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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 69 KB, 700x306, 33243332-13caba8a-d2b2-11e7-91f3-ea670c3a071f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5567528 No.5567528 [Reply] [Original]

The next moon mission is refueling. Are you in or are you poor?

>> No.5567579

Just look at the logo. Absolute poojeet tier shitcoin.

>> No.5567616

56k. Am I going to make it?

>> No.5567621

That could be said of any logo you piece of shit.

>> No.5567668

Kucoin freezing like a motherfucker

>> No.5567698

> bitcoin inside a sheriff's badge

Pretty sure this takes the cake. Maybe you can Dog the Bounty Hunter to shill for your shitcoin.

>> No.5567707

Anyone buying BNTY on Kucoin use my ref, Kucoin pays dividends: 1ctMK

>> No.5567718


real world use cases, backed by a smart team with a working product already in use

what else would you want for a successful project?

>> No.5567782

Ok poo

>> No.5567806

Just buy on etherdelta, might even be cheaper because people are retards and cant read a simple how-to on how to use ED.

>> No.5567831

Here's my Kucoin ref also: 1du7Q
I recommend BNTY (of course) and Kucoin Shares.

Also, check out this awesome news.
SIX new companies are going to be listing on their platform soon.
Freaking. MOON

>> No.5567836

I'm a retard too, just jumped into the whole crypto business

>> No.5567848

>already x3'd my investment
Kill yourself nocoiner, stay poor.

>> No.5567906

so comfy here OP, no ragets jumping on to this train. chooo chooooo

>> No.5567951

gtfo u cunt, you must be so butthurt u didnt get in earlier, lmao, little pussy ass bitch

>> No.5567989

meanwhile DBC

>> No.5568010

Bounty will not last frens, new coin on the block with grown adult technology. Not children, if you want to milk the grown rich chinks get in DBC.

A lot of people jumped into it from bounty, no shill. just truth... mooning

>> No.5568068

LOL DBC has a higher market cap than BNTY you cuck. There is less room for growth.

>> No.5568163

use-case for DBC is FAR bigger, the market cap should be higher by a large margin

>> No.5568165

Can Myetherwallet store bounty?

>> No.5568175

bought 20k @ $0.11
to le moon xd

>> No.5568187

Nice dude! :D
Let's keep this rocket going!
Buy and Hold, hold, hold!

>> No.5568244
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>> No.5568245

Commence shilling

>> No.5568292

>tfw only 1556
I'm not gonna make it anon, go on and enjoy your mansion without me

>> No.5568297

Page doesn't exist

>> No.5568338

>tfw only 800

I'm young and have like 1k

>> No.5568354

You'll make it in a year when it's $10.

Do NOT underestimate how fast crypto grows, 1 yr ago $1000 I. Fucking verge (death Vader doge coin) would be $8 million now.

>> No.5568368

Its been like that for 2 days

>> No.5568369


Only newfags think the orderbook means anything.

>> No.5568396

i don't even have 1k anon, i started this whole crypto shit a couple of years ago and quit because it was too stressful

i put in a total of 268 because i'm a brainlet, least i'm starting to make some gains now thank fuck

>> No.5568434


>> No.5568562

kucoin is absolute trash lmao

>> No.5568584

whales accumulating now?

>> No.5568611

It’s alright I started small too. Just make good trades and you’ll make it.

>> No.5568615

This is an ERC-20 token, binance should be able to add it soon. They added link within a week of it being out.

>> No.5568622


>> No.5568636

Hope this doesn't get dumped on like prl. I think it'll be dumped hard once 100 ml mc but continue upwards for a bit

>> No.5568665

Stagnating hard for over a day

>> No.5568670


I feel your pain.

>> No.5568684


Sounds like you fucked yourself trying to flip your coins to me

>> No.5568722


Are people here really this impatient? 10x gains in one day isn't good enough for you? Christ, just close out kucoin and don't check the price for a week if you are this weak.

>> No.5568750

1ccgf sign up with this to kucoin

>> No.5568755

>spaghetti hands everywhere

>> No.5568763

That's not correct
10 hours ago it was at 19 cents
It's at ~27 cents now

>> No.5568764

It's going down already

>> No.5568792

It's whales accumulating.

>> No.5568795


It's been going down and up since being listed on Kucoin you fucking weak handed fool

>> No.5568856

Are you an idiot? I bought it for half the current price yesterday.

>> No.5568889

We are up about 50%, retard.

