrassing
Are you 19

>> No.55689587
File: 47 KB, 1024x547, 20230727_100154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how retards look like when they don't hold QANX before the private blockchain is launched?

>> No.55689595

Y'all peasants should rest and take a break. Go on vacation and spoil yourself using CryptMI app. Not every time y'all are here shilling nonsense.

>> No.55689596

You make investing decisions based on b rate film analogies?

>> No.55689686
File: 299 KB, 1074x910, linknft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is on oceansea already 8th bidded

>> No.55689688

OP is the kind of person leading a stranded person to a cannibal camp instead of civilization. The kind of person that takes your sats/gwei, loses 99% of them, and disappears 3 years later. Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.55689793

Yes, and 80s cartoons as well

>> No.55689806

checked. but what about the moral superiority you're missing out on. you don't want to get rich on something that's just a scam, right???

>> No.55689904

Ching ching bing bong.

100% Link. 21k staked forever. Generational wealth.

You fud niggers are dumb as fuck. Comfiest I've ever been.

>> No.55689920

shouldn't it be
>Ching chong
motherfucker can't even get racism right

>> No.55689973

You’re fucking retarded, CCIP wasn’t a concept 7 years ago. We discussed something about oracles allowing for cross chain messaging in 2021 here.

I’m actually certain the LINK team is here.
I was the one who coined “Juels” as the smallest unit of link in a thread where we talked about how link is going to overtake btc so we need a new smallest unit name, and bam, there it is live. Assume the same thing happened with CCIP. They read a great concept and went with it.

>> No.55690067

>You’re fucking retarded, CCIP wasn’t a concept 7 years ago.
the ccip idea is exactly what even the earliest chainlink diagrams were hinting at
no one cares if the name or the specifics were ironed out, it's what we were investing in

>> No.55690129

anyone in crypto that doesn't use twitter and telegram out of some feigned superiority is a total fucking moron and should never be listened to

>> No.55690151

Might have to take a look at SCLP cause I am quite bullish on payment solution while I keep an eye on QANX and IMM.

>> No.55690154

what about the chart

>> No.55690192

I'd rather check through Scallop's candlestick cheat sheet which has simplified the entire process of analysis to make the right decision

>> No.55690212

I'd rather check through Scallop's candlestick cheat sheet which has simplified the entire process of analysis to make the right decision

>> No.55690233

holy shit, I didn't even bother reading this whole thing the first time
you think they picked up ccip here?
>the picked up my obvious naming convention, surely the largest product they'll launch was inspired by community shit posts

>> No.55690532
File: 33 KB, 597x185, Screen Shot 2023-07-28 at 2.16.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full circle

>> No.55690807

fucking kek

>> No.55690811

Stick to Elfin as IDO is around the corner and get ready for the game-changer. A poorfag will finally make it in life.

>> No.55690818


look how fucking behind hacker news is lmao. They're juuuuuust starting to talk about the oracle problem after years of shittalking crypto.

>> No.55690945

Decentralized health data and user controlled management is taking a large chunk of the crypto narrative at this time, platforms offering the innovation will make a big statement soon

>> No.55690984

I shilled link there years ago with next to zero traction. they truly don't get it.

>> No.55691021

>just another coin with extra steps.
Every "explanation" or bad faith argument I see on Reddit has a Rick and Morty reference in it.

>> No.55691303
File: 34 KB, 468x655, images (2) (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any shockers here? This thing's been posted a gazillion times, but where's the DePIN narrative, huh? Can't let it slide. Gotta keep an eye on that one. Time to scope out PEAQ, Iotex, and Golem; they're all tied to this. Don't sleep anons.

>> No.55691435

it's weird watching them discuss this shit that was discussed by retard neets in 2017 lmao.

>> No.55691916

reading this thread feels so surreal holy shit
there really is such a thing as being too early I guess

>> No.55692224

LINK is like GME
Both will moon to leveled beyond the memes
But only the son of man knows the day and the hour

>> No.55692322

nah GME is gay

>> No.55692346

But they'll be gay and rich just like linkies

>> No.55692356

Kek this.

