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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55700089 No.55700089 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/.

I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm over 30 yo, no degree, worked past 10 years in QA as a tester, lead and project manager.

I was laid off in March, I'm living off of savings and the company paid me well after my notice period ended.

I do not have to worry about food for the next 3 months.
My social healthcare expires tomorrow.

I dont know how to invest, or buy stocks, i dont know where to work or how to find a good job.

I'm in a limbo, and need a direction.

I live in eastern europe and am open to anything, i can move, do some online shit, i can go back to being a wagie, i dont care, i just need something to do.


>> No.55700124

I've heard there's good business in Romania, if you catch my drift

>> No.55700156

what's in Romania?

>> No.55700304

he meant stealing and/or human trafficking
as for your question, what is preventing you from getting another job since you have 10 years of experience?

>> No.55700467 [DELETED] 
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Join the best crypto telegram group with /biz/ chads

>> No.55702271

IT market is shit, its a bit difficult. After 3 months of search I only had one interview.

>> No.55702390

>work for ten years
>after ten years you can only afford three months of food
>can’t afford medicine
>”the company paid me well”
holy FUCK do eagles really????

>> No.55702391

Wagies* yes I’m a phoneposter

>> No.55702401

>I'm over 30 yo,
I almost stopped reading there because of perceived ebonics.
Just preservere, apply more. The process is painful but you'll get there in the end. Reach out to any format colleagues that went elsewhere.
If your company is big enough, reach out to contacts in other departments that you worked with.

>> No.55703138

I've meant severance pay, nothing else. I bought a nice catering service for the next 3 months, and it wasnt the only thing. Still have about 2/3rds of what they left me with. So fuck you & learn to read.
Thing is, idk how to start a business, how to do stocks, how to buy them, fuck the investment strategy if I don't even know where to buy them. Do i need to pay tax on stocks?
is eu different than us? Should I stop looking and just remain a wagie? Nobody teaches you these things!

>> No.55703148

1. search company
2. create resume
3. apply for the job
>it worked?
congrats on your new job
>it didnt work?
repeat steps 1 to 3

like what kind of advice are you looking for lol?

>> No.55703191

>My social healthcare expires tomorrow
if this happen when you re >40Y just KYS

>> No.55703198

>pajeets running all of /biz/
Yeah fuck this board I'm done here.

>> No.55703211

Go get a real job. Investments require you to not need the money to live soon. It seems you’re toeing the poverty line and I don’t think you’d have the emotional maturity to invest in this climate. No offense, most people wouldn’t. Macroeconomic conditions are getting worse, markets aren’t far off all time highs, so it’s possible you don’t make much money or even lose some in the short term

>> No.55703217

He just wants you to give him money my god his english is barely legible.

>> No.55703983

not a pajeet, fuck off.
I hate them just as much as you do.

>> No.55703988

honestly I don't even know myself.
something that would unlock my brain in a sense?

what is biz doing for a living?

>> No.55704242

>social healthcare expires tomorrow
>eastern Europe

>> No.55704287

The market isn't bad, you just don't know how to craft your resume properly. Resumes are read by bots before a human ever sees them, so you need to go online and score your resume and then change it to be loaded with keywords. One you hit the keywords post it on any job board like dice and you'll be getting three recruiting calls a day.

>> No.55704391
File: 165 KB, 996x797, yuropooria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit is getting rough in Yuropooria anon. Sorry for your loss