>> No.5569028

real shit, i cant even sign in to this fucking shit exchange

>> No.5569049

So many people off kucoin. Wait until everyone is bck.

>> No.5569073

It did this same thing yesterday. I’m ready to get out I got in at 10.5 cents and this guy just isn’t moving anymore

>> No.5569119


Do it then. If it dips I will load up. There is no way this thing doesn't end up being close to 100m mcap a month from now.

>> No.5569146

I'm not saying I'm selling, just stating the facts. You can interpret it anyway you want, see it as an opportunity to buy or as a bad sign from the Gods. Your choice.

>> No.5569155

Any exchange would have server problems after doubling in size in two days. I don't think anyone expected BNTY to become this popular, I bought into it at 2 am on a whim.

>> No.5569179

Kucoin froze and the demand stalled. That's all that just happened. We'll be back up near ATH in an hour.
Cap this.

>> No.5569211
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>> No.5569224

Finally someone who isn't braindead.

>> No.5569246

Exactly. They literally had to shut down their site temporarily because of Kucoin's massive volume. It's the top-trading coin by far now.
If that (plus the insane value rise already) doesn't show BNTY's potential, nothing will

>> No.5569302

Guys whenever it hits a ATH , dump it then rebuy it. More BNTY for you

>> No.5569336

unless it blasts past this time, which I think is quite likely. Kucoin is getting unprecedented traffic right now for three coins: BNTY, PRL, KCS. I'd expect all to go up quite significantly in the next handful of days.

>> No.5569338

I tried that and got burned, there's not enough volume during these dips. I've had some luck utilizing TA with coins on GDAX, but it doesn't help much with smaller/newer coins.

>> No.5569451

I like the site I just hope they figure out a way to keep up with the traffic.

>> No.5569487

makes no sense, why is DBC rising +20% if th only reason bnty is dropping is due to the site not working?

nice try kid

>> No.5569509

Hahaha retard , it always dips. u gotta sell it at ATH

>> No.5569537

Didn’t realize KuckCoin was down, just saw the same sort of pattern and that happened yesterday on bfolio. Good news!

>> No.5569905

this site is trash fuck chinks

>> No.5569981

If I give my invitation code to a friend how many free tokens will he get? Is it different from user to user?

>> No.5570225

Why is it dropping?

>> No.5570266
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>> No.5570277

Because 80% of people can't even use the site.

>> No.5570306

Kuntcoin servers

>> No.5570330


Because it goes up an down. If you can't handle it close the window. Check back in a month.

>> No.5570331

guys its crashing, I've only doubled my investment once since last night

>> No.5570344

lmao then why is DBC rocketing?

>> No.5570376

Dude DBC is lagging. Watch how S/B orders are processed 8+ minutes late. People are trading on a delay and things accidentally went up.

>> No.5570395


guy, it isn't. fucking shit just get out if you can't wait more than 24 fucking hrs for a boost that pleases you enough holy shit

>> No.5570412

>circles around $0,24

You have 0 patience?

>> No.5570432

lmao no

>> No.5570488

>mfw people are fomoing over to DBC
>mfw I have bags in both BNTY and DBC and accumulating more BNTY

feels good man

>> No.5570516
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Oh you silly millennials with your bleepy bloopy smartphones and your instant gratification.

>> No.5570544


>what is satire

>> No.5570629


I don't know what to believe anymore all I see in my mind are candles sleep and food I am a broken man don't judge me vitamin d deprivation sinking in heavy among many other things

get well soon, me

>> No.5570674
File: 8 KB, 250x221, 1450157316809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Kucoin is a piece of shit!! I can't even sign in right now.

>> No.5570827

perhaps it is you that should take a break, anon.

Sometimes after my morning shower I'll lay on the floor in my room catching sun from the window. Without a shirt on, you can absorb a good amount of that amazing sunlight. Vitamin D absorption helps with overall health, especially with depression. Get more sunlight anon

>> No.5570873 [DELETED] 

Just letting you normies know that it is now mandatory to be signed up at KuCoin if you wish to make it to the moon. Literally every new coin listed here is going 2/3x minimum.

If you wish to sign up with my ref-code, I will be thankful.

If you sign up with my code, I will send you 100BNTY as a thank you. Post your address as reply here.

>> No.5570876
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>> No.5570936

that's right my dude

>> No.5571018

Do we have any proof that their alpha version is using the blockchain? It could just be a simple webapp.
Not trying to fud, Half my portfolio is in this coin.