>> No.55692376

>Once all the value moves to it

>> No.55692402


>> No.55692412
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>> No.55692437

The fudders have a 100% proven track record of being right in everything.

>> No.55692447

Once value moves to it.

Ahh you have identified the thing that one little thing that must happen for it to become successful but will never happen.

>> No.55692488

it's not a condition, it's inevitable.

>> No.55692492
File: 923 KB, 1080x1080, Mikasa_Ackerman__28anime_29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you kidding me? This is going to be the biggest cryptocurrency in the market. Can you imagine thinking that the infrastructure supporting crosschain and private bank to public chain communications will be worth less than BTC? Hahaha, it's just too funny. People still buy those planet, animal, and food coins. This market is silly. Anyway, I'm buying as much $XMR as I can every single week to use it with $MIKUSU and basically hide each of my transactions from the FED to never pay the IRS

>> No.55692785

Based chad, Brainstemhealth is one of them and users can even monetize their health data via wearable devices.

>> No.55692800

>CCIP wasn't a concept 7 years ago.

And here I was thinking they named it ChainLink just for the heck of it

>> No.55693043

Pardon me sir, but it does appear that the token is umm.. how do you say.. needed.

>> No.55693063


>> No.55693115

HTTPS outcalls allow secure data flow from offchain to ICP canisters, but has nothing to do with the oracle problem. ICP will integrate Chainlink in the end.

>> No.55693138

based tripnigger spitting facts
1k EOY is fud

>> No.55693164

You based tripnigger just got called out for being a delphi fud tranny
Kill yourself

>> No.55693197

Everytime one of you faggots posts your vitriolic nonsense it makes me feel better about my own life. You are so, so, so sad and pathetic lol.

>> No.55693214

>newfag isn't used to (((them))) constantly censoring the internet
Oldfag /pol/chads, where we at? Archive everything, faggots.

>> No.55693224

Can someone please telling me the price of Link will be in a year or two. I am deciding if not to sell or buy, so proper advice is much needing.

>> No.55693225

This desu

>> No.55693232

>I feel better about myself because the tripfag fudder got caught red handed
>you are the problem here anon
kill yourself

>> No.55693241

>newfag doesn't know about delphi subtle shops and discord tranny mind games
No one is falling for it

>> No.55693253

simple as

>> No.55693259

i own 20k~ link but i still have no idea why the token is needed kek

>> No.55693260

Do NOT fall for their lies anons. The antichrist cannot be trusted
Listen learn and recognize the Religion of Antichrist.
Call out their lies when you see them. Do not be ashamed. We know AntiChrist will fall and Christ will be victorious

>> No.55693303

>t. literal schizo fudder kuk
Kek fuddies. Besides, you do realize the whole point of buying globohomo coins is to profit from and subvert the beast system, right? Simple minded cuck confirmed. I'd rather wait out the tribulation in comfort and then watch it all fall away than suffer through it all.
>we all suffer in some way though

>> No.55693369

You cannot serve the AntiChrist and Christ anon repent and you will be forgiven
Only fudcucks flee before the Light of Truth whereas the Righteous LINK marines stand fast

>> No.55693439

Take your meds.
Troost the plan.

>> No.55693479

>believing in false idols
Only Christ can set you free. Repent. Combat your evil thoughts
Only then can you walk the path

>> No.55693675

Kek, no one can predict the exact price in 2 years anon, the best action would be to DCA which I'm doing on blue chips like ETH and BTC alongside low caps like FLUX and SYLO for profits when the bulls return.

>> No.55693749

“Ogs” of 2017? What a pathetic brag. Even someone that bought Bitcoin in 2013 is a newfag.

>> No.55693750

Oh yeah? Well the Nigger Store called, and they're all out of you.

>> No.55693766

>the ability to link eth assets with a bunch of ghostchains and trade vaporware
I'll be back in like 5 more years, just staking and staking more when we can and then sleeping. I'll continue to buy BTC, eth, and link, and sleep.

