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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55697575 No.55697575 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.55697579

the token wasn't needed for anything

>> No.55697581

You got greedy and lost it on a paper promise

>> No.55697582

so now what?

>> No.55697584
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>> No.55697597

sergey, and most of us, just thought the crypto space wasn't as scummy and full of degenerate scammers as it is. every big money interest in crypto is fighting chainlink tooth and nail because it disrupts their money making schemes. that's the long and short of it.
chainlink WILL succeed though, as the product speaks for itself. when this will result in price appreciation though, is anyones guess. I'm not as pessimistic as some people. I think we can blow past ATH in 1-2 years. but getting to the true price of $1000+ will take longer.

>> No.55697679

Unironically the team experienced completely predictable start up bloat with feature creep, huge operating costs and tons of dead weight staff. That said they've begun cutting """some""" of the shit and even if the work is painfully slow they had enough money to push through regardless so when the macro market turns around things should be better. We've had a fucking horrible few years but 2024 should be decent.

>> No.55697686


>> No.55698003

basically a lot of anons got greedy and lost their link chasing bigger profits. aave loans, bancor, linkpool, celsuis, leverage trading, shitcoin trading. on top of that you had the /pol/ tourists who saw link as the le epic 4chan coin and bought at $30+. celsius still has $6m in link at current prices. it's their second largest holding, only after their own token. where do you think all that came from? retail had no interest in link, it came from us.

>> No.55698851

Also, OP is demoralisation fudding. There's nothing actually 'wrong' at all. It only seems that way to a bunch of lazy bastards who want to get rich quick and swan around the rest of their lives pretending they're financial geniuses.

>> No.55698863

XRP turned out to be the real gem

>> No.55698914

>What went wrong?
Sergey sold you $800million in zero cost basis tokens he created, and eventually delivered a zero real world protocol for you to use your utility tokens on.

The system works!

>> No.55699132

ChainlinkGod, RTJ, Fishy, and Drake all attempted to become the main character in the Chainlink story by attacking other projects instead of ensuring that their own team was delivering on time, and as a result have caused the whole industry to hate Chainlink and lost bagholders hundreds of millions of dollars. They should be held personally responsible for all losses incurred.

>> No.55699247

>nothing actually 'wrong'
the price is very low compared to earlier, that's wrong for people seeking profits

>> No.55699283

It's not about making money.
It's about using link tokens to get data from sergey's nodes.

People lost sight out that somewhere along the way.

>> No.55699514
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>> No.55699516
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>Swiss rugged and didn't actually adopt ICCP despite all the money and time poured into it
>Banks won't adopt ICCP in the end
>You slept on $POND and their defi enclave tech to replace cloud hosting
C'mon guys. Even if LINK was used for it you just know transactions would be a tiny fraction of a fraction of revenue for Chainlink.

>> No.55699519
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>> No.55699524

It's about rugging your own community

>> No.55699526

you fell for a worthless pump and dump scam

>> No.55699527
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unironically based

>> No.55699530

You're talking as if they're anywhere near releasing anything tangible. Lol.

>> No.55699534

Yes yes, Sergey is a little innocent Russian boy who did nothing wrong. Except coming up with hyper difficult and hyper ambitious ideas that never materialized only killing off a lot of resources in the process.

You are lucky ICCP is a thing within your lifetime.

>> No.55699539
File: 172 KB, 326x637, 16732775712751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this

anons, no asset, and i mean it, no asset at all, crypto or traditional, no share, no product, nothing is worth holding for over a decade like a lot of you guys are doing. unironically, think for a second.

>> No.55699540


If only Pond wasn't being handled by a bunch of fucking lazy pajeets and instead was made by white Europeans, this whole thing would've already seen a release date

>> No.55699542

>It only seems that way to a bunch of lazy bastards who want to get rich quick and swan around the rest of their lives pretending they're financial geniuses.
umm HELLO this is why we are in crypto you retard

>> No.55699545

POND is the exact same shit, I don't know what the fuck you are on about.

>t. LINK/POND proud believer since 2018

>> No.55699549

>that's wrong for people seeking profits
Yet they're still holding. Everyone knows Link is the big one. Whining about it not happening quickly enough is greedy and repulsive. It's been the same price for about a year, yet we see these posts every single day. Everyone knows it's coming

>> No.55699550

and yet it couldn't actually pump the price of LINK. Ironic, huh?

>> No.55699553


>> No.55699554
File: 37 KB, 766x254, Screenshot 2023-07-29 185035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>44% chainlink employees are women
why didn't you sell after realizing this. unironically give me a good explanation.

>> No.55699558

this but unironically

>> No.55699562

For how long have you been holding Chainlink, anon?

Honest answer, please.

>> No.55699572

If that's the case then why won't you sell your Link? Go spend the money on shibashitzu?
But you don't. You stay. You wait. You whine.

>> No.55699578

Sep 2017

>> No.55699580


>Massive wave of fud in the span of 5 minutes

Welcome back from discord.

>> No.55699646

>Whining about it not happening quickly enough is greedy and repulsive.
Community avocados have been the same
>Ohhh you didnt notice this sweet easter egg we worked hard to shoe in shame on you
>why arent you doing more to help? for free *sniggers*
>you didnt make memes about latest employee x
>you should make them an internet superstar XD
>hey anon remember all the lies and false promises when we had a real community here?
Holy fuck give it as rest find a real job instead of just exploiting anon. It was fun back in 2018 but in 2023 its just sad bro. I know you need to be here for discord e-cred but its just sad

>> No.55699747

The difference between you and I is that you have an agenda and come across as an angry fudder. I'm just a Link investor, you're something else.
It really doesn't matter though. Everyone here sees it.

>> No.55699781

And what is my agenda here (((anon))). The thread title is what went wrong. You blame ... yourself and others like you but I am the angry fudder. Exploiting anon's schizo powers for free marketing is haram. I can't believe you community avocados have sunk so low I mean (((LINK investors))). Well, keep waiting around I srsly doubt consequences will ever be the same

>> No.55699800

Why are you here? What's in it for you?

>> No.55699815

I live here; these are my people. we talk to each and have fun.

What is your purpose? What's in it for you?

>> No.55699842

I enjoy meeting people from the Indian Subcontinent with a view to fostering international relations.

>> No.55699850

>What went wrong?
Ask yourself what went right? Great marketing, great website, tons of shills. The price pumped to the moon so everyone could dump. It went exactly as planned. Now it's over.

>> No.55699861

But I need it to become rich.

>> No.55699868

>now it's over
promise you won't come back, then?

>> No.55699877

Sure you do community avocado. I just had a vision of the future of this board
Whinging and wine will increase over 9000%
Sarcasm will also increase
The feeling of bonding with strangers may decrease for people used to feeling a strong unironic connection with (((real genuine people)))
Is this a meme? may be your only coping mechanism
When all is said and done you can ask yourself if exploiting anon's schizo powers was worth it and maybe if you only listened to their complaints things could have been different

>> No.55699920

You fucking retards have been buying validators bags. That is the only purpose of the LINK token. To pay validators.

>> No.55700268

so chainlink is just like eth?

>> No.55701297

yeah, except for the price

>> No.55701897

just 7 more years bros hang in there (lol (lmao))

>> No.55701940

>When all is said and done you can ask yourself if exploiting anon's schizo powers was worth it and maybe if you only listened to their complaints things could have been different
You're like some sort of Indian Guru. I wish there was a way for me to get in touch with you personally so i could glean nuggets of wisdom like this from you daily. You could be my own personal Gandhi. Oh, do say it can be so.