>> No.5571186


Does it honestly matter? There are obviously smart contracts involved, but if the platform is already being used successfully, then this thing already has more value than a lot of coins with over 100m market cap.

>> No.5571254

What do you get out of people signing up with your code?

>> No.5571260

Six companies in it already.
Freaking solid.

>> No.5571283

This bitch is fueling up again.

>> No.5571297

cant do any fucking trades because this chink exchange keeps lagging

they did a fucking upgrade literally less than 24 hours ago and they already laggin again

fucking cunts can they actually spend money on a sizeable upgrade

>> No.5571328

Big if true. Signing up now, give me a quick second.

>> No.5571348


5 BTC each referral

>> No.5571430

god i fucking hate this fucking shitty exchange jesus christ

>> No.5571450
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1501166957896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with kucoin?
why's it so slow

>> No.5571472

can't wait til BNTY gets on binance

>> No.5571474

I'm having the same problem. This website is truly shit.

>> No.5571477

when i think of all the fucking gains i could have gotten if not for kuckcoin i feel literally sick

>> No.5571516

same desu anon, i want to fucking die

>> No.5571531


Because ass loads of people re on it trying to buy BNTY. I love kucoin but it was laggy today from newfags trying buy BNTY. Although its working snappy again now for me.

>> No.5571535 [DELETED] 

Just letting you normies know that it is now mandatory to be signed up at KuCoin if you wish to make it to the moon. Literally every new coin listed here is going 2/3x minimum.

If you wish to sign up with my ref-code, I will be thankful.

If you sign up with my code, I will send you 75BNTY as a thank you. Post your address as reply here.

>> No.5571609

You said 100 earlier.

Just signed up, trying to figure out where they're hiding my address.

>> No.5571610

i literally have to sign in every 2 minutes and it doesnt even work fucking KILL ME

>> No.5571630


>> No.5571663

Pisses me off that fucking DOGE coin, has a marketcap of damn near $1bn yet people don't seem to see the value in this?

>> No.5571671

Logo is fine... I dont like it myself but if you check their website you will notice that at least that they have profissional designers and a communication guide line.

If you look well you will see its not hard to spot crypto projects with horrible logos. Chainlink, Tron and Coss are a good example.

Coss has that abstract form that I probably saw on countless of free vectors to download... It is so bad and bland that maybe even a fiverr "designer" would not give to you.... Yeah, abstract is common on crypto, but Coss is horrible... I felt bad for using a similar vector for a small insurance company logo, and the vector was actually far better than that...

>> No.5571694

Kucoin awards you 5 BTC signed by some nigger called satoshi when you sign up with this referral 1RRN1

>> No.5571695

Here you go, chief.


>> No.5571744

Enjoy your ban, cya in 3 days

>> No.5571866

lmao back to lurking for me, I guess

>> No.5571931

lol. sure thing

>> No.5572251

I pulled out enough to double my seed money, now I'm playing entirely with the house's chips. I'll buy back in after the next dip, maybe. Gordon is supposed to have another big tip soon. Gotta have some funds free for that one.

>> No.5572309

I'm pulling my initial investment the next ath

>> No.5572330

This wall is pissing me off.

>> No.5572436

The one in ethereum? I just removed it, had to offload some for a diff investment, sorry haha

>> No.5572466
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thnx my dude.

>> No.5572569

You get a small cut of the trading fees of anyone else you sucker in. It's the Amway of Crypto.

>> No.5573303

Question. Why is there so little support AND resistance in this shitcoin? If I was to go 30% in on this coin, I'd get us at least to 490. Conversely, a significant holder who unloads his bags on the buy orders could dump you back to sub 200.

>> No.5573367


because it's a small exchange barely anyone knows

>> No.5573425

And many people still can't even get in.

>> No.5573489

ICO hodlers know the coin is worth more, so once we break sell walls they don't put tons of new ones up. That's why little resistance.

There's little support because everyone buying puts everything they can into buying whenever they can, knowing the coin will inevitably increase in value. Thus, they don't leave ETH walls sitting at lower prices to form a good floor, they simply buy whatever they can, whenever they can, anticipating a 5x regardless of whether they buy at $0.24 or $0.26

>> No.5573509


ill also bad its precisely because of that there can't be pumps and dumps

with no liquidity if someone started dump their bags they'd run out of orders instantly

we're all waiting for the big binance sell off basically

>> No.5573548

We're taking off again btw

>> No.5573622
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We're of again now lads. This time the floor will be $0.3 and we have a nice triangle

>> No.5573634


>> No.5573670
File: 72 KB, 339x337, 2014-05-24 00.26.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't decide if to cash out half my money after x2 and play with "house" money or not. Fuck.