>> No.55693821

Desu I'm not serving any master by buying a fuckin token on Uniswap. I benefit from number go up, doesn't mean I support the antichrist kek

>> No.55693882
File: 183 KB, 1129x214, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is a blatant scam, let me explain you why:
LINK's javascript has been hacked and now all the nodes are being affected, meaning they will go offline one by one.
But here's the real trick; every node that goes offline first has to be validated by other nodes, Thus the first node won't go offline until EVERY SINGLE NODE has verified it actually has gone offline
LINK will be in an infinite javascript loop. Maybe if you're a programmer you will recognize FOR and WHILE loops. Well.. This is a FOR loop that NEVER ends.
The price will TANK to at least 50 satoshi. Maybe even lower when the nodes are actually verified being offline.
Sergey is now busy setting up extra nodes to undo this process. Called contra-hacking. He has injected some GO-language code, pseudo-offline code, into the ChainLink network. This means nodes will appear the be online, while they are struggling to go offline, but in the meantime they cant because it isnt verified yet. Neat trick if you ask me, but it wont last long before the other nodes will know whats really going on.

Get into something else now

>> No.55695149
File: 14 KB, 336x372, OIP (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yngmi chad. The ideal moment has arrived, seize the opportunity and apply for AstraDAO Ambassador Program. This could safe your ass

>> No.55695167


>> No.55695246
File: 35 KB, 657x531, 20230616_205140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know morons will still look elsewhere despite the fact that Adlunam is at the top even in the bear market, this cannot be compared.

>> No.55695267

>Can you imagine thinking that the infrastructure supporting crosschain and private bank to public chain communications will be worth less than BTC? Hahaha,
Nothing to do with the link token itself

>> No.55696809

>bragging about being a 'true OG' of 4chan

>> No.55697063
File: 413 KB, 592x677, Screen Shot 2023-07-29 at 11.52.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need I say more?

>> No.55697176

>4chan post is a screenshot of a twitter post which is a screenshot of a 4chan post

>> No.55697219

yeah we have reached levels of faggotry that can't be gayer. shit is getting out of hand with all these twitter faggots stealing our shit.

anyways, the absolute state of fucking biz, it has become worse than a designated shitting street, look at the quality of the posts in this thread, it's so fucking trash it's literally like a virus that will fuck with your head.

biz is dead

>> No.55697231


>> No.55697244
File: 637 KB, 1440x3216, Screenshot_2023-07-29-12-25-00-68_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55697263

Fuck off tripnigger. Why did (You) crop out the (You) in the twitter screenshot?

>> No.55697320

just look at the biz catalog
it's basically /pol/ now

>> No.55697355


This was my theory too. CCIP was what Swift was going to use from the start.
They just started with price feed oracles because it was an easier first step.
Still Sergey should have done BUILD for DeFi summer instead of getting cucked with the likes of Synthetix.

>> No.55697364

That’s not the person who posted the screenshot

>> No.55697433

When you look at the matrix, the matrix peers back into your soul!

Why should there be good quality discussions here?
When you try the CIA paid jannies will delete the thread or attack your project.
They are doing demoralization threads to shit up this board.

Every sensible person left for twitter where the trannies are powerless and instantly filtered.
That tells you everything you need to know when those who write these >>55697063 posts are now on twitter and prefer to indirectly get what's left of /biz/ through twitter than to spend one more second in this shithole.

>> No.55697457

>a faggot

i'm not that dumb fuck twitter fag

0 threads of interest

yeah i dunno, i think sergey trusted that projects who would use chainlink would just keep using it since it was quality oracle data, but apparently all of defi fell to VCs, and decided to move away from a battle tested project that literally made them. just look at the giant faggot synthetix ceo who still to this day claims HE made chainlink, what a fucking disgusting timeline we live in. don't you remember what sergey used to say? users who use chainlink and find it reliable will be returning clients, but thats not what happened. that's what you get when you try to be honest in a market basically ran by scammers.

show 1 not tranny twitter faggot? there are absolutely NONE, even CLG is a giant fucking faggot, remember when he used to say he was the equivalent of ari juels fucking KEK

>> No.55697469 [DELETED] 

not buying your bags pajeet

>> No.55697471

>i'm not that dumb fuck twitter fag

Yes you are. You just can't get enough upboats on twitter so you come on here with your trip as well

>> No.55697475

ok, yeah im him

>> No.55697479

based admitter

>> No.55697482
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>> No.55697509

While we are here, would you also like to admit you are a paid Chainlink advocate? Or does that go against your NDA?

