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File: 408 KB, 1345x977, 20117151_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55690880 No.55690880 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY22
>GameStop Investor, NFT, & Wallet Sites

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:
>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>55685067

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.55690886
File: 55 KB, 465x714, 24346365_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy holdin' and waitin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Ongoing hiring of specialists of e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain and supply chain operations
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.310 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory
>NFT marketplace beta launched

DRS & Computershare
>~76.6 (19.15) million shares total held by Jun. 1, 2023, ~76.0 (19.0) 25% total held by Mar. 22nd 23
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 (17.825) Jul. 30th 22, 50.8 (12.7) Apr. 30th 22, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29th 22
>and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Wednesday RRP: 1,749.733B, 96P = 18.226B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 1,735.783B, 103P = 16.852B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 1,730.227B, 99P = 17.477B per (roughly)

>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence
>SEC GME/meme stocks report
>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. on 21st AH)
>2023 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp are issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>Q1 2023 Earnings 8-K/10-Q

>100 page comparison DD

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.55690889

>there are still GME threads
what the fuck do you people even talk about in here?

>> No.55690918

Whether it's more fun to fuck your mom on her back or her stomach

>> No.55690946

>first post of the new thread
I totally wasn't looking for this I swear. Just randomly came across it right as it was posted.
नया थ्रेड शुरू होने पर इसे कॉपी और पेस्ट करें

>> No.55690952

Imagine trying to convince this board that Cramer is right about GME and it’s not going to succeed.

>> No.55690960

It's been 2.5 years, it's fucking over, you were never going to be allowed to make it you retards

>> No.55690979

You know what, it's been a while. For old times' sake:

sneed hedgies.

>> No.55690995


>> No.55690996 [DELETED] 
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I’m going to Publix

Do you guys sneed anything?

>> No.55690998

Okay... But only because you said so.

>> No.55691024

just like the last two times I've made it, I am not waiting for anyone's permission.
t. 8 figure net worth individual

>> No.55691039

Guise listen to Cramer about this stock. If it had a chance to squeeze he would tell me.
There’s no way they shut off eve buy button and didn’t close 100% of their shorts on ticker GME. Hand to God

>> No.55691046
File: 251 KB, 1230x511, ken is waiting to die alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if investors of GME are retards, what does that make you...stymied in your efforts to convince people to sell their stock in a supposedly dying brick and mortar video game retailer? they're not sending their best, but then again Ken can't afford their best

>> No.55691054

Mongolian basket weaving you fucking faggot

>> No.55691079

Holy kek! Hedgies can't even have it at $22 anymore! They're bleeding collateral. We're gonna WAGMI any day now

>> No.55691087


>> No.55691105

Yes our spaces are heavily censored and jannied because it’s over. That’s what you do when you closed your shorts. Makes sense.

>> No.55691113

I have no clue what you're talking about. I think i'm the lost one. I was looking for the Canadian train enthusiast forums.

>> No.55691127

My apologies ancientanon, right this way, please

>> No.55691130

I’m never going to sell these shares retard

>> No.55691138

I just bought, but I didn't use all my money in case they do that shit where they lower the price

>> No.55691148
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>> No.55691223
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it's today (right now)

>> No.55691258
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Today is right now...so that checks out.

>> No.55691261
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The problem is when we get to 99% DRSed and we literally go over that cliff. There is no way to hide it because CS's books can't be spoofed. Supply/demand will force the issue and there is NO WAY they can avoid it.
In fact, the dividend was used by the DTCC to steal shares from European investors hence why the can kicking seems to go on forever. They kept the shares in the states thereby reducing any of the need to hand them over. This is akin to shifting infinite and focusing their attention where they have the most buyers. The United States.
We literally have them in checkmate in three moves. All they can do is wait but they can never win. The best they can do is flip the table.

>> No.55691313

Why can't we drs the float one (1) time, after three (3) years?

>> No.55691336

The split dividend had the (unintended?) effect of allowing them breathing room. The unique thing about GME was its small float. Now they can use a portion of the artificial additional shares created for the split dividend to cover. This is the only explanation for why our pretty predictable runups stopped.

>> No.55691340
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I’m just sitting here. Enjoying my Arnold Palmer by the creek. I’m imagining entering the daughters of hedgies. Specifically ages between 18-29. I’m sitting here with my legs crossed and my hips tight and bucking in a rhythmic motion. I’m moaning n groaning n moaning n groaning thinking about my ha-boinga sliding in and out of their sweet rich profiles lathering and soaking in their sweet vaginal nectar. Hedgies do you hear me and understand me? I’m going to take everything from you, all while whoring your daughter out to my large heavy nuts.

>> No.55691351
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The thing that annoys me the most is that the manipulation is so obvious. I'm tired of people in power pretending that things which are obviously fucked are hunky dory. I'm tired of narratives and I'm tired of phonies. I just want to live in a world that's authentic and compassionate even amongst hardship. Smash the masquerade, please.

>> No.55691359

Silly shillies this is a Mongolian throat singing board

>> No.55691370

It provided breathing room but also increased the magnitude of the issue. The plank is longer but there are more sharks.

>> No.55691408

No, this is the Thomas & Friends fan club.

Maybe, but will anything force the issue? We had them in a pressure cooker and the split dividend opened safety valve and released a lot of steam.

>> No.55691411

don't worry, they are beginning to eat themselves. They are starting to realize that they too have to live in this world they've created.
I unironically think that when the GME squeeze happens, it will be so glaringly obvious how fucking corrupt wallstreet has become, that normies will want heads on pikes. There is no turning back now. As someone (cuban) said early on in this event, "it can never be put back in the box now".

>> No.55691428
File: 978 KB, 1920x1080, 1685153221723216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you using parenthesis you fucking faggot? Where did you learn to type? Bootleg Mavis Beacon that was floating down the Ganges river with all the other literal shit? (69)

>> No.55691429

Reddit baggies really do not like this one simple question

>> No.55691434

I gotta be honest. I wish we'd never had that blasted stock split via dividend.

