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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55693614 No.55693614 [Reply] [Original]

Demoralization piece or truth?
Posting on 4chin doesn't make you smart btw

>> No.55693638

More or less, it’s the eldritch truth. But you don’t exist in a bubble at the same time.

>> No.55693650
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>> No.55693656

>Le actual talent
Skills take time to learn and master.
Talent in this context is a meme to demoralize and discourage people.
If you have ~100 iq you can succeed at most things if you take the time to skill yourself and have the discipline to be consistent - which is instilled by parents usually.

>> No.55693671
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There are countless examples of outliers in tallent who had less than stellar careers due to their superiority not aligning with the status quo

>> No.55693679

Turns out I'm just a retarded poorfaggot

Maybe this shits right afterall.

>> No.55693704

Maybe you can evaluate people from the past that have lived lives you find acceptable and emulate them while hoping that life works out the same. That’s what I do. I think I might even have IQ talent but I have poor concentration, work ethic, initiative, etc.

>> No.55693728

there are many studies proving intelligence is not correlated with the creation of wealth.

>> No.55693780

Every study I’ve seen showed it was correlative but that being born wealthy or having access to opportunities are even bigger setups and filters. Also why is everybody here assuming talent = IQ? Diligence, work ethic, concentration, abundant energy, perfect health, charisma and I’m sure other things could be considered talent.

>> No.55693894

I got donkey brains
If I had one more chance I'd do something different than gambling.

>> No.55693922

>Posting on 4chin doesn't make you smart btw

Yeah it does. It demonstrates you see the value in exchanging ideas without the need of reputation to validate information or logic.

>> No.55693962 [DELETED] 

>less than stellar careers
Picrel won the world championship. How is that "less than stellar"?

>> No.55694010

And there are outliers on the other side as well, talentless hacks with financial backing, but generally this is the rule

>> No.55694019

IQ = learnability so a higher IQ individual will acquire the knowledge to live healthy faster, have a better understanding of neuroscience behind abundant energy, etc.

>> No.55694056

I am rich through. Smart, maybe. Dunno.

>> No.55694069

IQ is a made up test, not a physically measurable attribute, it is a made up test by humans, and not particularly rich humans.

>> No.55694071
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reminder that /pol/chuds should go back

>> No.55694199

Whether you call it “IQ” or not, people learn at very different rates, it is clear that the intellectual capabilities of individuals differ greatly.

>> No.55695052

No amount of copin will change this , if you are poor , you are a LOW IQ nigger.

>> No.55695061
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I mean there's some truth to this.
>donkey brained.

>> No.55695065

I assume you shorted link.

>> No.55695070

Actually no I bought link and lost 30k in 2021, this was me having multiple mental breakdowns and trading low volume cex shitcoins.
Again donkey brained

That's my current net worth no larp.

>> No.55695074
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It's true: I'm smart and got rich. Part of being smart is avoiding the traps for high IQs to keep them poor, like the meme that money doesn't matter, it's okay to be poor if you like your job, and that charity is anything other than an evil scam.

The problem is there are very very few smart people, and being high IQ doesn't make you smart.

>> No.55695077

what about SBF though? he just stole his riches with help from (((them)))

>> No.55695086

What if you're very smart but only when it comes to other people?
I give some of the best alpha here and off channels and I'm possibly the worst trader in /biz/ history.

I have some fucking retarded mental block that makes me never listen to my own advice.

>> No.55695100

Sorry for your loss my man, try just holding good projects next time, leverage trading is a scam.

>> No.55695103
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Nah you're stupid. Proof? Your net worth. It's literally that simple. Further proof? Thinking "alpha" matters at all.

>> No.55695108
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I didn't leverage in the actual sense but trading itself is a form of leverage.

I'm probably done with gambling until I get my shit together if I get my shit together, I keep thinking if I lose it all I'll go blow my brains out or something but I'm too retarded to even do that my dumb body wants to keep going.
My minds quiet done though.
I'm trying to not let the depression set it, cleaned my house and everything instead of doing something retarded today.

I'm living in some groundhogs day where I make the absolute worst choices, if somehow I ever get another chance I'm not going to do shit with my money until my body/mind are in tune and I don't rely on it.

Chasing quick dreams is a good way to find yourself in a quick nightmare.

>> No.55695114

I've given alpha on over 10 cex coins that did a minimum of 100% after I told the alpha within a week.

Jasmy being 250%, NCT 225% 3x
called the 20% Doge pump at 1am here three nights ago or whenever it was before anyone else noticed
>actually another autist noticed that at the same time

among many other perfect calls including btc dumping to 18k from 48k.

>> No.55695118
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All you need to do is buy ,hold and sell at the top my man , it's literally that simple , now is a good time to accumulate spot and drop all that trading bullshit, i hope you make it fren.

>> No.55695122
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> You cannot become extremely wealthy (billionaire status) in life without stealing. If you think otherwise, then you're a lunatic.

Just watch the Russian oligarchs they stole everything they own from the state.







>> No.55695124

Well thanks buddy I gotta get some health/mental health shit done first, part of it is I got a ton of life shit screaming at me and I tried to trade up rather than take care of the things that need to be taken care of including a tooth that's rotten to my jaw and is clearly influencing bad behavior because I'm in constant fucking pain.

