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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55695526 No.55695526 [Reply] [Original]

Care to remind me what's so crazy about pic rel?

>> No.55695528

Its predatory or whatever. But it was these retard faults in the first place. Poor people make poor decision simple as.

>> No.55695543

Usury is a sin.

>> No.55695550


Take the L boomer

>> No.55695571

Free to starve mentality

>> No.55695572

ill fucking annihilate you NIGGER

>> No.55695584 [DELETED] 
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>ill fucking annihilate you NIGGER

>> No.55695665

Two words; Unfunded Liability.

Either student loan borrowers forfeit their right to vote in and capacity, or pay the loan back. No buts. Alternatively, both student loans and social security should be allowed to go bankrupt. all of these "Non profit" Colleges and Universities need to be held legally liable for the usefulness of their curriculums.

>> No.55695748

Government spent trillions and trillions to bail out failed banks and businesses. I'm not paying back these loans.

>> No.55695756


Then Bank of America and GM should've been allowed to go bankrupt also.

>> No.55695854

Just ignore all letters. And if anybody asks if you are {insert name} just say "no but i can take a message".
If it's a package, don't be deceived. Package deliveries don't need to ask your name and rarely take it so just ignore that shit and get it redelivered in the event it was legitimate. Most of my packages have been signed by family members etc. Or even get it delivered locally and pick it up.
On the off chance that the "delivery guy" is not an actual delivery guy and took the package in your name to trick you, sue his ass.

>> No.55695859


>> No.55695870

1.7 trillion in debt is the government's problem.
Us vs them nonsense is just propaganda.

>> No.55695877

>wow im so much smarter than these boomers
>noooooo this boomer made me take out an unnecessary and high interest loan I'll be paying back for life nooooooo damn you boomers

>> No.55695886

the boomers made this thread and the boomers will ban you if you post any truths in this thread

>> No.55695891
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Personal responsibility is dead, it's been replaced by The Art of the Whine.

>> No.55695902

I would gladly forfeit my right to vote in rigged elections where my vote doesn't matter anyway. You need to raise the stakes.

>> No.55695904

>My life was full of strife then so should yours.
Brilliant Anon. Now the younger generation will be able to afford for us to retire after they pay off these loans.
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot lol.

>> No.55695906

>the boomers
watch this post remain undeleted and this anon remain unbanned because he didn't name them

>> No.55695907

Basically I'm just not gonna pay back the loan
I know.... UGH I know ..... I'm sorry!!!
It's just that I'm not gonna pay it back is all

>> No.55695918

>I want to start a business
>let me get a loan
>things did not go well, I still have to pay it back


>I want to go to college
>let me get a loan
>I majored in something fucking stupid and now I think I should be excused from my debts

You aren't special for having gone to college, time to pay up

>> No.55695934

Then stop requiring degrees for jobs that don't really necessitate them.
You can't gatekeep people out of labor and then turn the other cheek and say,
>"Well my business was also a risk when I started."

>> No.55695938

>business goes bankrupt
>don't have to pay

>end up unemployed after getting your degree
>you still have to pay

they can't pay and they never will

>> No.55695939

this but unironically.

>> No.55695940
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>> No.55695954
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Cope and sneed go back faggot

>> No.55696424

I don't think so, wagie.
I'm at a comfy gubmint job so I can get away with paying $50 a month for another 4 years and have my entire debt student debt ($302,000) cleared by (you) the taxpayers.

>> No.55696449

>usefulness of their curriculums.
at this point you are pissing in the wind, jobs just don't pay anything unless you are at the top of your career. Agree though about having realistic expectations for students about what they will be learning.

>> No.55696486

unquestionably based. taxpayers malding and sneeding.

>> No.55696495

Here's the thing though: the government backed those loans. No financial institution would do that without a government mandating them to and guaranteeing them a backup plan if the loan goes into default.

>> No.55696501
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I mean. I paid off mine. But the amount of debt you need to take on go to a namebrand school is way more than a kid fresh out of highschool will understand. I just saw the number, figured it was less than a typical starting salary in my field, and said "eh it'll be fine", when in reality even living a shut-in lifestyle it took 3 years to pay off. And that was with a STEM job, the kids whose passion was a liberal arts field are up the creek without a paddle.