>> No.5573716

Do it and we'll be seeing posting pink wojaks in a week.

>> No.5573758

I'd do that. I went from 2500$ to 59000$ in 2 months (believe me or not), and the most important thing is not to get greedy. Set yourself a goal, and take profits along the way.

>> No.5573764

Cyrpto problems anon. Let it ride. This shit has way more to give then this.

>> No.5573953


why not just leave it all in and if it crashes to the point you lost all the "house" money then cash out, no?

>> No.5574128
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This! Also quit being a pussy. That's not how you win at this game.

>> No.5574381

also whoever is the pajeet paying 0.0525 on the btc/eth market can you stop being retarded

its worth 0.0502 tops

>> No.5574443

guys get the fuck in right now to break all those shitty shell wall!

>> No.5574579

Highly recommend KuCoin. If you'd like a referral here you go! 1ehtx

>> No.5574621

The decrease in volume is very concerning. That suggests that the rising trend is about to end. I thought it might have been DBC that was draining volume away, but volume for it is falling as well. The site is working fine now, so that isn't the issue either.
I believe we are about to see another correction; prepare to buy up some cheap coins. Ideally the correction happens before BNTY hits Binance, as that will allow us to snap up some cheap coins.

>> No.5574678


Solid suggestions. Thanks for the input, peeps. Gonna stay in full hold, at least for next couple weeks.

>> No.5574758


its lagging a lot for me again now, this morning was completely unusable

people are gonna leave if exchange works like garbage

>> No.5574776

We're climbing boys

>> No.5574784

Everyone is fomoing on XRB.

>> No.5574813

How do I get started on this? How can I buy ? How do I get started? How can I do this on mobile?

>> No.5574890

1. Sign up on KuCoin using this reference code: 1csNs
2. Buy ETH from Coinbase or somewhere else
3. Deposit to KuCoin
4. Trade your ETH for BNTY
5. Enjoy your gains

>> No.5574937

bought 300€ worth of bnty for my gf, this is her first cryptoinvestment, wish her luck.

I bought 7000 bounties at .09 personally

>> No.5574998

I hope you like blowjobs

>> No.5575066
File: 151 KB, 1182x886, 025B8393-6C92-470A-BF9C-7FA92D1F304C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put literally my entire savings acct of 1000 dollars into BNTY and I still havent told my wife.

1000 is all I could put into it without potentially not being able to pay our mortgage/bills if everything goes tits up.

So doesnt seem like much to many but its a lot tona wagecuck like me.

Cool as ice, if I can HODL so can you! we moonin to a buck minimum boys.

>> No.5575091

Can I do this with 10 bucks

>> No.5575092
File: 3 KB, 192x192, kucoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use kucoin E3x9i1

get that treasure here

>> No.5575184

is kucoin working alr eady?

>> No.5575209


Noice. 1k is exactly what I put into too, and all I can afford without dipping into my small but very essential stack of bill/food money. So far I've nearly made back what I put in! YEEEEHAAAAWWWWWWW

>> No.5575236


>> No.5575489


>> No.5576235

this pump is going nowhere if you invested today u just miss out on the dbc gains

>> No.5576381


Was wondering where the half-assed vague FUD went and here you show up.

>> No.5576922


>> No.5577129

I will register on another exchange on your ref if you register on Kucoin with mine:


>> No.5577340

what are the benefits of signing up with a referral code ?

>> No.5577421

Look at the volume brainlets. There's no more /biz/lets to shill, and it's already been on reddit's frontpage. Get out while you fucking can. However Kucoin has now been established as the official spacestation, so get yourself some ETH and be ready to go all-in, into the coin that gets listed tomorrow (QLINK).

>> No.5577429 [DELETED] 


>> No.5578001

Pumps normally started in the evening, but there's much less volume than the previous two days. I think we're done for now.

>> No.5578113

I seriously hope its going up again. Im def not selling but i just believe so much in this coin and it’s depressing to see so much enthusiasm for the last 2 days and then nothing more

>> No.5578163


Its been two days. Come back in a week.

>> No.5578734

What happened to it? Is it over? Guys don’t feed me sweet lies.