But hey what are retards good for besides being exit liquidity, I made some other traders some extra dollars I guess so it wasn't a complete waste?
I hope you fellas make it as well, besides the fucking faggots here there's some supreme gentlemen as well you guys make it worth sticking around this hellscape.

>> No.55695131

Faggot nobody here wants more than 10 million, I myself would be content with 100k, goals not a single faggot here wakes up saying

That shits for the hyper elite we are posting on imageboards at 2am

>> No.55695141
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>Faggot nobody here wants more than 10 million
Speak for yourself you son of whore.

>> No.55695144

>Names russians and only russians
That's everywhere retard , look up how much europe's royalty own to this day , king of britain , king of belgium , king of spain, ling lichenstein , monarch of brunei , i could keep going until tomorow, they are still wealthy and still hold concrete levels of power over the country.

>> No.55695151
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Who posted it first....

You can want what you want but you gotta be younger than 30 to be wanting that kind of money, I had over 100k between now and 2021 and I didn't spend even 2k on myself what the fuck are you going to do with a billion dollars?
Don't answer that it's rhetorical.

I have reasons I want money and it's for family and to enjoy what time I have on this earth.

My time is more limited than most so my goals are much lower, but even if I was healthy and my mind was normal I still wouldn't want more than 500k to my name, I couldn't spend it and could more than easily set up enough interest between that and working and not need anything else out of life.

Once you've lived in dirt long enough you learn to just have working stuff and enough money not to stress about the retarded prospect that our lives revolve around numbers on a ledger.

It's the most retarded concept ever that we humans invented much further after we were created.
It's a trap no matter which direction, choose a life of no money and you're trapped relying on others, choose a life of pure money and you're trapped on others relying on you.

Pick your poison I suppose, I'm not convinced this is the peak of our purpose here.

>> No.55695155

deeply accurate at the very least when applied in single sectors, especially something like crypto which is about a neutral battlefield as you can get.

all the ethmaxis crying about bitcoin while still hoping to make it in an asset that's got minimal growth against bitcoin left. the lucky early buyers of link who didn't know what they were doing and held through the 2020 pump and dump. the xrp bagholders cheering a 70% pump while they've been holding in the red since 2018.

either you know what you're doing and you've already won, or you're the kind of midwit to keep proclaiming that the market is "wrong" and hasn't priced in your alt's amazing tech while you keep missing bull runs.

>> No.55695463

>it is clear that the intellectual capabilities of individuals differ greatly.
Yes but why?
The argument is always nature vs nurture and it's a false dichotomy.
You cannot isolate one from the other. Genes respond the the environment and the environment is responsive to genes.
Take the richest, highest IQ chad and force him into a social circle consisting of low IQ drug or food addicts and they will acclimate to that enviroment when they cannot escape it. The opposite is also true. A dumbcunt will overcome intellectual and educational challenges to compete with his peers.
And most of the assumptions are based on 100% efficiency in brainboper use but very rarely will anyone use their brain with 100% efficiency and it becomes a game of total time spent rather how little time can be spent. E.G The smartest will learn in half the time and then not learn twice as much. It's even less than 1 in 10 who will go against this norm as can be seen by all the high IQ's who settle for average.
Another example of this, without IQ, would be people who have faster muscle growth who don't utilize their genetic ability to the fullest to become the strongest they can be. Or fastest/whatever.
>tl;dr it doesn't matter when most people fill their heads up with useless shit, the smartest anon can be wasting his intellect on reality tv while the dumbest anon spends that time learning and outperforming the other
As is said; if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room.

>> No.55695487

>Posting on 4chin doesn't make you smart btw
Do some anons think posting on 4chan makes you smart?? This here is board pretty much the bottom

>> No.55695492

>What the fuck are you going to do with 1 billion dollars?

enjoy life to its fullest.

>> No.55695493

>need of reputation
The ideas become the reputation. Memes if you will. Head over to /diy/ and start a thread about pallet wood furniture looking nice than their tryhard Japanese joinery, or a thread on /biz/ about how blaming mysterious evil forces and groups for one's business/ investment/ personal failures is retarded or go to /x/ and say that 2 disappeared girls backpacking in booty shorts, with no supplies, through the most treacherous rainforest section in the Amazon probably wasn't because of misters or foul play.

You'll find anonymous ideas aren't as freely exchanged as they would seem on the surface.

>> No.55695516
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>a computer model
gets me every time

>> No.55695704
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It's a demoralization piece. There is more to smarts than just "IQ", and luck plays a massive role in your life every single day.

>> No.55697007

Read the fine print. It says success is tied to skills, not intelligence.

>> No.55697051

>Demoralization piece or truth?

Bro, right at the end it says 'return on investment'. Of course its bullshit.

>> No.55697058

The rich get to decide whats true and what isnt, and they decided they are smart & you are dumb. Q.E.D.

>> No.55697095
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Fuck... every company says "We are a FAMILY"
No we are not!
Fuck!!!! give raises in pay, NOT pat on the backs
I want more money not a fucking slice of cake on by Birthday month