To be clear. Fuck those who just expect the gov to pay it off, those are my tax dollars you are spending. BUT. I do think these loans should be dischargeable in bankruptcy for people who really can't make it work. And hopefully with GenZ realizing $50k/yr college isn't sustainable, we'll see a decrease in the armies of administrators who are making this shit cost so much.

>> No.55696502

(((student loans)))

>> No.55696561
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>> No.55696574

Nothing desu. No one should be going to University at the current price.

>> No.55696894

Nothing crazy but a lot of people have emotional regulation issues and let this influence their perceptions. Borderline personality disorder is extremely common now.

>> No.55696907

It wasn't their fault. If you are too young to drink you are too young to take out a loan.
How about we burn every college to the ground with the professors trapped inside?
Intelligence makes one more likely to be preyed upon by higher institutions.
Meme post but whatever, the point of the first world is egalitarianism... Something you voted for.
Epic Rap Battles of Usury!!!
>I mean, I paid off mine. Blah blah, tax dollars, blah blah.
No one cares. Pick a side.

>> No.55696928

what's crazy is they loaned hundreds of thousands of dollars to kids not deemed responsible enough to drink alcohol

>> No.55696935

AND greed

>> No.55696984
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go say that to PPP.... since 2020 and MNT loan are free money. live with your time boomer. your txes will pay my loan

>> No.55697015
File: 42 KB, 600x429, Democrats_And_Gun_Control_Bills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Care to remind me what's so crazy about pic rel?

Nothing, Democrats have learned all they need to do is lie about forgiving student loans and millions of idiots will vote for them.
Exactly the same thing Democrats do with Gun control laws (THIS gun control law will make you safe)... endless lies

>> No.55697101


>> Tariffs available: economy, comfort and business

is economy with doors open right at the time square?

>> No.55697130
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>government bootlicks

>> No.55697134

Economy is designed around the projection that people in their late 20s and 30s will buy more durable goods than all other people combined. If they spend that money on student debt instead the system gets over extended and fucky.

>> No.55697146

So the option are
>(A) government does nothing and gets away with interfering with citizens financials- cringe

>(B) government pays student loans thus causing tuition (and student accommodation) to go up in price again as now they'll expect they're asking price to be paid in full - mega cringe

>(C) The government undoes it's previous law where student could declared bankruptcy on their loans meaning banks will actually have to thier jobs and vet people before giving them money and tuition will go down as a consequence so potential students could just take jobs instead to earn a reasonable amount of money in a few short years to pay for college outright- based

Why does OP never talk about option C?

>> No.55697426

maybe if certain people didn’t have access to guns the country would be easier to live in

>> No.55697451

They don't want you to pay back the principal. They want you to pay back multiple times the principal. People will pay back what was lent and a small fee for the use of it, and I will happily look on as they burn down your business to get out of paying the rest of your usurious claim.

>> No.55697462

The dragon has grown. It will fall out of the sky if the number of souls you feed it drops.

>> No.55697485

seething lel

>> No.55697487

Want to know something cah-raaaaazy?
Criminals break laws.
This includes gun laws.

>> No.55698598

Then let the government clean up the mess that it created.

>> No.55698686

Loans to finance higher education isn't the problem. Colleges increasing tuition costs knowing that they are essentially guaranteed to be covered by loans, and further being the gatekeepers of society, is the problem.

>> No.55699167

yeah I'll just land the toilet in a busy street

>> No.55699179

It's not that it's crazy. It's just I won't be complying.

>> No.55700097

Did you take out a loan?
Did you know that a loan is to be paid back?
It's not free money just because you were a credit risk. Pay it back or ruin your credit and have the government go after you and garnish your wages.

>> No.55700179
File: 87 KB, 881x773, Black_Gun_Problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe if certain people didn’t have access to guns

And be seen as being RACIST!?
Insane White women prefer rapists over racists.

>> No.55700186

Loan givers need to learn the hard way

>> No.55700203

It is predatory and usury is wrong, to enslave your youth by it and defend the jews is everything wrong with muttmerica and why your country is no longer the envy of anyone

>> No.55700212

kek if you business fails you never pay anything back

>> No.55700217

When did biz get taken over by jews?

>> No.55700219


So you would pay it back if you only had to repay the principle? Because it seems none of the losers who are against student loans want to do that. They just want free money.

>> No.55700550

>anti semitism
Cringe. Everyone here is laughing at you.