>> No.5578747

I am whale gaming you fags

>> No.5578764

She's dead, jim.

>> No.5578794

I feel like I stayed at the party to long. Lost 10,000 in the last hour :(

>> No.5578820

fuck you guys... everything i join fails. Fuck this world. I'm killing myself tonight. Why can't I have one fucking moon?

>> No.5578823


>> No.5578825

The panic is in full motion now

>> No.5578847


>> No.5578862

I can move an entire market lol?

>> No.5578864

Then it's your fault it's tanking. You fucked me anon. Thanks for killing my portfolio.

>> No.5578879


>> No.5578882


You can't win because you are impatient. Wait a week at least.

>> No.5578902

"fails" check back 3 hours

>> No.5578905


>> No.5578906

Are we done here? Disappointing. Gordon, show yourself.

>> No.5578908


>> No.5578912

Then buy so I can dump my bags.

>> No.5578919

omfg it literally did the same thing this morning, fucking kys

>> No.5578922

It's been a hell of a ride, cowboys, but I think we are done for now.

Let's wait for some good news from the devs and another hype train.

We will ride again.


>> No.5578956

I am thinking these wild scary fluctuations are normal this early on? I’m still going to stick with this but I’m getting super scared now...

>> No.5578963

A: Livestream it
B: Send me what little coins you still have. Dead men can't enjoy gainz!

>> No.5578974


>> No.5578975

Just checked and it was 300 eth sats. 5 minutes later now 200. wtf?

>> No.5578984

even though its at the bottom of its rsi and the sellwall up to 1800 only consists of 1 btc, i am still scared bros

>> No.5578998
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>> No.5579000
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bounty is getting over sold
this is about to JUMP

now is a good entry point.

>> No.5579002

HODL this literally happened yesterday. whales buying so much in this panic. STEEL HANDS

>> No.5579003

weak hands got scared. hold tight senpai, itll go back up in a couple of hours

>> No.5579010

If you're selling, the price on gate.io is higher

>> No.5579015

its dipping now

>> No.5579023


Fucking same holy shit this shit tanked from .0003 to .00021 like NOTHING, then again, the gains act the same way...hold tight motherfuckers

>> No.5579035

Still tiny marketcap just hold. Or sell whatever

>> No.5579041

LMAO to all of the dumbasses that sold at that low point. congrats to those who just bought in cheap

>> No.5579046

Anyone else buy the bottom of that whale fat-finger? Fuck yes!

>> No.5579047

>not buying in right now

it's about to fucking rocket past .0004ETH.
that was an amazing shake out by the whales.

>> No.5579051

In a way I know I should have flipped that since I saw that coming but jesus christ some fucing idiots sold at 200, that is so fucking stupid kek pajeets. Well Iron hands win the game. I'm ejoying so much knowing that some idiots just justed themselves.

>> No.5579052

There has never been a red candle THAT big tho....

>> No.5579054

i am very scared rn

>> No.5579057


don't get panicked. literally every fucking time this happens and you panic its the wrong decision to sell. if you sold before the slight dip, cool - you can now buy the dip - if you didnt, fuck cares, it drops a bit, but the target is still the moon faggots.

>> No.5579059

What just happened lmao

>> No.5579060

what the fuck was that heartattack dip holy shit

>> No.5579064

i-i-its over , r-r-right goys?

>> No.5579067

iron handed space cowboys report in!

>> No.5579069

well I'm out. Still made a nice profit, see you guys on the next moonride

>> No.5579075

already back to 300 sats. pink wojaks incoming from people that trade emotionally

>> No.5579076
File: 13 KB, 384x384, 1513825030395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man is this your first day in crypto?????

Fucking brainlets. This is a low volume exchange. This is normal.

Just sell and fuck off your whining is so annoying

>> No.5579086

Holy shit the whales just owned so many people. Steel hands I really considered selling some of my stack there.

>> No.5579091

Many of us have been saying for a while now that BNTY was overbought.

Join us on on: https://www.kucoin.com/#/trade.pro/DBC-ETH

I promise you (no shiling, I don't want areferall becasue I'm not a Pajeet), DBC is a 2-8x right now. Look at the price history the whole day. We're blitzing through ceilings.

>> No.5579105

wish i had the guts to swingtrade it. could have sold at 2000 and bought more at 1400
oh well

>> No.5579107

Over boys I sold 99k BNTY for 0.000210 trying to scare you all into selling lower

>> No.5579110

Seriously, though...Anyone else catch the legit bottom of that? I'm up like 35% in a matter of seconds lol.