>> No.55691471

The biggest crooks in the room were the DTCC, and they essentially stole shares. The dividend did have the consequence of destroying the shorts as it forcefully injected leverage into their positions. Adding a multiplier effect to an illiquid asset such as GME basically strengthened hodlers and created an extremely dire situation for the shorts. The fact that the DTCC mishandled the dividend proves beyond a doubt that they are naked short and committing international securities fraud. This is no small matter either.

>> No.55691524

We thought it would expose them. I thought for sure we'd be like TSLA and climb back to the presplit price.

If the DTCC actually did it, it has to be the largest instance of financial crime ever committed. But it basically takes the pressure off the hedge funds and puts it on the brokerages (and DTCC) right? The one thing I don't have a reason for is why they would do it and agree to it.

>> No.55691539

I mean the very fact that “cede and co” really holds all stock in the world, and you just get IOUs should have had people in the streets decades ago. GameStop naming cede and co in their quarterly is tantamount to Kanye naming the jew. That was the single best dose of copium in a long while and it happened right after someone told us GameStop was getting fucked with over DRS numbers. It’s why the shills above are talking shit about DRSing the float, because now we don’t even get real numbers, we get what cede and co says they hold and some math. It confirms to me that those trying to suppress this company are dark dark dark fucking soulless people, but math is the language of God, and no matter what lies they and their paid posters spew, in the end the equation has to balance. They’ve sold us more shares than exist, and no matter how long they stall, in the end, the public gets to see that they were in fact naked the whole time.

>> No.55691560

I could be fubberlinging my chumbeloiws as we speak, but instead I'm having to wallowsee my frunoo because this is taking so long. Sick of it tbqhwy lads.

>> No.55691582

This is a pretty massive scandal because if Wallstreet is found out to be illegally engaging in naked short selling they are effectively stealing money from investors. It also exposes that price of a security has no bearing on supply/demand. So the stock market is effectively being used by the banks as a pump to move funds into the economy and pull it back similar to an automatic economy stimulator of some sort. Also, naked short selling may not even be a function of just cellar boxers, but literally EVERY stock in existence may be artificially counterfeit in order to hide inflation. Inflation could show a massive melt-up in the economy, and by spreading things wide they may have found a way to hide the banking monetary malfeasance.
No one knows yet, but MOASS is going to happen with a LOT of fire works.

>> No.55691628

while moassHasntHappened {
print(">MOASS is going to happen")

>> No.55691670

I agree with you that synthetic shares would be the response these fucks would use to hide inflation (stock market should look like zimbabwe's at this point). Also through this combined with ESG, they literally get to decide which companies get to exist and which don't. How many incredibly biotech or medical advancements have been shut down by this? If the public finds out that our "free american markets" are actually 100 percent controlled and manipulated, and they are given examples of innovation which has been stifled which could have saved their loved ones, it may be the catalyst for the money changer's tables being flipped again. I just keep coming back to Gamestop naming Cede and Co in their quarterly filing. To me it seemed like "you want your bad guy, here is your fucking bad guy". People like Griffen and musk are just patsy's in this rich man's game. This is rockafeller and rothschild shit. They own the whole world, and any chance of vertical mobility without their permission is just an illusion. That picture of musk and griffen and those other chumps with the saudis at world cup says everything. Or emannual spraying musk with the hose and laughing. These people own the whole world, and every time the public gets close to catching them they just laugh and say "and there is nothing you can fucking do about it". This time however, there is a math equation working against them. Pure logic. If it is determined that they did in fact synthetically print shares of companies as freely as they print our money, there are going to be riots, because unlike our money, they didn't pass the laws necessary first. You can bet your ass there are wrinkly old rotting men asking if we can just "get rid of" direct registration right now.
It is all a biblical archetype. It all feels like it was meant to happen.

>> No.55691688

we need a 10 to 1 reverse split

>> No.55691693

I wonder if these Hedge fucks can bring it down to $10 again. Retail has only blown more money into this stock since the last time it was $10. Maybe the only way it can get to $10 is if the whole market crashes but then everyone's collateral is shot and GME soars anyways. (((They))) know $10 is a massive buy wall there so it's in their best interest to crab this shit for infinity, but even within a year GME can turn profits and the shorts are fucked anyways. I am very much enjoying this timeline I'm in.

>> No.55691750

We really need a company catalyst. Which I don’t doubt is coming, but now it’s clear Cohen may have underestimated globalhomo’s ability to get to others neveassary for what he had planned, not matter how tight his OPSEC was, eventually he had to depend on others for the plan. That tweet at the Microsoft ceo (and there was one other like it to someone else) really seemed like Cohen blowing the whistle the only way he could. Like “we had a fucking deal and now you are ignoring me”. And then the oracle guy replying (huuuuge piece of shit) like “we can help you Cohen!”. The odds seem almost insurmountable at times, but the plan to break into NFT gaming, and NFTs for other applications, is ironclad in my mind.
It will be fascinating to watch, I feel my mid six figure investment is still safe, and I feel that as soon as the company produces what they’ve been working on, this all ends in a flash.

>> No.55691754

There's roughly 144k Americans that have DRS'd GME. Think there's a thing in the Bible that quotes 144 as a very significant number, akin to that these people will lead the way to enlightenment or some shit.

>> No.55691776
File: 19 KB, 300x300, ExponentialFunction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the main weapon the elite use are not only exponential functions (pic rel) as a basis for monetary policy. But also the fact that PERCENTAGES have a built in factor in that you can have INFINITE GAIN. But you can only ever suffer 100% LOSS. It is through this very mechanism that they control the plebs very carefully to hold them in stasis through things like inflation, taxes, penalties and fees etc. They can tack all of these on and effectively make it so mobility is impossible. And the only way to get ahead is LEVERAGE which generates fees for the banks!

>> No.55691802

A job at your future company.