>> No.55697517
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i have some questions i'd like to ask him as well

>> No.55697524

Sergey is a naive idiot who would not be able to recognize a psychopath even if it killed his entire family in front of his eyes.
Under normal circumstances his project would have gone bankrupt a long time ago from so much ignorance and a choice to ignore politics.
How many betrayals and attacks did it take to finally wake him up?
I can't even say he woke up because BUILD and SCALE are certainly ideas from Eric Schmidt.

>show 1 not tranny twitter faggot?
There are a few of them.
I received the information about Sergey planning a decentralized oracle network through it.
You may dislike twitter, but I like what people like bob4punk are doing and their positivity.

I prefer to get some good vibes while waiting than the constant demoralization.
As for Chainlinkgod he is doing what he can to contribute to the project.
He is spending a lot of time to educate people and dispel fud.

That's more than many of us can say.
I once tried to do something against Nexo and the other corrupt groups, but in the end it didn't work and the best I achieved was contributing to the $5 support instead of Chainlink crashing to $3.

>> No.55697574

yeah i'm a paid chainlink shill, and a nigger chainlink advocate from africa, i'm literally one of those black guys with the slippers and the chainlink shirts.
sergey pays me 0.01$ per post that's why i spam the board as much as i can.

>would not be able to recognize a psychopath even if it killed his entire family in front of his eyes.
i think u're underestimating him too much, pretty sure his main focus isnt some defi shitcoins, but rather bringing web2 to web3 and more specifically financial institutions, don't forget that there are two entities, smartcontract and chainlink labs, pretty sure smart contracts is contracted to work with swift and banks, that's mostly why they have so many employees. under those circumstances they did sign NDAs n shit. chainlink is like the institutions way to seize control of the crypto space, and it will happen no matter what the fucking tranny vcs think.

>I prefer to get some good vibes while waiting than the constant demoralization.

like, seriously you really think that the fudders who spam KEK KEK all day, and basically say that "price is bad because price is bad" have any fucking influence on us? lmao

>As for Chainlinkgod he is doing what he can to contribute to the project.
that giant faggot has been the one stirring shit from the start, literally harassing people and autistically screeching, that faggot is a literal kid who thinks he is some kind of genius or whatever the fuck, what does he even do at chainshit? hes the first to endorse and support jonny after he scammed all those people, and he even shilled so many fucking scams. hes a fucking tranny

>> No.55697591

I think I found the book Sergey should have read before starting his company.
The Prince from Machiavel

He spent so much time reading his ancient philosophers living in an utopia that he forgot to read up on the state of the real world.

>> No.55697608

go back

>> No.55697616

very smart post

>> No.55697653

He refused to play politics and forfeited every battle for power without ever trying.
Without his community and people like us Chainlink would currently be owned by SBF or another psychopath, and he would be contemplating his failure in a forest to live in a society.

>like, seriously you really think that the fudders who spam KEK KEK all day, and basically say that "price is bad because price is bad" have any fucking influence on us? lmao
Yes it matters.
Mindset is everything.
I didn't incarnate on this planet to waste my time on low energy monsters.
I want to enjoy life with positive people.
The journey matters as much as the destination and if I have to choose between CIA paid jannies and twitter normies with positivity the choice is easy to make.

>that giant faggot has been the one stirring shit from the start, literally harassing people and autistically screeching, that faggot is a literal kid who thinks he is some kind of genius or whatever the fuck, what does he even do at chainshit? hes the first to endorse and support jonny after he scammed all those people, and he even shilled so many fucking scams. hes a fucking tranny

Sergey shilled DeFi too for their high interest rates at that time.
I got scammed too like most people even if I avoided most things.
You can't always predict 100% everything. At that time people wanted to get yield on their investment and all those shorting CeFi gave this opportunity, Unfortunately we only found out later the source of their yield, which was shorting against the owner.

