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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5568773 No.5568773 [Reply] [Original]

be honest, how many of you actually use this board for information?

>> No.5568823

I do. Why wouldn't you? Everyone is pretty genuine unless they're a stupid pajeet. But pajeet english is so basic that you can tell them apart. No big deal.

>> No.5568867

pleae explain question again sir?

>> No.5568976
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I come here to see what the retards are panic selling. Other than that, I only come here to make the pee pee poo poo post.

>> No.5568996
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Mostly use it to judge normie hype. All the discord spam and roleplayers come out to take advantage of a bear market by shilling shit.

So basically monitoring /biz lets me know when to cash out for 2-3 months.

>> No.5569051

You're that guy? No way

>> No.5569074

I'm one of them, but I've seen other people do it.

>> No.5569089

I always do opposite what /biz/ shills/says, worked wonders so far

>> No.5569093
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lmao your a good guy

>> No.5569106

what's this?

>> No.5569133

TBF i just use this for luls, i like discord for real info


>> No.5569169

ps check'em

>> No.5569193

discord links banned and permaban when attempting to post discord links on /biz/ when?

>> No.5569240

I'm getting started, trying to come to find useful information and all I get is useless stuff.

Is knowing the basics of tech analysis enough to deal with trading? I'm currently trading a volatile altcoin on 2hr and 6hr SMA and EMA graphs for interday trading. Is that enough?

On that regard I misread one of the graphs and ended up losing money (the SMA line was hinting to buy, the EMA line *seemed* like it would hint a buy but it never crossed the line although I thought they were).

>> No.5569316

I buy when the catalog is pink

Sell when it's green

>> No.5569343
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I use it to find all the projects and then I decide on my position after research, I haven't had a red day yet, except for the normal bitcoin bullrun days when everything is in the red. Went from $2k (about 0.2 btc) to $24k (1.7 btc) this month, hoping to break $100k start of 2018

>> No.5569366

patrician tier

>> No.5569416
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10 years on this shitty website and 6 months of holding bags on crypto taught me how to filter useful info out of you faggots.

>> No.5569571

Any tips or rules of thumb, wise anon?

>> No.5569774

prob pretty soon

>> No.5569808
File: 3.26 MB, 1500x1857, 1496422776744-image-8-AustinOsmanSpare-Enthosyhnasie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is a good place to judge market psychology and finding out what phase of a market some token is.

Billionaires are occultists for a reason.

>> No.5569953

I'm just here for the pink wojacks.

>> No.5570213
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unironically this

>> No.5570836

Thanks to this board I made 100% gainz on SALT. Thank you, /biz/.

>> No.5570849
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