>> No.55691836

October 2023

>> No.55691875

How the fuck can you compound interest exponentially and not increase the supply of money? It doesn’t math

>> No.55691877

I'm usually not one for mysticism but I was noooticing. A lot of those are blue haired, libtard predditors though so who knows.

>> No.55691904

I think it's all according to plan. (((They))) know GME will blow a hole in the stock market so they forced Cohen to an agreement to install certain people for X amount of time to delay GME's Renaissance. (((They))) needed to delay MOASS for several years for whatever reason they came up with. Cohen could of became CEO right away but didn't. Ya whatever bullshit excuse he comes up with for why he didn't is just smokescreen. Cohen is a jew and was forced to make a deal with globohomo jews so they see eye to eye on the full magnitude of this cluster fuck of a situation. Now Cohen finally has full reign to run the company how he wants and it's only a matter of time before the MOASS happens now. The company being hamstrung was by design these past couple of years and now being stone-walled by other executives of big companies is by design too. Cohen knows the pieces of the puzzle he has to solve, which he will cause he's smart. Hopefully most of the pieces of the puzzle are assembled by the end of this year cause I want my fucking billions already.

>> No.55691921

Loans get defaulted on and baleeted out of existence, or businesses are set up to die and sold off. Wagies have no hope of escape, which is by design.

>> No.55691954

Whole markets green and we’re red lol nice

>> No.55691962
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Wish I could sell some of my shares for the dark pool otc rate.

>> No.55691973
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>> No.55691981

i'd be glad to break even at this point

>> No.55691988

Sell you dumb nigger.

>> No.55691997

as soon as I break even

>> No.55691998

schizo posting, ignore this shill
जब कोई साथी हिंदू गलती करता है तो इसे कॉपी और पेस्ट करें

>> No.55692016

They mostly use it to plug holes in balance sheets. And as old money gets destroyed via paying down debts they create new money.
Wiping out debts destroys the mechanism through which money is destroyed so it is very inflationary.

>> No.55692045

remember the anon who went through the trouble of comparing TSLA and GME before and after split

1 week before dividend date the price was ______
the day of divident the stock price ________
one month after divident the stock price was _________

>> No.55692066

>It will happen when the weather warms and the rabbit enters his cave.

>> No.55692082

if you didnt break even by now, you wont at all.

What is "averaging down"?

>> No.55692146

The true chads average up.

>> No.55692163

I miss being green bros. My average is around 180 pre-split. I'm honestly too scared to look at my portfolio

>> No.55692170
File: 6 KB, 250x159, 62n4b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosine, you need to back the fuck up away from that child ASAP or I'll fucking use this I swear.

>> No.55692183

So companies are being paid money to blacklist Gamestop and Cohen.

>> No.55692194

>the new flat channel is between 22 and 24! it's narrowing, we're winning!!!
>immediately closes below 22
kek dumbfuck baggies

>> No.55692205

My average us 23.22 and it's killing me that I can barely average down by a dollar+ anymore, where are the real cheapies kenny you bastard

>> No.55692223
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feb 2023 was the most recent cheapies.

>> No.55692239

Lmfao the Homer poster is now an XRP baggie. He sold GME for XRP.

>> No.55692258
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Sneed hedgies

>> No.55692283

Do you have to be low iq to hold this stock? Or just to post here?

>> No.55692329

Both are required

>> No.55692342

No you have to be a retard like us

>> No.55692388
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Kek dumbfuck stupidfucks


>> No.55692445

When did the shills get so mean? Kek

>> No.55692475
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They're getting fired soon.

>> No.55692474
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the question isn't when, it's qui

>> No.55692477
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>Inflation right now is lower than when we doubled the money supply!

>> No.55692513

Inflation is the rate of change of prices. Prices don't go down until inflation is negative.

>> No.55692547

Kek same. I’m down like 30K or more

>> No.55692554

Let's wait and see, what happens when SPY hits ATH AGAIN

>> No.55692605 [DELETED] 

kek dumb fucking baggots

>> No.55692671

>how do I break even?
>I know, I'll piss even more money away

>> No.55692720
File: 6 KB, 225x225, IMG_4176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime chink niggers and their gay stock can’t even close green on a big up day in the markets as today
>two years after le squizzle
The true pajeets of /biz/ kek

>> No.55692804
File: 1.74 MB, 2000x1083, Kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek dead daddies
Kek dead doggies

>> No.55692837
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It was probably me or someone else talking about what we are going to do to their prized hedgie daughters.

>> No.55692885 [DELETED] 

kek dumbfuck dead dog baggots

>> No.55692942
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>> No.55692975
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This. We shouldn't have to average down so drastically due to the mismanagement of the dividend split.

>> No.55692994

Their daughters are probably nasty jooswessess though. With the claws and the honker

>> No.55693007
File: 408 KB, 820x723, 1684407126120871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8% inflation per year? That's nothing good. Prices 32% higher since you started high school / college doesn't mean anything the economy will get better. 88% inflation? Oy vey we need to change how this is calculated

>> No.55693036 [DELETED] 
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>mfw dumbfuck baggots rope

>> No.55693172

Not leaving

>> No.55693185

Then you shouldn’t complain about being red. Kek. They dropped it to $40 pre split that was a godsend if you had slurped then I’d find it hard to believe you could be red.

>> No.55693191
File: 480 KB, 1000x750, IMG_1972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog days are over bros…

>> No.55693234

Was Demi Moore in the Big Short or what was that other movie that showed how stupid hedge funds are ?

>> No.55693257

Do you want to know why I sit in this chair, why I earn the big bucks?... It wasn't brains I assure you that.

>> No.55693265

Can we get Ken Griffin to accept Jesus Christ as his lord and savior through the power of meme magic? This is unironically the only way for him to wash his soul clean of his transgressions and be born again as a Christian. Let’s all bow our heads and pray for MOASS! (My Only Aim is to Save Souls)

>> No.55693294

Oh it was margin call. Both good to reinforce our resolve for these fucks

>> No.55693368
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>> No.55693408
File: 1.53 MB, 981x1266, Greedy Cunts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm positive there have been actual hedge fund employees in these threads. It's the only explanation for the ones that get super agitated and really start trying to argue about stock market fundamentals (which don't exist).