As for linkpool there is a serious issue with the project. Jonny needs a therapy.
And Sergey who supports him after so much betrayal needs one too, to remove his belief of betrayal being normal.

>> No.55697673

I didn't follow what Chainlinkgod said after the linkpool rug pull.
That's one big issue which is going to blow up in Sergey's face and cause even more problems than the linkpool rug pull, but I don't feel motivated enough to try to change this, because I would have to build a proper staking platform myself.
I am tired of working for free to fix everything Sergey fucks up and prefer to work on my own business.

Chainlinkgod should be a community advocate. His work is to spend time on twitter to share the information about the project and debunk the fud instead of Sergey.
He is doing that.
He is not getting paid to invent a gravity engine.
Spending a lot of time on twitter is a thankless job and bad for the mindset.
You should be thankful there is someone who is willing to do it for years, because if even twitter was like this place the project would be over.

>> No.55697703

>You should be thankful there is someone who is willing to do it for years, because if even twitter was like this place the project would be over.
honestly i don't think internet chatter matters all that much

>> No.55697755

You underestimate the value and power of twitter.
During high stress moments when FTX blew up its activity exploded.
Twitter became the source of information for many people, and particularly for crypto investors.

>> No.55697761

yeah ok but chainlink labs doesn't need dumb retail money to survive

>> No.55697852
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Yeah, leave it to VCs like Jump Capital with good intentions!
I am sure they would be happy to buy back the token supply at $1 and remove Sergey from the company.

Remember the Swift PoC announcement followed by the BTC dump and the news not being on the front page after that?

JP Morgan hid Chainlink from their investment recommendation to their clients while it was secretly one of the 3 big banks implicated in the initial work with Chainlink before any of this Swift collaboration was announced.

Remember the last thread about the VC owned media blackout?
Retail is the only group keeping this project alive and no trying to destroy it.
Even Sergey's "partner banks" are trying to backstab him constantly from the start.

>> No.55697934

tbf unibot is prolly maxed out, it's gone from pennies to $150 in two months. link is a safe 10+x

>> No.55697950

How're monero and link related

>> No.55697980

>Even Sergey's "partner banks" are trying to backstab him constantly from the start
that's just the banks protecting themselves by
a) guaranteeing max ROI
b) slowing crypto down as a whole so they can control as much of it as possible when it finally does replace traditional finance. which weill be very fucking soon btw, take a look at any western nation's balance sheet, it's not hard to see what's coming

>> No.55699206

That guy is the dumbest fuck on twitter, which is saying a lot.
He’s constantly regurgitating things we say here and when he’s not, he’s posting his shitty body or some disgusting part of his shitty life.
Makes me sick
He’s screencapped my comments at least 5 times, which also irritates me to no end.
I’m just glad that Link has very few of these hopium riddled faggots who don’t deserve to make it.
Just take one look at the discussion about XRP anywhere and be glad that those people aren’t smart enough to know that they’re going to be bagholding that shit forever.

If I could have one thing, it would be link to crash just far enough for bob4punk to capitulate and then for it to immediately go to $1000 the next day.

>> No.55699440

kek, but you dont even have to wish that for them, like literally all of chainlink twitter are literal latefags linklets with sub 2k stacks

>> No.55699467

>the dumbest fuck on twitter
>screencapped my comments at least 5 times
Kek -looks like he has competition

>> No.55699503

Will fags be able to find out if other fags have AIDS?

>> No.55699986
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They can’t help themselves.

>> No.55700005

/biz/ sucks now but it still has the best content compared to twitter kek

>> No.55700035

You should really stop reading the Talmud. All this rage you have over other people having money is giving you cancer.

>> No.55700111

They just rotate the same garbage across different platforms and act like it’s some shadowy insider dropping alpha. No, it’s some retarded bag holder shilling to other retarded bag holders. An endless circle jerk.

