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File: 32 KB, 543x252, moving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55680036 No.55680036 [Reply] [Original]

Is this some kind of psyop?
Why is it shameful for people in their 20s to just live somewhere LCOL, save up and invest, then go ahead and live wherever they want as a "made man"?
Most people living in cities are living paycheck to paycheck and everything is marked up ridiculously by Jews. 0 freedom.

>> No.55680044

>Most people everywhere are living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.55680057
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>> No.55680065

Fpbp, why be poor somewhere boring when you can be poor somewhere fun?

>> No.55680070

Because most people make almost no money in LCOL areas... that's why they're LCOL. If you can rake in a big salary while doing so, then obviously it's a good idea, but then you'll have to deal with only socializing with retards and poorfags.

>> No.55680124

ignore that bullshit
nothing wrong with living in a small town.
I love it
You'd want a minimum of 10k population though
Life gets shittier every doubling of that

>> No.55680132

>you must live around minorities and commute goy!

The remote towns with natural beauty are for richfags only.

>> No.55680163

It's not a psyop for fuck's sake not everything is a psyop.
It's just cope. And it's good because we want--NEED--latinx spics, niggers, and whatever else confined to the cities.

>> No.55680175
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They get threatened when other people dont play their social status game

>> No.55680178


it all equals out. Lower income, but housing is cheap. I get to piss outside on my own grass 100m from the house.
Population is 17k
Local bar-bistro packed on the weekends
plenty of intelligent farmers who are based to talk to. Theyre based like Joe Rogan - not college educated but not retards, and they read a lot and pay attention

>> No.55680278

yeah, i work as a software engineer from home. I still don't see why I shouldn't pay 1/2 to 1/3 the rent just chilling in a low-cost small town of say 50k people. There's no traffic, it's low stress, I'm save/invest most my money, and I have money to just go on trips if I want something new

>> No.55680308

yeah completely agree with Ted. I don't see why anyone would want to live in a high cost city, save less money, be surrounded by jews/spics/nigs and play all these social status games just to get a bunch of roasties.
Dudes would rather waste thousands of dollars and their sanity just to be the 100th dude some roastie fucks. I can't understand the logic.

>> No.55680575

if the ignorant youth are not renting from the big fish in [insert zogtropolis area here] how will the big fish survive?grxrpn

>> No.55680589
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>> No.55680600

>Is this some kind of psyop?
it's called normie meme prison

>> No.55680616


>> No.55680987

why do you care what random shitters have to say about how people should live their lives? hell even if its a supposedly smart person I wouldn't give a shit

>> No.55681053

I'm not a genius. I could be wrong and I'm always open to examining every possible perspective on major decisions like where to live and financial strategies. At the end of the day the most important thing to me is freedom and I don't see how that could come from living somewhere way more expensive where everything and everyone is trying to get the money in your pocket, literally the most anti-freedom possible, just to say you have a social circle of other broke people and so you can possibly see new roasties every week

>> No.55681171
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This is like that "$1 million or the opportunity to wait this table?" meme, as if being in a city with a bunch of gigarich faggots will somehow magically get you in the door to generational wealth. I'm a blue collar tradesman, I can tell you, even if you are close friends with some wealthy people, you will not get anything unless they die and will it to you, and they don't like being asked for money just like anyone else. Am I going to hire my fucking A/C guy to manage my hedge fund? Am I going to pull a roofer off a job and put him to work running arbitrage trades? Should I ask a dock builder to look up transactions on Etherscan? Give me a fucking break man. No one should be baited into living in NYC unless they have at least $2 million in liquid cash, and a real property somewhere that doesn't suck balls

>> No.55681183
File: 241 KB, 732x633, 1684301734719935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A property somewhere ELSE that doesn't suck balls, to be clear. As in, hundreds and hundreds of miles away

>> No.55681381

yeah, to me, it only makes sense to move to one of these cities if there's a clear financial opportunity, but realistically most people just move into cities because they feel it will help them escape somehow. I think experiences are great, but I've lived in big cities and it all gets monotonous after a while. I think it's just better to live somewhere you can save the most money (work from home + LCOL), then free time can be on investing and planning trips a few times a year for genuine new memories to make. Our economy is rigged enough against us, I don't see why young people wouldn't want to leverage every possible option to "make it" and achieve freedom. From there, sure, live anywhere from dividends.

>> No.55681826

He’a right, I live in a 100k city cuz I inherited a penthouse here. There’s nothing to do ever, people are boring and low iq, always have to order online if you want quality stuff and all the hot chicks leave to bigger cities for college. It’s just the losers and middle aged people raising families and old people waiting to die.

It’s great for saving money but it’s a social hellscape. I’ve been debating giving up the home owner life and just going rentcuck in the city. Small cities are great if you wanna raise kids but if you’re a young adult they will make you want to kys.

>> No.55681877

Also when I take vacations and come back I waste like 6 hours coming and going from the airport. Coming back to a small city starts feeling like just a bunch of mud shacks when you compare it to 5+ million pop cities. Also all your neighbors will be all in your business and everybody knows each other. The privacy in big cities is also a plus. You can do whatever without caring about your peers gossiping.

>> No.55681981

Where else would you live? I live somewhere with 500k people and it's also mainly losers, old people and college students (roasties). Thinking about moving somewhere with 50k people, near my family and it's 1 hour away from the airport. I'm thinking just doing that, saving, and taking going on a few trips a year. You can build an ok enough social circle just going to every gym to make guy friends and taking a community college class in something like cooking to meet girls.

+save another $1000-$2000/month
+way more nature
+way less traffic

-harder to build a social circle
-less stuff to do (usually would overpriced and overrated anyway)

That's really it. Don't live somewhere under 10k people and you're good, but around 50k is the sweetspot IMO. If you're not rich, I don't see how anyone can justify giving that money to jews rather than investing it into something like btc while it's cheap

>> No.55682090

the psyop happened when you began following this loser

it's just an influencer doing influencer things. it's nonsense. few of these people have any real wisdom for you. you should find your own way.

>> No.55682128

small towns used to be livable and have worthwhile businesses but our economy has been intentionally centralized and destroyed for like 40 years now

>> No.55682173

funny how libs unironically complain about white privilege then mock white people who grew up in these dead economy small towns with literally nothing going for them in life