>> No.55693427

I forgot about the lights being on in their office all night before they had to shut google down from showing that activity. Good times.

>> No.55693447

and stop GME hodlers from flying drones to check after Google was muted

>> No.55693588

Yeah, that one guy who is always talking about how hedgies can’t break the law glows like crazy

>> No.55693601

It's also nonsensical as the accusation (outside of narket manipulation and racketeering) is that the law is set up in a way that allows them to expose the market to infinite risk and it appears to have happened.

>> No.55693627



>> No.55693701
File: 2.25 MB, 498x431, 1690153673566548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the concern? That the people who "own" the world get to use it as they please with no consequence? How much longer will we allow sociopaths to continue to breath air?

>> No.55693783

>investing in a meme stock company whose CEO is guilty of pump and dump fraud

>> No.55693787

>Buck Broken Baggies
You are looking for BBBaggies at the liquidation thread.

>> No.55693793

I guess words can just mean whatever you want them to.

>> No.55693819

We’re back above 70% short volume . Off exchange exempt have also been relatively high recently. Someone is having trouble locating shares.

>> No.55693842

that's a fucking moth

>> No.55693872

What’s the highest it’s ever gotten to?

>> No.55693875

it is so important for them to try to paint Cohen as "one of them", when if you had followed his publicly available trade, you would have done just as well as Cohen. Don't forget they also threw a man off of a building during all of that. Most likely for saying he was going to tell the reddit crown what the board had planned for BBBY, and why Cohen sold.

>> No.55693900

So Cohen could bring the murderers to justice, but instead has decided to cover up their crime. Not only a fraudster, but now an accomplice to murder.

>> No.55693903

>Baggies get real triggered about people noticing they’re Reddit tourists

>> No.55693924

Idk. I haven’t been watching it long to compare it to what it was in 2021. Lately we’re regularly hitting 1-3% exempt which is higher on average than I’ve seen it.

>> No.55693943

At current DRS rate, it’ll only be 95 years until you hit that point.

>> No.55693977
File: 260 KB, 771x1235, doms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah that dudes been posting there for years

>> No.55694092

GME was always a generational play.
Having kids will be the next drs

>> No.55694169

Highest was 84% in August of 2022.

>> No.55694208 [DELETED] 

its an infinite loss because its a zero sum game and a matter of balancing a mathematical equation. Our infinite gain is their infinite loss.

>> No.55694219

moass is not contingent on DRS at full 100%. i think we hit a good threshold. (the market plummets, stocks/assets being used to prop up short positions becomes insufficient, margin calls, actual hedgies off ledgies from all this knowing they fucked up so hard.) the market has to crash. there is no other way.

>> No.55694253
File: 56 KB, 719x661, Screenshot_20230728_201057_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true. I plan to obtain "private planet" levels of wealth, and it has to come from somewhere.

DRS is us choking them out. We don't have to completely close our hands to kill, but the harder we squeeze the less they can breathe. All of the things you listed could cause MOASS, and they have to juggle all of them while getting less and less oxygen each day.

>> No.55694330
File: 51 KB, 797x789, 18473710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not speak about the moth's child.

>> No.55694357

Happy weekends baggies
You sure need rest after this week lmao

>> No.55694490

That was good April fools joke.

>> No.55694508
File: 138 KB, 466x452, 84420199_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay comfy, comfy /GME/ frens!

>> No.55694571
File: 45 KB, 441x484, comfyJiemi_chibi_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GME hodlers are always comfy

>> No.55694666
File: 207 KB, 1080x727, 9ab82fc3115a3e3941c7c49d7ffce98a6b9877efedc09d4c8b3e52a74b5cee25_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


GO BACK you low test tranime vermin

>> No.55694874
File: 119 KB, 704x711, dissapointment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryan doesn't know what he is doing, does he

>> No.55694885
File: 357 KB, 619x741, 1660612890630632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody else here does either, so we're all in the same boat aren't we?

>> No.55694886

Any new DD? No one needs your worthless shares, dumb baggot rodents. But keep DRSing them, kek. Only 95 more years. You are fuck your sisters and female cousins.

>> No.55694893

Raj, it’s Saturday. You aren’t getting paid overtime. Go home.

>> No.55694892

But people like you keep coming to our threads and laughing at us so we must be right

>> No.55694895

>You are fuck your sisters and female cousins.
How do you know about my son's Tay-Sachs?

>> No.55694899

who told you about my Chinese 95 year lease?!

>> No.55694917

Killing his family one by one to own the hedgies

>> No.55694921

sneed hedgies

>> No.55694924

People go to the circus to laugh at clowns.

I am not Indian. You are Indian. You are of lowly Untouchable caste. GME won't help you losers.

>> No.55694939

Kek teeth-decaying white trash mommy troon

>> No.55694941
File: 312 KB, 700x700, 1681838139083276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when kenny tries to beg me for mercy
>kiss the melon, faggot

>> No.55694953

>GME won't help you losers.
deepthroating wall street won’t help you either, Raj. Yet you’re still here. Besides, I’m only here to bully billionaires

>> No.55695117
File: 85 KB, 1024x1536, attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realistic jiemi test thoughts?

>> No.55695190

Open bobs

>> No.55695201

very nice, more bobs if possible

>> No.55695278

needs nazi military hat.
and more boob.

>> No.55695292

Ryan we have gave you plenty of ideas

>> No.55695318

Or he is one if them and is a plant to string holders along until enough of them cave and sell due to hedgies fucking the economy.

>> No.55695357

Beginning to think Ryan is a dumbass and that tombstone was for us, his father and dog

>> No.55695511

My tonsils are swollen to the size of tiny plums, I can barely breathe, and I feel like I might die before I finish this ride to the hospital.
Godspeed gentlemen.
If I don't make it, tell Steve Cohen he's an ugly faggot for me.