>> No.5579112


Haha I almost did like a weak pathetic faggot

>> No.5579117

Imagine all the faggots that just sold

>> No.5579131


There was a huge eth dip because the liquidity was lower there. Idiots just panic sold.

Whales are eating you newfags for lunch. I'll keep saying this, if you have weak hands. Just close the window. Do not look at the price for a month. You will be at least 5x up.

>> No.5579132

you people are idiots. this project is worth maybe $10,000.

>> No.5579135
File: 926 KB, 1484x2158, 415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he sold at 0.0002ETH and got shaken out

cya at 0.0005ETH bro!

>> No.5579141

Can you explain the “whale shake out” concept?

>> No.5579152

lol peace weak handed faggot

>> No.5579153

honestly, that was just plain fun to watch and i didnt even gain anything from it.

>> No.5579157

Managed to buy at this dip, but but boy this was scary. Please Jesus don't do this again.

>> No.5579159

Lowest I saw it go to was 15 cents

>> No.5579162

>checks marketcap of dbc
Lmfao no thank you.

>> No.5579164
File: 66 KB, 602x709, 1511453832537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are still holding BNTY

>> No.5579183


>> No.5579187
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>buying that dip
Real glad I pulled out some profits earlier, never even intended to swing trade.

>> No.5579195

Screaming at that green bar omg!!!! I just yelped

>> No.5579204

I just made a grand! Holy fuck lololol

>> No.5579207

holy shit, down to 14c and now its back up again

>> No.5579223

fuck off with your ponzischeme coin. if you know what a marketcap is, youd still prefer bounty0x over dbc

>> No.5579228


>> No.5579253

Fuck that's scary to think about.

People that just sprayed 1k into every fuckign crypto probably got rich just by holding.

Lost like 10 sets of 1k, as they went to 0, but all you need is 1 to 100x.

>> No.5579261
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Kek approved dip

>> No.5579266


>> No.5579272

If you shake out ppl with "weak hands" you can predict the movement of the chart even better, especially if you buy in mad amounts.

>> No.5579281

yes i can cause i'm nice like that.

basically, whales (cunts who are holding heaps) start to sell a part of their stack (there's little volume in the buy orders). it starts to drop. weak handed pajeets start to panic, then they start selling. shit starts dropping FAST. everybody thinks the game is over. price plummets in a matter of minutes.

lets say the price was .00035ETH
lets say the whale sold a large stack at .00034, then 32, then 29.

that's a large dip as it is. if they do this slowly, weak hands start to think it's a real game over. so they start selling too, at those same prices. but then the panic really kicks in and they keep selling past that .00029 price point. it hits .0002ETH at this point.

whale comes back in, buys basically everything back up to .00032 ETH, and has just instantly made a large % of gains out of nothing, in 5 minutes. price starts to restore and everybody starts buying in again because it's "mooning" again.

weak hands - shaken out.

>> No.5579293


Holy shit that was insane to watch live. Still not over it. I imagine I'll wake up someday and it went to $5 then back down to where I initially invested in a matter of minutes to an hour. Jesus fuck this is crazy

>> No.5579294

back to 300. just a whale shake out. literally happened twice. look at the graph. many dips on the way to $1.

if you bought in during that dip. at least 35% in literally a minute

>> No.5579296

this is why you hold, pussies. sad i didn't have more fiat for that dip.

>> No.5579299

are we good now?

>> No.5579313

wtf now its going up fast

>> No.5579356

Just remember faggots, if you sell during the dip you cry and then some chink is gonna be like


>> No.5579372

watch the fomos jump on the train, 0.5 by the end of today

>> No.5579373

So this just doubled in a matter of minutes?
I fucking hope all pajeets got shaken out

>> No.5579394

Whoever sold during that dip is probably running into a truck right now.

>> No.5579397

This hasn't exceeded $30m marketcap. This is whale games & manipulation. You are being played.

>> No.5579399

How many coins are in circulation for DBC anyway?

>> No.5579408

pajeets may be smelly, but they are easily shaken

>> No.5579424

Many of us have been saying for a while now that BNTY was overbought.

Join us on on: https://www.kucoin.com/#/trade.pro/DBC-ETH

I promise you (no shiling, I don't want areferall becasue I'm not a Pajeet), DBC is a 2-8x right now. Look at the price history the whole day. We're blitzing through ceilings.