>> No.55701424

Are you still thinking of memes when we've utility projects out there. Fuck anon
Anon, you missed out on some epic projects that keep on giving rewards after rewards! Check out KREST. It's gonna hook you up with that sweet Peaq airdrop

>> No.55702143

ITT absolutely unhinged delusion from 35 year old basement dwellers who have never held a rich job but dream of getting rich by other people buying their internet tokens.

>> No.55702382

>retarded bag holder
i was here when you were completely clueless about crypto oracles and the 4IR.
who do you think told us about it 6 years ago you dumb fuck?

it's because us OGs we can actually DYOR and read between the lines unlike you fucking mongoloid.

a bagholder is someone that is holding an asset against his will you fucking syndrome of a down.
I hold link, and i will never sell because i know what i'm holding and all the implications, back in 2017 and 2018 we had nothin, just a whitepaper yet we knew you mong.

next time before disrespecting people who come here helping retards like you and putting you on the right track instead of listening to some twitter and tijktok fags, take a deep breath and fucking think.

>> No.55702648
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In time having 1000 LINK will seem like a impossibly large sum. Normies will scrap together 10 link and wait until it goes to 81k lol

>> No.55702705
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Nice "protection"

>> No.55702963

INJ still one solid bag. ORE and VRA are my best bet.

>> No.55702984

Hi Danthehopiumgod. Not getting any younger my old friend.

>> No.55702989

Bubbafox is one of the sadder bagholders. He just constantly seethes and posts every single day about how the market is wrong.

>> No.55703005

what's with all these fags trying to guess who I am? i'm literally just popo from /biz/ why can't you fags fathom the fact that i'm just from here?

even now, what normies can spend 7000$ on crypto?

sure it's still attainable but i don't think many will not even at these prices, but they can go fuck themselves that's not how link price will pump anyways

>> No.55703247

Fuck you
This is the exact attitude I despise
You didn’t explain shit to me nigger

>> No.55703273

stink and gamercoin are my two biggest holdings

this feels like a bot thread btw

>> No.55703343

Human centipede where the last ass is connected back to the first mouth forming a circle

>> No.55703347

>this is the attitude i despise
literally go kill yourself

>> No.55703383

INJ has been massive and I hold a bag full of it. Another I hold much is NXRA and it's super bullish.

>> No.55703459

What the fuck is a game coin. Just stick with real bags. I have CYMI and ID. At least I know their utility.

>> No.55703508

You first faggot

>> No.55703543

You are very low IQ.
Thankfully your genes die with you =)

>> No.55704153
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>> No.55704165

linkies have nothing to offer now except vitriolic hatred. Literally losing their minds and going insane on every single platform because there is no intelligent narrative or discussion that could pump the price.

>> No.55704180

it wasnt. read the first white paper and you wont find anything about it

>> No.55704215

>linkies have nothing to offer now except vitriolic hatred. Literally losing their minds and going insane on every single platform because there is no intelligent narrative or discussion that could pump the price.
this is true, every where you see link discussion, it's obvious who the bagholders are
bunch of bitter incels, most notably the ones that call themselves "OGs"

>> No.55704329

>supporting crosschain and private bank to public chain communications
That's why it will never be number 1. Number 1 spot will be reserved for the actual value layer where the money is passing through ie the blockchains themselves. LINK is a safer bet since it's market is a lot less competitive, however, it's also less lucrative. Still good profit potential but it will always be pegged to BTC and it's competitors.

>> No.55704533

wow this is one low effort fud post. I think he thinks he's on some facebook crypto group

>> No.55704615

Poor popo actually trying to reason with unhinged fudders. They killed /biz/ don't waste your time.

>> No.55704661

Guys, I just thought my myslef, even my heart shook a bit...
Guys, you actually sold your 0.5 links?
What kind of tranny propaganda you ate all these years?
Is this actually true? I don't believe you guys... No way you had a moment of weak hands...

>> No.55704715

kys samefag tripfaggot

>> No.55704743

Just answer this question.

Is Sergey obese?

>> No.55704747

>t. can't into inferance

>> No.55704757

Anon most people think crypto is a scam

>> No.55705566

>I'll be back in like 5 more years, just staking and staking more when we can and then sleeping. I'll continue to buy BTC, eth, and link, and sleep.