>> No.55695541

Checked. Covid?

>> No.55695793
File: 22 KB, 399x303, 1657145084067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't make it, at least your last post will have been digits.

>> No.55695806

Do benchod basterds ever get tired of shilling and being broke?
Everyone knows shorts never covered.

>> No.55695852

kek dumbfuck weekend baggies

>> No.55696023

Yes sir, I very tried and broke. I holding gme three years but float drs one time cannot do. Why sir?

>> No.55696051

My copium tank is running low. What's the newest August 2023 copium?

>> No.55696076

Who needs cope when you get to keep watching the flat line continue to flatten?

>> No.55696249

Sers you have demoralized me. I am selling my gamestocks.
Also good morning sers.

>> No.55696408

Getting a job at a hedge fund takes zero skill. It’s all about the dicks you suck

>> No.55696584

checked but bro at least crop out the ifunny watermark

>> No.55696691

Government official, only folks 35+ browse ifunny

>> No.55696715
File: 376 KB, 512x1132, Commander_Jiemi_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive very nice. I recommend building up from an existing image, composite or picking an actress to model the face to give you a better result but this one is solid. Love seeing more Jiemis.

>> No.55696764

next quarter

>> No.55696772
File: 2.61 MB, 1536x1024, 105922982_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding with Homura

>> No.55696837

ngl it’s pretty kino we get to chill at a flat 22 even all weekend

>> No.55696964

only the young, taste so sweet

>> No.55696987
File: 120 KB, 641x551, your move.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend half the day yesterday to drop it below 22
>Goes back up to exactly 22.00 to end AH
Funny how that happens

>> No.55697234
File: 55 KB, 1300x956, young-blonde-girl-wearing-casual-clothes-standing-over-isolated-white-background-showing-and-pointing-up-with-fingers-number-three-2HTR29M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figure out how to help moass? Nope
Figure out how to make gamestop more profitable? Nope
Figure out how to pay gamecuck wagies more? Nope
Figure out how to compete with an entirely digital game market? Nope
Figure out how to make nfts even remotely relevant or useful? Nope

Larp as Gurkesh Ramjee the Indian customer service wagie on Twitter, cry about dead dad, dead dog, write kids book, beg streamer for pussy, beg microsoft for a call back and post shit emoji tweets YES PLEASE

>> No.55697316
File: 180 KB, 641x315, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Young blonde girl wearing casual clothes standing over isolated white background showing and pointing up with fingers number three

>> No.55697323

Three is how many weeks you have left bagholder.

>announcement soon

Aug 17

>> No.55697335
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>> No.55697377 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 1200x630, 1018316866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is with us


>> No.55697499 [DELETED] 

based baggie kekkers

>> No.55697561

you aren't allowed to die. you have to watch the symphony of hedgies on ledgies.

>> No.55697633
File: 39 KB, 656x679, knowswagmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55697661

Next week could be interesting.

>> No.55697699

Anyone else of the opinion we don’t moon until the market crashes and the market doesn’t crash until the war in Ukraine is dealt with? I do wonder whether Ken and co are at risk of losing Russian oligarchy money as the first dominos to fall

>> No.55697707

The market will crash when the algo can’t hold gme back any longer.

>> No.55697774

I think the Fed is handling very dire situation on the national level and the entire system will allow fraud and crime to continue domestically for as long as they need to. The Fed could have literal swap lines open pumping infinite liquidity into Citadel for all we know. In a do or die situation you can do anything you want because if you die then it doesn't matter if you follow the law.

>> No.55697779

What happened to all the plan trusters?

>> No.55697810

What if the baggie kekkers were right all along?
Kek baggies...

>> No.55697858

But what would cause a mathematically perfect algo to fail at its one job?

>> No.55697877

>mathematically perfect
Kek. You should really stay calm and learn to love flat law.

>> No.55697882
File: 1.67 MB, 1293x856, navigating_a_flat_channel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The algorithm is having a tough time squeezing through this narrow channel.

>> No.55697908

The channel has been doing kegels. It’s kind of funny that they still don’t seem to understand what squeezing means.

>> No.55697935

Kek baggot
Highest public economic sentiment in 2 years
Inflation falling to its lowest level in 2 years
Home prices rising
New homes being built at record pace

Never crashing dumbfuck stupid fucks

>> No.55697963
File: 489 KB, 1234x720, ken feels the squeeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw liquidity increases

>> No.55697975
File: 349 KB, 1080x1850, Screenshot_20230729_144535_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baggots how many FUNKO POPS and NFT trading cards did you buy this week???

Why aren't they buying games??? Oh.... because they're all digital and sold on steam or the Microsoft & sony stores??

Damn. FunkPopStop should be your new name

>> No.55697992

That's vacuume. Not a squeeze. A hydraulic press squeezes. He would feel a stretch.

Kek uneducated dumbfucks

>> No.55698062

The only game I'm looking forward to are Baldur's Gate 3, which I already own, and Starfield, which I'm getting on Steam. I'm not buying shit from GameStop again until I see a ROI. You can only fuck your shareholders for so long before they stop supporting you Ryan

>> No.55698080
File: 99 KB, 529x360, ken can't quit yil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a build up of pressure
>He would feel a stretch
kek shillies

>> No.55698107

>It couldn't possibly be a tsunami, look at how low the tide is!

>> No.55698134

Kek hedgies posting fud threads on /v/ about GameStop. Don't worry bros I'm in there educating the masses so we might get an influx of new investors soon

>> No.55698147

He's in a liquid. He would be stretched through the liquid as a result of the tremendous pressure. Dumbfuck online community College educated retard

>> No.55698176

I’m sure they pay him to fud a stock but he can’t help but get distracted. Kek.

>> No.55698229

I just can’t shake the feeling we keep getting cheated. The splivy was carried out incorrectly. We go to the effort of building an NFT market place and selling GME NFTs giving credence to an NFT dividend and then RC tweets about the government shooting down his balloons. Profitability needs to be significant for cash dividends to cause capitulations so that feels a way off. Now obviously an acquisition of a profitable business would speed things along but then we’re at the mercy of consumer markets. How do you see it play out, what’s the plan?