>> No.5579429


10 billion but the devs are keeping ~9 billion to themselves for now.

>> No.5579432

I sold 100k BNTY during that dip for 210. Not really mad still made 20k instead of 30k. Whatever

>> No.5579435
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does that answer your question?

>> No.5579474

are these bots? or just awful shilling. fuck off.

>> No.5579475
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I'm holding even stronger now after that sweet delicious recovery

>> No.5579484
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fuck fuck my ETH is not arriving, aaarrgl.

>> No.5579489

To the whale that did that, thanks, gave me a good laugh and a good boost.

>> No.5579504

God how often do they do this? It was frightening. I don’t even have that much invested but enough where I’d be pissed

>> No.5579518

>it is da jeeeeewwws
> the illuminati eh I mean whales control da cyba monies

>> No.5579529

Still buy? I think yes?

>> No.5579533

Nobody should fucking buy into DBC now. It's being traded for 11 cents on Kucoin, while the chinks are trading it for 7 cents on Lbank.

Wait for it to correct to at least 8 cents.

>> No.5579551

Thanks I bought the bottom and made a grand.

>> No.5579564

Let me know when this gets any buzz outside of /biz/ and exceeds current marketcap. I got out at $0.27

>> No.5579566

what exchange is this on? what is the main exchange for tiny shitcoins?

>> No.5579569
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>> No.5579582

I think so. DBC has stopped at .11, I think it's a whale territory there.

>> No.5579586

kucoin. Dont do anyone's referral link its 90% paljeets and doesnt really make a difference

>> No.5579587


Use my referral pls i'm lonely.


>> No.5579588

If you invested a couple of ETH when it opened on the exchange you'd have enough to basically buy the current order book down to sub-200. It's a short term thing I wouldn't worry about it too much.

>> No.5579593


Kucoin (main traffic), etherdelta and gate.io

>> No.5579612


>> No.5579617

*sell. Fuck, I'm dumb.

>> No.5579636

Did I fall for the pajeets meme buying this?

>> No.5579640

it started with less than 10 million and has since x3 in only 2 days

You wont make it in crypto.
too impatient and expecting 1000X a min

>> No.5579646

You are a pajeet.

>> No.5579648

i am with you brother. I think im waiting for $1, which is can and will hit once it gets on binance

>> No.5579653

nah nigga a coin with this level of product and polish and 23 million market cap, u scared to hold that shit ??

>> No.5579655

Daily reminder that this coin is only trading for 3 days now.

>> No.5579660

this is not your linky or digibyte

>> No.5579680


This should be a stickied message on every single BNTY thread made

>> No.5579688

I'm not a pajeet

I have severe anxiety so kind of

That's good. Maybe I won't need a Xanax tonight

>> No.5579701

Fucking this
It took PRL 3 weeks to moon

>> No.5579706

Thank you, I'm in. Let's hodl it a bit, seems like a gud coin.

>> No.5579710

3 longest days of my life *newbie to moon missions*

>> No.5579727

dont worry, i saw buy orders getting removed, and sell orders filling the buys, they just want to make quick bucks off manupilating the price, its a solid investment, dont fall for this shit

>> No.5579732

>I have severe anxiety
>Maybe I won't need a Xanax tonight

Why are trading crypto ? You are basically setting yourself up to lose.

>> No.5579792

so nothing to lose y putting $10 right.

>> No.5579804


no but 30 dollars to gain

>> No.5579806

you're not alone, anon. it's been a fun ride so far though.

>> No.5579811

Damn whale accumulates all day long and then dumps on the weak handed.

>> No.5579827

if true, you should not be here trading these coins,

you should stick to funds and bonds,

>> No.5579832

same here

>> No.5579889


I don't know your possible condition(s), but ffs senpai get off that xanny shit asap. Anti-anxiety pills are shite and rebound effects are fucking horrible for a lot of peeps. Take care anon.

>> No.5579926

I have rarely felt such dread in all my life when I saw that gigantic red candle.

I mean I lnow its a 3 day old coin so volatility is a thing but ugh.

Please whales holy fuck.

>> No.5579948

we need more shill boys

>> No.5579974


>> No.5579990


I bought in mostly on ED pre the hack and some more on Ku the other day. Holding this for a while. I think it can easily get to 1-3 dollars. Just look at the marketcap of a total shitcoin like MANA and tell me this can't get up to 200m.