You are busy slurping large bags, its going to take a lifetime for you to make it man add some lowcaps man.

>> No.55706111

Dont worry about being motivated bro. I will keep reporting chainlink to the sec every day so just continue sitting on your ass like the complicit cocksucker you are. All of you pieces of shit that shilled this scam nonstop have karma coming your direction

>> No.55706137

What content? A bunch of -90% bagholders screeching about their “secret” investment virtue signaling how they were early on a ponzi scheme….fucking joke.

My twitter feed has seen at least 20 5x calls this year while you homos jerk off about one altcoin that mooned years ago.

>> No.55706146
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>bro I was the MAN years ago, just trust me bro


>> No.55706162

>$7,000 whole bucks!!!
>everyone else is a loser because I am, r right guys???

Hhahahahahhaaha holy shit youre pathetic. Do me a favor and go on wallstbets reddit for a few mins. Your heckin “normies” average investment shits on yours. Youre the classic loser worth like $200k who thinks hes a big deal because he doesnt know anyone successful in person. Fucking embarassing

>> No.55706214

Imagine being so sheltered, so obtuse, so unaware…just so fucking overall dumb, that you would actually think theres a conspiracy to keep a few poor virgins on the worlds loser forum from making money on a scam altcoin. Hahahahahahahahahahahahah what a fucking loser. No wonder why youre incel. Tell me Im wrong. Dude you need to life and be a man

>> No.55706368
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checked, but I was called a paid fuder for a long time when I was expressing honest criticism and this place was notorious for fuding it too kek

It's also good to remind yourself that you are ultimately the source of your own problems because no one pointed a gun at your head to force you to do something.
Until you accept that you lost to your own greed and lack of experience because of the hype you will never change and achieve what you desire.
You are the only responsible.
Take ownership for your mistakes and learn from them instead of reinforced negative emotions for no gain.

>> No.55706403

wow u must be rich by now following all those twitter calls am i rite

>> No.55706434
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>3 whole posts in a row
what a loser

>> No.55706496

The best you can get from BTC and ETH is 5X and i wonder why anyone would settle for that when lowcaps can give you 10X and more.

>> No.55706501

because there are no safe low caps to ape into

>> No.55706619

nah that's wrong
and BTC and ETH even doing a 5x is a stretch. market caps are already insanely high

>> No.55707224

>because there are no safe low caps to ape into
In retrospect nothing is really but what i do is mostly investing in projects which i believe in their solutions an example is Traderjoe and AllianceBlock cause i am bullish on the former's DEX and the latter's Data Tunnel.

>> No.55708897

Altcoins have more potential for ROI. I'll rather buy LDO, RDNT, and SPOOL at the moment.

>> No.55708930

I have aixty thousand chainlink tokens and I'm not selling any. Please could you do your loudest screech as I want to screengrab it and make it into a poster for my wall.

>> No.55708940

Because BTC offers better EV (expected value)
Risk / Reward relative to probability of success

The coins offering 10x might only have a 2% chance of working out, versus Bitcoin offering 5x probably has a 60% chance of working.

>> No.55708959

You're a retard If you aren't stockpiling ARB XRP, ETH XLM and EVEN KREST for PEAQ airdrp y'all NGMI.

>> No.55708979
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Absolutely, it's a potential dollar rain when you invest in altcoins with solid products! The spotlight is on DePIN-based projects for the upcoming bull market. Render, React, Helium, Waev, and Peaq are my top picks for maximum gains.

>> No.55709176

Watch them make it. It is fucking foolish to list PEAQ with ARB and XRP. Name LDO, ANKR, and SPOOl and I might accept and not some fucking coin without a base.

>> No.55709446


>> No.55709458

No matter what you invest in, this next bullrun is going to be HUGE. Take your pick. We're all fucking mooning.

>> No.55710516

it will all flow into Link

>> No.55710521
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It is a lack of understanding not a lack of capital that is stopping normies from buying. Buy the time they do understand a suicide stack will be in the six figures

>> No.55710597

dude, you are the 216th post

>> No.55710697
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That is freckin crazy!