>> No.55698232
File: 466 KB, 1080x1425, Screenshot_20230729_145821_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I found you /u/4seriously

>> No.55698238


>> No.55698244

It was always going to be a black swan event leading to margin calls. Nothing GameStop can or will do at this point will lead to MOASS. The economy collapses, then we get paid

>> No.55698295

Gme is the black swan.

>> No.55698301
File: 137 KB, 860x720, patrick bateman no thanks-cool it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just can’t shake the feeling we keep getting cheated

>> No.55698742
File: 341 KB, 580x523, 1677736814761644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna lay a hand on a hedgies precious daughter. I'll hire a Jewish porn agency to have a train run on her. Only the ugliest motherfuckers will participate. The tapes will be sent to all of her family members associated with the hedgie in question. You did this

>> No.55698755

It's goals like these that make me think MOASS is impossible >>55698742

>> No.55698789

Can you explain your reasoning?

>> No.55698844

I COOMented.
Fuck all the shilljeets who support the wall st. cabal.

>> No.55698865
File: 112 KB, 1024x1024, 1690418511509628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. I get dubs,
SHFs get to pay more premiums and continue losing. How's UBS doing? Oh you made it a 'secret'. Lmao, OK.

>> No.55698878
File: 379 KB, 600x485, 1681301651778648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My balls need to be emptied anon, and tight hedgie tummies seem like the most likely place if you think about how human beings work. The injections are a hyperstition. The girls are already preggers.

>> No.55698952
File: 673 KB, 200x222, 1677852800399450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>>436208045
do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself.
this was done to us. it didnt have to be this way.

>> No.55698972 [DELETED] 


>> No.55698998
File: 311 KB, 990x1627, Screenshot_20230729_171356_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New cope just dropped...
O wait article is from 2021. KEK BAGGIES!!!

>> No.55699015

brain fart.

>> No.55699029

I don't know, it seems to me most anons just want this to happen for hedonistic and degenerate fantasies no different than the hedgies. For me, it's opening animal shelters and living the examined ascetic life with almost no material possessions

>> No.55699058
File: 737 KB, 300x300, IMG_2655.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who bought post-squeeze is ultimately the true pajeet. Many such cases! Sad!

>> No.55699075
File: 715 KB, 622x621, 1676261736303079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they know that side is taken care of.
i know that their side is taken care of.
understand, these anons whom have broken have had family on the receiving end in a more direct link than most. their hatred burns hotter than your feeble brain can comprehend. also, why are you not making dinner yet honey bun? chop chop.

>> No.55699157

Of course the degenerate ones have no shame in talking about the acts of degeneracy they will indulge in post-moass,
It's honestly almost FUD to know you hold with people like that kek
But that is by no means the average holder like you and me. I intend on taking care of friends and family, then fucking off on a journey to find myself, like the young nobility of old

>> No.55699230
File: 20 KB, 480x327, 20210416_111920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O Kenny boy, the ledge, the ledge is calling
From desk to glass and down the building side
The short's gone and all the banks falling
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must sneed

>> No.55699243
File: 128 KB, 446x324, 1689975322763053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just about all of us would have settled for far less than what we are now asking, that's because we have been driven insane by a world that didn't prioritize us yet we clearly have enough understanding of the situation to break the rest of the world over our knee. This would be a critical flaw in any system. And I think at the bottom of it we have indeed become more like them, we have had several years now to think about what is happening.
We will strike them down and take control. But we are not completely like them else the separation wouldn't already be there that creates the boundaries defining the dynamic. The universe is always in the process of working things out, the two halves of extreme neuronal selection must become one. This kind of thinking is written in even their own mythos. So what of it? Really, I don't see any possible reason why I should give a shit about what is about to happen to them. There is nothing new about the MOASS historically speaking except for the scale and efficiency of the transfer of economic power, Gods at the altars will get swapped out, but it's just gonna be more of the same. The core elite will get an injection of well deserving genetics given all the changes of the past few hundred years and and the world will keep on turning.

>> No.55699272
File: 173 KB, 480x327, talking to shorties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55699346
File: 1.74 MB, 1172x1664, Screenshot 2023-07-29 at 4.16.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the banks are rugging again

>> No.55699433
File: 939 KB, 1920x1080, 1677060807457724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek im not actually going to do the things I've laid out. I'm coming to a thread discussing a stock that I (dont) own and FUD posting. What's the difference between cucked wife and dead dad posting?
>pic related. Your daughter holding her next child

>> No.55699488
File: 3.97 MB, 2949x1867, 1674077720722760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our counteroffensive against hedgies has just began

>> No.55699826


>> No.55699829
File: 116 KB, 576x392, how to hang a hedgie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55699832


Mr Matty absolutely destroyed GameStop after spending over $2,500 on used games. Where do we go from here Ryan?

>> No.55699969

Remember that picture of Cohen with Icahn? Where he looked like a dwarf next to a 5.9 man. Manlets stay seathing

>> No.55700088

dude paying to keep gme's lights on

>> No.55700107

>Doesn't know how a tsunami works

>> No.55700122
File: 31 KB, 934x328, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55700193 [DELETED] 


>> No.55700310
File: 115 KB, 576x392, how to talk to short people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP was better. baker could you get a jannie to clean up the first edit?