>> No.5579996


>> No.5580009

Is this good or bad

I want money too

>> No.5580115

Thanks bro. I needed to get back in under my sell price after a bad swing trade this afternoon. You helped a poorfag out. I'm working with 5000 BNTY here and it's more money than I've seen in a long time.

>> No.5580127

lol @ dump
nothing but a setback

>> No.5580156

ok gimme some info on why this coin will increase in value and in return i will invest

>> No.5580168
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>> No.5580171

We need the japs to start whale hunting in the digital universe

>> No.5580185


>> No.5580208

plz break through the sma and start mooning bounty

>> No.5580214

brb putting a bounty on whales

>> No.5580223


It's fucking excellent. Key is to not obsess over charts. This will likely be whale'd a few more times like earlier, at least. Hold tight, pardner.

>> No.5580239

you know what cures this? Understanding that you are not trading pump and dumps, you are trading ideas, products, potential - that actually has REAL value. That is right, actual real value.

Most people here are brainlets in it for the thrill and quick money. You will never become rich in crypto until you begin to understand what youre buying and selling, only then will you have the nerves of steel to hold 80% of your investment all the way to 10x instead of selling 80% on the first 2x or 3x.

>> No.5580272

don't tell me you guys fell for the dead cat bounce LMAO

>> No.5580279

hurr durr reading white paper is for faggots
मैं सड़कों पर भटकती हूँ

>> No.5580296
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>> No.5580307

this goes on the white board. thanks anon

>> No.5580312


refuelling to the MOON!!!

>> No.5580314



>> No.5580320


>> No.5580337
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>> No.5580352

That's it NEXT whale shake i'm upping my stack.

>> No.5580389

Strapping up for the moon Landing!

>> No.5580398

This made me burst lmfao

>> No.5580400


We really need to push this shit to binance fast,
Pressure on the devs,
shill it on reddit, youtube so on...

>> No.5580415


Well said, anon, completely agree.

>> No.5580469

Marketcap keeps dropping...

>> No.5580483
File: 116 KB, 1930x336, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who sold before the dip?

I sold, wanting to buy back in. However the available assets to me is missing 0.2 ETH.

Anyone else experience something similar on KuCoin?

>> No.5580502


>> No.5580531


>> No.5580536

hold fags

>> No.5580554
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Hodl. dont be shook

>> No.5580575

all the dbcunts will come running back when it stagnates

>> No.5580595

fucking kuckcoin isn't showing the btc I transferred from gdax, even though I have can see that the transaction was confirmed and to the right adress.

>> No.5580596

DBC? It's already dropping.

>> No.5580602

Sometimes I feel like I’m dying watching the chart

>> No.5580639

dont.. just some fuckers trying to make quick bucks, by faking sell walls, and buy walls..

>> No.5580736

Did you get any help from support?

I've been "plz wait for a moment" for 30 minutes without a response.

>> No.5580774

I'm going to FUD those DBC idiots. Someone link me their thread

>> No.5580775

Look at what I said above. If you agree with that, just close out the charts for a while (weeks), unless you want to try and up your stack.


>> No.5580780


Im in on both,
they are different projects, ideas.

still fresh, but both will go to places

>> No.5580803

i actually feel sorry for them. thinking they will land the next 10x by buying a 100mil cap coin

>> No.5580813


We can make it if we hold.

>> No.5580819

check the pool,

BTC chain has been congested.
transfers take hours,

>> No.5580840

For the trader with anxiety, next time you 2x+ a random shitcoin, pull your investment back out. Yeah, you halve the potential gainz, but you're also dealing entirely with the dealer's chips now. You can watch the candles all day, trying to catch the highs and lows to build your stack higher, but now you have nothing to lose.

>> No.5580955

i started off with 1.3k bnty
now im at 5.8k

you weak handed pajeets are making me rich ty

>> No.5581031

there's people who actually hold these low market cap coins?

all of us already doubled our BTC/ETH and are out.

>> No.5581041

God it’s crashing....

>> No.5581084

Double is such a small goal.

>> No.5581096

I rather loose everything then sell for a loss. It's a 3 day old coin. She'll be back.

>> No.5581131

I set a sell at 1800 sats and will buy back at 1400 during another dip.

>> No.5581169


you need to realize that people use these pumps to increase their BTC/ETH holdings quickly.

holding these long term is a lot of risk since more often than not it will stop pumping and just do nothing for weeks, unlike the big guys

>> No.5581205

>long term
it hasn't been a fucking week yet