>> No.55700315

Burry throaters and Big Short guzzlers have been REAL QUIET since Burrys buddy and one of the real main characters opened a massive short position on GME

>> No.55700327


>> No.55700334

Put position. Also.
>Frontpoint was founded in November 2000 by three principals, including two Tiger cubs.[3]
>In April 2011, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a complaint against Frontpoint portfolio manager Chip Skowron for trading on inside information and named six Frontpoint funds as relief defendants.[8][9][3]

>> No.55700356
File: 104 KB, 640x640, 1690610969770412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be a killjoy

>> No.55700357

Oh no. The SEC did an investigation? ahahahahahahaha

Your local PD will also do an investigation when you're red mist on the ceiling. GME bankruptcy by 2025.
Screenshot average

>> No.55700360 [DELETED] 
File: 638 KB, 2208x1768, Screenshot_20230729-024839_CloudStream Beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55700368

>In May 2011, Frontpoint announced that it would shut down most of its funds by the end of the month.[4]

>> No.55700369

So easily goaded into doing as the Romans. You seem personally invested in gme and not in the way that most of us are.

>> No.55700380
File: 682 KB, 1080x1812, Screenshot_20230729_211946_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cohen will lose everything in court and have to sell GME to cover market manipulation legal fees. Announcement soon!

>> No.55700384

>fag posting

you can stop any time.

>> No.55700387

Dumbfuck BBBaggies will spin ANYTHING Ryan Cohen related into a positive.

>> No.55700416

Someone post the chart of when Cohen sold on the way up three days before they dumped it. It’s all so tiresome. They seem to really hate Cohen, and they seem to really need to make him the bad guy here instead of themselves…for reasons. It’s starting to sound like their little BBBY psyop didn’t have the effect on gensler they were hoping for

>> No.55700475

I knew their BBBY psyop failed when the glow in the dark LLC shilling appeared here. Goonsler isn't convinced towelniggers are criminals, just stupid.

>> No.55700500

I may be in the minority but the hedge fund employees using baggot is actually more gay thasaying faggot

>> No.55700531


Huge words from the guy with + in your ID. I'm POSITIVE you have HIV baggot


>> No.55700614

Criminally stupid

>> No.55700651

I completely disagree with you on that. I think that those in the wrong side of the GME tried may have tried to use the BBBY psyop as evidence to take to gensler and doj that “Reddit retail investors” were actually trying to manipulate markets in order to gain regulatory authority to link the GME situation to it and gain more control to break the rules to suppress GME. It all stank to high heaven, and honestly a lot of blue haired stupid GME holders fell right into the trap. Llc poster wasn’t saying gensler was gonna come after you, he was saying that it would be smart to not allow your GME position to be conflated with this bbby nonsense, and to me that seemed like apt advice. Bbby was a psyop brought to you by those short GME in an effort to conflate the two to gain regulatory power to help their untenable position
T. 8 figure portfolio held in multiple trusts

>> No.55700770

Guys what’s the current squeeze status

>> No.55700786

What really stunk to high heaven was that llc glowniggers attempt to same fag and claim he was an insider. When he was challenged on it he said he was “adopting” shills tactics. Either way I’ve never held bbby and his attempts to try and suggest that buying a stock could open me up to legal action glowed like like the sun.

>> No.55700853

Just…just sell ok? Quit making us have to explain.

>> No.55700877

Ryan is dialed in and they aren't anymore, sour grapes. They found out that they're the scapegoat that needs to be slaughtered to appease their club's superstitious beliefs and they think it's unfair.

>> No.55700878
File: 244 KB, 804x664, C929FACB-A0C7-4C67-BEAE-55C0CBF5692C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55700896


it's literally monday.

>> No.55701012
File: 15 KB, 240x320, 1687588997361296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will say they are on top and have complete control of the situation until the very end.

>> No.55701168
File: 29 KB, 888x888, 1669741928614019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent all day out in the sun and went some place I had never been before. My comfy is the comfy of a sore body and a buoyant soul, chilling at home in the summer twilight.

>> No.55701305

I really don’t think you need millions of dollars to adopt some chows and fuck off inna woods. As for me. I’d probably advocate a fresh start for animal shelters. One day where we take out 95% of the pit mixes. Then go on a sterilizing strays spree. This is how we move forwars

>> No.55701341
File: 277 KB, 929x1175, IMG_1809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I noticed there hasn’t been any stinky Indian, Pakistani, Indonesian, Malaysian,s Kikels around for the past few hours. I think they went to bed.

Right now guys, I’m just imagining entering the daughters of hedgies. Specifically between the ages from 18-28. I’m groaning and moaning of me strokin my big ol fat Dick makin them squirt n fart n squirt n fart n squirt n fart. I’m imagining myself groaning as their pussies grippin n huggin n grippin n huggin my Dick. Throwing it back and hittin her core makin it fart.

Can I get a “hell yeah” fellas?

>> No.55701353

about to go to bed, pretty comfy

>> No.55701374

Hell yeah fella

>> No.55701429
File: 129 KB, 576x415, how to talk to short people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fixed this time

>> No.55701449

Replace "people" with "sellers" and it's perfect.

>> No.55701484


>> No.55701533

Ah, yes, you cracked the code. If only this one thing happens, then you’ll be rich.

>> No.55701561

hell yeah unfathomably BASED

>> No.55701562
File: 22 KB, 365x365, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55701591

Back to hour bankruptcy thread baggot

>> No.55701602
File: 120 KB, 288x313, Goose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55701704
File: 178 KB, 1254x1881, 00003-3004099444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second test

>> No.55702009
File: 64 KB, 706x500, 1641117645937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely comfy. I worked really hard earlier in the week, so today I caught up on sleep, then caught up on dishes, laundry, and vacuuming. Tomorrow I'll catch up on more sleep, then mow the lawn, play some vidya, and go to bed early so I can start the week fully rested.

>> No.55702259

Holding this stock has been a miserable experience. Red on the one day, five day, one month charts and barely green on the six month. You are a useless cunt ryan cohen.

>> No.55702284

Tell me about it

>> No.55702306

he just did you dumbfuck

>> No.55702315

I can't do anything right. I'm still not green on my GME investment either

>> No.55702344
File: 42 KB, 499x330, 1658096329641562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to be rich now. Please stop struggling hedgefags and I will give you a tip when I see you at work in the Wendy's drive through window.

>> No.55702386

Ryan you cunt you are sitting on a billion dollars of shareholders money and doing nothing with it while we are out here getting fucked on the daily by shorts. You absolute bastard. You could have done fucking anything a year ago to help your loyal shareholders. You fucking bastard.

>> No.55702388

Reminder if anyone is even green in this thread you're not a true baggie bro and fuck you. Only true baggie bros have been here for 2 years

>> No.55702441 [DELETED] 


>> No.55702606 [DELETED] 

baggies KEK baggies KEK baggies KEK
baggies KEK baggies KEK baggies KEK
baggies KEK baggies KEK baggies KEK
baggies KEK baggies KEK baggies KEK
baggies KEK baggies KEK baggies KEK
baggies KEK baggies KEK baggies KEK

>> No.55702688

I have been buying since the days where GME was only talked about in /smg/ and tinny was locked out of his account for good faith violations while holding April 2021 calls

>> No.55702692

I'm at the airport

>> No.55702696

Nice, I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing time fren. Try to take your mind off of being a baggy.

>> No.55702700

I'm green on GME. bought 200 shares at 15.77 couple of months back

>> No.55702714

Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

>> No.55702729

Of course! Like everyone else on this board.

>> No.55702734
File: 142 KB, 1730x3176, the truth about cost basis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cost basis doesn't matter. If you can time it and slurp more at lower prices, that's nice. However with infinite potential, all that matters is having shares.

>> No.55702775

Comfy level : Infinity

>> No.55702783

Your chart is wrong, the sharp online to infinity should be in the year 2032 not 2023.

>> No.55702791


>> No.55702890

hell yeah I'm gonna fuck into 64JY419l family

>> No.55702903

Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

>> No.55703094
File: 311 KB, 640x360, 1689923335601702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedgie daughters and autistic cum are inversions of the same dialectic. What the demiurge split in two, now become one.

>> No.55703190

based and pitpilled

>> No.55703192 [DELETED] 

>i can't figure out how hedge funds, retail, trading algorithms, etc contributed to high volume
maybe you should go ask reddit
>Except retail never sold
lmfao they actually believe this
people made a lot of money buying and selling GME
but you didn't
you bought the top
you will kill yourself when it goes to zero, or you will never retire because you missed prime investing years

>> No.55703210

Based hegelian anon. This contradiction will soon be resolved.

>> No.55703255

>All we need to do is vote to expose the corruption
>All we need to do is invest in BBBY to expose the corruption
>All we need to do is direct register our shares to expose the corruption
>All we need to do is be profitable for a year to expose the corruption

You are here.

If everyone who had invested in GME in Jan 21 instead invested in TSLA, they would have made a healthy profit by now. When are you going to admit you’re a poor investor?

>> No.55703299

Kek hoe mad

>> No.55703305

>All we need to do is invest in BBBY to expose the corruption
I did not need more confirmation that BBBY was a psyop

>> No.55703312
File: 177 KB, 711x633, 1628781748214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If everyone who had invested in GME in Jan 21 instead invested in TSLA, they would have made a healthy profit by now
Anyone who bought TSLA in Jan 2021 at best wouldn't have even doubled their investment. And if anyone who bought TSLA in Jan 2021 is still holding, they'd be red.
Nobody is buying GME to double their investment. There are many other things to buy if you want a small return. The potential of GME is infinite.

>> No.55703371


The potential of any investment is infinite you fucking idiot. That's the whole point.

>> No.55703393
File: 18 KB, 657x527, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm genuinely bewildered at the retardation of this post. The potential of any investment is absolutely not infinite. The infinite potential of GME only exists because of a catastrophically large naked short position. Naked shorting = infinite risk.

>> No.55703436

Once again, a reminder:
>If the short squeeze happens, the stock could go to infinity
The short sellers are obligated to buy back every share to close their position. Retail has collectively agreed to hold these shares until the price is millions per share. How do you close a short position if nobody is willing to sell you shares?

>> No.55703448

>3 years later
>43 hour thread

>> No.55703452

Just two (2) more weeks!

>> No.55703591

Kek Thomas boy is secretly pro-MOASS since he's the only wall street crook speaking up about infinity possibility and IBKR being incredibly DRS- friendly.
Yet you are stuck in here with us too Dikshit and Ranjeesh :^)

>> No.55703639

Slow and comfy thread, just the way I like it.

>> No.55703647

Hell yeah fren. WAGMI and god bless.

Looking good but gotta get the Jiemis at least 90% done otherwise these look incomplete and not ready for sneed/ooo posting.

>> No.55703780

Hello rankesh, no (you) for you. What are you going to do about it now that you cannot feed your village?

>> No.55703845

Uh… edit the html to give myself fake (You)’s? I know you don’t unironically believe people get paid by (You)‘s it’s just your cope defense mechanism.

>> No.55703883
File: 1.74 MB, 1760x1202, joe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally Joeover.

>> No.55703899

It's been proven that pajeets like yourself get paid rupees per reply. I will never give in. Your village and cow can starve to death.

>> No.55703908

Hey, you've got our shills in your thread.

t. /BBBY/

>> No.55703912

the pro or anti-gme ones?
because both exist

>> No.55703941

Fuck off bvttfag

>> No.55703992

Kekked and checked but it hasn’t been proven at all. I do it because it makes it harder for them to follow the thread.

>> No.55704003

But I don’t care about following the thread, how is clicking over to another tab on a web browser hard? You baggies are losing it.

>> No.55704009

Kek, Baker is passed out on the sofa covered in cheeto dust.

>> No.55704012

It just proves how driven you are to be here. Your whole life is a Vietnamese crab fishing forum for a stock you don’t hold faggot.

>> No.55704067

Kek watamelon is passed out on the couch covered in cheeto dust

>> No.55704082

Kek, watamelon is passed out on the cheeto covered in Baker dust.

>> No.55704095

Kek passed out is on the cheeto dust covered in watamelon couch.

>> No.55704106


>> No.55704112
File: 37 KB, 250x176, 080101i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55704320

Kek, cheeto is covered in Baker dust passed out on the watermelon.